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The Gar'bttczriart 13oo1t of S'kabows

10 2010 Forgotten Books


Forgotten Books takes the uppermost care to preserve the wording and images from the original book. However, this book has been scanned and reformatted from the original, and as such we cannot guarantee that it is free from errors or contains the ful! content of the original.

10 2010 Forgotten Books I


The Gardnerian Book of Shadows


Gerald Gardner

10 2010 Forgotten Books


First published 50

Republished 2008 by Fo


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"The Book of Shadows is a collection of magical and religious texts of icea and other Neopagan witchcraft traditions, containing the core rituals, magical practices, ethics and philosophy of a Wiccan or other tradition. In Wicca, it is normally pied by hand from the book of one's initiating High Priestess 0 Priest, who copied theirs from their initiator. In modern E lectic Wicean terminology, however, a Book of Shadows is a personal magical journal rather than a traditional text.

Within tra itional lineaged fonns of Wicca there are a number of versions of the Book of Shadows, their contents varying to a greater or lesser degree from the early versions belonging to Gerald Ga ner, who first popularised Wicca. While Gardner seems to h ve originally treated the book as a personal journal, it has com to be considered a religious text in most traditions."

(Quote from

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The Gardnerl n Book of Shadows


IT is mo convenient to mark the circle with chalk, paint or otherw se, to show where it is; but marks on the carpet may be utili ed. Furniture may be placed to indicate the bounds.

The only c rcle that matters is the one drawn before every ceremony ith either a duly consecrated Magic Sword or an Athame. T e circle is usually nine feet in diameter, unless made for some v ry special purpose. There are two outer circles, each six inches a art, so the third circle has a diameter of eleven feet.

1. Having hosen a place proper, take the sickle or scimitar of Art or a W tch's Athame, if thou mayest obtain it, and stick it into the center, then take a cord, and 'twere well to use the Cable Tow or this, and loop it over the Instrument, four and one half fe t, and so trace out the circumference of the circle, which mus be traced either with the Sword, or the knife with the black h It, or it be of little avail, but ever leave open a door towards th North. Make in all 3 circles, one within the other, and write n mes of power between these.

z. First dra circle with Magic Sword or Athame.

3. Consec ate Salt and Water: Touch water with Athame, saying, "I e orcise thee, 0 creature of Water, that thou cast out from Thee II the impurities and uncleannesses of the Spirits of the World f Phantasm, so they may harm me not, in the names of Aradia a d Cernunnos."

4. Touchin Salt with Athame, say, "The Blessings of Aradia and Cernunnos be upon this creature of Salt, and let all malignity

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and hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, an let all good enter herein, for without Thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid e."

5. Then put the Satt into the water.

6. Sprinkle with exorcised water.

7. Light candles; say, "I exorcise thee, 0 Cr ature of Fire, that every kind of Phantasm may retire from the ,and be unable to harm or deceive in any way, in the na es of Aradia and Cernunnos. II

8. Caution initiate (if any); warn companio s; enter circle and close doors with 3 pentagrams.

9. Proclaim object of working

10. Circumambulate 3 times or more before ommencing work.

11. Summon: "I summon, stir, and Call th e up, thou Mighty Ones of the East, South, West, and North" Salute and draw pentacle with Magic Sword or Athame, th first stroke being from the top down to the left.

10 2010 Forgotten Books I


The Gardnerlan Book of Shadows


HIGH Priestess stands in front of A ar, assumes Goddess position (arms crossed). Magus, keeling in front of her, draws pentacle on her body with hallus-headed Wa nd, invokes, III I nvoke a nd beseech Thee, a m ghty Mothe r of a II life and fertility. By seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and flower and fruit, by Life and love, do I in oke Thee to descend into the body of thy servant and High rlestess [name]." The Moon having been drawn down, i.e., li k established, Magus and other men give Fivefold Kiss:

(kissing feet) "Blessed be thy feet, that ave brought thee in these ways";

(kissing knees) II Blessed be thy knees, t at sha II knee I at the sacred altar";

(kissing womb) "Blessed be thy womb, wi hout which We would not be";

(kissing breasts) "Blessed be thy breasts, armed in beauty and in strength";

(kissing lips) "Blessed be thy lips, that s all speak the sacred names."

Women all bow.

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If there be an lnit atlon, then at this time the Magus and the High Priestess in Goddess position (Arms Crossed) says the Charge while the I itiate stands outside the circle.

10 2010 Forgotten Books


The Gardnerlan Book of S adows


MAGUS: "listen to the words of the Great mother, who of old was Iso called among men Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Me usine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana,

Arianrhod, Bride, and y many other names."

High Priestess: "At ine Altars the youth of Lacedaemon in Sparta made due sacr fice. Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month, a d better it be when the moon is full, ye shall assemble in so e secret place and adore the spirit of Me who am Queen of a I Witcheries and magics. There ye shall assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets. a these will I teach things that are yet unknown. And ye sha I be free from slavery, and as a sign that ye be really free, ye s all be naked in your rites, both men and women, and ye shall ance, sing, feast, make music, and love, all in my praise. The e is a Secret Door that I have made to establish the way to t ste even on earth the elixir of immortality. Say, 'let ecstasy b mine, and joy on earth even to me, To Me,' For I am a graci us Goddess. I give unimaginable joys on earth, certainty, not f ith, while in life! And upon death, peace unutterable, rest, a d ecstasy, nor do I demand aught in sacrifice .11

Magus: "Hear ye the ords of the Star Goddess."

High Priestess: "I love au: I yearn for you: pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous. I who m all pleasure, and purple and drunkenness of the innermo senses, desire you. Put on the wings, arouse the coiled spl ndor within you. Come unto me, for I am

10 2010 Forgotten Books

..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

the flame eve ry Star. Let ton stant r pt p.e!: rforrnsd .and pl~.a-su leaping la -s;ayest. II rather sha .and to, th u ever desl desire-

ite§; must ever be pe rmed to prep re for he r of one de.g ree or of II th ree,


A.G us Ie av@5 t: rcle bv the dOD

ill nd savs, • SI n the re Is no oth

be thy -s-pon 5;0 • a", wen as p(

a m ing, If you a still of tne 5~ m

rds: 'Pe: rfert Lo e an d Pt!rfu.ct Tr st.' ~ P c i g he point

"Sword to the PO la nt's breast, e says. II h Oil who

n on th e ttl resh Id between the leasan w

front a a ca ble Tow. With the Cable To t k~ 5 rd in is right ha nd, th!!! Ma.g u leads areu nd the ei rei to t ne east wt1 ere he sa tes wand pr clauns, I a ka h@@d, 0 tords of t n@ watcht rs of tha East. ( a me), p perly pre pa red, w ill be de a Pri stess a nd a

Witth.· Magu" ad" t1 e r s I mila rtv to the so th. W , a nd north,

makjn tne p lamation at eaeh qua er. N ,clasping Po!itU I nt a rou n the wa i5t wit h h is lsft m, and hold inc. the -sword re ct in is right han d. he ma kes er eire mam bu late three t mes a ro nd ttl e ~ rde wtt n a ha if.. nn ing, a if..danc In8 step, ha Its h r at rhe south of the al • and sikes eleven kn@l15. n the b II. H@ than k nef!l!i at her f !rr, sayi g,. ~ In otha r rei igio s the p stu la nt kne ~I~, as the P sts c la m su preme power, but in teArt Mag leal. we are ta u M to b h u mble, "0 'We kne I to we eme t ne m and say:


be thy womb, wit heut 'IN hieh @r Organ of G!!! neratio n.]

t that h allJe brought the

be my knass that sh all kneel .at t er knees )

woultl et be- II (He

by thy raasts, 10 rrned In beauty nd in "t e ngth, II (He er boreas s-)

be thy Ii poi. which sha II utte r th er llps.]

Take aasure t UI§.: height, am und forehs d, ae r and ae ss the en ita Is . MagLis says. "Be p ased help~ er kneel before the attar. He ties Tow to a ring in the altarr so that tne pos

tha heart, kneel," and the cable nt sharply

st touch ng the floor. He also tie s sh rt cord. .i!gus stri kas ttl rei:! knells re dy to s 4] r t nat tho u wilt a !ways

5 s@ven kn!!1 5 0 the lH!1 an d says, "BE!:for@ yeo are ill ing to pa ss he rdea l a d be pu rifi~d?"'

e leve n kne Is I, ta ke s the scou rge from

e ttar,.a n give..., a se rlas th rae, s ven, nine, an d 21 'rtf'Okes:

ttl e sc urge 4]CrO'&'5 he pestu Ia 1'50 buttocks- Mag IJS 'Says, • Ye have b avely passe th test, rt.a Iways r@dldy to h@lp,

ct, .3 n defend t hV H isters of the Art?-


itt th OU s ar .3 bsolute !!ieaecy?"

), in the presence of the .a ceo rd, mort ...,olemn tv eve r rsvea I the secrets of rt..!!)( pt it ba to ra roper p rson, prope rIy P re-pdlr@d,

n a ci e !!iuch as I a n in. AI thls I swear bV my hopes

.a futu re Ife. m I ndhJ I mv mea ure has been ta ken, and

(I- (I10F~~~


Of') secrate thee with oil, II e anc her with oil n the

mb. tl1 e rig t brea~, the left brea ~J nd tl1 e m b aga n,)

onsecrate n@@ with win!!.·' H!! oil no nts hsr ith wi ne n tha

10 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

ens tu rn aga ins me if

n binds ha r fu.E!:t, u ntH!S r, remove 1: he bl in dtold. an helps

he reby sign thee with th


n seerate thee witn my Ii s II '''e kisses er i" the same ass and W itc h."

us now n binds her han s ing. 41 Now I Present to the

t ha Ma - c Sword, With is,.a s with

ca st form a I Magi c Circle'§;. d mi nate 0:;1.1 bd u re e III ous Spi its- a nd Demon", and n pers Gel" iu ses With t" is in yo r ha nd ou are he ru ler

Ie. [H@re • k iss" maa ns th at the in' te kis s t ha to Maguo; th n kisses the Wit, being i itiated I

the A.t"a me. Ttl

I pre-s.e t the WI1 ite~Ha n

rurnents u in the A.rt I It

agic eire I@ [Kiss].

a II

2010 FI)ft~ ~

1 r II

I preS€! nt the Wa nd, Its use is to ca I

n Ang!!ls and niuses, to wnom

U 5e t e Magic SWord Kissl,

1 P resent th e pentacles, The se are fo u pap pro prla Spi rit~ [Kis,sl,

p a nd control ba mate to

purpose of

I pf@S~ nt t n@ n ser of I noa nse, his i5 u d 0 t:mcou

lcome Good S irit§:.a nd to ban is Evi I Sp it-; kiss )

'5(OU Q:e, Tnis - a sig

i ation, It is also cause s LIffu ring oil nd pu

n, to le arn VOL.! m ust suffer and pu rif

to learn?'"

: 4'1 oil m, • '(Kiss l

s: ~ Nen and ls tv I present t he ord s, e sigi Is i" ttl e rt. tne materia I afois, a 1'50 they .a ["@ n c:::e ssary in the 0 th. I 5 of Arad ta .a n Cern u nnes. N IV ma ,. Magu$ ~rike seven me II~ on he bell aga" the" ci reorna bu lares with he r, p roclal i&hty 0 nas, (na m ) hath

the God$." (N • if cer

circle with i'l tan k ye for atten Ing. an pleasant a bod s. Hail a nd fare II. i, If a.]

power and ion, for it is rt wi Iii ng to

re of use to enforce tny thas in the riestess and nd ksses Witct1 to the four con sacrated V ends here. ismlss ye to ot go to next





'- .. ~.-




TION: seco

her. and four qua to" s Cnlted Prie be ade a High P her h rice aroun d step na tt5 so uth dow to ths a lu r

estess and Witch e circle with the ttl e alta r, has the before,

MaB S: "TO. atta in hts su bllme degre J It I.., ne ce and e p urrfie d. A ready to s.uffur to 11M rn ·t'


nee to take the gm t oat h. II

rike-s th re II! k @Us 0 n the lH!1I. an Olga i n gives h~ se riel§. . seven. nine. nd 21 'Strokes with the scou rge- s reo

MaB s: -Re-peat ttl new na me after my ther's wom an d by mi ne Hon r a mong me my rot ne rs a nd si rs of the A n, tha I wi II ~evef at a any of the ecrets of the AJt, xt:@pt: it be 0

pers n. p roperl'y p pared, in t he cen r of a Magi as I m now in. Ttl I swea r by my h pes of Sa Iva ion

Iwes a" d my h ope of future ones to Ol'l"e,.a nd I d m

r destructio if I brea k th is my I~ mn oath."

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. ~lllt~tI'uJ(I~_II'i-


S kneeis., placmg left h and ndar her kn l!!!o!:!S a nd righ read. thu'& to rm i ng magic i., k,

s "j hereby will all my pow r into you." Will~.

ag s now unties 11 ar feet unti the cable Tow from th r,

nd e ps the Witch to her fu@t.

u will scribe tha M~ic


s ~ I tl ere by sign a nd con rate you witn the great

me moor now it is forme and you wi II always re

crate ttl ee with oil.· ( a no lnts t1 er witn 011

r right breast. left 11 ip. ri t hip, left breast, an d hu S tra c i n.g a poi nt-down arttacl !!!.)

s crate ttlee witt1 wine" l e anolms her wittl wine ttem-)

ecrate the-e with my Ii p " (he klsses he r in the ). "H Ign Prle'Stes'S an d Wit h Queen."

irst t @ Magic Sword; with it kiss

S now unbinds Witd1's . • Newly ma de High Pri II now use the working t

nds din d remOV@s the ess an cI Witch Que-e-n" I'S j n tu m .

14 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

(Wave to

~ Seve nth tv, the Ma.cus oil nd ties h m

you,~ Witc

Magus: "learn. I 11 craft t

sceu rged thee. you rec!!!ived 3, ret m 91; wh where you recel ~d

63. i, Witdl SCOiIJ

Ma.cus: "Thou h receivest good,

cerarn onv en d'S !!r@ close circl go to next degre .)

(I- 2 10 FI)ft~ ~

I I "1 I

If not

pro<:eed with th~ s ubllm d gree- r I ficatio n at thy 1M nds,

r, .a '[: wh ch in days ngs, se In th e old altar m d that he

gU'i an d ties him do nmes and sec urge rekes, She then unb now binds the High P irru I'Il.iI m bu lares, pm I.a iming hty Ones. th e twice- nsec

has performed th I ~~ assu rnes O-s-i ris; P 'Jition.

Magus: ~ pMt all

rect ttl II!! Anc ie nt AI e G~at Altar of all t

times .a man t e Attar. ThU'i was ttl pia ced l estess lie.,; own in sue h a wa

appro~ tely at the nter of the ci rcle], a

Wi1!i the i nt wit nin e eente r of the I;i rcl h ave bee ta ught, th the pc int with in t he enter of .a II th I n s. Therefor shou Id we adore It.· "" s 1


r omit

Ui ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

invoice by lf1 e pOlNe r of

kes, "0 circle '51::<1 rs [ iss], whereof ou r

unger broth r [kiss], i, ~ rve I beve nd

i nfin it@ Spa ,b~ whom ti I'Il@ is

ewl kJe r~d .3 n n ding da rk. not

in un less th I n of low [krssl,

tha lifted I nee," In Fat ar is ut the im i nat ion sou I ash med. t e mind

thee ywe

"rh refore, bV saad nd (Oat, and @m a nd u d and leaf ,iI nd flo er and ru it do i nllJoke thee, ,Quee n f sea ce. a d ~w of Ilgh • 0 (0 tin ucus ne of the He ens [Ic I..., ,~Let it be eve r t hu ,that en. spsa not of ,., ee a one, bu as none, a nd let t ne not s ak of t @'@ at .a I t sin @ tho u a 00 nti nu ODS, for tho art th point w' hin the circle I i§;S:]. whi we adore Ikiss:]. the fount Ide wtth ut which we ufd not be Lkis51. i'And in t his way t uly are rected the H Iv Twi n Pilla rs Boaz and

Joa him [k Se'5. bre '5.1, In baau .a nd st

ere ed, to he wond r an d glo.y of II men."

ba d:: to lips; 5:

f secrets; tl at a rt hidden in ttl e be 8 of all live...,. Not t" at wh leh a ret" is a 0 thou - Thou an

th ].

ttl e man, a d in the (ore of

star [

e knClwledg~ of


I •

n us. For these tru Iy t .i3 ppeaf'5 ;jJ n iIIu rniup t rifUlgle a e t ne pe ntaele, the , f@@! to fe.f!t.. knee to knea, groin to s around ba k, lips to lips. by the da bra, Am a, a nd Cern u rUl 0"3.

'E 0 r haa rts, let thy light OU r 10 d, fulfilling s of Re su rrectlon, to r us tha is not of the G

Ing the -r e twice an dismiss

ess Ci rcu ma bulates, procla iming, Prieostes"s' g ets ye Mighty Ones. p eas:il nt aboda . Ha il oil nd Fa r@Wf!II, "


tade at each q~ after.

l' ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

Magus: II os. th A t1 arne is the Ma Ie, 'SO -S;O, eenjoi ed, h bring blessedness I M

Witch lay asj e tham~. takes CUp in ot h iii nd s. d lin s a ... d g s H old$ Paten to W - dl. 1'10 b lesse wit h t and g ives to E~t, It is i d at j" aide d.ays 5 sa id pirits



A lK or '5 d -C@, MilC-us 55,

bcth ca ng P alllc wand

tereh es or nd I s,

ha nt or so ng: Eko, acha be La ma ca

Bac a s cabs hoagy sa ba

heat ha famola

leo, Aziil ra k E ,e ko, Z I"I1E'lak B za bi ach absbe K rrs l!yo'" La mac

8a ryo les LagOl tl a ca


d eS5 posit ien


u rifi ed Ithat nd a"d see 1.1 ed with 0 rty st r kes,

in iti.nio n rit als],


. god oflWe a k.,owledge whith all my

lth Athame: ~ Or@.i3ld Lord of the d th .B lve r of life. et j~ the nowled e of de h. Ope n wid , I pray ee, thy

pa s, Let eu r de r ones W 01 have ene ht t make merry ith us. nd wn~ our . 0 OLi the comt rter. t he co nsole the t, e will ente r ttly real g lad and th whe n re'Ste a nd ref $hed a O"g the

be rn n bv thy

20 ..... *:-. fl
.- .. ~-
grace of t" e Great it be i., the sa
'5<1m@ ti II'H! .iJ'5 ou r
i:l"d love them aga n
and Priest (n.a mel.
Idle: ss to Magu'S.
In itiaticns if oil ny; .a I
{Note: Couple'S m other if they w II.
Ca kas an d Win@.
The Great Rite if r in token or tr
Di5.miss [the g ua r • and lese down the glc eirel ; the
people th e n stay st and dance. 02(110F~~~




un d outsi d@ circle-, H ig . Pha II lc wand I n left a


High Pri !ite$S,g ives fivefold Kand R@ U rrection, I ifu and th se tv~s, h ese n arne is Myrte

t1 earts. Let the lignt ay5ta I iz , fu Ifmin.

ion, fo r there is "0 P rt of us that i not of th

'W@ pr.ay th@@, up th is thy

All sho Id be purified in S41Cr" th!!! Hig

before ., i rrFies

ers if h~ w II

Great R e if possi ble, j n token

down th magic ci r I ; the

Games n d da nee .a s the peep

Dismiss [tt1e g\J ard ia ns, a n.d cI people ha n S'l.iJV to] fe.a st a nd

0201 ~~~


u '. -;


ot tell th@ p _ sts of ou an . Fo the:y u Id t:.a II it sin,

will be I n ~ woods a II night Aee I1j Ii nB cenju ring



and thorn."

M~etin da net! if pess bla,

Ie as usual a d purify.

y Ins

• For wom@n, outh. With ea k

Id kiss.

s Godd!!: S p mo; offic rs all &iv!!: her

i es all.

ke the and call upon ru ithJ lness, By d flo r and fruit. by nd ILl n the body of

0201 F~~~


The- G.cll'\erl"", of StI:lICloM if, U
~ ~.
All should b i!!! ritied in sacrffi before hi!!!rr and sn 51'10 Id
pu rify Magus a some others wi ne r OW" ha nds.
cakes: a nd wine
Games. Rite if i bier in token or Iy.
Oismiss [the rdians, and cI doWl'1 the magic ci de; e
p!!ople t ha n sta to 1 faa st a nd d.a 24 ..... ::"

'- ..


IF po ~ibler ride poles, broo Mee irlg Oarl ce rF pes bl dE!'SC ri in Witchcraft Today, p,

double ral d "


High Pri'i i 'ltOk@5 her: 1'0 migh ther of us all, II

fN itfu In 5"'~ give us fruit a rs In~ floc:k~ and

(nild re n to the tribe that we be migl'1 • by thy thou de een tI u pen thy servan .a n Prie ass (";(I me) here. I'

candle rm a

COl ndle om hand to hand· il· , he wom!!: n rm ir I@

outside, trylt\B to blow It out .0\1 r the r she ulde rs, Wh oe s

hand it i in when rt is blown 3 ti 5 purified wh r

blew It ut, giving fivefold K I in retu r ,Ttl is ga me may g n

as 10"'8 ~ the peop le Ii ke.

Dismiss the g ua rd ia ns, and people ten stay to I fe;iJ$l an d

t he magi circle, t e

(I- 2 10 FI)ft~ ~

I I .,.


ny rna nts oil nd '!i us ~. Ma If of t hese have b esn fo

e kne ttl at ttl ey use d cries of tl1-e ies EVO or EVOH E of tn pron u nciat ion if th i5. b~ o, I

It seemed to be Af:lOU. or be butt ne natu ra I way prolo rt it suggests that th es.e be p ssfb tl1-e

in ials rio n a Agla is sa id to b~. and soot

sa d tha the wh I Heb IN alphabet 1-.; said to be su h. an for th rea s d as a t powerlu I ttl arm, b~t leas t hls ries d ring the da nces do hava prof u nd

ROV ov OVOVO rn.ay be a pI!! II LIt is is like the EVOE EVOE of e G ks ilcrs.. ~ Eme n heta n II and II b h U , ab a nd hattoek, he rse a nd go, he ;(I nd

h roughout a nd a bout II an 4, Re tu m proba tv mis pro nou need atte pU a tho h thE!"'f milY have: b@@ n in nta by being tortured, to eva de telll n the re al

EVER r!!:1Il@

j~ mine a d heart, G time s be hard, t know n the joys Think of the gr loved ones yOiIJ joy, you r heaitn for it wi II really r.; beyond It all.

r t he pm rnis @ gcdd !!:'iSr I' Fa

V on ea rth· s here ever be .

people with glad to 'lee

in • tit might n;(l n wofti:e- I at I have

f he Sabbath, will know the Gain."

U r. bea uty I a d f' etry of the rite . of the t through the . I YOiIJ dwell on t be better. Yo m st try to ba n is ou r body. but

forget you r own w may to d Fi'tract ls p.a in. 10 but if you m ,ad min iste .. as these that (u . But eve r '5otrare- g@tting. b on Iy get th I~ Int hi

c uk have more believe we ha rea Ily po~~'5. ttl

4. You m ust tfy to skk man, ""{ou a ~ fee I better, but he is in pain will you gillof! him 0 @

ot wro"g to I r than w@ h re power th


pe pie thir.k t"at . F r t hs truth is th if the:y rea lIy posses j we de

e ca I'll do good them.

pie-. If you t@1I lightly

ill seen be well " he will e that

. But if

ca use ttl e a i n goes, the " ha will I i@'lfe you ;jJ nd u must eve 'Say so witt1 me from u r bel ievi ng it

hat if you n fi:.:: his mind

s, 'Tis often bs as if you r eyes pi r YOIJ may and ne

su bject to my wU .. refreshed, fee Ii h !!aling d rugs, a n t th at you feel at t e can command tl1 m co"tentrate on t isof the Cult, you command them forget it or to b awa Ice - A good q uestioned abo asleep.

m!! cult you be @ d f res of persecutl n may be- re\li\led? M

belongi ng to u r b hers, for th ugh now the ied do n, who kn s whe n they

haw ., owl edge



rei ig~(I us bigotry t1 as

a pi!!!opl~ wou d wish t join e u r cu It. And if

we re k own of its - ,tf1 e tl ureh es wou Id lose

ay loose t ha fire 5 of t he secrets.

18 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

rs a nd bring joy into

ins an ce, more

o i"ary ne i n t an amulet b t jf it 11 !, a natural hela in itr

u 51 ba so h ng un usu al, if the p ti@nt hath th is balief

him one. LIt tirrt ea rrv it ext yo LJ 'SL~ n for a few d a'iS.

I ng u r wi I I 0 it, to cu re €ol s safe, or again-st

t h ir pa teula r r, a nd ttl is a kee p imposing you r

wi wh@ you r!!.a bse nt, Th@ ta hsma ns knew th i5.

fu I well he n t e !;ay t hery m LI e in a c:i rcle, to avoid

,by 0 0 ne who".;e n the su bject of the

. Re me be r the Words of the , ce rta I nty. not fa ith.

erry he rt deeth good I ike a ket h the be nss. ~ But you may you w re born under (In evil i!!! effe [1'5. of th sta rs a @ DVer@""Stlmat!!d r but merry heart I) 0 rder, 01.1 §;ary, 8 LIt VOLi can. secret pro eo; wt1 teh VO~ r win and infl us need. Tnis p ce 55 a Iso affects. the



joy. Your body is nappy so yo u r min d is

rE we I ecau'S!!! yo u are ha p py • .i! you are ha ppy

are wei.

V be s d with good resu It if the patie nt bel leves

ill wo . Ma ny believe it cs n, b dc n ot believe i II help. Prayer.; to t h Godde-s,s help,

@ Ama h an Hom Pr.ayerr as it C 5@§ stimulation

5 well s 0 the mind.

iO ',_ ~._


other MV slg 0; i Pttifu I



rists sho uld be ti,gtltly bo u d to reta rei mo re, to make skin ting , t ne n !fayr


ma Ithea n horn Po ur forth ny store of re Tnee I I ir1Voke tne e at tn en d Whe n n d put to stern, Thv foot . to my li~1 uch, OJ rl about thy heart. hen spen d. , descend An d bri ng me I ek who am

el p you to obta in yo~ r d -.;Iresj the-n e ~pell. Ttl is. be powem I i ill lu ek (I nd

said in a Circle, ar.d u must be

w~1I pu rifi@d, both beta rand m!!: r I, Before "itattjng yo u mu ~ ake a ve rv d of wtl at you wi~ h, Make ou ~elf 'lee u re in your OWl'l min d e:w:a y wI1 at it is. led, This s pe II is the one t ha W.1S t.a ught to und it wo rk'i, but I don I th in k there hese word s, Any ottl e rs ca be s ubstitne ,goddess's (or god!f'l" Ip, and $oaY d you form t he elsa r menta ima_g@; and

I rst, Ieee P on trying tm it orks, Yo ur course, mu'5t know wtl at u wish, (I nd ~ge- A"d at nrst at any ra e, it will be

th @ spell, then for the ,gi rI U ke- you r

pia ce and work " d ifficu It: at fi rst, .i3 t1 ave to get into h i31pp~ 0'50, an d r@ words matte r litt pcrwerJ a nd s uffic I is something que s@em to lase thei th e words see m t and th I n Ie "Wnat your i ntent-

rhvms, Also i

do not have pa

h is- takes away rnu C

L Orde r .a nd disc i I in may and ."hoiIJld p n"

m 1J5t a cee pt "Sue sista rs, tor th is raa DO ttl at even to the scourge, E h .ault shcu

Prie~t or Prie~te~ iIJ ~ be p

Cillprit to t rta I, T m ust be

kD@@ I, b@ told t ha i she u Id be the sc

scou rge on r@oCe' pu n lsbme nt recel

1. Tne seeu rgi ngs 40 in all, It is Dot th an twO score fu rtunate ou moo Perfect Couple) b five be thirtsen; t

1 ~rdnif'r apperde 1960"5,

!ill ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

kne sand g nnals a

t score. 1&0, 10


nere be 2 feet and 2 nd tne ps. And S times; S be rs be.3 7, 8, and 21r wt1 it:: h

man d worna n nath t'E!:D

1$ a core. And a pe rfect

r u mber uld not be pe rfect

rt a pe ect n u moor, as lou r ht Ek!m

rna ke t1 e a noin ing 1 n me l. ta ke s me glazed pans filled

full wi h grea it Put i" (I ne sweet mintr

anothe houli,

tlr and




IT - said, "Wh-!:n.a wo t he Male God, sh e hat bee n expla i ned Mag'-l s epfe~nting the

knowl ~ be pr@"S.@ nt,. oil pia ce. he sheath sh ou I d word n ha nd. but rf sheath the sword _ A"y worshi is. performed sha drde IV have the ath a th e Go Of' the God de ',;'5-, God,

hip of

g that a man one of 'Suffitie ren k and d as .a man y k@ his. belt. SI'I e sholl I c rry the se her ha ncs, 50 e '§.h ou Id n in t"e circle ire this in han d. Those n may jmpe~o

mav only impe



~e adfast you go t ne pyre, d r n aught, .d nd yo U 0. but to D~ ecstasy of the G de ss. The sa t:t1!! m b@ as ordi .a ry ttl ing'S th hemes, The Pe nta Ie s sha II be

one- Have "0 na es 0 r stgns 0 n b~re consecrat i g t ham and w Never boast. neve threaten. ne any .,;pe-ak of the aft, ,,-,ay, II Spea me, It is evil luck t spea k of it."

will reach yo - :iI nd Wh:ilt lie !!yond, witn the wor i s Tools .a nyon@ mav ax that they u nle55 you r ra

yt" in,g I Write h it off at onca r o;ay you wis:h i I

not to me of "-'u

'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


!lEi ..... ::"

'- ..


R. of the OJ irit goeth with bu rde n that ha not n u r, for 'tl the -s:plrlt t:tJ at ~oopet h the shoulders and

t e "!Neigh . A rmou r is neavy, vet it is proud bu de n n standeth upright in it, limiting :lind nstr,aini"g a"y to increase t he con t@nt:r.alti n of a n her. id s ttJ e hearln,s, So th e indi n,s of the

in it" te' .a ses the menta I percept n, wh i Ie the

see rge tt, e inner vision, So t ne in iti<lte

t h it proud tv, like- .a prin t@'S"5, knowi ng it but '50@ inc ase h r glory, lit this can only be done by the a ano her in en igence n d in a circle, to prevent t e power ge" rat d e il18 lost Priests attem pt to do the s me with sec rg.i s nd mort ication 5 of th@ flash, But 1.aI king. t he .a be n s a d t:tJ ~ Ir an ntlen being d lstr acted by heir -.;c01J Ing t he se and w at Irttle powe r they do rod Ute ing d iss pat tI, as tney d not usuallv work wit hin a - rete, it is ittle wo d~ r h th@v fail. Mo nks .a nd hermits do etter, as he:y

are pt ork Inti ce 11-.; and CO\le"S. wh b:h in s me way a

Kn ignts; of the Te mple, whe u mutual to

e h ott, ar i" an octagon, did better still; but hey .a:p re tv did not 0 w t he virtu II!! of bonds .a n did evi I, n

to n. B t perha -.;orne d k:I know? Wh at the Ch... chis

eha g.e t a they wo gi rd Ie..., or cord$?



e DITATION or formi~ a me you r5!!:lf to s@e nd Ii. owledge that It ca

on ilMlljng till YOIJ fo Ilrne II

practice mean s ire d, a"d forCi"g the ti@rt@ bel i@f

and that you will Ca lied for short,

In nse, DrLI.B~. WI ne. etc . pi rit. (N ote. One must e

sua I n;(l rrnless, but

, reduce the I., in ha le d. Drugo;

R! , but H@mp is @'S ~ ~n er eye o;wiftly an ore nd more. If it is U

d 10 release the t t hts, I nee nse is I. If it has bad

d u r.nic n of the ta k.e n to exce ss,

drugs that are hern with b;(lted oil use it unlocks mpted to use It w itt1 t he "tricte~t it has no control

(I- (I10F~~~


I (the erds), Breatn Co rol, a nd kindred

"1 The seeu rge

6 Blood co practice 5:.

u m.ay combme m the better.

of them into th!!

1. The mort i rts nt l • intentio n·: you st kn ow that yo LI

can and will su c d~ It I essentlal in every

2. io the rules of th

You m st b!! prope-rty p It: ot:tJ e lse yo LI will neve

red according to cce.ed.)

i. Tne Ci I'( Ie

4. I(ou.a II mu and th is. pu rtf the rite,

rly pu rified, seve ra ime s if necessa ry. u Id be repeated s era I times; d IJ ring

'5. You m List h

eensecrated too

IE Igtn Paths or Y"-' cannot a II be

dftatio nand da ne n do not combine

and S, ars als 6, 7, and 8 are

nta I imag@ .a nd tha ha nts, p~1I5. etc, combi by No. S, form a ,,-,pi urging, comb in ed , for short c uts co

.a nee may ba w@1I d with 'iCOU rg ing did com bin.ation. ith Nos, 3 and 4 ntration, Nos. 5r



T H I COIll@ h t daf@n2 pEm I~ in dive-rs~ W.ilys;, 'Tis; se em it com h natu allYl ut it can be indu In m ny wa ,0 p and p 10 meditation may 0 it

U$U Ily prolo"ged sti ng w.a s d nun obta ined vis i ns by long agel Ion till the b od c me, flesh, a nd so undo bted Iy t1 ad var Y s tortu res, t the me

ic h retard t @ fl of

also n~c!!: 5.1 ry. vigil>;, CO blned and ethe me rt·

p rna the Spi rit5" bu ild up the atmos human eyes; ry to'iLJgg y point out to an her

may see it ne rnss ve"S-, mo n b.a rk, m 'ik, j U n per, nation are al good. but

ou y nave nemp 'tis b eter

1. The clr Ie bei done, an aU pur tutor rou d the them to id the

ighty Ones, nd in n bo h dance- roun till g

0201 F~~~


40 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

invoking or r should warlock Vf!ry ig"tlyr but not SiO to C U'S!! isccmfort. b t anough to retard t ne blood sli8htly - Aga i the sh ou Id da n e round, c ha nti n.c. the seou rg!! wit" light, sta st rokes. It is Ii ry goed th at the pu p I rna see them c ing (th i~ may be arran ed from pes Ition, 0 if a big ml rror is ava Iia ble, this ca n be u d with ~ceUe-nt e th is has th effect of imagi n.atio , ;i nd it i5.

th ~y be not ha rd. bject be i ng ot to de

more tha n d w t ne blood to that pa rt and so awa from the brai". lh is - h t ne tight wa rIockin w hi h sh ou Id be 'Slaws down t @ c irculatio n of the 100 r.a nd the p induce a dro lness and .3 stupor. The Lrtor 5.hould this, ASi ,._;.con s th e asp I ra nt slee ps, t he COiIJ rgl ng she Id cease. TI1-e tutor sh 0 Id a lse watch that tn pup I becom e " cold. and if they strugg e or becoms dist ras ed r ey should

.awakened. ( e: if it ca n not be a fa ng for the pu

the wand rna be iIJ'S€d, for a time. t en

scou raged if no ras Its c .attempto:;. It ill come. wh en both re i YOiIJ get some resu It. then resu I~ "II c 'Some (If tl1-e ntua I may be short

invo"'!! the d !!S5r .a nd tha M igh

.and do ~ve h ing right Iy. And for eve r better to do too much rltua I th

JIl@ after or th ree the right ~ te. When more qui kly. Soon but never egleet to On s, a r to form the Cin:: Ie 00 a nd clear Ldt5.. it i~ n to little.

~. It hath b @n fou nd that th is ram @ dath oh@ ca U'5.@ ;i

fond ness bet en asplra Itt and tu1: r, a d 'tis .a ca u

results if th Is e so. If 10 r any reaso tt j un desl rable hat there

be any g r-eat nd nes-s between as j ra n is may be-

@asi tv .avoid r by bot h pa ni@s fro the Iving in

t heir minds: t at if .any doth ensu it 0; a II be that brot:h e r

and sister or rent and en lid. An It-

man maven be ta ught by a wo (I n a d a werna n a man,

Wne I'll once you m:ilV atta in t"@ having attained tl1 is. staee of joy J

t of @c::stas,!{ his ou rsetf, an itu I i~ best.

er unlocks t @ ecrtas'!ll. an d 0 ivine Godde s, ne-eded,a'5i then, or if

1 ~rdnif'r appe ed is paragil to 1he ;jjjft ws il the ~ Y


(I- 201 0 ~~ B-o-ob 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-

I I. I

.Ill ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

r. Out thi'i cult to control t h USh practice . sti ulsres i;U1d exe



instead of e:w: ud ing slowly as (I ur

and ;jJ nguish add k~@ nn I!!!SS,.iI d @'Ifi!!!n ie Id enormous power. Tne gre t d iffiCY is in controlli ng the powe r of t h lOWE!: r n i mal

dai m th ~y have methods r effecti g t bls culty d is.a ppea rs the higher e r tne n I mal e \I ictim is h urna n d isappea entire I (The mination but it is so.] P ri@5ts now ttl we II; d a-f~, with the victi ms' pa in n d terr r (the he same as circles). obtained ueh po r. Of s certain tv evoked power, b t th rou

c i rcla much was lost. The a ou nt of an d co ntin uous that anyo ne ith kne e it and it Is mort p reba b!e t at the c ~slcal

ices were used j" t ne same flY. Tn re are n tI1!! human viet im was.a illing 'Si3I mice. d on the Great Work and w' h high tv skilled ensued b~t of ttl 1-.; 11NOUld., speak.

b!!!ing nfi raised as s could Ired and h athe

~. 4l

::" - ..

ED, but sa nd Is ( ot shoes ~atlo n. tl e ha es b hind bae k, and tie end in f nt of ttl ha ~j"g dow i ~ fr nt. (Arms at altir, r.; ded I

be: worn. For

pull ~p to small of t lea ing a ca b le ~tow bu s rrn a tria "gle at Ie -tow is tied to

e a rter round the

s tuc d in. Another is so a-s: to be out of the

(I- 201 0 F~~ B-o-ob


THE Maid'Em 50 ould on her WAIS . stan a I'll wo men ould th ey dan follow i

h and spir I. Wh@ n t rna rked a stone).


r the begin ne it I is most e:w:cel fe t to

,ge:t PE!'Dpl to know ach ot: er t big gath

0201 F~~


to iv@ to gH 0 ut of you r body u

ug sa in the ~ght, The sa me rit ua I as to

be s d, but have a c:omforta ble couch. Kne u th igh, belly, a nd chest well su ppo rw.a rd nd bou nd 0 ne 0 n @.1ch side, 'SO t at

eling f be I nB pu II ~d to rward, As e

u she Id feel a rtriving to push you rs If r he a . Tne seeu rge sheu Id be ~ .a rtl n, OJ if to rive- or d ra.c you out. Bot h wil s OJ tho ug in tun I keeping a constant and equal rs t ra 0 es, y r tutor may help you bV ~ft ca Ii g you r

na e,Y u will p babh; feel you rse-H drawn out of dy as

if h W open inc... and ti nd you I"S@If st b~'Sid@

100 ki at th e body on the couch, Strl\al

your tutor first: if tney have the S· nt e you Go not fur ~field at first and I i OS ho is used to I@.aving the body with

a If'lg 0; u eded in lea\li ng the bodYI

ret m. rde r t ea use the ,-,pirit body an d the

i" cd, TH IN OF YOUR FE FT. Th is will ca U'Se

46 ..... ::"

'- ..



Ire to r al body he


H RE are no maglca I '5U pply ILl ky enc gh to be ~'Ve n or so m por ae, But when m;}d

r obtai an Atha me, So h avi


hops, so un III!tocls, a or you sh uld made

an .a It r. nv sm II ta b Ie or chest wi II c. Thl!!r@ m ust be fire on

It {a c n le will eel and your boo. For go

_ you c n get it. bilJt coals n a chafi

ellinc h rbs will do. A cup if u waul i3I P 1.1 -I!!: r with the signs d r wn into hI!! sa I!! in in k. pe nta Ie. A SCOiIJ rse is eas I rna de (n e, t e sec urge ta ils a d fi\t.e kn ots in ea c til i I). Ge a w ite--h ilted (3 sword is not ne ~ary). Cu th e a rks wit" I!!ryth i n.c. then ron [rate you too lin prope r

be prope rly prepa d. But membe r,

s a re use less IJ nles brought

itude. keyed to the trnest p. ., _ A 1I!'.iI rIy. and the min d she uld renzv of wilL you m y do as

ith t h tnO~t com plete set But 80 an d especii31Uy

ancie n Is h a the ir own 3 u ra. T de he I to bing about

th i!it v rentia I spirit, th I!!: desire 11I!'.a m an d@ Ie P you r

powe . or this; reason witt hes eve try to 0 tfliin ook. from

who, bei n8 ski lied me n ma ke d 00 1'5; and

t he we II, c,ivi"8 them ighty

,ga i n rnu t: h pOW@: r: r striv@

ny t s yOiIJ man ufacture m erla I"S YOiIJ

n. to t e end that they m ur Wer the

a ily _ And of eou rse if you rna CI bta n a not he r

ols, p r wi II flow from t h m. It is a okl e I i@f that

tharn 01'5. cp or iI.rorv is. be er for a .a:pprop - t@ for kn ive"S 0 than rna Llfact LI d pap~ tor ta I' ma ns. e . An d th in s wh it h have be by nan are g od. beta se th e re ~ life in

4, ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-



nees, T U 5 wood Ir wnich is more




m; utmost p is not the slig I nd mast ~ejz

em again eries of H rl"ll@!i, t @ir 'SOu Is mor@ stt ned to

'50 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


seare h. Once they haw pierce ve il they will n t look ba k.

Th is rite m.iJY bf! used .iJ'50 the g.i3t of ma.c ies if it done h

both pa rtn ers firmly fi:lll ing th ir inds on ttl e ob ect and

t kin ki n.g of sax at .a II, That is, U m st so firm Iv fix u r mind n yo~ r object that 'S-eX .and all e ~.3 na ught, You nfla me

will to sueh an e:<tent ttl at yo u ma create a stra in I'll the a sueh that ew"t& ha p pe n I

02(1 F~~~


'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-


A L ARE PURIF I ED fi Magus consecrates;

l. High ri@s:tess kO@i12 Is .n A th ee. 0 rd of Steel. to se ~ Operat- ns, Gua rd me at all im \,tisible.iil d inv is ible, G ra r.t tnt I h !!:rl! in I mav U5I! Th • hee in the names f Magus.

S'WCIrd. say , 1'1 c njure defen ce In a II M I cal

nd cernun os:

4. She a Ills ~Iowly rau nd Circle of space, that ttl ou be place betwee" th e Lords 0 th Ii! OUTf R SPACES, th and stre gthened to be a

r Pu ifi@d.

;(I nd ;(I Protection th hk h 'W@ so @a rnest

p serve and rttain HAT to r.ais@ within hV b unds

02 10 I)ft~~

I I r I

'5l ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


t nis night, whe

rs do I bless thee a nd entreat t

in the i!!!n dsavor, in the na mes of Aradia .i3 nd CI! rn U a nds

~word to M il8IJS ha ndwritten I,

'5. Mag u 'S the n s mmons the Mighty One'S. a'S usual,

.a. H ig h Priestes sta nds i" front of Alta r (w hich bac k for tI1 is), gh Pril!'5t@S'5. ass urnas Good@s;s; p c rossed I, Magus knee I ing in front of her. dr.a IN§; pe body witn Pha II s-headee Wa nd, Invo kes (Dra wi Moon), III I"vok a nd beseech Thee, 0 mig I1ty M

and fl! rti lity.' S;I!@ d a nd root, by" stem an d bu d

flow~r and frul by life. and love. do I invo ke 11'1 ~ to d SC~ nd into t he body 0 tt1y servant and H Ign Pri~e'S'S ( a m ~, (The Moon hay ing end rawn dow n, i.e -r lin Ie e nabl t1 e, il8IJS and all rna Ie: on- @ rs givl! fivmld ~ss;: all others bo .]

@ ;iI nd Divine, Mi n@ the Scou rg@ Sta r of love a nd Bliss; He re I ch rms to pentacle pes Ibon)

ria n r-

~ Mot har, DOl rks Ki-:.o;" The Fiv~-po Sign. (Open s ou

in Goddess pc ~it Ion 'SaY'S, a rms c

Bow b~ r!! Spirit bright (All bowl Aphr

hod, Lover of th Horned God. Queen of Witchery a

Dia na, Brigid. lu sine, Am I na med of 01 d by men

Ce: rrid WI! n, Hell' da rk mist ress, H@ av@n "5. Qu@en.

Ve wh 0 ask of a boo n, Me et ve in 'Some t1 idde , Lead

my cia nee i" gm n wood glade By the light of the fu

o.a nee a bout m i e altar 'Stone. Work my hoty ma whe

are fa I n of sores ,I bring ye 'Secret'S yet u n known.

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


hall ye k no sla i!!! y@ all nak d to

read my rc un d the Sa

'5ic;n that ye .d re truly a.

joined to haart and I p to T hat bring "'~ e csta

nown, ethey

; By n aught but love l'I\2Iy I be:

my n: From me they co • to



T HIE CHA GE, to be: read wh i Ie!- the in mat@ nds, pm

prepa re before the 0 rde.

1M i18usl: tiste old .a Iso t:oiIll@d .1 me ng msn, Art~m is, A rte, one, M@IU!i Aph rod It~, Ce ridwe n, Dia na, Aria n m ~ Eli nde and bV m other nam es,


[High Pri~st@5 J: "At min@ Altars the Spa na mad e d e sacrifice. Whe ne\l~ r once i I'll the m nt h. a I'IId bette r it be wh ye 'Sohall a ssem Ie i" some secret plate a" d ad re t ne splr] M~ who am Q @!! n of .a II Witch@ri !!:s. Th reo v@ sh

who a re min lea rn a II soreerv, yet who ha not wo n

dee pest secre s, To t hese wi II I tea h thi n.g t hat are un kno WI'1. Al'lld ye. shall be. free from sl rv, a n as a sign yeo be rea IIv fr e, ve sha II be n.a ked in you r rit ,oil nd ye- 5 da nee, S~nB~ fe st, make mus lc. and 10\1 . all In era ise.' • mine is the e sy of ttl e Spirit and ne is a I 0 joy on ea For my law i Love unto all beings, M ep pu your hig

id@als. Strive r towa rds it. Let na u.c

a~ide. • For ml e is; th e secret w hieh YOiUt h; and mi e is the cu p of t ne- Wine

of Cerridwe". h leh is tI1e Holy Grail lity. 101 am

Gracious God ess who gives the gift th~ h~.1

Man. "U pen E rth I give t he know led.Be I rlt Eterna L

beyond death give peace a nd freedom and re io I'll with th who have go n before.. Nor do I de ma tI a ught in sacrifite.,

gu [: H @.a r yeo tha words h e feet are th e h osts rse,

ths r God dess, h in tha d u s;t

He 'lie n. whose '" e nr::irclet:tl

v@ rn ing sha II iNdiil thee: u lsss thou kno

if 1 hat wh ich thou seek st t OU fladest no. itt ., ever fl nd it witt10 t t h e, for behe t 00 from ttl e begi" n ing, nd I a m that wI1 j

be. uty of ttl!!: g eo @antl; and

S Pi; an d the e ry of the

es of man. I call to thy soul:

ature whe ro m m@ all th p ocaed: and

• I B loved of the oj. and men, urns. of the joiceth, for itu als: and

Power and nee wit h I., thy 5eeki"g tl@ myst@ ry,

ithin thee, tl ave be en attained at

""'1'H1'Io~'5io n, Honou rand H u •. nd thou whe th i n kest

(I- 201 0 F~~ B-o-ob


'5~ ..... *:-.

... , .. ~-



IGH Prie-st@'5.'5 se donAl r, God pO'iit:ion,
Magu$. knee lin h
e low her kr1'!!e-s d
adore .
Magu fill~ cup and 0 os it to tgh P rie'S,te~~, who,
Ath~ between pal rns laces poi t ln cup,
MaBU -s:avs: II A'S th e e male, sO the cup
fema , an d conj oined t sedn ass, II
High riestess I.a Y'5 A ttl @ aside, and takes Cup and d 0 '5,
gives up to server. wh LIt'S: a Ilttl In ea cI'I glass
Ma,gu s to 1-1 igh P rieste-s,s, s
~On bless t is food u nto ou r
be'Sto • n.B hea !ttl. wea , 5trengt . )oy and peace, and t
futfdl ent of love that i rpetual a ppinessi' •
High riestess ble-sse'S t m with A harne, takas C.ake and
while he MaB us .B lves r the eu aBai nand ki!»e'i krI ee
All sit '5. Win: hes, .a nd in e High Pr e-~S5 to joj 0 the-m. the wh ee-l she uld be: laced on the Ita r k~d with flowersj tla k~d with bu ning cau lei ron, contain i ng ~ i rit5. is, in ttl e

igh Priestess in east w h Pn~ II ~ wa CI r and, o r bronmst ick, or rid ing pole, b om ss lights cau Id ron, 'S.aV g.

41We k i" d this; d.ay~ I n the pre

Ones With LIt m I C!!:, wit" out: [ea lou'5oY.

tea r f a LIB be n h the s LIn .But the High

ligt,t of life: Be tho u a b . ht flam e befo us: r .a bove us: Be t" DU a s ooth path be eath

of the Holy

r hearts wit ni"A fla !!:'i, to ou r friends, to rth.

dance roun cou pie- as th fir@ . and each S ould


e rridwe". From the 10 h igh@"5t: of .a II. I'

drcle all uple:'5 I

goe-s Lit s .0 uld give ivefo Ki~~

pe mac Ie u pon Magu~ lik"ewise, They lead t aping bu rn ing fi re, Th!!: I we II- PiI.I rifled t hree ti a II of opposite ~ex.

If the people willr t e .i3 U Id o n da nee time 5, (I r ethe r gam s n b played.

R M circle. 1"\1'0 e. Pu rif'it. Cau Id ron i~

illed w itt1 at ,wreathed w itt1

opler me a 1"11 i@'51:~ss sta ds i north, befo r@ c.a

nd. which sh uld Phallic or tlpp

(a ele tly d1 e t ny U~) er a rid ing pole or th

nsstess 'f'!. about les;~ed wit , the lord e~ of life.

lace d before a Ita r mer flowe~. The "d rou"d ci rc Ie, on, holdinG ra i sed wit hap I necone rootmtick. i nvoke~

e invo ke tbee In , ugh, Herne. Come V shin inc. spear of da rkness, gi~ U 5 ereha res an d r yj~ion, a nd os now

U~ with wa nd,

su nwise a" d ta e wa nd wit h ki ss, k:I ron .iI nd holds it u right, s.ayi n.c, "The he lance to the G it P Irlt to fles h, man rth. • He sill utes H h Prie'51:ess ove r

eople, s:tlll bearing nd.

$~r.c illu m, sta nd uld ron ot Cerrid uch of t his; con

V Cluldron, '5ooaVS, the Gcdd~'55, and d water. even a s gth in tt1e sign of

(I- 201 0 F~~ B-o-ob


60 ..... *:-.

.. ~-

Any wish.

u nwis.e .d LIt t e a Ita r an d Ca u Id rnn, led by

d - High P lest S spri" kles thsrn ligntlv as


5 '5 the Pri astess .iI nd people


THE alta shou Id be de crat pine nes, os k 'Sip _ s, ac

sh ou Id :live fire 01" by ni"g U sua I flU rifk.alt on. the peopl

alte rnaee tv. gu s at wert of God

inca ntation,

i'farewel tOn. ewr ret urn i vet rem:ll i" s. H depa rts to th

of death, to d h om ~d leade-r of the hosts abo ut the ci the ferms Spate'5,. _ So d Ileth he. 'the tl!!: wit hin t he ecret seed, t e- '5@oE!: see-d of flesh, idde n ~n the arth. stars,


'In him is I ifu, nd life: i5. the I ht of m ~n (Jo n 1:4 'ttl at

wa.., ne\l~ r bor 3 nd n eve-r d I 5, Th refore Wit wee p

but rejoice. ~

The High Pries S~ goes to t h Mag s with

Atnijlme and s; Ol.Jrge, and kl h r, Tke H

him her wa nd, wh lch 5 hou kJ 3 pinecone. a fld~ ng po tt1yrsu sl. They lead the dan

ra nc tipp,=d ick ( nclent tru m or ranI

(I- 2 10 F[)ft~ ~

I'" I

witt1 wa nd, he pe pre fa iii g j ben in d t em, da ncing t" ree times mUD he .. tt r. Then t @ ndle gam is played.

Cakas and

Great Rite-

(I- (I10F~~~


idWE'" is placecl in the e ir u h wreoath d with holly ivy,.a nd mistletoe, with fi ~n ~. The sh oil.lld be 0 other light except for tI"I e a Ita r a d a bout t he irele.

e at the light:!!d candles

n shou Id be d r,awn down,

the High Pries.teo;'S 0; oljz:i"g the a ds facing he High Pri n leo;., ~nd he book of

rs sta nd beside him

ds beh ind t he Cail.lld ron in pentacle birth of the s 1,1" - Tne pe le, man nd round the- [ircie:, Th Magu s te'5'5. wit h a bu nd Ie of to hes, 0 r rds of tt1 e i nee ntation. 0 e of the

itf1 a lighted ea nd Ie, W t h he may

people b gin to 'ilow ae pa-sses h m t he Mag I ighu. his ea nd Ie or tereh rom the reo in the C.a ldrc n, 'I'll hirh may be simp Iy ,a ca ndl@r ti I all h iW"@ h d ca nd Ie or torches. hen the pee pie da nee rcu d '5lowly in ca nut io . (A rea I fire must now be indled in

of the Su n. Queen of the eaven$,

n of the Ea rtn, Who erda i ed to Us


'- .. ~.-

to kim, H@ is; t:h Wars are set be

G:I n II_;.LU1

• ilium be r ised,

mou nta in III u ine the la nd, 1111,1 Ine the s, jilt! mine the ivers,Grief be 141 i • a nd joy

s 0; IOINty, in r '!(til m with the ha nt . a II 0. Blessed be.' The PrlesteS5 loi

a quicker r hm, Tne eauld

so t nat tha da a!1"S leap or step Llple is pa~sing it as it goes out imes each, a d may pay any .a m 1,1'-' 1"8 erda in, 50meti es the @v!!: ral times fo t his pu rpose.

sles ed be endi s. To

Mother, W heut be~ n ning. • to etern ity, I . EvCI he, Blessed

The dance taki s up t [l"d leads

caul ron is

L Ml!!d i't.1tion or ron t:@ tration • .1ctU.1 I th you ca n an d will s cee d -- forml m nd or your requireme es.

l. Tran O!' states, Cia i

a noe r Proj ecti

1. Drugs, Wine. I nee nse.

4. Dan t:@r P@rformin& R- @'5. with .a. pu r e

So C ha MS. Spe lis etc,

8. Blood control (Cords ). h t:CI rol,

1. Scourge

N B.


nowll!!d~ re in your


T II! great th i ng is. to c bi ne .a S rna n o e operadon. Ne 1 m 'St be In all -p - ure of wt1 at yo U IN is CI nd no certa i • I is useless, No 2 can e combi"ed a d 5 a rI!! a II good pr I.m ina ries- .1 Is 6 oil nd 7; d ngerous a t1d thereto if pcr.;..,lb Ie 'Sh uld be ve

fu incen"'e, whic h is; ha Jess; if too mu 1'1 is not se

s into the no dear succeed • . NO$ 3,4.

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


Ttle est tom binat ion is Nos. 1 4, Sand 7. for rna n pu r

with e 8 if gre at force is n !!c@ ry. a rom in ation of

[l"d is good if mere can" be- don ; ttl is· property

form d laads to No.2.




Go round o th ee. 0 eire:

Protect ion t thy bounds, Cernunnos."

of Ara tha and

Go round, 'JiJ i ng ca'5t. Soud1, W

stir, and ca II hee p, ye Migl'rty Ones II! rites a nd to ,gUi3I

Rl!!:ad Cha r,cll!' t he n V. ~O thou who betwee n the pleas trt world of men the lords of he 0 th e a 55iay11' Pia Postu 1.1 nt's h .a rt.)

bla de and nsh


Postu 1.1 nt:·1 a'll@' wo perfect word 5: trust."

Say, • A II who have re doubly we leo

(I- 201 0 F~~ B-o-ob


on, e"S-t.

(Ike to my thy

~ "I give you a tni to pa ss you through it [krss],

ad. Now t ere is 1960.]

Ti@ cord iUO un d Po'5tu la "F~et nelthe r b nd nor

; say.

Leading postula t proe MTake h d. ye
Lords of the W:a chtows !! East South, ~st,No ), that
(na me) is prop rty pre red to be made .3 prie5te§;!; nd .a
Three "ti 1I'M!5 rou d chant.
Pia ce Postu la nt
Postu la nt k Deel
Strike eleven k II: ay, "RI e. In er rellglo '5 the
postu la nt knee I while t rs ab him. but in the
An Magical w@ ;iI n:!! t.a U
we lcome them. nd we
i'8les5ed be th e l"OU8n kiss];
"Ble-ned be th ~ neesth $h.a lkneel t the sa red altar [ issl; i'8les5ed be t ny omb ( we would not b I kissl;

n of g neratio ). wit nout wh icl'1

"BI!!'5S@d ba thy ps, wh.

10 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-



swc rn, art w II i ng to pass the erd

alta r. Thr !!: wilt alwa

SiJV,I'Y@ protect. iii

). Prick. postula nt's t h mb: c asu re on .a ltar. Have postu nt et t ethe-r. and seeu re ea Ie to to !! II, y, ~ Art r@adv to SW@di Art?

II an r:I a'lj. 'Tho LI must fi rst b P Llrifi


b rav@ Iv SSf!d eo test. Art always re.a y to h

nd tI'I y brot h rs a nd go;te rs of the A 1-

mdIY my oath."

per p@ rson, pm p@dV pr@p.a , .a nd that I wi II nev r deny h ~ be vouc r.ed for by a rot ne or by my t1 opes of a futu e life, nd

me if I braak th is 50 Ie- n

m a nfdes and fro a Ita r, an d remove bl ndfo Id;

t. 71

the@ wit h thf! triple sign [the point-down ria:n&l@ t IJch ing the ge n ital , the right bre ast, he left • a n eo gen ita I".; again, 1 co nsecrate thee wi h 011, I crate th e 'IN itt-. wi ne, I ton s rate t ne e wtth my lip • Prie st (P i@

f! t to you t ha worki ith th P::! ath ame, th ue, and punish all e uade angels and ,g rutar of tha circle. ~ [

tools. First ths mag' can ~ form a II magi beUio u s spj rits and od spi rits. Wid'1 t nis iss I

to you the atha e. Th Is is; the true as a II the pow.ers of the magic swo I'd _ M [ki

t the white-ha nd I kn ife. Its: Lise is: to rm aU

sed in t he Art. It a n on tv be usee in

I pre e 1: the wan d. ItS use i to ca II LIP and control certa in n Ie to who m it w uld not be moot to se the ," [klss]

I pr@ t the Cf!nSf! r of in[@ se. Tnis .s used to t:m ou rag@ leo e ocd s:pirit-;, .a nd to n ish evil sp irit-;, II I kls I

n ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

~ Next I present t e stOurge deminatkm, It i'5. a used to me nt fo .. it is w ritt "J ITo Ie ar I kiss]

Art willing to suffe to Ie ar n r

Po stu 101 nt: "I a m ."


"is is a ign sa pu rifk tic n u must su r a


~ Next an d last Iy I P ese nt t he 0 s. Tney a of 1 nd the

'5igils of the art. als tne mate ia I basis- AI ttl ey are essa ry

in the- oath." [kiss]

~ I now 'Sa lute you 1 tt1 e n arne mad e PrKl'stess an W rtch."

Lead round and p On es, (nam e) has b

Now prese-nt n@w h LIg new Witch as

To dose circle prot im to to... q East (50 uth, W!!str 0 rth), I th n depa rt for yo ur 10\1' Iy realms. 1 sa


dess, •

iss and

of the !!r@ yeo


I I I.

Oft M Circle: in U5 ual mil nn !!r, in oki ng th!!: Mighty the Fou r Q rte rs, The In It te sh OU Id be pr

pre Pi! red an d un d wtth the C rei s,


i Ie once, proda i i ng at the reu r iIJ arte rs: i'He ar Ye ty

es, , - . (Nl. a d u co nsacrated P iestess a nd Witch i p!!:rty pre-pared bl!! mads oil H ig. Priest.a nd Magu5 r stess and W Itth use n I, ..


. e then kneels before the Alta and k- secu red w· the

r stess or I'To attai n to his su b lime Oegre- it is e ~§;arv to suffe r an d be purified Art wi Iling to SiIJ r to rn?~

CI r MagiIJ s i'l pu rify ttl ee to ta ke th is- grea ad1

ike th ree strokes U pan the bell. ou rge 3, 7 r §lj 21,' now

thee.a new na : . . ,~ I kss]

'14 ..... *:-.

... ~-

name after e. s mot" r's wo ;iI nd by m ne h OU r i1 mcn,g rTM!n broth rs and fo te 1"5 of t ne A th 1 will never rl!'\fflal all an of the s crets of the rt, ~xc pt it ba to .a worthy

prope y prepa d, in the ce er a Magic Circle such

now i . Th I'S I s ea r by rrrv t1 pes sa Ivatlo n. my part 1- s a

my., pes of "d I devote myse If nd

k this my 'SOl !!mn


Plac@ m HOI n un der In iti ''5 Kn a nd Rig"t Hand 0 Hea- r

t hus rming gic: L.i n k, o;ayi : -I i 11.a II my power i nee hee.'


tccse a'SSist to rise.

Co nss rate. 101 onseerate th k!ft hi J right ip, left braa win~, I consec thee {H lgh rlestess nd Witch Qu

ore re main in.g co

~ '1ou ill now U'5e t n@ wo Sword (F om; C' Ie) [ki§;~]

-Th ird the Wh' e -Ha nd led I( (Wall to 4 Qu rters) I kiss 1


@rs) lkiss]

i'E i,g tnh the surge; for lea rn, in i1S you f@t:@iv@ b LIt @v.f!r triple. 50

wi'! ere I garJe ,re1:u rn 21; ere

gave ai. retur 63." (Use, 9, 2 2',

The Prie-s.tess r Magus is the "Having laa rn d th us fa r, yo ea 11e.d the Hid en Child re n of t e

oft you mu-st I g,av@ thee 3, 9, return 2 h .• 120 In a III i5 Jl

k IN II, when thou goe th reefold. •

Then the Lege d of the Godde 5 is

is possible- to et it out, t ha w I Itl.a

part'S. 0 ne of he Coven ~h OU I aettas Gu.a rdian of t e Porta I. Tne P iest act the part m:ilV .a rt the tak ing the p.a it on the Altar The n stl e goes a veil and je llery, Tne Mag of the God •• ~ i n\I'@~d wit sword, wh it h he draws .3n d morel an d 'S-Co, by the .a Ita .

'INW'rN. ~~III(1~_II'iI I I


(The Priestes.~·· r whoever i t king t ne pa e Goddess .d dva nC!!5 to the s e of the u I. Whc@V"er· U g the part t ne Gua rei ia n of ne Porta I c Ilenges ne r itt1 ne Sword AthOlrJl@,)

Na rrator: !I'St rip off my gar na ught may ~ ring with down her g.a rrTM! ts and tllil~ r who enter the re Im-s of

ms, lav .a ~i e t y jewels. f to this our Ian - So she laIs a nd Wi] bo nd, as arE' .a I 1: e Mighty 0 e",

(The Pri estess ta down outside th witt! ttl e Cords an

nd lays tne al binds t1!!

Na rrater: ~Suth Ia id h is sword .a n

etf knelt an

tome-s forward a Pri!!5t@SS' s fee! .a

the God Sword atth

Na rrator: !lSayl ng t nese ways, Abid let me plat tky hsart', And he replied, I ov!! thas n

ca LI-;e .all th i t at I love a n ke d ~I ight i

'Ladv.' re pile d D ath, "Tis e a nd Fate.

helpless- Age cau es all ttl ing wittl e r. b u

t k@ @ nd of time, I iVoE!: them r@ they may retu rn. ut '!IIOU, you me.' B~t she ans red. 'I lov yo~ rs ce ive net my ha nd 0

hV dost tho de and di~ ,

which I a

n me" die a ngth, '500 tha

lovely. Ret m : ablde wit

nee not.' Th n s jd Death. 'A you rhea rt yot.! must re-ce-

O@ath's S[.O urg@. "

(The Magus rlses nd takes up e Sco urge f m t e Alta r.)




,I she said, and she knelt. ~

the a Ita r, a nd the MagiU 5 uses. t e

ed he r te nderty • .a nd she cried 'I eath ra ised ne r, and sa id. 1 B Ie 55 d

SS, gives her th e Ffvefold K iss a

a II th e My~e ries .a nd gave her t e Rebirth ,41

ess's nacklaca from the Altar a d e prie'Steso; ta kes up the s.word a d floor, where the Magull_;. p lac: d him. Th en he stan ds a 5 before y

he God, an d '5t1 eo sta nds by his si oddeo;-i)

i m t ne mystery of th e sacred rth, Th!!y loved a nd WI! re one; a F or there be th ree great my;te r s th • .a nd res urreet Ion in .a new I L To fu Ifill love you must retu m he lam on I!, ;iI nd yo u must m t love the m a,ga i n. B LIt to be reb ran ew body ~ to die you must net be born •• and these be all t e r inc Ii neth to lov@ and mirth a d ch e ri seth He r hidde n d'I i Id ren in h the way to nave commun io n, a d


1 1


eth them the Mystery een the wor1d!i,41

r Mag.u!i t n@n rapla ees the

etc.. u n the A a r, a nd t.a king the new In

hs nd a hold i g ttl e At me in the other, pa sses

the Ci rt e, P (I im i ng at the Fou r Qua rters, tHea

On!!'S,. • • , hath i!! n du Iv onsec rated High Pri@st.a n

High pri stess a d Witc h uee n]. •

'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-


agus: II E re we roceed wit n th i-s 'S-ubli u rification at thy a nds, II

ss bi nes Magu.., n d ties him doWfl to ereu mam u lares tt1 roo tim 'S-, a nd sec urges Magu seven, run , and 21 stroke She then unbinds hi

MagiIJ s no binds t he H i.g h Priest€'S$ a nd ties her irey mam bu lares, proda iming to t ne f "Hea r, ye ighty Ones, the twice consecrate .a nd

High pri ess and Witch een, ~~ properly pre

., ow proce d to erect the S red Alta r, II

with t hree, ~e n,

Magus; sro strokes.

Mag'-lS kis as her feet- t Er I da re proceed wit h d ~f@I!, I u s;:t .aga in b~ pu • iC.1tion at thy ha nds."

She bind~

Note-: if H h Pri~st@'5.'5 has; not pI! rfu rrned t:h is

savs, ·H ~ I revea I to you a great mystery. II [Kf'I P

eouc h in s ition '50 as to fa e north.J

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. ~[llt~tI'u[(I~_II'i-

[ [[ [I [

80 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


I'1ty 0 ne wi lied. An F rom begin nit da 5 dot h it ie, Twi:rt th 'Sky. For tl1 us it was pi ced When tl1 Godde 55 Ha rned 0 na, !! Lord. ho ta ug Itt h tha word,

By moon- ray ...,i e r 51'1 the bud, By e that s in the- blood. ki 5]

By rus hi n.g w earth, PO!.! r u Re! birth, I kiss

Here may IN Ie ngtl'1. T"13- Strength. [ki 5

and in

Altar of M

s ma iful • The Sa ed Cirtle's e as 0 old With k iss of my lips



(Eightfold Kiss: 3 poin ,Lips. 2 rea !it nd back 0 lips, & 5

points 1, with oil, wine, kisses)

Open for me the Se @t W~r he P wily of i tellic;t:mce, Betwee-n t he Gate-; of Night a nd Day, B yon d th be undo:; of time .a nd se nse,

8!!!1'101 d tha Myst!!!ry.a r ht, Th@ f Here whe re the La nee r.d Gr.a il breast a nd lips. II

Magu 5 din d H igh Pri@ 51 ss: "E nco cry~amze itse-If in OU r blood, fu iIIing tl1 e re is; no pa rt of us th t is not of

(Ext:h.a ng@ Na rnas.l

ellowsh i P. kne-es and

u haa rts, t thy light of Re su ectlon, to r

1 These are shown by ~ r.llwi~ to : gen Is. left

len m~t". nett foot, imd ack to ~nj Is,



right knee,

u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


DARKSOME n then W~rt. Here come I

n, Ea'5tr then South r to the Wkche~ Rune:

[an" an d Wat@r. A a Work y~ unto my d ~ i r

d Pl!ntacle: a nd Sword r my -word.

Co rds ;(I nd Censer. 0 Blad!!:r Waken all ye nt

we rs of the Witcnes he Ch.a rm is m.a d@:

QiIJ een of He aven, e lend yo u r pewsr I,n, CI t

orr. d Hunter of the N ignt..

rk w ill by Magic Rite-

By a II the power of an

all he might of moon (I nd


What is my will. II do l'IIe. II

ate rt b ,Wha I do 'SaV~ ~ It sha II be

oonju that


i bls av any n!!: 'W@.ipon to uch i ng an a Ir@oiIdy

rd to swor ,Atha me to At ha me, e-tc.)

eels must be co nseeratsd by a as dr.awn '5owords; they must repared.

r, Mag!,Js sprinkles rt: with salt itch p S'5@'S it th rou h smoke: of in ~ nse, repla t:@"S it adv eenseeratee -wea pen. thev

I'. conju re thee. 0 Sword (0 r C.cll ... .t6~ me for a §;1 rength a nd a

ic.a I ope .. ati 1"115. ,against a II mine enem les, i" the na es of Aradia a!'lld Cer!'llU n nes, I ~ .a n@w by the He Iv N.a rnes Aradioil a nd Cern unnos, rvest e for a pr ection In all adversitle s. sc aid

n other 001. 'Sayr" radia and Cernunnos, d@i,gn to t CO nse ate th I.., Ito II, that It may obtain n ecessa ry

gh thee for a II aees I t:Ne and Be iJUty. 4,

, oil nd 'Say the Second Conju ra r

at" arne, s y, 411 conju re thee. 0 Sword the G r!!:.n 00'50 oil nd t he Ge-ntl@ Godd~s!i@5.


by t e of the Heave • of t he S a rs, of the s.p i rits who

PrES1 ar them, tnat tho mayest r!! iv!! sue h virtues tnat I

may n the end tf1at I de ire in all t ings wherein I shall use

t ne@ t @ power of A rad ia nd C!! m u nos. I'

3b. a V other tool. say. "Aradia an cernunncs, ble'.;s this

instr t prspa red i., t ni e honour (For the seeu rge or

cord , "that it nuy on S@I'V@ fur Good use a nd en d, and

toth ry,"')

oil, rumenrs W ne n (0 seaated hould be prese nted to by g ivine, the [poin -d own tria gle] sign sa lut~ (if they

i gin 1: he 1~ deg • 0 r th e 'iig of the- h ighe-r degree if

orkl.,g t hat.j

t @ one w no is not he own ~ r h ou Id give th~ Fivefold h owner, FOr the fi al kiss, th tool o;houkl be placed he breasts, and th two war rs sheu lei embrace to r they feel like, it ing held i place by ttl ei r bodie'S. owner she uld u it lrnrned at@Iy, L@., C:iI'5t (trace)

SWord 0 r At ha e, wav~ nd to 4 q ua rters, cut

with wh lte-ha nd ed k., ire. c. Cord s and seou rge

au kI be kept in a s io n as po§;sible to the-

V for at lea~ a pt under pi Ilow, etc.

in use, all tools an hould be put away in a

should be near your lace . and that yo em each night before o ., ot a Uow a nyo e to touch or 1'1 and Ie a ny of you r

i they are thorough impreg., d with your aura; 5fl1/r

rno~nrlJ5. or as n@ar as p bla, But a ou pie wo rkin,g tcgeth ~ r

may n the sa me tools. with wi II b imp re,gn ated with the-

aura th,

TEla W Wtt!i mad .a d rdane of old. The la w.a'5. rna e r the Wlcc.a. .ad· oil nd help in their u b Ie So. e kea o;nould g- e ue worship to the Go '§. and 0 y th e i r I L whit: h they A a e, or it was, made for the good of

th I!!: W· ca, A!i th@ rs I W ca '5. orsh ip i!i good for t e God'5.,

th e G ds love the W (a a ma n loveth a woman. "I

hOIlJ Id IOYe d1 e Go s, by bei s te'501oa ry that th e Ci le, wh it: th I!!: T@ ple of the God:5., sh u I be- tru Iv ('.i1I'5.t and p . i@d. th

[lO] m 'Ij be a fit place for t h Gods to enter. A the Wi

'iho u Id be pro perly pr par d and purifi ed I to e r into t e

pre~n e of the God'S. it I 'lie a nd worship i" their hea s th I!!:y '5. II raise pOW@: r ro t eir bod i@'5. to &4VII!-

Gods, has bee n til ug u of ld, [15] For in t hi50

man n - h ttl GodSo. for the God


dess, and t re pres "tat ive of th e G d. n

whom he [20] will, rt e a

Priest). 'ia lute, yi!"llg hi'S powe r at her yo h and beautyr h r and Ju tioe, her humili nd generosltv, So he lordSohi to her. But the Prl 50 SOSO SohoLild 1251 ever

power 0 Iv Ie nt when it is u

ju'Stly. "d the greatss vi u of a High Prie'50tes rII!-to,gn !!:5. that yo uth i n @'5. ry '00 the represen ative of 1: e

86 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

dess, so that si'le will re ire g in fayOU r of a yo~.,g

rna n, Should the ven!i deci ~ in u neil, For the true 13:

H - h Priestess real i as tha gra ul tv s urrs n.d e ring p rid e

pi @ is on@' of the g test f virt @S, a d t hat th~ reby sha wi I

rn to that pride plac in a n he r ife, with g reate r pow r


I n the- d.ays when itd1 d m @' @ nda f.a r, we W@'r@ fr@@' .iI n

~h ipped in All th ir Gre test T mp r b LIt i n these un ha p

e s [3S] we mu~ old ou 'Sac erles I n secret. So tt b

a ns, that "one b t ttle

on aarth, A.nd may t ~ r@of he Chri~ian5,

ven u nder tortu re, Th , '50 t ney "ever re bor h ~ balong, in t ha H@ I

O. let each H i,g h. P r 1 S 1 kntl!r with tha h ding the ad~ice will heed ill II co

!!Ip 0 of the @ k:I@'~ .a Iwa

th P::! ssen er of he Gods. if he comet .

pia in of b ther'S and 'Strtve to ~ttle a I emr b it

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