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International Trade Certificate

 How to apply for a course exemption
 How to request a certificate

Free trade; e-commerce; foreign exchange; cross-border shopping; doing business with
Asia, Latin America or the European Community – all of these involve international trade.
This complex and sophisticated field requires many skills beyond those used in domestic
marketing. This certificate prepares you to deal proficiently and professionally with
products, services and customers in international environments. For more information,
call 416-415-5000, ext. 2163, or e-mail
Career Opportunities: 
You can expect rapidly expanding job opportunities in international trade as the field
grows along with globalization. The Canadian government is committed to continuing this
expansion by supporting international trade initiatives. This certificate is valuable to
anyone who wants to work in international banking or finance, trade-related federal and
provincial government agencies, e-commerce, multinational corporations, import/export,
customs houses or international freight and transportation. Graduates might also start
their own e-commerce or import/export businesses.
You must be proficient in oral and written English.
Advanced Standing: 
Graduates of this certificate may move on to the Advanced International Trade Certificate.

Compulsory Courses (Five)

One of the following:
COMM 1008   College English
COMM 1138   College English (distance education)
DIST 9006   Import/Export Procedures
MARK 9043   International Market Culture
MARK 9042   International Marketing
IT 9015   International Traffic and Transportation I
Elective Courses (Choose Three)
FIN 9012   International Banking and Finance
BUS 9087   International Economics
BUS 9084   International Entrepreneurship
BUS 9085   International Trade Finance and Documentation

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