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Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund
Meeting minutes
May 3, 2010
The regular meeting for the Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund was
called to order at 7:24 on May 3,2010 by Ben
Present: Easton, Maison, Taylor, Ben, Alex, Mrs. Chambless, Matt, and Mr. Burr.
Approval of minutes: Alex set a motion and Easton seconded motion.
Treasure Report: We have $5,614.75 right now. 41 deposits and $ 1,967 from
Old Business: Discussion over fundraiser.
New Business:
 Write thank you notes.
 Discuss June fundraiser.
 Meeting PH community foundation at 11.
 Saturday at 8 am assign jobs for welding bears during boat races.
Agenda for next meeting:

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 by Ben. The next meeting will be June 17 th at The
country club.

Minutes by: Taylor Rossi

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