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YEAR 2010-201 - EOI PALMA

 Course book:
During this course we will be using:

 Readers
During the course you will be expected to read...

1r trimestre, hi ha dues opcions:

Brown Eyes, Penguin Readers. Level 1 // The Phantom of the Opera, Oxford Bookworms, Stage 2

2n trimestre, qualsevol llibre de l'editorial:

Oxford Bookworms, Stage 2

3r trimestre, única opció:

Five short plays: Oxford Bookworms, Stage 1.


 Mock exams:
Mock exams will take place around Christmas and Easter time. They will have different
They help students prepare for final examination in May.
Students will get ‘feedback’ from the 5 skills (reading/writing/listening/speaking/use of
Having a “pass” in these exams does not mean passing final examination.

 Final examination
This fina examination will evaluate students from the 5 skills:
• Comprensió oral – listening (20% )
• Comprensió escrita – reading (20% )
• Expressió oral – speaking (20% )
• Expressió escrita – writing (20% )
• Competència gramatical – grammar (20%)

Complementariament al material treballat a classe, i com a portal per a penjar la feina feta,
consultar recursos online, o llegir el que fan els companys, teniu a la vostra disposició el següent
blog, per a us exclusiu del nivell Bàsic 1:

 Attendance

For any problem or questions you may have, I provide you with my email so you can reach me.
Simply write your full name, your course and, of course, your questions or doubts. I will answer
back as soon as possible.

Enjoy the course!

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