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It was quiet at first.

Everyone was sound asleep

in their beds, so deep in sleep, not even a hammer on
the wall would wake them. Of course, they weren’t
too heavy of sleepers because they definitely heard
the family of comets, meteors and asteroids making
their way towards the spaceship…

The awful, petrifying sound grew louder, the

sound of near death. No one understood it at first,
that is, until they glanced through their egg-shaped

“Everybody! Stay calm!” shouted a member of

the crew.
Nobody would listen though; the sound that echoed
through the ship overtook the crewmember’s voice.
Everyone ran in all directions, not even the slightest
idea of where to go. I guess fear makes people want to
run. After all it’s all in the movies, people run away.
But in the ship, there was nowhere to go, to hide, and
to run.

The sound grew louder, almost loud enough for it

to be upon them, which it was. Suddenly the ship
rocked. People, instead of running, slid in all
directions as the ship tipped. Then once more, the
ship swerved, but not from a comet, nor a meteor or
an asteroid.

And it continued its journey into space…

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