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Mr. Ariel E.


OIC- Regional Director

National Statistics Office

MJ Cuenco Avenue, Cebu City

Thru: Ms. Hera B. Huarez

SCO I- Outlet Supervisor

NSO Cebu Serbilis Outlet

Dear Sir:

Before anything else, allow me to express my sincerest apology for all the disappointments that I had
brought to you. It was a momentary lapse of judgment on my part and I regret doing so.

My experience working for the company is wonderful. You have welcomed me with open arms. Despite
my shortcomings as an employee, you have remained patient and supportive in building me
professionally and personally. For these, I am forever grateful to you and the company. I have always
considered it an honor and privilege to be a part of the family.

I’m filing my resignation letter effective September 30, 2010. It was a difficult decision to make but in
the end I had to be honest to myself and also put the company’s interest in mind.

Once again, thank you for all the invaluable lessons you have taught me and making me a part of the
company. I will be missing you and the whole team as well.

Sincerely yours,

Dave R. Barangan

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