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 Karl Heinrich Marx was born on May 5,
1818 in Trier, which is in the German

 He was a German philosopher who

believed in idea of Communism.

 He is well known for writing his

pamphlet, Manifesto of the Communist

 His theory of communism, Marxism,

described a communistic government
that promoted public ownership of
production and distribution.
 He passed away on March 14th, 1883.
 In Karl Marx’s version of communism the government
controls over everything which includes all land,
production, distribution of goods, and wages.

 The government itself is controlled by the people in a

democratic manner. In governments under Marxism,
citizens would vote on all matters pertaining to the
government like a direct democracy.

 It is the people who rule over themselves. This however is

not true with communism today. Today the citizens of a
communistic state don’t vote on state matters , so the
government is all powerful.
 The people who run the government get their power
through a social contract with the people of the
communistic state.
 When the people give sovereignty to the government, they
get in return a classless society with equal economic
 Since all government decisions are made in a direct
democratic manner, the people also get power when they
decided to have Marx’s form of communism as their
 Marxism considers human life as an integral part of nature
 All human beings should have equal rights and privileges
 Marx’s version of communism, the citizens vote on all
matters of the communistic state. This means the citizens
would be able to vote for their rights of free speech and all
other human rights.
 The people can also vote against certain individual
freedoms such as speaking out against communism.
 Freedom from interference
 Right to property
 The government cannot limit citizen’s individual
because the citizens will vote on every aspect of
the government.
 Under Marxism, the government eliminates all
classes and treats all citizens equally. Also the
individuals vote on their own rights.
 What ever the majority of the population votes on
is what the rest of the population abides by.
 This method does not let a single elite limit the
citizen’s individual rights, but the citizens can limit
their own rights.

 It is a classless society, so there should be no competition. All people

will be of the working class.

 People have the power to give themselves basic human rights.

 The citizens can be actively involved in government.


 You can’t pursue your happiness because you have to conform to what
the government tells you to do.

 This type of government is not feasible and will never work in the real

 No matter how hard you work you can’t get better than others that
don’t work as hard.
 Life- According to Marxism, Marx defines life as equal among the
people. Everyone has a say in what they believe in.

 Labor – Each men has meaningful labor and will be paid accordingly.

 Liberty- Marxism includes religious liberty and bourgeois liberty.

 Property- Karl Marx believes that there are no rights to public

property. The government owns all the property and distributes it
thorough out the people Also, the confiscation of property of rebels.
In Marxism, there are three related theories:

 Communism –A theory of government where the government has total

control over all economic decisions. This type of communism is not
like today’s version, where no say is given to the people.

 Socialism-In Marxism, socialism comes into play when the people have
a say in what decisions will be executed by the government. The
government then decides based upon the consensus and executes
what is needed.

 Direct Democracy-Direct democracy applies to Marxism because as

people have a say in decisions, a gathering occurs in which this is
decided. The people can directly speak as they wish and have their
input into the discussion.

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