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Unit 2 Anchors: Due October 4th/5th (choose 1

from each horizontal row) *Items need to be typed

Create a twitter Create a diorama of Create a video Write a one page
update for every- the hydraulic mining reenacting the Battle biography on Sitting
other day you would and how it impacted of Little Big Horn and Bull (must be
be on the trail to the environment. post on YouTube properly cited)
Oregon. (67 tweets)

Draw a pictorial Analyze the political Draw a depiction of Write a journal entry
timeline showing cartoons on p. 192 & vertical and as if you were a
American inventors answer questions 1 & horizontal union-member
and their inventions 2. integration. striking in the
(p.184-185) Pullman Strike.

Create a soundtrack Read and answer the Create a collage of Create a pamphlet
chronicling Technology & History what the popular supporting the ideas
immigrants’ (1865- questions on p. 223 culture at this time of: Ida B. Wells, Mary
1914) journey to the focused on. Church Terrell,
U.S. and their life in Booker T.
the U.S. Washington, or
W.E.B. Du Bois

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