Savoir Connaitre Project

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SAVOIR Je sais, Je connais…

4 examples of items Here write a paragraph using BOTH savoir and connaitre. CONNAITRE
used with SAVOIR Total of 12 sentences. CHALLENGE YOURSELF! Add
negation, the past tense, the simple future (I’m going to
know how to dance when… je vais savoir danser quand…),
4 examples of items
various adjectives, NEW vocabulary, etc…
used with

Conjugate the verb

Write 3 sentences
correctly using the Conjugate the verb
verb. 1 sentence Here please put an image or drawing depicting a scene
must be negation. about SAVOIR. Add another image or drawing about
Each pronoun must CONNAITRE. Write 3 sentences
be unique. correctly using the
verb. 1 sentence
must be negation.
Each pronoun must
This project is worth 20 points. Creativity and originality be unique.
count. So does correct French usage, too. This should be
a high quality work that we’ll put add to the wall. Merci!

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