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f ttt qrrftq FR srgqrrq qRw
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Indian Council of Agricultural Research
N a ti o n a l Agri cul tural Innovati on proj ect
rrt-qs{q Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-Il, pusa, New Delhi - 11OO12 aE aEr
ICAR Tel: O11-25848772; Fax: O11-25843403 NAIP
Dr. Bangali Baboo
National Director

No. 1(l l)120084l1.Trg.



Dear Directors/Vice Chancellors.

?\ e of the major objectivesof NAIP is learningand capacitybuildingof IndianNARS.

tl is activity is being addressed
underone of the sub-component
,) of Component-l.One of the
was humanresourcedevelopmentfor NARS by sectorsandthemes.
Keeping this in view, a need was felt to prepareand develop guidelinesfor national
ining under NAIP. After deliberations at several levels, the guidelines.for organizing nati,onal

N training; under A|AIP have now been finalized in consultation with all the SMDs and is being
appended with this letter. The guidelines have approval of Secretary, DARE and D.G., ICAR.

\t,w These have been posted on NAIP website. We look forward to receive good proposals from

those interestedin organizingsuch trainings. Last date forreceiptof proposalsin PIU-NAIP is

6, 2010.

}'ours siiicei'ely.



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