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NEURO Cephalocaudal MOTOR Simple to SOCIAL
Proximo- Complex
Neonate Head lag Reflex grasp Cry Prefers human face Solitary Games Root, suck, swallows
One Month Dance reflex Follows mobiles Strong Extrusion reflex
Two Months Closure of Lifts head on Hands held Social smile
posterior prone open
Three Months Grasp reflex Lifts head and Differential Recognizes the Plays with rattle Extrusion reflex fades,
disappears chest on prone crying mother drools
position Coos and
Four Months Front to back Brings hands Laughs aloud, Very talkative Attempts to bring lips to
Back to Front together imitating sound cup
Five Months Moro reflex Rolls over Vocalizes Anticipates food, begins
gone displeasure solid foods
Six Months Doubles birth Sits with Holds bottle Extends arms Begins finger food, self-
weight, support, hitches with 2 hands, to loved feeding
dentition (palmar
Seven Bounces, feet in Transfers m-m-m when Coughs to get Chews, bites, begins to
Months mouth objcects crying attention, begins to have food preference
fear strangers
Eight Months Sits without Height of stranger
support anxiety
Nine Months Crawls then Pincer grasp Combines Cries when scolded “peek-a-boo, picks up
creeps – uses thumb syllables small objects
and fingers to mama, dada
Ten Months Moves from Points at Understands Drinks from cup, uses
prone to sitting, objects “NO” spoon but may spill
pulls self to Responds to
standing position own name
Eleven Cruises, almost Puts objects
Months ready to walk in a
for one hand
Twelve Triples birth Walks with Put and Follows directions Enjoys several toys,
Months weight support, stands Throws enjoys dropping objects
Babinski alone objects to see where they will
reflex Attempts two go
disappears tower blocks
14-15 Plateau stage Walks alone Names familiar Vocalizes wants Grasps the spoon
Months objects
18 Months Anterior Sits self on a Attempts 3 Uses phrases Smears stool, started Has a favorite toy
fontanel chair tower block on bowel training
2 years Terrible twos Jumps crudely, Attempts 5 Uses short Helps undress Parallel play, takes
goes up and tower block, sentences himself favorite toys to bed
down stairs with writes
both feet on vertical lines
same step
2 ½ years 20 temporary Tiptoes, stands Piles 7-8 Rides tricycle, throws
teeth on one foot blocks ball
3 years Trusting three Walks backwards Uses scissors, Speaks fluently Knows family Cooperative/Associative Feeds self well, Begins
copies circles using longer name,sings simple Games, Pedals well to have food jags
sentences songs, knows own
4 years Furious four Jumps and Copies Exaggerates Knows how old he is,
climbs well squares, and boasts names colors
5 years Frustrating Runs skillfully Copies Talks Knows relatives,
five, “I can triangles, constantly aunts, uncles,
and you prints letters, cousins
can’t” stage draws
pictures of a
man, ties
shoe lace
6 years Years of Clumsy Recognizes Fixed speech, Beginning interest in
expansion of movement and draws all may use slang, God
physical and because of shapes may swear
psychological fatigue
7 years Assimilative Wiggles loose Copies a Enjoys teasing, has Competitive Games
quieting down teeth diamond high standards for
period family
8 years Expansive Smoother Writes more Counts Normal homosexual
age, Age of movement than print backwards
9 years Neither a Uses both hands Takes care of Tells time “hero worship”
child nor a independently body correctly
youth completely
10 years Age of special Writes legibly Reasons using Well mannered with Involved in group
talents cause and adults activities
11-12 years Pre- Full of energy, “secret Critical of adults. Joins organization like
adolescent constantly active language” Shares secrets with scouting

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