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Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund
Meeting minutes
February 8, 2010

The regular meeting for the Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund was
called to order at 6:52 on February,2010 by Ben
Present: Easton, Taylor, Ben, Alex, and Mrs. Chambless, Easton, Joehl, Maison,
Approval of minutes: Joehl made a motion and Maison seconded.
Treasure Report:
Old Business:
 Committee list has been turned in.
 Discussion over flyer design, still did not decide on a flyer.
 Board discussed to display the flyers in East China school district and at
the YMCA.
 Joehl passed out the envelopes with checklist on the front.
 Maison and Easton both have 6 committee members, Taylor has 12, and
Ben has 5.
 Committees have to wait for flyer to start their jobs.
 The scholarship is now available for the first year.
 Matt got the donation from New Hope Windward Church in Hawaii.
New Business:
 Discussed over walk – a-thon and Golf Fundraiser.
 Golf fundraiser will be on June 25th
 Goal for walk-a-thon will be in September

Agenda for next meeting:

 Need decision for flyers
 Bracelets should be in.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 by Ben. The next meeting will be on February 22,
2010 at the house.

Minutes by: Taylor Rossi

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