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SURFACE FINISH METROLOGY TUTORIAL T. V. Vorburger Supervisory Physicist Center for Manufactoring Engineering National Institute of Standards and Technology J. Raja Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Mechanics Department Michigan Technological University U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Institute of Standards ‘and Technology Galthrsburg, MD 20899 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Robert A. Mosbacher, Secretary ‘National institute of Standarde ‘and Technology John W. Lyons, Director NOTICE These notes contain figures reprinted with permission from other sources. ‘The figures obtained from other sources may not be duplicated unless permission is obtained from the authors and publishers of the original documents. TNITSCLATMER Certain conmercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this paper in order to specify adequately certain experimental procedures Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the Nacional Insuicuce of standards and Tectmology or Michigan Technological University nor does it imply that the materials or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS unese notes were aevelopea ror a tutorial presentea at tne Uctober 1988 conference of the American Society for Precision Engineering held in Atlanta, Georgia. We are grateful to a munber of people who have contributed materials used in these notes and lectures. They include A. Tabenkin, D.E. Gilsinn, C.H.W. Giauque, F.E. Scire, E.C. Teague, J. Garbini, J.C. Wyant, R.A. Snythe, F. Mason, T.C, Bristow, J.M. Bennett, M.J. Downs, E.L. Church, R Brodmann, R.A. Dragoset, U. Koehler, D.K. Biegelsen, J.A. Detrio, J Zimmerman, D. Risko, B.J. Griffiths, R.D. Young, J. Bielle, 3.B. Gloss, and P. Ackroyd, We are also grateful to F.F. Rudder, Jr., and £.?. Whitenton for suggestions to clarify a number of explanations in the text V.S. Gagne typed and edited the manuscript TABLE OF CONTENTS 1, INTRODUCTION 2. GENERAL IDEAS ABOUT SURFACES . References. 3. THE STYLUS TECHNIQUE . ‘General Transducers... =. . Reulces et et te Key Properties. . . . Seylus Tips . Traverse Mechanisms and Reference Lines . | Pitfalls. ee Kg and Ry B85 6040 Other Properties. Drawing Terminology calibration Sources of Uncertainty. 3-D Profiling References. . 4, PARAMETERS, FUNCTIONS, AND FILTERING Introduction. : constituents of Surface Texture | Measurement of Surface Profile Separation of Waviness and Roughness (Filtering) Surface Tevture Paranetars Statistical Functions . Other Descriptors . References... . 1. 5. SURVEY OF PROFILING TECHNIQUES . . . . Fringe-Field Capacitance : optical sectioning, Interferometry Recent Interferoneters. Focus Detection STM and AFM References. 6, AREA TECHNIQUES. ee Ultrasonies . areal Capacitance | References. 7. FUNCTION. 22.2... ee ee Optics. . . : Hydrodynamic Drag . Aerodynamic Drag. Metalworking. A Surface Texture Information System. References. te APPENDIX A. 16 16 19 19 26 31 35 35 37 al 45 47 51 31 53 65. 3 78 80 83 83, 03 a5 87 9a 98 106 110 110 122 326 128 132 132 134, 134 437 146 150 153

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