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Private Appointment

pening new building JJohn pnrccll pac

.... >? .
MAl' ^ M i n i s t c i A (_' ( .Minniiv j
Minister A John Hurley I
Min & Lord Mayor of (W Minister & I) McNhIIv •
London David I .cwis :0B Min ChaJnnan,

Joe mcpeake K 'abmel ik'hi n iuii? IIP - pre-luiich dunks

MAC ([Conference on Women Jonathan Fried, 1Mb (Conrad)
Paul Caity (Cellar & Leadership (Royal Mcnallv <1 III' Annual Lunch
Restaurant hooked) College o f Physicians. 6 (Ballroom. Conrad)
Kildarc St)
[Minister & K Cardiff
BMin & Dr Somas

hincse delegation Cabinet debriefing ( B Board Breakfast Briefing

1AC Query circular on e Jocelyne Bourgon
ijMin & US delegation transactions (D/laoiscach)
'Minister & Jim O'Brien M A C Review - R Watt
Ann Nolan

Doyle, David 19/01/20 ID 10:

June 2(N)8

• Monday

I ^ nit I 7 <io M.V Govt Meeting ()') ;>()< ,'abinei debriefing TlfcOO 12:00 M AC Review - Brendan
10:30 11-00 Getty Boyle A Donal Duffy
08:30 09 00 Pqs this pm McNally 12:00 12:30 Review bsm
14:30 15:00 M i n on pqs 18:00 18:30 (Jerry hicKev dublin 13:00 17:00 N T M A

10 II 12
12:00 135:30 Cion on taxation TftOO 12-00 MAC Review - W
11:00 13:110 M A C 16:15 17:00 Briefing for D. Iteiuisanc (cancelled)
McCarthy - B&F. (See |
Gen Office)

(17 1> OX: 15 I u\i booked (|>li no Govt Meeting j §9 0 0 0 9 SOCabinet debriefing I I . 0 0 jf:30Tea/Coffee - Pensions
4544070 National Radio 15:0015: fiji M i i i meeting David Staff move to 7-9
08:30 09:00 Pas screening (Chapter Bvrnc I Mcnion Row (Mcirion
11:00 13:00 M A C Row)
12:15 12 45 FIBI Annual Lunch
15:00 15:30 K Cardiff K Paul Atkins

25 , . . ". "
11 00 I j 0 0 MAC Govt Meeting 09:00 09:30 Cabinet debriefing 09:30 12:30 CB Be aid (Joint I & ffcO M A C Review - F Kearns
13:00 15:00 l u n c h N'l M A ? 12 66 12:30 governor 13 00 1-1:30 I'elcr Malone - lunch l t f 3 0 17.00 Min A MoS Mamergh
(Cellar rcstsiiiriirit)

Doyle, David 19/01/2010:

July 2008 sww

Monday Tuesday

Govt Meeting •Cabinet debriefing

(IjDinncr pat fancll
bankers with Min

Govt Meeting •Meeting - 'Irish Story' 'I lua Claflcy ;MAC Review - M Errity
(Room 301, 'Jim Fancll (Cellar
O/Taoiscach) restaurant)
[Cabinet debriefing
Mtg re mortgages

Govt Meeting C abinet debriefing jMAC Review - J Duffy

Taxi fSt patricks hall castle
[Commission ihi Taxation: eb wbitaker lecture
[D gallaghcr 'For 19.30 CB Dinner

Carmel Keane & rinance Govt Meeting iCabinct Debriefing

Unit re PAC II M \KK</u'i if I ;ip;il-'l'(v (Sycamore Room)
Review [Minister
m m m

11:00 13 00 MAC i Walt beausang

10:30 11:fKl Dnvc inoloncy
13.00 11 'i! Min * Paul C aitv. 11:00 11.30 John Bucklcv
11:00 11:30 Mini mac NPRF (ft 13.00 ca
14.30 15:00 Budget section
16:00 16:30 min
Ifcdp I V:0<) lams & Min
17:00 17:30 I «nnon ctc

Doyle, David
A 19/01/2(110 I
September 200X

i MAC Govt Meeting IMm.V Mi SI icc I iv (AIMI A Mr (ins-fin

I) • fri 10:30" 'Iinniv lul l... C I O . VIII [ HO 10:SU ( il>incl Dcbiiefing
' (SG's Office) (Sycamore Room)
I l $ 0 ' I l r.ifllMin to meet C i : 0 $ o f
12.00 13:30 SOs Meeting
(Conference Koom .2) AIB and Hell
1100 I ! JO V ' Mcl'eake (Hooked

Sam l.cno& Ken Piicel, BOSU: Govt Meeting [Cabinet Debriefing

VlAC (Sycanwre Room)

I .Ski ( v.uik iI Mr.-mm .Cabinet I »cl<ii!-finf. I'A ('onlcK-iRC 'I eoiioinie I kvelopmci
Govt Meeting (Sycamore Room)
Cabinet sub committee [For 19.30 IPA Dinner |lpa cnnfcrcncc
(Menion Hotel) [Min A CB. FR. N T M A

[Joint CB & Rcgilatoi


Govt Meeting 09:00 lOtjO'Cabinet IX-bricling

(Sycamore Room) (Joint M t g o f Board &
10:45 1115 I) McN.illy S: Asst Sees Regulatory Authority
i : :i:r>:OOJ CBtien & Asst Sees ? (Board Room)
|K Cardiff & Asst Sees I?

Govt Meeting

Doyle, David
19/01/2(10 1
October 200* Oa,«*c?ro« KoW*««

r r x J
1 S 9 IB II 12 3 4 i 6 7 »
14 is 16 17 is 19 10 II 12 I). 14 1$
71 22 2J 74 25 26 I? IS 19 20 2| u
7* 29 JO >1 23 26 27 » m

I Jim o fairell and crew
Cabinet Debriefing D Eugene and brian
(Sycamore Room)
11:30 12:00 Cormac McCarthy £ I
Scan Dorgan Ulster
Govt Meeting

11:00 13:00 M A C Govt Meeting 09:00 I6sJW-< abind Debriefing 09:00 09:30 Tony g
17:00 17:30 Joint M l g of Board & (Sycamore Room)
Regulatory Authority IH:0O IK:30

13 14 15
II 0f> 13 on m a c Govt Meeting 09:00 10:30 Cabinet Debriefing 11:00 12:30 CCCTB presentation of
(Sycamore Room) results from t m s t &
14:30 I 5 : 0 0 C Gallagher & D
r... .v/ftfti i<v '> I-,:•

I 23 24
Hols- Helen
11:00 13 00 M A C 09:00 10:30Cabinet Debriefing 11.00 12:00 Mark Suidler, I IS IK
(Sycamore Room) (Sec Gen Office)
11:00 11:30 Revision of Division 11:45 12:15 Maurice O'Connell (Sec
Structures (See Gen (»en office)
Hols - Helen

27 28 29 30 31
Hols-Helen i ^ m
11:0(> 13:0(> M A C Govt Meeting 09:00 10:30Cabinet Debriefing
11:30 12:00 Maiv mckeon (Sycamore Room)
10:00 13:00 C B Hoard
15:00 15:30 mccarthy

Doyle, David 19/01/20 1
.... . .
. '0 H ^ n r a
1 Govt Meeting Cabinet Debriefing ohn Donnelly
' 15-30 Kriib'K Cardiff & FSD (Sycamore Room)

Govt Meeting • Cabinet Debriefing

(Sycamore Room) • Larry Broderick. IBOA
Finance Union

Govt Meeting abinet Debriefing i Governor Nationwide

MAC (Sycamine Room) [Minister
[CB Lunch FSI Members Annunl Kevin ami uilliam Taoiseacli
CB Board Dinner (Four Seasons, iov
Ballsbridge) im ofarrell ?????
Frank i> dwver

Doyle, David 19/01/2010:

December 2008
-t . r
i • •
12 1» 14 . . ; s.. x9 m
••• ; : . IS • 19 20 21 (2 15 14 IS
fAtTF. - {• 34 y. 2? 2K to M 21 22 Zi 2.1 2.
" 27 1* 70 30 31
. ':,;•.:•;-.-:; v.;,.-

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun

I Dcccmbcf •

11.00 13:00 MAC Govt Meeting 09-00 09:30 Cabinet debriefing 08:00 08:30
(Sycamore Room)

11:00 13.00 M A C (Dobbins? I3.00TBC) 08:00 08:30 Hieaktasi. Shane o ncill
I'Qs linaiice men ion hotel
09-00 09 ,i() Cabinet debriefing 13:00 17:00 N I M A (Dublin Castle)
(Sycamore Room)

17 18 19
10:0010:30 M A C Govt Meeting j 09:00 09:30 Cabinet debriefing 11:00 11:30 Tony gany kieran me
11:30 12:00 Mill mac 16:30 19:30( B Board » dinner i.Sycamoie Room) 15:45 16:15 M Scanlan

22 23 v . : . ; ; . . 24 . " : •..••... . . . • •••• m m m v ^ M i M g l

!:. .....v. .,,••••::.' .:•.

29 30

Doyle, David 19/01/210

In trance
Cabinet debriefing
O'Connor (Anglo (Sycamore)
Irish (tank) S(J Lunch - Institute of
15:00 15:3$Mm mac European Affbirs

m M
John llcilihy VP Google JSDonal O'Connor (in E Kcams Ac N Campbell Cabinet debriefing ninar on Organisational Review Proi
Europe Anglo Irish Bank) - Audit Committee Reply to montgomery
1.1:00 14.30 Lunch: Alan Dukes Tony garry
(Hugos) Lunch: Jim Fairell
(Cellar Restaurant)

r;w:s: rag®
I John conrov merrion 'Ihiii OWN AI I DAY ' n.vcmiiiciH Mccimr Govt Mcetini abinet debriefing
MAC [glecson
;donal Tabinet Committee on
jdavys Economic Renewal
14:30 15 00 Amc Stapleton.J Lunch: Pat 1'artcll (Pearl (Sycamore Room)
Leonard A P Bretmaii Biasserie)

| MAC [Cabinet briefing B Board

Alan Gray (Sycamore Room) Dennot gallaghcr
'Heads of Division

Doyle, David
February 2009
ft"'; •. : • },!v- '.' E ••

r. - "


5 6
• IW 00 09:30 < iibrnct briefing T 13:00 l?r3v Advisory Committee 10 (Hi 10:30 M A C Review -1)
Meeting ( N I M A ) Moloney
14:00 14:30 M m l» meet anglo board
15:00 15:30 Min M A C 15:00 20:00 Special C B Board
Meeting followed by
liglit supper

11:0012-fOMAC 09:00 09:30 Cabinet briefing 12:00 12:30 Dermot and srs and M OO »t 3 0 1 c o O'Reilly, Perm Sec
12:30 11 15 Dermot McCarthy & (Sycamore Room) asecsjobs Belfast (John
SCJs o f Depts (Sycamore CyConnelI/Pat Casey also
Room) attending)

14:30 15:00 A Staplcton & ) I eonarrl

Bord Snip

16 17 18 19 • ... . . .20 - ~'.:"•TlI^!"

Helen on I cave 12:30 13:00 ESR1 09:00 09'30 Cabinet briefing p 4 : 3 0 15:00 Meet on banking with
11:00 12:*50 M A C 15:30 16:00 Robert ilc Vries, Belginn (Sycamore Room) min
17:00 17:30 Meet with governor

09 00 09:30 Cabinet briermg I ,' (10 Ili-A Irichct l unch
11:00 I? 30 MAC (Sycamore Room) (HHA)
14:30 15:00 CM 10:00 10:45 Bord Snip 12:45 14:45 Institute of european
15:00 CB Board afTairs trichet
17:30 18:00 Donal O'Connor {Room

Doyle, David 10 19/01/2010

March 2009

3 ®


p H B H i '1
MAC Govt Meeting Cabinet briefing
iMin M A C (Sycamore Room)

m z z M ^ m M m m ••;'*';";?>:' SSfli
(iovt Meeting Cabinet briefing
15 00 16:30 MAC (Sycamore Room) eiloen

St Patrick's Dav jjDermot dwyer for conf


Govt Meeting at 10 in am

i nivl Ma-imf. 09:30 Cabinet debriefing ORAI.I'QS

Govt Mtg at 19.1)0 (provisional) (Sycamore Room) i i>:00 I C B Board
I I M 15 <)l> Minister (Minister's ennf I JO JDes (XLcary (Officc)

Doyle, David
A p r i l 2009

> • v.* ••

Wednesday fhurffig Siil/'Sun

" ' ' lApr?j~~

W:660*>:30' 'abmct dchiiclinp i 10:55 I 1:00 Paul Ryan
(Sycamore Room) 11 :<)0 I'1:00 Belfast hi Intend
14:30 15:00 Pat Casey radisson

... ^ ; g U S l B B
(iovt Meeting 12 noon Govt Meeting 09:00 09:30 c Cabinet debriefing 11100 M:30Dcs<>l.eary C( . Good Friday
11 0012:30 M A C (Sycamine Room) DMcN
14:30 15:30 Des <.Vl.cnry rc capacity

Easier Sunday

13 14 15 16 17 "7T ' TTT^Tv

11:00 12:30 M A C

20 21 22 - . . -•• ' • 23 - , . - . . v. • ... • • • _ . 24

11:00 12:30 M A C 09:00 Ashok Mody. IMI O9i00 09 30 (.'abinet debriefing 16;00 10:30 jolui Inn Icy at bank
14:00 15:00 C Kcanc - I'AC briefing 12:00 12:30 Billv liwdaii (Sycamore Room)

15:30 16:30 Mary ODca (Room 3)

i m ^ J M J m i M

27 28 29
09:00 09:30 Mody. IMF & M • w : o o i>9 io Cabinet debriefing PAC SO
11:00 12:30 M A C (Sycamore Room) loon C B Board
15:00 16 30 M i n & High Level I 09:30 10:00 Michael Morgan,
Chinese Delegation hxccutive Director. IMF
19:00 19:30 Governor. Sir Andrew
I ;irge (Central Bank)

Doyle, David 12 19/1/20

May 2009

IMF concluding sessi<

Capacity review wrap

Bank Holiday

(6:ii0 1 7 £ $ K Cardiff & staff

I m
\c | W i l l call in here - [Cabinet debriefing (Brendan I ogue
Michael Quinn (Hugos) Ciaran and Irank
l5:(S6 l5:?0'Alan dukes

•'>•. • : v . 7 ®
1 mcardlc jfarmleigh
[Cabinet debriefing

{Cabinet debriefing
MAC Oecd meeting nuul Lunch
ISamy Watson. El). [Anglo Irish ( I be) Annual Lunch I
(Ballroom, Conrad
Hotel, Farlsfort Tee)

Doyle, D i d 19/01/210

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