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The research studied the relationship between Adaptation to Vision Loss on Activity of Daily
Living. The studies main objective is to assess the relationship of adaptation to vision loss to
activities of daily living of blind adolescents under academic program and measure the degree
of adaptation of the respondents in relation with the use of adaptive devices and techniques in
their activities of daily living. Quantitative, Non Experimental Research Design, with utilization of
Descriptive Correlational was the design used in the study. The study conducted at Philippine
National school for the Blind. The school for the Blind has 86 enrolled student, 20 of them was
chosen to be a respondents for the study. This 20 respondents was consist of adolescent high
school student both male and female with age ranging from 12 to 25 years old. Most of the
respondents were female and the majority cause of their blindness was congenital defect.

The researcher pass a request letter first to the principal of Philippine National School for
the Blind then when the principal approved it researchers visit the school and get the history and
demographics of the school. Before data gathering researchers check for the validity and
reliability of the tool by consulting Mr. Maynard Manansala to translate the tool in tagalong and
Mrs. for reverse translation. A pilot study was done, it takes 15 minutes for each student to
answer all question and no problem encountered.

After the pilot study researcher start the data gathering they get 20 available student that
meet the sample criteria. Researcher analyzed the data gathered and research shows that most
of the student have better adaptation but lesser use of the adaptive device and techniques.
Which means they can adapt without great amount of use of the adaptive devices and

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