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The Bible in a Year

New Testament

Acts 3 to Acts 10
Read this coming week:
Sep 26 Song 5‐8, Ps 80, Acts 3 Sep 27 Isa 1, Ps 81, Acts 4 Sep 28 Isa 2‐4,
Ps 82, Acts 5 Sep 29 Isa 5‐7, Ps 83, Acts 6 Sep 30 Isa 8‐9, Ps 84, Acts 7
Oct 1 Isa 10‐12, Ps 85, Acts 8 Oct 2 Isa 13‐14, Ps 86, Acts 9 Oct 3 Isa 15‐
19, Ps 87, Acts 10

Reading Questions
For next week you’re reading Acts 3 to 10. Answer the
• Who is with Peter when the lame beggar is
healed? (3)
• What does the Council demand of Peter and John?
• What is Gamaliel’s answer to this upstart cult of
Jesus followers? (5)
• Why were 7 men chosen to serve? (6)
• What does most of Stephen’s speech detail? (7)
• Who is Philip ministering to when called to see the
Ethiopian eunuch? (8)
• What is the name of the man who helps Paul after
he is blinded? (9)
• How does Peter know it is ok to baptize Cornelius
and his family? (10)
Acts as Old Testament Remedial
Acts is obviously a history of the early days of the
Christian church. Luke wrote this account so that others
could follow how this movement of following “the way”
of Jesus began. Luke was keen, however, to include in
the telling of Acts – moments where the history of the
movement was fleshed out even earlier than the

During many points of Luke’s Gospel, you see Luke

acting as a master writer, bringing in earlier information
that helps a Gentile to learn that Jesus’ life and ministry,
now being enacted by His Body the Church, began early
in history. One specific point of interest is found in
Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin which details the
entire history of Israel as pointing to Jesus.

If you recall, Luke does this earlier in his Gospel writing

as well, bringing out such points about the Scriptures
pointing to Jesus as when the Emmaus disciples find
that Jesus points out that all the law and prophets point
to His own crucifixion for the sake of the world.

Given the record of Acts, Christians can take heart that

they are not a recent religious movement, but rather
the true continuation of God’s work with His people.
Please don’t throw this away. If you’re not going to use it, leave it for
someone else to use.

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