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The spooler is generally a log file for your printer.

It seems as though you mig

ht have a bug in one of your printers' drivers. Are you running Vista? One solut
ion, should this be a problem with your drivers that reinstalling the driver doe
sn't solve would be to check in your reg edit at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Curr
entControlSet\Contr ol\Print" and see if there is a sub key called VEHEnabled, V
EHDbgBreakOnFatalVEHCode, and/or VEHReportFaultOnFatalVEHCode. If these exist, y
ou can try deleting them, they should not be required. However, make sure you ba
ck up your registry before you edit it. These keys enable the spoolerlog for you
r printer.

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