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a consequence of enough X that Y

a debate over except for

a responsibility to fascinated by

allows for identical with

as X as to Y in contrast to

ask X to Y in danger of

associate with independent from

based on indifferent towards

believed X to be Y insist that

better served by X than by Y interaction of

centers on just as X, so Y

compare to (similarities) mandate that

compare with (differences) mistake X for Y

concerned with modeled after

consider X Y (without 'to be') not so much X as Y

contend that not X but rather Y

contrast X with Y noted that

credited with potential to

declare X Y rates for (not 'of')

declare Y X requiring that X Y

demand that requiring X to Y

depends on whether resulting in

determined by retroactive to

differ from so as not to be hindered by

different from so X s to (be) Y

disagree with so X as to constitute Y

dispute whether the more X the greater Y

distinguish between X and Y X enough to Y

distinguish X from Y X out of Y (numbers)

doubt that X regarded as Y

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