Listening 2

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unit 1

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Mary Today is Friday. It’s winter vacation! (A) We like to go to the beach in warm weather.
Dad You sound very excited. (B) We have to wait for someone to help us.
Mary Yes. When are we going to Uncle Wayne’s (C) She is excited about going swimming.
house? (D) It’s cold and snowy during winter.
Dad How about the day after tomorrow?
Mary Awesome! I can’t wait to see him and
learn to snowboard. I should take lots of Quiz B
warm clothes.
5. I want to go someplace warm.
Dad You’ll have a great time this winter.
6. When should we go?

Dialog 2
Quiz C
Mom Where should we go for winter vacation?
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Sam I want to go someplace warm.
Mom How about going to Hawaii? It’s warm B Today is Saturday. It’s winter vacation.
there. G We are going to California tomorrow. It will
Sam That would be great. Dad can teach me to be warm there.
surf. B You sound very excited.
Mom When should we go? G Yes, I can’t wait! I’m going to learn to surf.
Sam How about going tomorrow? I can’t wait!

Quiz D
Note-taking Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
Mary Today is the first day of winter vacation. G It’s winter vacation and we are going to
I’m so excited! The day after tomorrow, we Florida. We will leave the day after tomorrow.
will go to River City. My best friend Pam I’m excited because I will visit Disney World.
will go to Germany with her grandparents, I can’t wait. It will be great!
and Peter will go to Mexico City.

Questions & Answers 1. When should we leave?
1. a. Where do you want to go? 2. I want to go someplace warm.
b. New York would be fun. 3. Where should we go?
4. How about the day after tomorrow?
2. a. Why do you want to go to Spain? 5. I can’t wait.
b. Because my grandmother lives there. 6. You sound very excited.
7. When are we going?
3. a. When should we leave? 8. You’ll have a great time.
b. We should go tomorrow. 9. When are we going to Grandmother’s house?
10. How about going to Hawaii?
4. a. What do you want to do there?
b. I want to play tennis.

unit 2

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Mary When are you leaving for Hawaii, Sam? (A) They leave home every morning.
Sam The day after tomorrow. I can’t wait! (B) The flight was only two hours long.
Mary How long will you stay there? (C) He packed too many clothes in his bag.
Sam For about a week. How about you? Where (D) We bring our bikes when we take trips.
are you going?
Mary I’ll be at my uncle’s house for two weeks.
Sam Well, have a nice trip. Quiz B
Mary Thanks. You, too!
5. I’m leaving tomorrow. How about you?
6. How long will you stay there?

Dialog 2
Peter How long will you stay in Germany, Pam? Quiz C
Pam For about a month. How about you, Peter?
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
How long will you spend in Mexico?
Peter I’ll be in Mexico for about three weeks. B Where are you going for summer vacation?
Pam When are you leaving? G I’m staying at home. How about you?
Peter My flight leaves tomorrow. How about you? B I am going to New York.
Pam Me, too. G How long will you stay there?
Peter Have a nice trip, Pam. B I’ll be in New York for about two weeks.
Pam You, too. G Have a great trip.

Note-taking Quiz D

Joe I’m staying home for winter vacation. All my Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
friends are leaving. Mary is going to her B I’m so excited! It’s winter vacation. I will
uncle’s house today. Pam is leaving for leave for Germany tomorrow. My cousins and
Germany tomorrow. And Sam’s flight for I will go snowboarding. I can’t wait!
Hawaii is the day after tomorrow. I hope
they all have nice trips!
1. When are you going to Spain?
Questions & Answers 2. Me, too.
1. a. Where are you going this winter? 3. How about you?
b. New York. How about you? 4. How long will you stay there?
5. My flight leaves tomorrow.
2. a. When are you leaving for New York? 6. Have a nice trip.
b. Tomorrow. 7. Where are you going?
8. I’ll be in Mexico for about three weeks.
3. a. How long will you stay there? 9. When do you leave?
b. For about two weeks. 10. I’m staying at home.

4. a. Who are you going with?

b. With my parents.

unit 3

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Mom What are you packing for the trip, Mary? (A) My pants keep my legs warm.
Mary Some winter clothes. (B) She is wearing striped socks.
Mom How many sweaters did you pack? (C) I wear shoes when I take a walk.
Mary I packed four sweaters. Do I need anything (D) She has a lot of clothes in her closet.
Mom Don’t forget to pack some warm pants and
long underwear. Quiz B
Mary OK, good idea. Oh, and I should take warm
5. What else should I take?
socks, too.
6. Don’t forget to pack a hat.

Dialog 2
Quiz C
Mom Are you nearly ready, Sam?
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Sam Yes, I’m done. Oh, no. I nearly forgot my
green pants. W What are you packing?
Mom I think they’re in the closet. B Some warm clothes.
Sam Yes, I found them. Do I need anything W Did you pack a hat and your boots?
else? B I packed a hat, but I almost forgot my boots.
Mom You should take a jacket. It might get cool. W And don’t forget some socks.
Mary OK. Thanks, Mom. Anything else?
Mom You should also pack some socks. And
don’t forget your new swimsuit. Quiz D
Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
G I’m packing for my trip to Hawaii. It will be
Note-taking warm, so I’m packing some T-shirts. I’m not
Mary I’m packed and ready for my trip. It’s going taking a coat, but I am taking two swimsuits.
to be cold in River City. So, I packed some
long underwear, lots of socks, and four
sweaters. I also packed some winter Homework
pants. Oh, no! I almost forgot my ski hat 1. Don’t forget to pack a coat.
and winter coat. 2. What are you packing?
3. Are you nearly ready?
4. Yes, I’m done.
Questions & Answers 5. I packed my boots.
1. a. Where did you go for your last trip? 6. I almost forgot my shoes.
b. I went to New York. 7. Do I need anything else?
8. Why are you taking gloves?
2. a. What did you take? 9. How many T-shirts did you pack?
b. Some sweaters and some socks. 10. You should take some socks.

3. a. How many hats did you pack?

b. I packed one.

4. a. Why did you take sweaters?

b. It was cold.

unit 4

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Flight attendant Hi. How can I help you? (A) My favorite drink is orange juice.
Pam I’m really thirsty. May I have (B) Airplanes have lots of seats.
something to drink? (C) Sometimes, I eat cookies for a snack.
Flight attendant Sure. What would you like? (D) You need a ticket to get on an airplane.
Pam Some orange juice, please.
Flight attendant You look nervous. Try to relax.
Pam I am. It’s my first flight. Quiz B
Flight attendant Can I get you anything else?
5. How can I help you?
Pam May I have a snack, too, please?
6. Is this your first flight?

Dialog 2
Quiz C
Flight attendant Can I help you? You look nervous.
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Sam It’s my first flight, and I can’t find
my seat. B Can I see your ticket?
Flight attendant May I see your ticket? G Here it is. My seat is 13A.
Sam Sure. Here you are. B Oh, I’m 13B. You are sitting next to me.
Flight attendant Ah, 13A. This is your seat. Do you G Oh, good. I’m nervous about this flight.
need a hand with your bag? B Relax. It will be fun.
Sam No, thanks. I’m OK.
Flight attendant Try to relax and enjoy the flight.
I’ll serve drinks and snacks later. Quiz D
Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
B I took a flight today. I was nervous, but it was
Note-taking OK. A nice woman helped me find my seat.
Peter Today was my first time riding on an She gave me a drink and a snack. I had cola
airplane. I was nervous, but it was a lot of and some oranges, so I was happy. The flight
fun. My ticket said my seat was 1B, and a took two hours.
nice woman helped me find my seat. She
also gave me lemonade. I didn’t have any
snacks. Homework
1. May I see your ticket?
2. Do you need a hand?
Questions & Answers 3. What would you like to drink?
1. a. What is your seat number? 4. Try to relax.
b. It’s 9C. 5. Enjoy the flight.
6. May I have something to eat?
2. a. How many bags do you have? 7. Can I get you anything else?
b. I have one. 8. It’s my first flight.
9. How can I help you?
3. a. How can I help you? 10. How many bags do you have?
b. May I have a snack, please?

4. a. What would you like to drink?

b. May I have some cola, please?

unit 5

Dialog 1 Quiz A
(A) I like to play in my room.
Pam Can I go play computer games in the
(B) This building has 20 floors.
(C) The lobby is on the first floor of the hotel.
Grandpa Well, OK. But remember, Pam, we’re
(D) This is the key for my hotel room.
going to have lunch in the restaurant
Pam It’s on the 12th floor, right?
Quiz B
Grandpa Let me check. Yes, that’s right. And don’t
forget to take your room key. 5. I have to go.
Pam I have it here. See you later, Grandpa. 6. How’s your vacation going?

Dialog 2 Quiz C
Mary Hi, Sam! How’s your vacation going? Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Sam Just great! How about you, Mary? B Where is your room?
Mary Me, too. We have a room on the 10th G It’s on the 8th floor. How about you?
floor. B Me, too. Do you have games in the lobby?
Sam We are on the 4th floor. The hotel is near G No. But my room is really big.
a mall. It’s great! B Mom is calling me. I have to go.
Mary And we can play computer games in the G OK, talk to you later.
Sam Cool! I have to go. It’s time for lunch.
Mary OK. Talk to you later. Bye. Quiz D
Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
Note-taking G My room is on the 9th floor. Dad let me have
the room key. I met two girls in the lobby.
Sam Hi, Grandma! Our vacation is going just
We’re going to play in their room later. It’s on
great! I like my room. It’s on the 4th floor.
the 15th floor.
It’s really big, and I have my own key.
There’s a computer in my room with lots
of cool games.
1. Don’t forget your room key.
Questions & Answers 2. How is your vacation going?
3. What’s in your room?
1. a. Where is your room?
4. It’s on the first floor, right?
b. It’s on the sixth floor.
5. I have to go.
6. Where is your room?
2. a. How is your room?
7. We can wait in the lobby.
b. It’s great!
8. My room is really big.
9. We’re staying on the 4th floor.
3. a. How’s your vacation going?
10. Talk to you later.
b. I’m having a fantastic time.

4. a. What is in your room?

b. We have computer games.

unit 6

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Dad Are you ready to order, Mary? (A) The birds are very hungry.
Mary Not yet, Dad. I don’t know what to order. (B) He is ordering dinner.
Dad I’m having steak. How about steak? (C) I like pie for dessert.
Mary OK, but I want to eat a yummy dessert, (D) The steak is yummy.
Dad Maybe you’ll be too full to eat dessert.
Mary No, I’m really hungry. I can eat dessert. Quiz B
Dad Then, we are ready to order.
5. I’m still hungry.
6. Are you ready to order?

Dialog 2
Mom How was your meal, Sam? Quiz C
Sam It was really yummy, Mom. But I’m still
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Mom Have some more potatoes. B How was your birthday dinner?
Sam But I want to order dessert. G Great. We had pizza, hamburgers, and
Mom OK, let’s look at the dessert menu. French fries.
Sam Can we order ice cream? B Sounds yummy. Did you have dessert, too?
Mom OK, but not for me. I’m full. G We had ice cream and cake. But I didn’t eat
any cake.
B Why not?
Note-taking G I was full.

Mary We ate in a restaurant today. Dad and I

ordered steak. It was really yummy. Mom Quiz D
ate a hamburger. I ordered ice cream and
chocolate cake for dessert. I was very Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
hungry before dinner, but now I am full. G We went to a restaurant yesterday. I ate
steak. It was OK, but not yummy. I ordered
chocolate cake, too. But I was full. I couldn’t
Questions & Answers finish it.

1. a. Are you ready to order?

b. Yes. A steak and French fries, please.

2. a. Would you like something to drink? 1. Are you ready to order?

b. Yes. Orange juice, please. 2. I’m full.
3. I’m ready to eat dessert.
3. a. What do you want for dessert? 4. I’m still hungry.
b. Can I have chocolate cake? 5. How was your meal?
6. What do you want for dessert?
4. a. How was your meal? 7. Would you like something to drink?
b. It was really good. 8. Can I have ice cream?
9. Did you have dessert?
10. Have some more steak.

unit 7

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Woman What’s the matter? You look lost. (A) She saw the sign for the restroom.
Mary Yes, I can’t find my mom. I went to the (B) The boy is sad because he’s lost.
restroom. Now, I can’t see her. (C) Go through this entrance to get into the
Woman It’s OK. Let’s call her. What’s your mom’s building.
phone number? (D) I call my friends on this cell phone.
Mary It’s 883-9900.
Woman I’ll call her. Wait here by the restroom
entrance. Don’t move. Don’t get lost Quiz B
5. What’s the matter?
Mary OK. I’ll stay here.
6. What’s your mom’s phone number?

Dialog 2
Quiz C
Dad What’s the matter, Sam?
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Sam I went to the restroom. Then, I got lost.
Dad It’s OK now. I was waiting near the W What’s the matter? Are you lost?
entrance. B I can’t find my dad. I went to look at CDs. I
Sam I was scared. I couldn’t find you. can’t see him.
Dad Next time, ask someone to call me. You W What’s your dad’s phone number?
know my phone number. B It’s 223-3932.
Sam OK. It’s easy to get lost. W OK, let’s call him on my cell phone.
B Thanks.

Quiz D
Mary We went to the zoo today, and I got lost. I
couldn’t find Mom. I was scared, but I Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
didn’t cry. She was waiting by the B I got lost at the mall today. I couldn’t find my
entrance, but I was waiting in the dad. He went to the restroom. I was looking
restroom. A kind lady called her for me. I at T-shirts. A lady called him on her cell
went to the entrance with the lady. phone. He came to find me. Then, he bought
me a T-shirt.

Questions & Answers

1. a. Who couldn’t you find?
b. My dad. 1. What’s the matter?
2. Don’t move.
2. a. Where did you get lost? 3. You look lost.
b. In the supermarket. 4. It’s 223-3732.
5. Wait here by the entrance.
3. a. What is your mom’s phone number? 6. What’s your dad’s phone number?
b. It’s 298-9938. 7. I’ll call your mom on my cell phone.
8. I got lost at the zoo.
4. a. Who helped you when you got lost? 9. Please wait here.
b. A neighbor did. 10. Next time, ask someone to call me.

unit 8

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Mary Is this the bus stop for the tour? (A) He’s sitting at the bus stop.
Dad Yes, it is. It will take us to the museum. (B) The museum is in an old building.
Mary Are the dinosaur statues scary? I’m (C) His face is scary.
worried. (D) This is a statue of a boy.
Dad Well, maybe you’ll see a scary statue. But
it’s OK, Mary. It isn’t real.
Mary I see. Dad, can you take my picture? Quiz B
Dad Sure. Say “cheese.”
5. Can you take my picture?
6. Two adults and one child, please.

Dialog 2
Dad Hello. Two adults and one child, please. Quiz C
We’re on the tour.
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Clerk That’ll be $25, please.
Mary Dad, I’m worried. That statue is scary. B I went on a dinosaur museum tour on the
Dad It’s OK, Mary. It’s not real. Look at this weekend.
cute little dinosaur statue over here. G Cool. How was the museum?
Mary OK. This isn’t scary. B It was fantastic. We got a bus at the bus stop
Dad Can you take my picture near this statue near my school.
with big teeth? G Oh. What did you see at the museum?
Mary Sure. Say “cheese.” B Lots of cool dinosaur statues. I took lots of
G I don’t like dinosaurs. They are scary.
Mary We went on a tour today. We went to the Quiz D
dinosaur museum. My favorite statues
were a cute baby dinosaur and its mother. Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
A statue of a dinosaur with big teeth was B The dinosaur museum tour was great. We
really scary. We took lots of pictures in the waited at the bus stop for the tour bus. I saw
museum. Then, we went to the bus stop to statues of some scary men and a really big
wait for the bus. dinosaur with long legs. I wasn’t scared, but
my friend Jane was.

Questions & Answers

1. a. Where did you go?
b. I went to a dinosaur museum. 1. Sure. Say “cheese.”
2. It’s scary.
2. a. What did you see at the museum? 3. What did you see at the museum?
b. I saw many statues. 4. Can you take my picture?
5. What was your favorite thing?
3. a. What was your favorite thing there? 6. My favorite was a statue of a baby dinosaur.
b. My favorite thing was a statue of a baby 7. Two adults and one child, please.
dinosaur. 8. It’s OK. It’s not real.
9. Is this the bus stop for the tour?
4. a. How did you go to the zoo? 10. That statue is really scary.
b. By bus.

unit 9

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Sam Oh, no! Look at the weather. It’s pouring. (A) The basement is down there. It looks scary.
Mom Oh, my. Well, we can’t go out today, (B) Even when it rains, we can swim in the
Sam. It’s too wet. indoor pool.
Sam What a drag! Can we go to the indoor (C) The road is wet after a rainstorm.
pool on the 5th floor? (D) It’s pouring outside now.
Mom Sure. And afterwards, we can go play
video games in the basement.
Quiz B
Sam Can we have ice cream, too?
Mom Only if you promise to be good. 5. Do we have to stay indoors?
6. Can we have ice cream?

Dialog 2
Quiz C
Grandpa Wow, Pam! Just look at the rain. It’s
pouring. Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Pam What a drag! Do we have to stay G Dad, it’s pouring today.
indoors? M Wow, yes. Well, we can’t go out today.
Grandpa I’m afraid so. It’s too wet to be outside G What a drag! Do we have to stay indoors?
today. How about going to the indoor M I’m afraid so. But we can order pizza for
pool? lunch if you want.
Pam The pool on the 2nd floor? OK. Can we G Great. And let’s have ice cream afterwards.
play video games afterwards? Can I play computer games?
Grandpa I don’t know. M You can play computer games this morning.
Pam Please, Grandpa. But only if you promise to be good.
Grandpa Only if you promise to be good. G I promise!

Note-taking Quiz D
Sam It was pouring today, so we stayed in the Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
hotel. But we still had fun. We went to
G We had to stay in today, because it was
the indoor pool in the morning. Then, we
pouring. It was so wet outside. But it was
ate lunch and ice cream. Afterwards, we
OK. We played video games in the morning.
played video games in the basement. It
We ordered a pizza for lunch. After lunch, we
was great.
went to the indoor pool in our hotel. It was
fun. Afterwards, we ate ice cream.
Questions & Answers
1. a. How’s the weather today? Homework
b. It’s pouring.
1. We can’t go out today.
2. What a drag!
2. a. What do you do when it’s pouring?
3. Can we have ice cream?
b. I play computer games.
4. Only if you promise to be good.
5. I’m afraid so.
3. a. What is your favorite weather?
6. It’s pouring.
b. I like sunny days.
7. How about going to the indoor pool?
8. We can order a pizza for lunch.
4. a. What weather don’t you like?
9. Can we go play video games afterwards?
b. I don’t like rainy days.
10. Do we have to stay indoors?

unit 10

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Uncle Wayne What’s the matter? You don’t look too (A) The woman has a stomachache.
good, Mary. (B) She helps people in the pharmacy.
Mary My head feels hot and I have a (C) She has a headache.
headache. (D) You should take medicine when you are sick.
Uncle Wayne Let me feel your forehead. Oh, it is
Mary And I have a stomachache, too. Quiz B
Uncle Wayne I’ll buy some medicine at the
5. My head feels hot.
pharmacy. You’d better stay in today.
6. You’d better stay in today.
Mary OK. I guess you are right.

Quiz C
Dialog 2
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Peter Mom, I don’t feel very good.
Mom Well, you don’t look too good. Let me W You don’t look too good.
feel your forehead. B My head is hot.
Peter My head feels hot. W Let me feel your forehead. Oh, it’s very hot.
Mom Yes, your head is very hot. You’d better B Can I stay home today? I don’t want to go
stay in today, Peter. out.
Peter I guess you are right. Do I need some W Yes, you’d better stay in today. And take this
medicine? medicine.
Mom Yes. Dad can go to the pharmacy. B OK, I guess you are right.

Note-taking Quiz D

Mary I didn’t feel good yesterday. I had a Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
terrible headache and a bad B I had a stomachache and a headache. Mom
stomachache, too. Uncle Wayne felt said my forehead was very hot. She gave me
my forehead. He said it was hot. He medicine from the pharmacy. She said I had
gave me some medicine from the better stay in today. But I wanted to play with
pharmacy. I stayed in all day. my friend and eat candy. I hate feeling sick.

Questions & Answers Homework

1. a. When was the last time you were sick? 1. I don’t feel very good.
b. It was in April. 2. I feel terrible.
3. My head feels hot.
2. a. What was the matter? 4. Let me feel your forehead.
b. I had a headache. 5. I guess you are right.
6. I’ll get some medicine at the pharmacy.
3. a. What did you do? 7. Take this medicine.
b. I took medicine. 8. You’d better stay in today.
9. I have a headache.
4. a. Where did you stay? 10. Do I need some medicine?
b. I stayed at home.

unit 11

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Peter What’s a good souvenir, Mom? (A) This is a souvenir of my trip to France.
Mom What about a T-shirt, Peter? This gift shop (B) They are buying a present in the gift shop.
has some cute T-shirts. (C) This ring looks very expensive.
Peter How much is that one? (D) I keep my keys on a keychain like this.
Mom It’s $25.
Peter It’s kind of expensive.
Mom Well, this keychain is cheap. Why don’t you Quiz B
buy it?
5. What’s a good souvenir of London?
6. Here’s your change.

Dialog 2
Mary Excuse me, what’s a good souvenir of Quiz C
River City?
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Man What about a cute keychain? Lots of people
buy keychains. B This is a great gift shop. They have lots of
Mary How much is this one? Is it expensive? cool souvenirs.
Man No, it’s cheap. It’s $1.50. G Yeah, but it’s a little expensive.
Mary Here’s $2. B Really? How much is this keychain?
Man Thank you. Here’s your change---50 cents. G Oh, it’s only $1. That’s pretty cheap.
B I’m going to get six keychains. How about
Note-taking G I’ll get two.

Pam Today, I went to the gift shop to buy

souvenirs. I got a cute T-shirt for Mary. It Quiz D
was a little expensive, but she will like it. I
got keychains for Peter and Sam. And I got Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
a hat for Grandpa. G I got some cool souvenirs today at the gift
shop. They had lots of cheap things. I got
Pam a cute snowboard keychain. And I got
Questions & Answers pen keychains for Peter and Sam.

1. a. Where did you go on your trip?

b. I went to Sydney.

2. a. What did you get? 1. How much is this?

b. A really cool keychain and T-shirt. 2. Here’s your change.
3. Where’s the gift shop?
3. a. How much was the T-shirt? 4. What’s a good souvenir of New York?
b. It was $12. 5. It’s a little expensive.
6. What about a cute T-shirt?
4. a. What’s a good souvenir of Sydney? 7. What’s a cheap souvenir?
b. A hat is a good souvenir. 8. I’ll get some keychains and a hat.
9. How much is this pen?
10. What souvenirs did you get?

unit 12

Dialog 1 Quiz A
Peter Hi, Mary! How was your vacation? (A) I visited my relatives during the holidays.
Mary Yes, Peter. It was pretty cool. Did you get (B) To send a letter, put it in the mailbox.
the postcard I sent you? (C) Look at the nice postcards.
Peter No. I sent you a postcard, too. Did you do (D) I keep all my photos in this album.
anything fun in River City?
Mary I learned snowboarding. Check out my Quiz B
Peter Yeah, let me see them. This is a nice 5. Did you do anything fun in Hawaii?
album. 6. How was your vacation?
Mary I got it in River City. I really want to go
back there. Quiz C
Questions 7 and 8 are about the following dialog.
Dialog 2
B Hi, Judy. How was your vacation?
Sam Hi, Pam! How was Germany? Did you do G Great. How about you?
anything fun? B It was pretty cool. Did you do anything fun?
Pam It was fun to see my relatives in Germany. G I learned snowboarding and took lots of
I went skiing, too. How about you, Sam? photos.
Sam Hawaii was pretty cool. I want to go back B Did you get any souvenirs?
one day. I sent lots of postcards. G No, but I sent some postcards.
Pam Oh, yeah? Hey, check out my photos.
Sam Cool. Let me see them.
Quiz D
Pam This keychain is for you. It’s a souvenir of
Germany. Questions 9 and 10 are about the following speech.
Sam Thanks! G I can’t wait to go back to River City. I had a
really cool vacation there. I learned
Note-taking snowboarding, and I got lots of great
souvenirs. Mom gave me an album for my
Pam My friends all came home from vacation.
photos. And I sent postcards to all my
Everyone wants to go back someday. We
all had a great time. Mary and Peter sent
me postcards. Sam gave me a hat from
Hawaii. I gave everyone keychains. Homework
1. How was your vacation?
Questions & Answers 2. Where did you go for winter vacation?
3. Did you do anything fun?
1. a. Where did you go for summer
4. It was pretty cool.
5. I want to go back to Germany.
b. I went to Tokyo.
6. Check out my photos.
7. Let me see them.
2. a. Who did you go with?
8. I learned snowboarding.
b. I went with my relatives.
9. It was fun to see my relatives.
10. Did you get the postcard I sent you?
3. a. Did you do anything cool there?
b. I went swimming.

4. a. What souvenirs did you buy?

b. I got pens for my friends.


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