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In one small question we have the biggest question in the world. Who is God? What
is He like? Our country is full of people who are asking these questions, and they have not
found its answer. But God has revealed Himself to mankind through creation. God wants
people to know who He is and has shown Himself clearly because ‘He is a rewarder of those
who diligently seek Him.

 GOD is the CREATOR of the world and things in it. Therefore anything made by a
man cannot be God.
 It is GOD Himself who gives to all, life and breath and all things; He is not served by
human hands as though He needed anything since all things come from Him.
Therefore anything that requires things from men cannot be God.
 It is GOD who made from one blood every nation of mankind to live on all the face
of the earth having definitely determined their allotted periods their habitation-their
settlements, lands and abodes.
 God is not far from any one of us. Man should seek GOD in the hope that he might
find Him. Therefore man need not travel from one place to another to find GOD.
 We are GOD’s offspring’s therefore we ought not to suppose that God is like gold or
silver or stone, a representation by human art and imagination or anything
constructed or invented.
 GOD is spirit. Those who worship Him should worship Him in spirit and in truth and
not with dead formalism.
 GOD is Omni potent – all powerful. But power (Shakthi) is not GOD
 GOD is Omni present – He is everywhere at once. Therefore the one who is coming
and going or that which is fixed in one place is not GOD.
 GOD is omniscient – all knowing. But knowledge is not God.
 God is unchanging
 God is self existent; He has never created and needs nothing from anyone else.
 God is eternal – He has no beginning and no end.
 God is love but love is not God.
 God is light but light is not God.
 God is spirit but not all spirits are God.

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