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1-3-1 Zone Defense

Advantages of the 1-3-1:

• Keep the ball out of the scoring area
• Make the opposition take poorer percentage shots from the outside
• Control the tempo of the game
• People do not practice to play against a 1-3-1
• Good rebounding zone - have the inside triangle set

1-3-1 General set up and positioning:

• 1 - is the point of our zone
• 2/4 - are the wings of our zone
• 5 - is the middle of our zone
• 3 - is our baseline runner

1 – Point (small guard)

¾ Pressure the ball when it is out front in the middle of the court
¾ Sag to cut off passes to the high post area when the ball is at the wing or corner
¾ Take away sideline pass out when we are trapping the corner
¾ Long rebounder - do not crash the boards - stay at the free throw line to get long

2/4 – Wings (off guard and wing)

¾ Pressure the ball when it is on your side of the court
¾ Sag and become weakside defender and rebounder when the ball goes away
from your side
¾ when the ball is passed to the corner, sag to the middle or deny the wing
depending on the situation. Trap the ball when it is in your corner if the trap is
¾ Take “long pass” if the trap is on in the opposite corner

5 – Middle (post)
¾ Overplay/deny anyone in the middle of the zone - high post area
¾ Block out the player in the middle when a shot is taken
¾ Cut off passes to the middle when the trap is “on”
¾ If no one is in the middle, then open up, take up space and look for cutters
coming into the middle

4 - Baseline runner (most mobile of wing type players)

¾ Cover corner to corner
¾ Help out the middle man when there is an overload and it no one is in your area
¾ Trap the ball in the corner when the trap is “on”
¾ Protect the low post low side when the ball is at the wing
¾ Block out and then crash the boards
General rules:
1. Stance - with hands up
2. Watch the eyes of the passer
3. Always play pressure man to man when the ball is in your area
4. If there is no one in your area - look to play up the middle
5. Move on the flight of the ball - do not watch the ball!
6. Keep the ball out of the lane - contest all passes going into the lane. Our goal is
to give up only challenged perimeter shots
7. Challenge all shots!
8. Block out anyone in your area - if no one them crash the boards

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