Kashmir 2010

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Kashmir Today

Jammu, Thursday, 23 September 2010, 10.55 p.m. About 105 deaths of precious
human lives have occurred during last 105 days in Kashmir valley amidst curfews, stone
pelting, encounters, shooting and bomb blasts etc. About four persons died when all party
team’s visit took place on 18/19 September 2010.
On the one hand cry is for “aazadi” while, on the other hand, Panun Kashmir
leaders express, “Opposing the voices demanding withdrawal of the Armed Forces
Special Powers Act from the Valley, an organisation of Kashmiri Pandits favours that the
army should instead be given more power "to quell the turmoil" triggered by separatists.
We reject the demands of autonomy and revocation of AFSPA from Jammu and
Kashmir. The army should instead be given more powers to quell the turmoil triggered by
separatists and their supporters"
Curfews are clamped and relaxed but it remains most of the time. It seems as if
violence has become an industry and business for a handful of people while they exploit
the common masses and Kashmiri youth. Youth demands freedom but they do not know
what this freedom and autonomy means. They are apparently getting money to raise such
slogans. Top leaders from all political parties within Kashmir and outside do not lose
anything of their own. Only common masses suffer.
It is a piquant situation. Kashmir was never an issue or a problem till 1946. After
26 October 1947, it has become a problem and it is becoming ever more complex. Who is
the looser? Masses or People?
Pakistan occupied large parts of Kashmir in 1947 when tribal raiders attacked
India from Pakistani territory. United Nations then asked Pakistan to vacate this territory.
Pakistan has not done so till today. Yet Pakistan asks India not to regard Kashmir as an
integral part of India!

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