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Know approximate counts of RBC or WBC
Skeletal Muscle
Don’t worry about hinge
DHP receptor:
Motor end plate (center of muscle fiber)
Action potential reaches DHP receptor then depolarization of
membrane cause the DHP receptor to change shape Physically causes
calcium channels in Sarcoplasmic reticulum to open- In skeletal
muscle it is a physical opening of the channels that causes calcium to
be released
Mechanical and Regular summation:
Mechanical- increase frequency to increase tension
Recruitment is motor unit summation
Motor end plate – graded potential – no voltage-gated channels first ones are
not in motor end plate
Optimal length- graph- shows tension developed as a percent of the max and
want 100%- If the muscle are really shor then no tension because cross
bridges can’t attach- stretched out so can’t reach- too short/too long= no
Normal resting length= skeletal muscle
Functional range is very strange (pruple region on graph is optimal range)
Smooth muscle has a much wider optimal range (because actin and myosin
don’t have percise arrangement in smooth muscle)
Smooth muscle
Slide that has calcium calmodulin flow chart
Calmodulin is always in cell- not always being used
Actual power stroke looks the same
Heads are phosphorylated before anything else- they are phosphorylated
different here- don’t need ATP to energize cross bridge
Phosphate group comes off using a different enzyme
Phosphotase removes phosphate group
First part of cardiovascular system

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