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XX and XXI century: the era of imbeciles or second age of darkness.

We live in a period of history that will be remembered with several titles,

including this article, or others as the second age of darkness. But in no way be
remembered as an era of optimism.
In simple terms, every human being is driven by three basic needs: the body
(concupiscible), the social group (irascible) and reason, abstract (intellectual). In
parentheses are the words that Plato used in his soul division (mind, spirit, human
personality). Anyway, we spent the historical phase in which the body needs
predominated, where hunger and mating were priorities (it is certainly conceivable
that sin was the excessive use of sex). However, we enter into another phase not less
bleak: the need to follow a group, to influence others or the passive acceptance of
being influenced.
University degrees, titles of nobility, hierarchical positions move the world,
even if the wearer has to say anything new. People seek money, but not know how to
spend it or spend it wrong (and evil or original sin is the excessive use of power,
which leads an individual to influence millions and then to kill millions in gas
Nations leaders, symbols of democracy, act in the despicable acts assaulting
human rights warmongering acts, driven by short-term money, without thinking of the
long-term effects. It is true that statesmen are normal few ones, but in our time i do not
see anyone. Lending programs to the poorer classes take place in Brazil and India but
no one thinks of family planning. Growing and exploding yourself?
When will be a new era of abstract reason, philosophers, rulers? What does need
to carry us for a more elevated level of thinking? Perhaps the answer lies in that
transition between the concupsicible and the irascible age. What happened there? Men
and women prehistoric started to perceive the other communities around? They needed
them as opposed to previous self-sufficiency? Perhaps humanity is tired of war or to
tired to use others humans as means, objects, to achieve their ends? Maybe ...

Antonio Jaques de Matos

Teacher of Philosophy in High School and for adults teachers.
September 9, 2010.
Porto Alegre city, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. South América, Earth planet. Via lactea, Universe...

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