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Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund
Meeting minutes
March 15, 2010
The regular meeting for the Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund was
called to order at 8:15 on March 15,2010 by Ben
Present: Easton, Maison, Taylor, Ben, Alex, Joehl, and Matt.
Approval of minutes: Matt set a motion and Alex seconded motion.
Treasure Report: No treasure report to be announced.
Old Business:
 Committee list turned in with parents E-mails.
 Starting putting up flyers anywhere but school.
 Taylor, Alex, and Matt are going on channel 6 to advertise about the YMCA
 Maison will call Mrs. Beier about pitas and Mr. Pearson about Little
New Business:
 Mrs. Chambless will call all parents about ticket sales.
 Board voted on polo, Alex set a motion and Maison seconded.
 Board went over application, Ben set a motion to take Andrew Rossi and
Bobby Mead applications and get rest of applications and Alex seconded
 Ideas for games: Relay races, shoot out, and noodle race in the pool.
Agenda for next meeting:
 Go over rest of applications.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 by Ben. The next meeting will be March 21, 2010
at Alexs house.

Minutes by: Taylor Rossi

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