2005 Louisville Playbook

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General Information © Huddle Procedure @e ©) SG SP VYVO® QB a wiws @OO© . The Center forms the huddle 7 yards deep in {ront of the football. The QB will be the last man in the huddle, Once he enters there will beAbsolutely No Talking! Look at the QB's lips -- you may see what you don't hear, |. After the QB calls the play the Center and Receivers leave the huddle. ‘The QB will repeat the snap count, then begins the break of the huddle by saying "Ready." ‘The team will lake their cue from the QB and move on his movement, clapping their hands while saying "Break Al plays start with a good huddle Be Sharp! Basic Split Rules 2 feet 1.5 feet 4.5 (eet 2 teet (24 inches) (18 inches) (18 inches) (24 inches} oo0bob O O 6 yards Note: Splits may vary according to our opponent, play or situation, but basic splits are desitable whenever possibie. Numbering of Holes Tee: Od 1 6 QOOOD O c OOOROCOO O o ‘Technique Alignments 043579 POOOOOD 8 RL GU) Gene Cadence Starting Counts 4. "On Sound” Snap the ball on first sound. The QB will call "Down!" after patting Center's hip. 2. “On Hut” + Snap the ball on 11 "Hul.” The QB will call "Down... Set... Hui." 3. "On One” ~ Snap the ball on 1st "Hut" after dummy auditles. . "On Two"-- Snap the ball on 2nd "Hut" after dummy audibles. 5. "Freeze" There will be no Snap uniess the OB restarts the count snd calls a live play at the LOS. In the huddle the OB cali 4. Formation -- “Trips Right” 2, Motion -- "2 Mo" 3. Play ~ "97" 4, Snap Count "On One 5. Center and Receivers leave the huddle. 6, "On One...Ready” ~ "Break" At the line of scrimmage, the QB says. 4. "Dowr’ 2. Audible (Twice ~ live or dummy) 3. "Set" 4. "Hut" Choice 4, QB calls the formation and play of choice in the huddle. 2. QB will audible at LOS to which direction the play should be executed, 3. The ball will always be snapped on One. Alert 4. QB will call formation and play, ols alert in hut Personnel Combinations . Regular (Duece) 2. Out 3. Two Tites 4. Tex 5. Thunder (Green) 6. Heavy T. Ace 8. Shift 9. Posse 40. Spread 41, Stretch 42. Bombers 13, Cowboy 414. Muscle 2 Backs, 2 WR, 1 TE Same as Regular with designated backs 2 Backs, 1 WR (2), 2 TE 2. Backs, 1 WR (X), 2TE 4 Back, 2 WR, 2TE 2 Backs, 3 TE 4 Back, 3 WR, 1 TE 1 Back (A), 3 WR, 1 TE 4 Back, 4WR 2 Backs, 3 WR 4 Back (A), 4 WR 5WR Special 4 Back, 3 TE, 1 WR Formations Regular Personnel Thunder Personnel 9 OOR00Q 9 BOO? 9 Q 9OagCO? 6 QF z Right (Off) OR Teo Shan atthe bakThundes Rt Or QO g = 9 g 9 PBF F [Strong Rt Or Thunder Slot Rt Or [e) OCO®OOO COR000 ¥ OY 9 QQ PROO? O OF 2 % Weak Rt Or Right Up Or Q 0B Fg | PBR, Or Split Rt Or Wing Rt OR COROOD 2 cB g 9 | Bg CBRN % ¥ proriexrt 2 QP _sPretaavsrets [wing stor Rt On Or Slot Rt Or Q OCO8COO 9 ¥ Ona OF Twins Rt Or 9 OOROOO 9 COZ000 RBG OuITEy Ones 9 Right Up Or Near Rt 2 g 9 CORO? a 9 OOBOOQ a Formations ‘Ace or Posse Personnel Spread Personnel | 9 @ O y 9 g BC 9 9 ¥ or Doubles Rt Or Spread Rt (Str/Wk/ProyOR Q 008009 Oa ©) eae: ¥ Z Trips Rt Or Two Tite Personnel Q CORCCR 9 googoop OF £ Trey Rt Or Tite Rt (Str/Wk} Or e) COROO Q x 9 Oo Q # Card Rt Or Tex Personnel Q COBO 4 4 9] 9 O0RCOQ, a Y Ww eae Posse Rt R Tex Rt OR C0R00 2 OPBP? oo yw [cluster Rt Or Heavy Personnel 3 yes Q coped, 00009, Or Bunch Rt Or Heavy Rt °o @ ¥ Shift Rt, 9 Q COROOO o 8 2g PHP -g z Movement Flip “Flip” tells the TE (Y) to align opposite the call then flip to his normal alignment in the called formation. Example: Flip Trey Rt (The Y will Flip to the called formation and get set.) 9 QOOBOO sous "<—O-— O Q O ‘i Move “Move* denotes a shift by the TE (Y) or the designated player from behind the center in the fullback’s normal home position to the tormation called. In Regular personnel the fullback will align split out to the side of his final alignment and shifi to the called alignment. ‘The Move occurs on the first sound by the QB (ex. "Down"). Any shifting player has to Move quickly and get set because the "Move" is normally followed by motion. Example: Move Strong Rt Ov etn Or Example: Move Wing Slot Rt 9 CORCOF cot sat QO” =< 9 | oO Or Zoom "Zoom" tells 2 to align in the backfield and motion to the called formation. If the running back is aligned in the 1 formation, Z will align opposite 10 the direction he is going. If the running back is offset. Z will align in the | Example: Zoom Doubles Rt @ caRoog Once ee z ® Wham “Wham tells W to align in the backfield and motion to the called formation. If the running back is aligned in the | formation, W will align opposite to the direction he is going. tthe running back is offset, W will align in the |. Example: Wham Trey Rt Q CaRCOg Coe ee Q ¥ O KR Exit "Exit" tells X to align in the backfield and motion to the called formation, If the running back is aligned in the | formation, X will align opposite to the direction he is going. If the running back is offset, X will align in the |. Example: Exit Shift Rt CORO 2 9 ROOF oO SIInnnnnnnnnny- Explode "Explode" tells the Y and T to align opposite the call then {lip across the ball o the called formation, Both will then get set in their normal alignment. Example: Explode to Wing Rt Wide Receiver Movement Mo" “ely" To the TE. Away from the TE. " -- Start Mo/Fly and return to position to execute the play. Short motion to position to execute the play. Adjustments “Fly Tight" -- Beyond TE and acrass the ball, stopping opposite the TE. (Thunder L1Z Fly Pro Slot RtZ Mo 9908000 7 9 e0@000 P X Quy Q 7 Osha” Pro Twins RUZ Half [Slot Rt Z Peet 9 ° 998000 Own 7 9 wn OF Q 2 Or Pro Rt Z Half I hunder RiZ Fly Tight oO ee nan? ° ° ® ¥ Q Slot RtUp Z Mo 9 oo@e@0oo”°0 © awww wee Tight End/Full Back Movement “Me - To the TE. “Fly” = Away from the TE. “Peel” -. Start Ma/Fly and return toward original position. “Half* -- Short motion to position to execute the play. Adjustments “Fly Tight” -- Beyond TE and across the ball, stopping opposite the TE. "Flip" — Y aligns opposite the final formation and moves to the call. Spread RIY Fly Pro RU Of Y Fly 9° 90@€@00 oO O@o Meet ° Onna g SSaBurasag 2. Re af or ® [Strong Rt OMY Peel ly Mo to Pro Rt fe Oo oO ° 2/9 BBR 9 OR °. [Strong Lt Off ¥ Fly Flip to Right z ° 00¢€@00 Got sot 2 ghh$.8ilme 9/9 FREZCOR™ o OF Or OR OR [Strong RUF Fly Weak RtF Mo 9 oo@o00 9 COoe@00°0 ¥ Y ol ® 5 g ° 9 NW 9 r or Running Back Movement On our Running Back mations the back will go in motion to the designated side (RHLt) (X, Z, Y) and will not make progress toward the line of scrimmage until the ball is snapped. oy" Running Back motion to the Right “Lee” -- Running Back motion to the Left "Up" — Motion and run “Up” route at X or Z alignment, turn and sprint upfield. If "Y Up" is called run up route to the TE side. “sit” -- Motion and run Sit route at X or Z. Turn and get numbers to the QB, keeping movement towards the line of scrimmage but not crossing the LOS (shuffle step). Doubles Rt Lee Doubles Lt Roy 9 o00e@000 QO00@00 Oo qt Se teies oss a x cer ba a NAV x ® i : Trips Rt Y Up [Trips Lt ¥ Up ° Q00@e@00 o Slllintee : an Doubles Rt x Sit Doubles Lt Y Sit Fronts & Coverages Fronts 40 Package O Oo ‘eS re CO O +20 O ‘e oO RA ue O Oo uo ue 2 e x © re oO i) ue Oo Oo Under (42) Fronts 40 Package M w +f i Q@OO0O0 O o oO Under (44) Fronts 40 Package Z uw@ O O =s°@0 O | =O 6 seeeeaaaaae i 8 “e © fe. S0 0 r@O O q z Oo o -8 ue K.C. Weak Fronts 43 Package us ue Oo Oo re =e +20 OO +@O OO ° = O ue | uo sl °@ wu a) ao O° re "@0 OO 2 .@0 OO -o O ue 29 Under Fronts a 43 Package . w M w uM ©0000 ©00000 6 5 O° oO O oO Ww M Ss w M ‘099000 ‘ododdd 6 o O o O Fronts 43 Package BO =O oa) uC re = & +80 OO i +060 OO = ue i 2's 2© 3 we a 6 = "8 —o OOo = rl rOO OO 2 Wo ze 7° e Diamond Strong Fronts Double Eagle Package Diamond Weak Bear S T N COOGO® Diamond Weak Bear Fronts 43 Package "8 a) = 00 0 re ue 3 S = O é °S | “e 6 e re ‘ a o = 00 O we S Z O : Fronts 30 Package og 0 re Oo =O “e 760 OO z@0 OO a) oO rm -e %9 | 08 re oO =e) “@ 200 OO z2@O OO 2 0 9° +o ue Fronts 30 Package "9 "@ ° 3 Zz 2@0 O OO O -e - _@ ao ° : ° "3 2 Oo 3 720 0 290 0 eo =) O ° Fronts 30 Package Ss & \ ° | re 200 OO oe _@ °@ ne re _O 2 e OO O00 260 OO -@ -o oe _o Under G Coverages Cover 0 eae) Cover 0 ‘Cover 0 te Cover 0 Coverages Cover 44 (Man Free with Hole Player) Cover 11 peaaeeseece Cover 14 Gees O-=z oO 3 ice) 6 oO Qi aii Cover 11 % O---3 = = a Coverages Cover 2 Peete 500 CoO CO O° 8 O Oo Oo = FS ss ‘\ t “4 ae uM Ss =H a oO etee aS oO Oo Cover 2 (2 Squat) ee Ett ee FS ss i ny i ist ZL Scdgoo6~—* ral ies is) 9° O° FS } se \ \ \ ante oe a, 1 Oo Oo Oo Coverages Cover 2 Man Cover 2 Man ae \ FS { Cc Cc M $ : * v E 7 T 3 o & 6 2Ogood Cover 2 Man Coverages _ Cover 3 Buzz/4 Sky \ Fo or ™ Oo 009006 8 ° Oo Oo Cover 3 Buzz (SS drops to field) \ FS ss \ f ~w co s— He T T ie OOQ000 eit to 8 Oo Cover 4 Buzz (SS drops to boundary) = | FS “ss i” eee ieee é Ww M 0 © bbgodo™ 8 3 Oo Cover 4 Sky (FS drops to boundary) ° \ FS tee ar Ww 9 é C oO , Oo 6 Oo Oo oO ° 8 Oo Coverages Hit Cover Q4 aoe FS ss f i \, s~ 002000 oO 4 8 Oo (Haif-field Safety to the Field) Cover 1 Robber nee, 7 a Fs S$ ae od OQ--0 On oO, O--CO--2 Oo oa Coverages eee Cover 3 Ee \ és | a et c GocW gees ss ° 00Q000 8 O° ! oO | oO Cover 3 eae ¥ FS ieee ™w | é Ee eee cue O00 8 ooo O° O° Oo Cover3 ea io ts | “w Nearer Sede oa! 00Q000 O° 8 O° Cover 3 O° t ( FS ! é aos \ Nw s— ssw Coverages Cover 4Q {Hall Field Safety is into boundary) ~~ oe Gs : OO9060° i 8 ° oO Cover 4Q, ° $ a. : ~w ay § 7 fh ae —e +4 oa O0Q000 [3 Cover 4Q _ are ed ts : i \ 7 f 8 fia M Ss : ’ ©0Q000 ° 8 oO Cover 4Q ° \ és S ss fi 68 SY ° on Oo 3. CO # Oo Oo Om Coverages ae ese Cover 8 t ; f j & ig Y # Sa ae M s E A T # Oo OCOQ000 8 © ° Cover 8 Note: Le wit maten coverage otf of RBS oe oo b li | } fis 18 J 2 fia Sw M Sea = T T = Oo OOQ000 fo) 8 © | cover 8 ° itaee { 4 ae \ c ss ‘ ¢ fe os v a sc tia iz ee T T Ls Oo i. OOQ000 o 06 8 Cover 8 Special ° I ) J Sia iB i“ Sa fa . Sa aa ss ° 00Q000 8 OME Games, Stunts & Pressures Under Games |Under, 1/1 L Weeeet w M Bat brscee Es —T — s O88 ooo POS O00 - v ee TNaES) M Wwe Se iets 0 OBO000 YON 43 Pro, TT Weak O Paap? Under G, Double te M We TI Ss 008 DOO ae O 143 Pro, China een! Under 8, Double &x O. Ww M i T E Obeoo° 5 OO0B@000 Oo 42-41 Games N w M ss w mM i= ie a is He +t ne —E O WO OO O 0 9p oo TT Weak oO Seema : Oo N Ww M ss N T T —E ae Co@ 7a oO Be O ® coe’ O JO Tex, Ex Weak Oo Ex,Texweak © N Ww uM ss N w M E E E ee O° CRP O6 0 2800 O China © __|eha cha oO 00@000 CO0@000 oO 5 42-41 Stunts and Pressures R w M ss w M 7 E Ese: T OO eN00 O0@00 Oo | oO y ee Ma, WX O IS Dog ° Es w M s R ss E E aca iO v ¥ O Me, ww lw cat O + w M s w m s é ia - Ean T CO®e Ppsdq4 | bogey} Double Cat Oo __|stat Oo FS N Ww M yey Blitzes tHe Ww s Ww s e T T E a3 Tr \ o\lo e000 o0@e rye s| ‘f Yy¥ | 43 College, MA, W Cat Be 43 College, SC, MA. O° Sie w M s w M Ss a Hie = E 7 E O\0@000 Oo oo ° Oo v 43 College, W Dog O 43 College, SW o | M Ww S$ eee fe oe — Be E COe@00O0 OobaMOoOo Oo ia Oo oO '43 Pro, Double Dog 43 College, MIS Cross w w Oo T fe O So 9 te T ia biggie ogod Games, Blitzes, & Pressure Diamond M = _—T SSE vey O| Y ¥ Oo Diamond Bear, TNT Weak voRsey Diamond Bear, TNT. M r N SSE RS} OY x O g Dismond Gear, NT Weak vary Diamond Bear, TN Weak vere? Diamond Bear, MA Ware? Diamond Bear, MW. bhad oy bag oF 30 Blitzes w \ OO (30, Oouble Dog M e0oog _ O i O Pree 30, Double Cat 3 NTS 30, Sherk, Liz Dog 30, MB, WW L L M T Ss T T Ss 0 Oe O O/O/@}O 00 Oo Oo [30, MB, WA Oo 30, MW, WX oO L L Woo—M Zone Blitzes reser | ear SIM Sciape . wim Scrape DIG ROUTE VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1, SPLIT VARIES. 2. USE 5-4 OR 3-6 STEM ROUTE ACCELERATING INTO SECOND c STEM THREATENING CORNER, 3. VS MAN ROLL QUT OF BREAK AND RUN AWAY INTO THE MIDDLE. oO VS ZONE PLANT ON OUTSIDE I OOT —— AND SQUARE ROUTE GETTING QPEN IN THE OPEN WiNDOW VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) i. USE 4-5 INSIDE STEM-RIP ‘THROUGH INITIAL STEM AS CORNER SQUEEZES YOU. 2. ON 2ND STEM PUSH AT SAFETY — LOOKING BY HIM, 3. THIS SHOULD LOOK THE SAME TO SAFETY AS 4-5 CURL AND 4-6 CORNER. 4. SQUARE ROUTE AND BE READY YOCATCH THE BALLIN THE OPEN HOLE. 5. YOU MAY ALSO USE SLIP RELEASE - DRIVE AT SAFETY TO 15 YARDS - SQUARE YOUR ROUTE OFF ANO GET OPEN IN OPEN MIDDLE. 1, SAME PRINCIPLES APPLY AS. WITH AN OUTSIDE CORNER, 2. USE 4-5 INSIDE STEM, STEP. RQUTE TO SQUARE CORNER UP AND ROLL OUT OF YOUR BREAK AND RUN AWAY TO THE MIDDLE VS MAN, SQUARE ROUTE OFF AND GET INTO OPEN WINDOW VS. 20NE. VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 1. INSIDE RELEASE - FOOTWORK INSIDE-OUTSIOE-INSIDE 2. ORIVE UP FIELO HARD TO 15 YARDS ROLL OUT OF YOUR BREAK AND RUN AWAY INTO THE MIDDLE, 3. GET OPENI YOU HAVE TO BEAT YOUR MAN. VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) OUTSIDE - POST VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. SPLIT VARIES 2. RUN 6-3 POST DRIVE OFF BALL HARD FOR 6 STEPS - LEAN c HIM QUT FOR 3 STEPS - STEP ON HIS TOES AND DRIVE THROUGH CORNER'S INSIDE SHOULOER. 3. MUST CLOSE THE CUSHION ON POST ROUTE 1. USE SAME PRINCIPLES AS OUTSIDE CORNER. 2. SQUARE UP CORNER ON FIRST 6 STEPS - LEAN HIM OUT FOR 3 AND STEP ON HIS TOFS AND ORIVE THROUGH HIS INSIDE SHOULDER, VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) 1. RUN CLEAR POST 2. INSIDE STEM CORNER AND RUN THROUGH UPFIELD SHOULDER OF SAFETY ON THE WASH, VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 1, SPLIT VARIES 2. GET INSIDE DEFENDER 3. IF YOU HAVE HIM BEAT JUST BLOW AND GO. 4. IF HE'S TRAILING YOU TIGHT - BRING HIM BACK UPFIELD - SELL HIM OUTSIDE AND BREAK IT TO. THE POST OUTSIDE Bic - CORNER ROUTE VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. NORMAL SPLIT 1. USE SAME PRINCIPLES AS YOLi WOULD VS OUTSIDE CORNER. 2. PUSH HARD OFF THE LOS AND RUN 5-3 STEM ROUTE 2. REALLY SELL THE POST AND. c c MAKE CORNER BREAK ON YOUR 3. BREAK HARD 10 THE POST FAKE (KEEP QUTSIDE LEVERAGE LOOKING INSIDE FOR 3 STEPS ‘ON CORNER). 4, SPRINT 3 STEPS QUT OF BREAK BEFORE YOU LOOK FOR _] Te BAL. 3. SPRINT 3 STEPS OUT OF BREAK BEFORE YOU LOOK FOR THE BALL. 5. ADJUST TO WHERE THE QB TAKES YOU WITH THE FLIGHT OF THE BALL. 4. ADJUST TO WHERE THE QB TAKES YOU WITH THE FLIGHT OF THE BALL. VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 4. WIDEN SPLIT 1, TIGHT SPLIT 2, RUN 4-6 INSIDE STEM 2. OUTSIDE RELEASE CORNER ROUTE, 3. BRING CORNER UPFIELD LEAN 3. TAKE INSIDE STEM FOR 4 HIM INSIDE AT 12 YARDS AND. c STEPS — THE CORNER WILL BREAK TO THE CORNER AND SQUEEZE WITH YOU. ¢ EXPECT TO CATCH THE BALL AT 25 YARDS. 4, ON THE 4TH STEP RIP AND. ro) DRIVE UPFIELD AT THE SAFETY FOR 6 STEPS TO THREATEN HIM, 5. PLANT ON 6TH STEP AND ANGLE TO THE CORNER, SPRINT 3 STEPS OUT OF YOUR BREAK BEFORE YOU LOOK FOR THE BALL OUTSIDE 80 - CURL VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) 1. SPLIT VARIES 2. ACCELERATE HARD OFF THE BALL TO THREATEN CORNER ° 3. USE 5-4 OR 3-6 STEP ROUTE DEPENDING ON YOUR POSITION ON THE FIELD. 4. ON 2ND STEM GET YOUR EYES INSIDE ON THE FLAT DEFENDER YO BEAT THE UNDERNEATH COVERAGE, 5. FIND THE HOLE AND BEAT UNDERNEATH COVERAGE, VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) 1. WIDEN SPLIT 2. ROUTE REMAINS A CURL 3. USE 4-5 INSIDE STEM RELEASE OR SLIP RELEASE OFF LOS TO AVOID GETTING JAMMED. 4. ON 2ND STEM GET YOUR EYES INSIDE ON THE FLAT DEFENDER TO BEAT THE UNDERNEATH COVERAGE. 5. FIND THE HOLE AND BEAT UNDERNEATH COVERAGE. “| VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. SAME PRINCIPLES APPLY EXCEPT NOW YOU MUST SQUARE, UP DEFENDER ON YOUR INITIAL ‘STEM. 2. USE 5-4 OR 4-5 STEP ROUTE VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 1, OUTSIDE RELEASE AND ACCELERATE HARO UP FIELD TO 14 YARDS - GET ON TOP OF DEFENDER. 2. SIT YOUR HIPS DOWN AND PULL DEFENDER PAST YOU WITH YOUR INSIDE ARM. 3. COME HARD BACK 10 THE BALL ~~! IN THE OPEN HOLE. 4. BE READY FOR BALL RIGHT OUT OF YOUR BREAK, OUTSIDE 83 - STREAK VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) 1. NORMAL SPLIT 2. ACCELERATE OFF LOS HARD - YOU MUST CLOSE THE CUSHION AS FAST AS YOUCAN, 3. LEAN HIM IN -- STEP ON HIS. FOES AND ORIVE THROUGH HIS OUTSIDE SHOULDER, 4, ALWAYS GIVE YOURSELF AT LEAST 6 YARDS FROM SIDELINE AS YOU WILL NEED ROOM TO AQJUST. 5. LOCATE THE BALL BY TURNING YOUR HEAD ONLY KEEPING SHOULDERS FORWARD AND MAINTAINING YOUR STRIDE VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. USE SAME PRINCIPLES AS YOU WOULD WITH AN OUTSIDE CORNER. 2. ACCELERATE - CLOSE THE CUSHION - DRIVE THROUGH CORNER - LOCATE BALL AND ADJUST. 3. KEEP ARMS PUMPING AND REACH FOR THE BALL AT THE LAST SECOND - THIS WILL ALLOW YOU TO MAINTAIN YOUR ‘SPEED AND DEFENDER WiLL NOT HAVE TIME TO REACT TO THE BALL. VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 1. WIDEN CORNER AT A POINT 2 YARDS OUTSIDE OF CORNER AS YOU BUST HARD OFF LOS. 2. IF CORNER DOESN'T GET THERE - RIP THROUGH AND GET UP. SIDELINE, 3._ IF CORNER WIDENS AS YOU DO - USE SLIP RELEASE AND SWIM INSIDE AFTER YOU'VE CLOSED THE CUSHION, 4. GET UPFIELD BETWEEN CORNER AND SAFETY AND EXPECT THE BALL. Ore 1. TAKE TIME - BEAT THE DEFENDER AT THE LOS - THINK SHAKE AND BAKE - SWIM ~ SEPARATE, 2, LEAVE ENOUGH ROOM FOR YOURSELF TO THE SIDELINE SO BALL CAN BE THROWN OVER YOUR, OUTSIDE SHOULDER. 3. WHEN BALL IS THROWN, IT 1S YOURS - YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE CATCHY 4. BALL WILL BE THROWN A LITTLE DEEPER THAN ON 93 VS A PRESS. i OUTSIDE 90 - 5 STEP VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) 1. WIDE SPLIT 2. RUN 5-STEP HITCH LOOKING YOCATCHBALLAT 6 YARDS. 3. BALL WILL BE THROWN AT YOUR OUTSIDE HIP. 4. KNOW WHERE THE CORNERS. LEVERAGE |S, BEAT HIM AND SCORE VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) | 1. ROUTE ADJUSTMENT VS COVER 2 - TURN 90 INTO A FADE. | 2. WIDEN CORNER AT A POINT 2 YARDS QUTSIDE OF CORNER AS. c YOU BUST HARD OFF LOS. 13. IF CORNER DOESN'T GET THERE - RIP THROUGH AND GET UP SIDELINE IN THE HOLE. 4. IF CORNER WIDENS AS YOU DQ USE SLIP RELEASE AND SWIM INSIDE AFTER YOU'VE CLOSED. THE CUSHION. 5. GET UPFIELD IN THE HOLE BETWEEN CORNER AND SAFETY AND EXPECT THE BALL. HITCH VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. USE SAME PRINCIPLES AS FOR OUTSIDE CORNER, 2. ALLOW BURST OFF LOS TO c CREATE SEPARATION, VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) | 1. ROUTE ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED VS A PRESS TURN 30 INTOA FADE, 2. ‘TAKE TIME - BEAT THE DEFENDER AT LOS - SHAKE AND BAKE - SWIM - SEPARATE, 3. LEAVE ENOUGH ROOM FOR YOURSELF AT THE SIDELINE SO BALL CAN BE THROWN OVER YOUR OUTSIDE SHOULOER, oo 4. WHEN BALL IS THROWN - IT’S YOURS - YOU HAVE TO MAKE THAT CATCH! OUTSIDE 92 - 3 STEP SLANT VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) + VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. TAKE A WIDE SPLIT 2. COME OFF BALL HARD 3 STEPS, ON THRID STEP - PLANT ‘ON OUTSIDE FOOT AND RUN SLANT AT ANGLE TO BEAT UNDERNEATH COVERAGE. 3. AFTER BALL IS CAUGHT GET UPHIELD AND SPLIT THE SEAM AND SCORE, VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) 1, COME OFF BALL HARD TO PUSH CORNER QUTSIOE AND KEEP GOD0 LEVERAGE, 2. PLANT ON OUTSIDE FOOT AND RUN SLANT AT ANGLE TO BEAT UNDERNEATH COVERAGE. 3. AFTER BALL IS CAUGHT - GET UPFIELD AND SPLIT THE SEAM —! AND SCORE 1. TAKE WIDE SPLIT. 2. COME OFF BALL WITH INSIDE STEM, TO GAIN LEVERAGE ON CORNER, PLANT ON QUTSIDE FOOT AND RUN SLANT AY ANGLE TO BEAT UNDERNEATH COVERAGE. 3. AFTER BALL IS CAUGHT - GET UPFIELO AND SPLIT THE SEAM AND SCORE. VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 1. INSIDE RELEASE, FOOT WORK INSIDE-OUTSIDE-INSIDE-SWIM TECHNIQUE, GET INSIDE AND RUN AWAY, 2. CATCH THE BALL ON THE RUN AND GET LPFIELO AND SCORE. OUTSIDE 93 - FADE ROUTE VS OFF CORNER (OUTSIDE) 1. NORMAL SPLIT 2. ACCELERATE HARD OFF THE BALL AND BREAK THE CORNERS. CUSHION. 3. STEP ON CORNERS INSIDE FOOT AND BLOW BY HIM, 4_ LEAVE YOURSELF ENOUGH ROOM TO SIDELINE SO BALL CAN BE THROWN OVER YOUR OUTSIDE SHOULDER, 5. CATCH BALL AND SCORE VS JAM CORNER (COVER 2) 1, WIDEN CORNER AT A POINT 2 YARDS OUTSIDE OF CORNER AS: YOU BUXST HARD OFF LOS. 2. iF CORNER DOESN'T GET THERE - RIP THROUGH AND GET c UP SIDELINE IN THE HOLE. 3. IF CORNER WIDENS AS YOU DO USE SLIP RELEASE AND SWIM INSIDE AFTER YOU'VE CLOSED. THE CUSHION NOTE: YOU MUST KNOW WHAT THE INSIDE. RECIEVER IS DOING. IF HE IS GOING VERTICAL YOU GET VERTICAL AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE. IF HE IS WORKING INTO THE FLAT (OPTION-OUT-ARROW) YOU MUST OUTSIDE RELEASE. ave VS OFF CORNER (INSIDE) 1. USE SAME PRINCIPLES AS FOR OUTSIDE ALIGNMENT. VS PRESS CORNER (MAN) 1. OUTSIDE RELEASE: FOOTWORK OUTSIDE-INSIDE-OUTSIDE- SWIM TECHNIQUE. 2. BEAT HIMAT LOS. GET ON TOP OF Hi AND RUN AWAY. 3. LEAVE ENOUGH ROOM FOR YOURSELF TO THE SIDELINE SO BALL CAN BE THROWN OVER YOUR OUTSIDE SHOULDER. 4. WHEN BALL IS THROWN IT'S YOURS. YOUHAVE TO MAKE THAT CATCH, gees Levisuille [= iS Slot Right 142 Firm Hitch Dbis Left 131 Green Slot Right 142 Firm Hitch Spread Left 143 Firm Hitch Strong Right 360 Gun Card Right Fox Lima All Hitch Gun Card Right Lima All Hitch Dbis Right Flash Green Dbls Right Liz Hitch & Go C@Eronaens 90Grey “Quick Game" 3-Step Drop File Ay 24 Dbls Right Lima 90 Grey Strong Right Lee Lima 90Grey = Gun Posse Right Lima 90 Grey Gun Posse Left Lima 90 Grey Gun Stretch Right Lion 90 Grey Gun Posse Left Liz 90 Grey 84 509. super PabeNs 90/91 Y Dbl Hook 4. Thunder Right Rip 91 Y Dbl Hook 2. Thunder Slot Left Z Mo Rose 91 Y Dbl Hook 3. Thunder Right Lima 91 Y Dbl Hook 4, Thunder Left Rose 93 Y Dbl Hook 94 1. Gun Card Right Rose 94 2. Gun Card Left Rip 94 3. Gun Card Right Liz 94 4. Gun Card Right Liz 94 5. Gun Card Right Liz 94 6. Gun Trips Left Fox Rose o4y 7. Gun Trips Right Fox Lima 94y 8 Gun Stretch Left Lion 94 9. Gun Trips Left Rose 9a 10. Gun Stretch Right Ram-Ram 94 41. Gun Stretch Right Rem 94 Knock 8/9 ~ 9/8 14. Thunder Rt T-Mo Knock 8 Caddy 2. Thunder Rt Knock 8 Comer 3. Thunder Left T-Mo Knock 9 Caddy 4. T-Mo King Left Knock 9 Dancer 5. Wing RUT-Fly 539 Comeback 6. Strong Twins Rt Z Half Knock 9 X Topper 7. Wing Rt T-Peel Knock 8 Dancer 8. T-Mo King Left Knock 9 Dancer 4142/3 1. Split Left ¥ Halt 143 Y Hook Z Post 2. RightZ% 142 Y Hook Z Post 3. Tite Right Z % 442 ¥ Hook Z Post 4. Left 143 Y Hook Z Comer 5. Spread Left 143 Comeback 6. Left 143 Snake 7. Left 143 Go 8. Strong Slot Rt 142 Dual All Go 9. Right 142 Stutter Go 10. Left 143 Semi 17/6 130/41 4. Trips Rt 437 Dual All Go 2. Trips Left 131 Screens 54/55 ~ 55/84 Crack 1. Weak Right Lee 55 Crack 2. Dbls Rt Close 55 Crack 3. Weak Right Roy 55 Crack 4. Dbls RtW Mo 55 Crack Vegas XZ Fire 4. Slot Rt Shift Vegas Right X Fire 2. King Rt Shift Vegas Left X Fire 3. Zoom to Thunder Left Vegas Left X Fire 4, Y Moto Taxi Right Vegas Left Z Fire 5. Thunder Right T Mo Vegas Left Z Fire 6. Thunder Right W Mo Vegas Left Z Fire Reads Gun Card Right Gun Card Left Gun Stretch Right Ram Gun Shift Right Lion Gun Stretch Left Lion Gun Stretch Right Ram Gun Card Right NOMSeNe Levels, Drives, Crossers Strong Stot Left Z Mo Thunder Right T Mo Strong Right Z Haif Wing Left Z Float Strong Twins Right Z Mo Taxi Left W Fly Thunder Right X Haif X Fly to Thunder Left Wing Rt Z Half 0. Strong Left Z Half AOSV RTEON= Nakeds Thunder Rt Thunder Slot Rt Y Mo to Weak Right Y Mo to Strong Right Strong Tex Right T Fly Strong Left Z Float Card Right Y Fly Weak Twins Left Z Mo . Wing Left Z Float 0. Near Trey Left 1. Thunder Left Aa eeyonseNs Knock 6/7 = 7/6 ‘Weak Slot Right Trey Left Y Peel Weak Spread Right F Mo Weak Slot Left Strong Spread Rt W % Weak Slot Rt Trey Left Y Peel NOM PONS 79 X Grab 79 X Grab R Grab R Grab RGrab R Grab 75 489 X Drive 489 X Drive 489 X Drive 489 X Drive 489 X Drive 487 Shark 487 Shark 487 Shark 79 Flanker Drive 79 Flanker Drive 338 Naked Left 338 Naked Left 338 Naked Left 338 Naked Left F Sneak 338 Naked Left Special 338 Naked Left Y Delay 338 Naked Left Y Sneak North GA, Naked Left North K Naked Left North K Naked Left 317 Naked Right Knock 7 Z Sail Knock 7 W Sail Knock 6 W Sail Knack 6 Z Sail Knock 6 W Sail Knock 7 Z Sail Knock 7 W Sail Hook Package Trey Left Liz Stretch Right Lion Near Obls Right Ram Dbls Right Roy Ram Dbls Right Roy Ram Dbls Right Roy Ram Strong Right Roy Lima Wing Right Lima Wing Right Liz Stretch Right Lion Stretch Left Ram a eeenonsens aS Sprint Gun Card Right Gun Dbis Left Close Gun bls Right X Half Gun Trey Left Switch Y Peel Gun Trey Left Box Right Z Half Y Mo to Bunch Right Thunder Left Z Fly PNAORENS jo iS in Strong Right Gun DbIs Right Gun Dbis Left Gun Dbls Left Gun Dbls Left Gun Dbls Left @PORENA Controls, Trips Left Gun Trips Left Gun Trips Right Gun Trips Right Gun Trips Left Weak Left Strong Right Gun Trey Right SNOT ARENA Y Hook Z Hitch X Hook Dbl Slant Y Hook Db! Slant Y Hook Db! Hitch Y Hook W Opt Y Hook W Opt Y Hook X Hitch Y Hook X Hitch Y Hook X Slant X Hook Db! Hitch X Hook Dbl Slant Sprint Left Slide Sprint Right W Corner Sprint Leit W Corner Sprint Left Dancer Sprint Left Dancer Sprint Right Z Snag Sprint Right X Snag Sprint Right Juice 70 Y Look 80 80 80 80 80 B84 B4 4 74 74 61 Semi 61 Semi 74 Semi Mayday Quick Game Regular/Thunder Play: Smoke X Hitch FIT:Arow | R:Block Rose Protection Y:6 yard Look X:5 step Hitch 2:6 yard Stop QB Progression 1X 2% 3. 2-F Play: Lima 90 Y Grey FIT: Block Lima Protection X:6 yard Oplion Route 2:5 step Kitch ‘QB Progression yig ae { i | | o 00e009 Vanna £ 3 oO o R:Block Lima Protection Y:6 yard Hook 5 step Hitch Z: Seam (inside release) QB Progression 1X 2 Y Regular/Thunder Y¥ Loak x Hiteh FIT: Arrow R: Block Rose Protection Y:6 yard Look X:5 step Hitch | b 4 2:6 yard Stop GP Frssession O° a0 7 oo Og rarer 2¥ 3. 2-7 Play:Lima 91 Y Double Hook a R: Block Lima Protection W:6 yard Hook Y:6 yard Hook X: Quick Qut (normal conversion Z: Quick Out (normal conversion) QB Progression 4. Key cushion & Linebacker displacement 2. X-Worz-¥ 3. |Play: Lima Smoke X Hitch R: Block Lima Protection T: Run Arrow Route ¥: Run 5 yd Stop Route Run 5 step Hitch 2: Run 6 yd Look Route QB Progression 1.Z Alert 1.001 10 X, 2Y Regular/Thunder Play: Rose Triple Slant FIT:5 yard Smash R: Block Rose Protection ¥:Siant through inside LB X:5 step Hitch i 2:3 step Sient oO QB Progression 1X 2aY a. 2-7 O° vw Play:Lima ¥ Hook X Stent FIT: Arrow R: Block Lima Protection Y:6 yard Hook X:3 step Slant Z:Fade (outside 1elease) 1X 2¥ ar | Play: Lima Y Hook X Hiteh/Now]| | FIT: Arrow ; R:Block Lima Protection Y:6 yard Hook X: 5 step HitchiNow Z:Fade (outside release) QB Progression 4X 2 Y ‘ i QB Progression Oo Regular/Thunder Pla’ ae R yy : 960 (Hatt) 3yd check Stop 3 yd check Stop y x: z: a8 Look Route. 5 step Hitch 5 step Hitch Proaression 1. Key cushion (match-up) 2 (08 Proqression 1, Key MLB movement Run Arrow Route. 3 step Slant 3 step Slant ZY-F or XR 2. ZY or XRY 3. Play:361 FIT: 3yd check Sto R: 3yd check Stop Y: Look Route os i> Xe yb Speed ou 1 2 6 yd Speed Out | OB Progression O 1. Key cushion {match-up} 3 2, ZVOrXRY 3 ci, 390 Check Down over R: Check-Arrow Route x Regular/Thunder 362 Sluogo Play: fae * rr, Syd Check Down over \ FIT: ball 4 | R: Check-Anow route | \ \ y: Seam X: 3:3 Slant Go Z: 33 Slant Go QB Proaression 1 2. 3. Play:263 FIT: 3yd Check Stop R: 3yd Check Stop Y: Look Route. x Fade 2 Fade QB Progression 1. Key match-up 2, ZY-F orX-R 3 Play: QB Progression a 2 Doubles R: 0 Protection Rule Play: 90 (Y) Green A \ 1 ‘Seam (inside release) Y:90 Protection, check Swing | 1 X:5 step Hitch (normal conv.) 2:5 step bch (normal conv.) QB Procression 4. Key cushion (match-up). 2 W-XorZ 3. Outlet . Play: Lima 91 ¥ Double liook Ri Block Lima Protector W:6 yard Hook ¥:6 yard Hook X: Quick Out (normat cunversion) Z:Quick Out (normal conversion) ‘QB Progression 1. Key cushion & Linebacker displacement 2. X-WorZ-¥ <---> Play: Lima 92 ¥ (Brown) R:Block Lima Protection W:1-3 step Slant Y¥:Seam (slay tight) X:3 step Slant 2:3 step Slant (QB Progression 1, Key MLB movement, 2, W-Xor¥-Z Doubles Play: Lima 90 Y Grey ‘ i R: Block Lima Protection W: 6 yard Option - / Y: Seam X: Fade (outside release) 2:5 step Hitch 1B Progression oO o0@008d 4, Combo call oO Oo 2. vs. 2 High X - W ee vs. Single High ¥ - Z 36 3, vs. Man work match-up, Play: Lima 92(¥) R: Block Lima Protection yy, Run Siani Route Block Lima Protection. Run Y: Y xX; Run Slant Route 2: Run Sian} Route | QB Progression 1. 2 High-read away from Mike 2, 4 High-best matchup 3 Play: Lion ¥ Hook W Siop R: Run Arrow Route ww. Slop (Slant unless they wall y, Run Hook Route x; Run Fade Route 2: Run Fade Route ‘OB Progression Read awey from MLB 1.YorR 2 Play: Lima 8 Y Aniow R: Block Lima Protection Ww: step Slant Y: Antow 3 step Slant 2:3 step Slant QB Preare 4. Combo call ion 2, vs. 2High W-X vs. Single High Z- ¥ 3. vs, Man work match-up. Doubles Play :Lime 94 (Grey) R:Block Lime Protection W:6 yard Option Route Y: Block Liz Protection X: Fade (outs! 2:Fade (alert signal) (QB Proaression 4. Alen match-up for Fade. 2. Possible Hitch signal for Z 3. Work W on Option Route, Play:Lima 94 Y (Grey Y) R:Black Lima Protection yard Option Route Y:6 yard Oplion Route X: Fade {outside release) Z:Fade (outside release) QB Progression 1. Alert match-up. 2, X - W (Alert to Pop backside). wa--> Doubles Play: 92 Z Sluggo R: Block 90 Protection A W:Seam | j Y: 90 Protection, check Swing | A X:5 step Hitch i i < Oo Z:Stant Go i | GB Progression 4 29 g0e009, eae a Oo Pe 2 w ae oO 3. X (Outlet ¥) Play:90 Hitch Go A 1 ; R: Block 90 Protection | W:Seam 4 i Y:90 Protection, check Swing { | X: Hitch Go (Re-Hitch 10) Z:Hitch Go (Re-Hitch 10) ‘QB Progression 4. ZorX 2W 3. Outlet Y Play: R: wW: Y: x z 8 Prosression Oo OO08000 Oo O° 2 Play: 97 (Blue) R:90 Protection Rule W.6 yard Speed Out Y:90 Protection, check Swing ‘ade (outside release) Z:Fade (alen signal) QB Progression 1, Hold safely & Key the Comer 2%: W 3. Alert Signal to Z. Doubles Play:1ima $0 ¥ Blue R: Block Lima Protection W:6 yard Speed Out ¥:Seam X: Fade (outside release) 2:5 step Hitch QB Progression 1. Combo call 2. vs. 2 High X - W. vs. Single High ¥ - Z 3. v5. Man work match-up. ima 97 Y Green Play: R:Block Lima Protection W:Seam (inside release) Y:6 yard Out X:5 slep Hitch Fade (outside release) QB Progression ‘Combo call 2 vs. 2HighZ-¥ vs. Sinale Miah W - X Doubles [ | Play: Lion ¥ Sil X Follow R: Sit motion 10 Z W:Run Diag Seam Y: Seam (outside release) X:12 yard In 2:Fade QB Proaression(5 step drop) 1. Read adjustment to motion 2. Look off Comeback 3. W-X ~ O00@000 O gerne) VW Play:Lion ¥ Up Z Follow Ri Up motion to Z W: Seam (oulside release} ¥:Run Drag Seam X:12 yard Trace 2:12 yard In 4. vs. Single High Seam to X 2. vs. 2High Seam to Y -Z. 3 ' | | | Le _ Lh 8 Oo ° ene Play: Lion X Sit ¥ Option R:Sit motion to X eam ¥:6-8 yard Option Route X: Fade 2: Fade (outside release) QB Progression 4. Read adjustment to motion 2. Look aff Comeback to Y on Antinn Rewite —> {Lay Doubles Play: Lion ¥ sit R:Sit motion to Z W: Sesin (over or under) Y:Seam X: Fade Fade rogression ade Z:Fade OB Progression 1, Read adjustment to motion. 2. Comeback to W on Option Route a | ° OO0O@0O0°0 i 1. Read adjustment to motion oO 0% ae eens 3 Lion ¥ Sil W Option 4 4 A R:Sil motion 10 Z | i \W.6-6 yard Option Route | | | Y:Seam ‘eee Seeing | © CC0e@000 | O o}4 Grenansinanonc Play:tion Y Sit W Drag R:Sit motion to Z W:5 yard Drag Y:Seam (outside release) X: 10 yard In Z:Fade QB Progression 4. Read adjustment to motion, 2. Key man over Y. - i ‘ | ey 4 é OoO0eo°o ’ 2 ° Aha W: Seam {in QB Progression 1. W-X 2. Outlet Y 3. Check $4 ¥ vs. Cover 2 Trips Play: Lima 94 (Grey) R:Block Lima Protection W: Seam (outside release) Y:Lima Protection X: Fade (outside release) 2:6 yard Option Route QB Proaression 1. Pick best match-up W - x. 2. Zon Option. 3. Outlet Y. Play: Lima 94 Y (Grey Y) R:Block Lima Protection W: Seam (outside release) Y:6 yo Option Route X: Fade (outside release) 2:6 yard Option Route (QB Progression 1,.¥-Z 2, Possible match-up for X - W. | | Oooe@eo & ao Oo Trips Play: tima 952 R: Block Lima Protection W: Rub for Z Y: Lima Protection | ! X: Fade (outside release) Z:Run Flat Route off af W (QB Progression OO0O@00 Q 2 oO Vwvewvunnaryy yi Onn 2 WwW 3. Outlet ¥ Play:Lima 95 x R:Block Lima Protection A W:Rub Fade Y: Block Lima Protection X:Run Slant off of W Z: Inside Option ‘QB Progression 1. X (Key man over W} 2, W (Key man over W) 32 Play: Lima 97 {Biue} R: Block Lima Protection W: Seam (outside release) Y:Lima Protection X: Fade (outside release) 2:6 yard Speed Out ‘OB Progression 4. Key man over W l CoOo@00 2, W-2 7 on Trips i Play: Lime 97 Y (Blue Y) R: Block Lima Protection W: Seam (ou Y:6 yard Out 2:6 yard Speed Out (QB Progression 4. Match-up on Y 2 W-2 3 ide release) X: Fade (oulside release) Play:Liz 98 R:Biock Liz Protection W: Block #2 X: Block # Z:Execule Screen ‘QB Progression 1 2. 3. Y:Block Liz Protection XG Play: Lima 99 Y Drag R: Block Lima Protection |W: Wheel Y:Drag X:5 step Post 2:6 yard Speed Out QB Progression 1. X-W 22 Trips Play: Lima Y Hook Triple Slant R: Block Lima Protection W:5 step Slant Y:6 yard Hook X: 5 yard Smash Z:Slant though inside shoulder X: Fade 2: Seam (over) QB Progression 4. Read adjustment to motion Z-W ieee LY 2 2-w 3 x Play: Lion Y Up b A R:Up motion 10 Y ' : ] W: Seam (2 yards outside hash) | | | / / | -—— \ { Y:Seam \ | | / | t ares ae | L 1 | Z:Seam (over or under) \ \ i j | | QB Progression | 1. Read adjustment to motion oO | O0@000 1st level - 2nd level Oo O° 2. Comeback Z-W — 3. Play: Lion Y Up Y Option R: Vertical (2nd lev. outside rel.) f W: Seam Y:6 yard Option eee Trips Play: Lion ¥ Up W Option R: Up motion to ¥ W; 5-8 yard Option y: Seam X: Fade } QB Proaression | 4. Read adjustment to mation 1st level - 2nd level | Z:Seam (under) | | / d | 2 J Dw 2, Comeback Z-W 3 oO 3 Play:Lion ¥ Up W Follow i R:Up motion to ¥ W:12 yard In y:Seam Z:Drag Seam ‘QB Proaression 4. Read adjustment to motion ist level - 2nd level 2, Comeback Z-W 3 Play: Lion Y Up X Shallow R:Up motion to ¥ W: Seam (best release) X:5 yard Shallow 2; Seam (over or under) QE Progression 1, Read adjustment to motion 4st level - 2nd level 2, Key man over W w-x Trips Play: Lion ¥ Up X Stop p motion to Y W: Seain Y: Seam X: 12 yard Stop (conv. vs. Cov 2 Z:Seam (over or under) QB Progression 4. Read adjusiment to motion ‘st level - 2nd ievel 2. vs. Single High W - X 3. vs, Cover?2-% pencpaisaaaimiees ooe000! ° Sawer & 0 Play: Lime 92 R: Block Lima Protection, Ww: Run 1-3 step siant Y: Block Lima Protection. Z: Ron bubble QB Progression 1 Play: Lion ¥ Up Y Drag R: 10 yard In W: Seam Y: 8 yard Drag X: Fade Z:Seam (over) QB Proaression 4, Read adjustment to motion w-Z 2 aR 7 00@e@008 oO Sewn 6 Play:Lion ¥ Up 2 Option R:Up motion to ¥ W: Seam (outside release) Y:Seam X:Fade 2:6-8 yard Option QB Proaression 1, Read adjustment to motion ‘4st level - 2nd level 2. Comeback to Z on Option 3. COoeO0O0 Borororee t | Li A q Play: Lion Y Up Z Drag R: Vertical (2nd level) WE 10 yard In Y:Seam (outside LB) X: Fade 2:5 yard Drag QB Progression 4. Read adjustment to motion Y ate Trey/Bunch Play:Lime 92 Z Sluggo R:Black Lima Protection W:Seam Y: Lima Protection X:5 step Hitch 2:Slant Go QB Progression LZ 2 WX 3, Check run vs. Cover 2 O° [oe ae oO Play:90 Hitch Go R: Block 90 Protection Y: Block 90 Protection X: Hileh Go (Re-Hitch 10) 2: Hitch Go (Re-Hitch 10) (OB Proaression 1. Z-X 2 Ww 3 Play: 90 (Alert) R:90 Protection W: Seam. 290 Protection, check Swing X:5 step Hitch 2:5 slep Hitch (QB Progression 7. vs. Single High, play stays up 2, vs. Cover 2 check run Se aes ees Trey/Bunch Bunch Ri Rose 90 Y Play? Hoot T R:Block Rose Protection W: Arrow Y: 6 yard Hook X:Fade 2:5 step Hilch 2 2. Y-W-X 3, QB Progression Cluster Rt Ros Play:X Hiich Y Hook R:Block Rose Protection W: Seam Y:6 yard Hook X: 5 step Hitch QB Progression 1X 2 Y-W 3 xQ— Qoe@oo 3} Lndstnecnan damnation Run w Play: Hitch R: Block Rose Protection W:6 step Stop Y: Arrow yard Look 2:5 step Hitch QB Proaression Bunch Rt Rose Smoke Z 1 2. Zz x -----> aie Play, Lima ¥ Hook Z AY HitclyStaniNow R:Block Lima Protection W:6 yard Out Y:6 yard Hook X:Fade (outside release) Z:Hilch/StanUNow QB Progression 2Z 2.Y-W 3 Witch, Slant Now Trey/Bunch Play:Rose Triple Stant R; Block Rose Protection W:5 slep Slant Y: Slant through inside shoulder X:5 yard Smash Z:5 step Hitch (QB Prooression 1 Etiminate X 2. Work Y-W-Z 3 Play: Rose 90 Y W Option R: Block Rose Protection W:6 yard Option Y; Slant through inside shoulder X: Fade (outside release) Z:5 step Hitch QE Progression 4.2 2W ‘ShiftStretch Pla R: Hitch Lion 90 Grey W: Seam (Outside release.) Y: Seam (inside release.) X: Fade (Outside release.) 2: 6 yard Option. 2. V8.2 High W-2 vs. Single High Y-R 3. vs. Man, work match-up QB Progression \ 4.Combo Call fo) Play: Lion 2 Hook Db! Slant R: 3step Slant W: 6 yard Out ve 3 siep Slant Fade (outside release) Z: Byard Hook (0B Proares: 1. XorY 2, Work 32 Play: Lion ¥ Out Triple Slant Ri Fade (Quiside release) W: 3step Stent Y: 6 yard Out X: Smash Route >, SlantinroUgh Eide shoulder. GB Progression 4, Rorz 2, Yorw ShiftStretch Play: Lion 94 R: Fade (Outside Release) a Ww: Seam (Oulside Release) Y: 6yd Option Route x: Fade Z: Gyd Option Route QB Progression \ R O° Play: Lion W Follow A R: 12yd Trace | W: 12yd Follow Route Y: Seam (Outside Release) X: Fade z: Run Drag Route ‘QB Proaression \ Play: Lion R Follow R: 12yd Follow A of Sema | Run Drag Route Y X: 12yd Trace « 7, Seam (Oulside Release) QB Progression 12 ine _Shift/Stretch Play: Lion 99 ¥ Drag Ri 12 yard In W: Wheel Y¥: Drag X: 8 step Post 2 Gyard Our QB Progression 1 2 n (Ouiside Release) Y; Scam (Ouiside Release) X; Fade (Outside Release) 2; 6yd Option Roule QB Progression 1. Wor care, 3 Play: Lion ¥ Option R: Fade (Outside Release) Y: By Option Route Z, Seam (Outside Release) ‘QB Progression 4.R vs. Cov2-Z 2° Y —> ShifUStretch Play: Lion 99 Y Drag R: 12 yard in 4 W: Wheel Drag X: 8 slep Post Z: 6 yard Out QB Progression 1 2. 3 Play: Lion Z Option R: Fade w: Seam (Oulside Release) Y; Seam (Outside Release) x: Fade (Outside Release) Z: Syd Option Route (QB Progression 4. Wor 22 2 3. Play: Lion ¥ Option R; Fade (Outside Release) Ww: Seam Y: 6yd Option Route Xx: Fade 2; Seam (Outside Release) QB Progression 4,R vs, Cov2-Z 2v Y Play: Lion Zipper R:12yd Trace Ww: 12yd Post Y: Run Drag Route % 12yd Trace 2; Run Drag Route QB Progression 1k Home Run:W 2W a ShifvStretch Play; (Stretch) Lion x Hawk p: Run Return Route W: 6yd Shallow Read Y; 12yd Corner X: Run Middle Read R; Run Fate Route w: Run Shallow Route Y; Run Seam Route Run Seam Down waddle * ys.Coy 2 -Oulside Hash vs. 3 Z; Run Fade x: QB Progression 4.X-¥ 2W > 2: Run Comeback a M QB Progression ae 1 Oo ; COO@O00 O° O oO Oo 2 3 (Stretch) Lion All Go W Play: Shallow Shift/Stretch Play: ‘ion R Level R; Run Level Route w. Seam Y; Read Route 2nd level X: 12 yd Trace Z: Seam (Qulside Release) OB Progression 1.2 aR ay oo Oo” Oo oO Play; bion 867 R: Gyd Hilch x: Syd Under (Over Post Alert Z vs. Cov 2 Outlet: x Play: lien 87 R: Fade W: Seam Read Roule 2nd Level X: 12yd Trace Z: Drag Route ‘QB Progression 1. 2.

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