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Stephen R Covey
A Roger Merrill
and Rebecca R Merrill

Presentation y:
Rohan Wadikar, MMM Batch II
The Clock And The
The Clock The Compass
Commitments Vision
Appointments Values
Schedules Principles
Goals Conscience
Activities Direction

What we do and What we feel is

how we manage our important and how
time. we lead our lives.
Traditional Time Management

 First Generation—notes and checklists

 Second Generation—planning and
 Third Generation—planning, prioritizing
and controlling
First Generation
Go With The Flow

• Based on reminders
• Attempt to keep track of things you do with your time
• Simple notes and checklists
• Carry lists with you and refer to them in order to
• Incomplete tasks put on tomorrow’s list
First Generation (cont)

Strengths Weaknesses
 Flexible  No real structure
 Responsive to people  Things fall through
 Not over-structured cracks
 Less stress  Commitments suffer
 Tracks to-do’s  Little accomplished
 Crisis to crisis
 First things-things
right in front of you
Second Generation
Planning and Preparation

• Calendars and appointment books

• Efficiency in goal setting and planning a head
• Make appointments, write down
commitments, identify deadlines
• May keep information on computer or
Second Generation (cont)
Strengths Weaknesses
 Tracks commitments and  Puts schedule over
appointments people
 More accomplished  Accomplish more of what
through planning and goal you want—not
setting necessarily what is
 More effective meetings needed or fulfilling
and presentations due to  Independent thinking —
preparation see people as means or
 First things – those that
are on the schedule
Third Generation
Planning, Prioritizing and Controlling
 Have spent time clarifying values and priorities
 Set long, medium, and short-term goals to
attain values, prioritizes on a daily basis
 Uses wide variety of planners and organizers,
with detailed forms for daily planning
 Gets more done in less time-- but still feels
Third Generation (cont)
Strengths Weaknesses
 Assumes responsibility  Can lead to false sense
for results of control, pride
 Connects with values  Power of vision untapped
 Taps into the power of  Can lead to guilt,
long, medium, and imbalance of roles
short-term goals  Less
 Translates values into flexibility/spontaneity
goals and actions  First things set by
 Gives structure and urgency and values
order to life
Fourth Generation

Life Leadership
• Puts people a head of schedules, compasses
a head of clocks
• Uses the best of generations 1, 2, and 3
• You want to lead a life of meaning and
contribution, with balance
Understanding Time Management
Urgent Not Urgent
I. II.
 Crises  Preparation / Prevention

 Pressing Problems  Values Clarification

 Deadline driven Projects, 
meetings, preparations  Relation-Ship building
 Empowerment


 Interruption, some phone calls,  Trivia, busywork.

mail, reports, meetings.  Junk Mail

 Many Proximate pressing  Time wasters

matters.  “Escpae” Activities
 Many popular activities.
Understanding Time Management

• Quadrant - I
Manage: the quadrant of necessity; things
are both urgent and important

• Quadrant – II
Leadership and quality: the quadrant of
focus; things are important but not urgent
Understanding Time Management

• Quadrant - III
Avoid : the quadrant of deception; things
are urgent but not important

• Quadrant - IV
Avoid: the quadrant of waste; things are
neither important nor urgent
To Live, To Love, To Learn,
To Leave a Legacy
What are First Things and How we put
them first in our live ?

The following Ideas answer the question :

Fulfillment of human Need and Capacities
The Reality of True North Principles
The Potentiality of four Human Endowments
To Live, To Love, To Learn,
To Leave a Legacy
Fulfillment Of Human
Need And Capacities
 Physical need – to live

 Social need - to love

 Mental need to learn and

develop – to learn

 Spiritual need – to leave a

To Live, To Love, To Learn,
To Leave a Legacy
Reality Of True North Principle

“True North” is a reality that is independent of us

and it gives us context and meaning to:

Where we are ?
Where we want to go ?
How to get there ?
To Live, To Love, To Learn, To
Leave a legacy
The Potentiality Of Four
Human Endowments

This four human endowments that

reside between space of Stimulus
and Response Create our ultimate
human freedom :
Self Awareness
Power to Chose
Power to Respond Conscience
Power to Change Independent will
Creative Imagination
Move In To Quadrant II
How do I get there?

The Six Step Process

 Connect to your Vision and Mission

 Identify your Roles
 Select Quadrant II goal in each role
 Create a decision making framework for
the week i.e Organize Weekly
 Exercise integrity
 Evaluate
Step 1: Connect With Vision &

Consider the big picture.

The key to this connection lies in the
clarity of your vision around such
questions as:

What is most important?

What gives your life meaning?

What do you want to be and do in your life?

STEP 2: Identify Your Roles

• We have important roles at work, in the

family, in the community, or other areas of
our lives

• Roles represent responsibilities,

relationships, and areas of contribution
STEP 3: Select Quadrant II Goals For
Each Role
• What is the most important thing I could do
for each role this week that would have the
greatest positive impact?

• Consider the relationships for each role

• Review a “perhaps” list for ideas

• Identify the steps that need to be taken to

achieve long-term goals
STEP 3 (cont): To-Do Lists
• List your activities for the day

• Prioritize those activities

• Check for activities that you can accomplish at the

same time

• Break larger activities into smaller ones.

• Include your to-do list in your daily schedule

– The to-do list will help you clarify what you need to
accomplish each day.
– They also help you to accomplish it
STEP 4: Organize Weekly
• Translating high leverage Quadrant II goals requires a

• Most people are always trying to find time for the

important activities in their overflowing Quadrant I / III

• They move things around, delegate, cancel, and

postpone them—all in the hope of finding time for the
first things.

The key however is not to prioritize your

schedule, but to schedule your priorities
Step 4: Organize Weekly (cont)

Distinctive Elements Of Effective

Weekly Goals -
• They can be either an area of focus or a
specific activity.
• They are usually quad II goals rather than
typical “to-do’s” or daily action items
• They are driven by conscience
Step 4: Organize Weekly (cont)
Traditional Scheduling
Step 4: Organize Weekly (cont)
Big Rock Scheduling
Step 5: Exercise Integrity In The Moment
It’s the translation of the mission to the moment with peace and

So, Should I Carry Out My Plan Or Make

Conscience Directed Change?

Following three steps will further enhance

ability to keep first-thing-first

 Preview the day

 Prioritize
 Use T -Planning for the day
Step 5: Exercise Integrity In The
Moment (cont)

Preview your schedule—get your bearings:

– Review your compass
– Look at the day in the context of the week
– Renew your power to respond to changes in a
meaningful way
Step 5: Exercise Integrity In The
Moment (cont)

Prioritize: identify activities as QI or QII—keeps

QIII and IV out of your schedule

• Emphasizes the importance paradigm

• Keeps you aware of choices you make

Must understand that prioritization includes only

items that you’ve put in the framework
Step 5: Exercise Integrity In The
Moment (cont)
T-Planning: time sensitive activities on the
right, any time activities on the left

• Makes for effective schedule decisions

• Helps you remain sensitive to commitments

Best use of your time: remember importance

rather than urgency!
STEP 6: Evaluate

To be successful, you must make

successes of one week the foundation for
the next.
At the end of the week, ask yourself some
o What goals did I achieve?
o What challenges did I encounter?
o What decisions did I make?
o Did I keep “first things first?”
STEP 6: Evaluate (cont)

Different ways to evaluate

• Mark accomplished goals on weekly compass

• Keep a journal or daily log and review
• Review past weekly compasses
• Ask specific questions about your
performance and actions
STEP 6: Evaluate (cont)

Weekly Evaluation
• What did I learn from the week as a
• Am I setting goals that are realistic but
• Have I been effective in work related
• Have I been successful in maintaining a
Quad II perspective?
The Passion Of Vision
We have some vision in our
life and it create

What if our vision is –

• limited
• based on illusion
• partial
• based on Social mirror
The Passion Of Vision (cont)

• Vision that Transforms and


The passion of shared vision empowers

people to transcend the petty negative
interactions that consume so much time and
effort and deplete quality of life.
The Passion Of Vision (cont)

Creating – Leaving- Empowering Mission


• An exercise of creative imagination.

• Getting into your deeper inner life.
• Moment to the Mission

Than just see the legacy of your vision

Balance Of Roles
Balance isn’t either / or its “and”

• Creating Synergy among Role.

• Three paradigms that nurture balance
• Organizing information by role.
• Clarifying expectation around role.
Balance Of Roles (cont)
Three Paradigms that nurture
balance of roles

• Our natural role grow out of our

• Each role is a stewardship.
• Each role contains all four
The Power Of Goals

Ladders Against The Wrong Wall

Some times the goal we achieve are at

the expense of other more important
thing in our life.
The Power Of Goals (cont)

How To Set And Achieve Principle Based

Goals Through

 Conscience
 Creative Imagination
 Self Awareness
 Independent Will
The Power Of Goals (cont)

Centre Of Focus
When we set and Circle Of
achieve goal that are Circle Of
in “Centre Of Focus” Concern

we maximize our time

and effort
The Perspective Of The Week
Integrity In The Moment Of Choice

Think About Three Part Process

• Ask with intent, What is the Right thing to do?

• Listen without Excuse. Listen to your conscience and

do not rationalize when you choose poorly.

• Act with courage.

Learning From Living
Always Remember To :

• Connect to your mission

• Review your Roles Evaluate Organize
• Identify your roles
• Put the important Q II
goals first and schedule
around them Act
• Evaluate your weeks
The People Paradigm

The “People” Paradigm The “Things” Paradigm

• Leadership • Management
• Effectiveness • Efficiency
• Causes • Effects/Symptoms
• Release/Empowerment • Control
• Investment • Expense
• Customer Service • Administrative Efficiency
• Principles • Techniques
• Synergy • Compromise
• Abundance • Scarcity

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