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Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City




A healthy diet contains the right balance of different foods you need and

provides the right amount of energy. The metabolic rate is the rate at which the

chemical reactions in the body are carried out. The less exercise you take the

less food you need; people who exercise regularly are usually fitter than those

who take little exercise.

People all over the world want to lose weight and for those who want to

get on the weight loss bandwagon there are thousands of different diets and diet

pills to choose from. Who wouldn’t be enticed by the wonderful testimonials,

fantastic before and after pictures and unbelievable money back guarantees that

we are constantly bombarded with in magazines, newspapers, television and the

internet. But surely diet pills can't all be as safe as they claim. Those desperate

to lose weight quickly and easily often ignore the negatives and side effects of

diet pills.

Weight loss pills are the new trend in the weight loss programme products.

It offers an easy weight management that does not require any rigorous exercise

routine or a strict low calorie diet. All the branches of medicine are now

competing with each other by introducing new varieties of pills to reduce body

weight in an effortless manner. Slimming pills said to help women drop a dress
Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 2

size. All people around the world especially women are relying on slimming pills

in order to attain their ideal body weight. Slimming pills are fat binders, fat

blockers and appetite suppressants. These are very attractive if you need a little

help with your weight loss goals. We heard many reports of slimmers reaching

their target weight with the help of their diet pills or weight loss supplements. We

all know that slimming pills is the fastest way to lose weight.

Growing reliance on fast food and time-saving technology causes weight

problem around the world. Experts have warned that unless urgent action is

taken, an entire generation faces an old age blighted by heart disease, cancer,

diabetes and other disease brought on by obesity. Slimming pills works by

stopping the body from absorbing fat in food.

Although many slimmers are pro-diet pills, this does not mean every

supplement on the market is safe and effective. Always choose carefully so you

can achieve positive weight loss results. But there will be concerns that it will be

used as a quick fix to a problem which can also be tackled by diet and exercise.
Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 3

Statement of the Problem

This research aimed to determine the: “HEALTH EFFECTS OF



Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the


1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Civil Status

1.4 Educational Attainment

1.5 Religion

1.6 Socio-economic Status

1.7 Occupation

2. What are the effects of slimming pills to the health of the respondents?

3. What is the rate of effectiveness of the pills to the health of the


4 What are the safety measures do the respondents need to know while

taking slimming pills?

5. Is there a significant trend on the effects of slimming pills, effectiveness,

and safety measures of slimming pills among the respondents?

6. How may the findings of this research be utilized to improve the health of

slimming pills users?

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 4

There is no significant trend on the effects of slimming pills, effectiveness,

and safety measures of slimming pills among the respondents.

Significance of the Study

This research is believed to be very significant to the following:

Medical practitioners: Conducting this research will help medical

practitioners to have better understanding and good

analysis of the effects of slimming pills. This study will

show the present situation of individuals who are using

slimming pills and the common effects to their body and

daily activities.

Society: Body image is the common issue why they are

advertising slimming pills in the society as a solution to

their problems. This study was conducted to help

individuals become aware on proper use of slimming


Couples: The awareness of couples regarding slimming

pills can promote good sexual relationship. They will see

themselves more attractive and more appreciated by

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 5

their partners. Thus, the couples who are using slimming

pills need to be aware regarding the effects of these

drugs in their pregnancy or in their baby.

Men and Women: This study will provide awareness to men and

women who take and will take slimming pills. They will be

informed regarding its effects to their health condition.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study was conducted along the vicinity of Quezon City, wherein thirty

(30) respondents were utilized for the period 2007-2008. The researchers

believed that this number of respondents is enough to assess the validity and

reliability of the study.

The researchers did not see the plight of the other area since the

researchers are from that place an felt its appropriateness and could be a big

help among the respondents

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City



The researchers did a lot of readings and browsing related literature and

studies related to the problem. What the researchers have learned is here by


Foreign Literature

As stated by Macnair (2003), slimming pills, or anti-obesity medication as

they're more formally called, should be viewed generally as a last resort, to help

people who are grossly overweight, have already lost some weight and are now

struggling to lose more. In the past they've been handed out too easily, often by

poorly trained medical staff. The result has been that slimming pills have been

used inappropriately.

Many slimming pills have now been taken off the market because of

potential side effects and complications.

Amphetamine-type slimming pills were popular 30 to 40 years ago, but it

took some time for doctors to realize they can be addictive and harmful. Few

people manage to diet successfully with them and keep weight off, and many

became physically hooked.

Even the more recent appetite-suppressant drugs such as

dexfenfluramine, have now been taken off the market in most countries, as

research Health
has linked
Effectstheir use to long
of Slimming term
Pills as problems
Perceived by thesuch as heart
Selected disease.
Users in Quezon City 7

Some new medicines to help people lose weight have been licensed in

recent years. One, called sibutramine, alters the chemical messages in the brain

that control how the person feels about food. By influencing brain chemicals

called noradrenaline and serotonin, sibutramine helps to make a person feel full.

Another, called orlistat, changes the way the stomach or intestines function, so

that less fat enters the bloodstream. Several other drugs are in the development

stage. But like any treatment, they have side effects. Sibutramine sometimes

increases blood pressure, for example, while orlistat can cause diarrhea and


Anti obesity drugs are only really suitable for very overweight people.

Doctors are advised to only prescribe them in special circumstances. For

example, as part of an overall treatment plan for the management of obesity for

people aged 18 to 65 years with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. Or

where someone has a BMI of 27 or more and has another significant disease,

such as type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. The person must have already

serious attempts to lose weight by dieting, exercise and/or other changes in their


In general, the idea that overweight people have a slow metabolism is a

complete myth. The heavier you are the harder your body has to work to carry

the weight and the greater your metabolic rate. The only exceptions are people
with conditions such as clinically under-active thyroid gland, who are generally ill

with otherHealth
Effects too.
of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 8

By far the healthiest and most effective way to control your weight is

through long-term healthy eating and regular exercise, supported by counseling

and behavior modification, which you should find at a slimming club.

An article found on the internet, stated that the men and money pushing

dangerous diet supplements. The new ban on ephedra will protect us from harm,

right? Don't count on it: The same hucksters are still around, pushing the next

multibillion-dollar miracles in diet capsules. As said by Steinhack

(2005), most people are perfectly capable or reading the literature and making a

responsible decision when the decide to self medicate. Idiots who abuse drugs

will get them whether they require a prescription or not. The government and

regulatory agencies should stop treating citizens as though we are all morons.

As stated by Samuel (2007), taking pills for slimming and thyroid

problems during pregnancy may increase the possibility of bearing lesbian

daughters, a study has revealed. Researchers studied thousands of pregnant

women to study the effect of prescription drugs on their babies and discovered

that the drug thyroxine, used to treat thyroid deficiency, and amphetamine-based

slimming pills appear to influence homosexuality among female children. The

results show sexual orientation is affected by prenatal rather than social factors,

with mothers of homosexual girls proving eight times more likely to have taken

those pills — most noticeably with daughters whose mothers took them during

their first three months of pregnancy.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 9

Local Literature

Bureau warns anew vs. Bangkok pills

The Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) raised its warning anew against

the use of Bangkok pills and similar unregistered slimming pills and fat-reducing

pills following the proliferation of such drugs in the market.

The BFAD issued an advisory as early as September 24, 1999 when

Bangkok pills first spread in the market. With the reported and verified presence

of Bangkok pills, which are being sold in the market, the bureau reiterated its

previous warning.

The BFAD said unregistered slimming and fat-reducing drug products, the

safety, quality and efficacy of which has not been established, may pose dangers

to the consumers. The manufacture, importation, exportation, sale, offering for

sale, distribution or transfer of any drug, which is not registered with the BFAD is

strictly prohibited pursuant to Republic Act No. 3720 as amended and Republic

Act 7391 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines. The manufacture, importation,

exportation, sale, offering for sale, distribution, or transfer of any drug by any

person without the required license from the bureau is also prohibited.
With the proliferation of these slimming pills, however, BFAD calls on the

public to report any person found selling Bangkok pills and any unregistered

and fat-reducing drug products
Effects of Slimming through
Pills as Perceived by telephone
the Selected number.
Users in Quezon City 10

Related Studies

Information from , losing weight and

maintaining slimming efforts in a safe and sensible manner requires a

multifaceted approach. Individuals should set realistic and attainable slimming

goals, develop eating/social behavior patterns that promote slimming success,

while incorporating an exercise program designed for the long term. All the fad

diets and popular slimming plans are just marketing strategies to promote the

purchasing of new products when they are really just telling you the same old

news, "limit your caloric intake".

Clinical studies continue to show that slimming pills and/or slimming

tablets are an effective method to lose weight fast. In order to lose weight fast

and maintain slimming efforts individuals must make a conscientious effort to limit

their caloric intake. The proper slimming pills and/or slimming tablets enable

individuals to consume less calories in order to lose weight fast.

However, there are now three very effective slimming pills/tablets, Reductil

Slimming Pills, Xenical Slimming Pills and Physicians' Select Herbal Slimming

Tablets. These three slimming pills represent the most recommended Slimming

Pills by Bariatric physicians (doctors that specialize in the medical treatment of

weight loss). Reductil Slimming Pills, Xenical Slimming Pills. and Physicians'
Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 11

Select Herbal Slimming Pills allow individuals to consume less calories for fast

weight loss. Numerous registered clinical studies have proven that individuals

that use the doctor recommended slimming pills and/or slimming tablets,

Reductil, Xenical or the Physicians' Select Herbal Slimming Tablets will lose

weight fast. In fact individuals will lose two to three times more weight than those

who try dieting without the use of slimming pills and/or slimming tablets. Doctors

warned about the possibility of other obesity drugs being sold over the counter,

without a prescription which would 'perpetuate the myth that obesity can be fixed

simply by popping a pill'. Research suggested almost four in 10 overweight

people who take it lose 10 per cent of their body weight. However, it emerged

yesterday that the drug was unlikely to be approved in America because of fears

over the possible psychological effects on users. Dr Amy Egan, an American

medical officer, told experts advising the Food and Drug Administration that

medical trials had suggested that patients taking the drug report side-effects

including depression and anxiety. The drug controls the appetite by blocking

activity in a part of the brain that regulates the body's energy balance and ability

to break down sugars and fats in the blood. It also reduces levels of harmful fatty

deposits around internal organs that can cause diabetes. Officials from the

French manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis had suggested that patients be screened for

depression. Unless you are clinically overweight avoid diet pills, they do much

more harm than good and you'll be healthier and more gorgeous all round if you

stick to the tried and tested method of exercise and a balanced diet. The reason

diet pills are not readily available to the masses is that they carry the risk of nasty
potential side effects and possible complications. About 30 years ago

amphetamine slimming pills were all the rage, but GPs discovered that they

weren't as fantastic
Health Effectsas
of first thought,
Slimming little
Pills as if any by
Perceived weight was kept
the Selected Usersoff
in while
City of 12

the women taking them became addicted. More recently sales of appetite

suppressants (e.g. dexfenfluramine) have been stopped after research linked it to

long-term problems including heart disease. Many over-the-counter slimming

tablets also provides very little information on the packaging, often even failing to

provide basic facts on how the product supposedly works to aide weight loss,

Carey explains, ‘Many of the products are not listed medicines. This means

they’re not allowed to make certain claims such as “speeds up metabolism” or

“stops fats from being absorbed’. This in turn means there’s often a worrying lack

of information on the packing. ‘But the problems with over-the-counter slimming

pills don’t just stop there. Carey believes some may actually do more harm than

good. “

Certainly over-the-counter slimming pills may not be suitable if you have

medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, yet this may not be

clear from the packing with the result that a woman with these conditions still try

them. Some may also interact with other medications. For example, taking a

slimming pill that includes thyroid-stimulating ingredient could interfere with

prescribed medication for an under active thyroid, potentially causing problems.

Again the packaging might not make this obvious. But unfortunately, a lack of

information, little proof they’ll work potentially putting your health at risk is not the

only price you’ll need to be prepared to pay. Most over-the-counter pills are
extremely expensive; too, with the result that you can be sure you’ll lose pounds

– but probably not theofright

Health Effects sort!Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City
Slimming 13

Nevertheless, if you’re still tempted to try an over-the-counter sliming

tablet, there are plenty to choose from. Bear in mind that most of them

recommend, or come with, a reduced-calorie diet plan and suggest taking more

exercise, which generally explains why they result in weight loss! Bear in mind,

too, that while some of these tablets may claim to be supported by research; this

is likely to be a ‘one-off’ small study.

Diet pills can help you to lose weight very quickly, but they should only be

used when prescribed by a GP to patients who are clinically obese. The whole

treatment should occur under strict medical supervision. Anyone who is

overweight but not obese should be told to lose weight by a combination of

healthy eating and exercise, perhaps with the aid of a dietician.

A Watchdog Health check programme in January 2002 found that when

they sent two young girls who were not overweight to ten private health clinics,

only four of the 10 doctors correctly refused to treat them with slimming pills.

Worryingly the remaining six doctors gave the girls prescription medicines to help

them lose weight. One even gave them an appetite suppressant (Reductil) only

intended for people at least three stone overweight.

In August 2002, the Guardian reported that: "Five people have died and

almost 500 have fallen ill after taking the dangerous and poorly regulated herbal

slimming aids from China, according to reports in recent weeks that have

highlighted the fatal consequences of Japan's dieting obsession.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 14

The effectiveness of diet pills has been intensively studied by many

international organizations and research institutes. As expected by the institute's

research team, a large number of diet pills that have been researched have

proven to be ineffective or even have serious side effects. On the other hand, it

has identified a number of diet pills that offer the consumer very good value for

money in combination with no or few side effects.

Diet pills like Xenical and Meridia were introduced to burn calories but

after sometime it was found that their continuous use was causing side effects,

which were very harmful and were causing damage to the human system, which

were beyond repairing. Diet pills are not magical pills. They cannot make you

slimmer if you're not following a balanced diet and taking regular exercise. In fact,

the main cause of overweight is dull metabolism, which is the result of irregular

exercising and consuming wrong food. So, exercises and a balanced diet is a


Conceptual Framework

In this study the researchers focus on the therapeutic effects of slimming

pills with have been frequently use but he respondents in order to maintain their

body weight. It is also questions the effectivity of such medications especially to

obese patients
Individuals lose weight and more importantly keep the weight off by taking

a diet or Health
slimming pills.
Effects The proper
of Slimming Pills slimming
as Perceivedpills and/or
by the slimming
Selected Users in tablets
Quezon enable
City 15

individuals to consume less calories in order to lose weight fast. But, individuals

must understand the concept of dieting or slimming.

Exercise is also known as physical activity and includes anything that gets

you moving. Physical activity can lower your blood glucose (sugar), blood

pressure, and cholesterol. It also reduces your risk for heart disease and stroke,

relieves stress, and strengthens your heart, muscles, and bones. In addition,

regular activity helps insulin work better, improves your blood circulation, and

keeps your joints flexible. If you're trying to lose weight, a combination of physical

activity and wise food choices can help you reach your target weight and

maintain it. All of these benefits can be yours even if you haven't been very active


The key causes of causes of the global obesity epidemic are increased

assumption of energy-dense foods high in saturated fats and sugars, and

reduced physical activity due to rapid urbanization.

Excess weight and obesity weight and obesity read to adverse metabolic

impact on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides. And insulin resistance some

of the negative effects in turn redoubles the propensity for weight gain.

Due to increase work-related to increased work-related stress and time

constraints coupled with easy access to tasty junk food, advice on incorporating

a low-fat, high-fiber diet in conjunction with an exercise program has been

difficult to heed. And even when dietary and Physical regimen changes are
made, the structure to reverse the physical and psychological inclination to gain

weight remains difficult.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 16

Individuals must understand the concept of dieting or slimming. Diet is a

method of preserving a view way of living concentration on increasing self-

esteem while decreasing the prevalence of health complications associated with

being overweight.

Slimming pills or slimming tablets are use to limit the daily intake of

calories for fast weight loss.

Theoretical Framework

According to Dave T. (1998) not all diet pills are created equal. There are

different theories about diet pills and carbs. Many believe that diet pills will make

you skinny and carbs will make you fat. These are usually the same people that

follow the famous Atkins Diet and others like it. Then there are those who say

that carbs should not be neglected from your daily diet because our body needs

whole grains, and that we should have a low fat intake.

Carbs -- are actually a chemical composed of carbon, hydrogen, and

oxygen. There are different types of carbs.

1. Simple carbs are the ones that usually contain the most sugar, and

raise your insulin levels high. Examples of these types of carbohydrates

are honey,
Health table
Effects sugar (sucrose),
of Slimming fruit, etc.
Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 17

2. Complex carbs are the ones that burn slower in your body and last

longer. Examples of these types of carbs are wheat, rye, pumpernickel,

and multigrain bread, pasta, and potatoes.

Fiber -- a special type of carb. Some great sources of fiber are fruits,

vegetables, and whole grains. A highly recommend eating a lot of green

vegetables, as they are usually lower in calories and contain lots of fiber.

When you severely restrict your carbs (say about a max of 20 grams per

day) as in the Atkins Diet, depending on your activity level your body can't use

carbs anymore as fuel. Your body then uses fat to burn fat. This fat-burning

state is called ketosis.

In conclusion, carbs do not make you fat. Eating too many carbs is what

causes you to gain fat. This is the same as anything. If you overeat on protein,

you can get fat and the same goes for fat. The body actually works better with a

balance of protein and carbohydrates, with some good fats throughout the day.
Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 18


Health Effects of Provide information Expressed desire to

Slimming pills about conditions / change specific habit

health risk factors or lifestyle patterns to

concerns in written or achieve/ maintain

audiovisual forms as optimal health


 Physiological Acknowledge self as an Verbalized relief of

individual who anxiety and

verbalized adaptation to actual/

understanding of body altered body image


 Psychological Identify/modify Able to response and

external factors that observed behavioral

contribute to responses

alterations in sensory/

perceptual abilities
Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 19
Figure 1: The Research Paradigm

Weight Gain or Obesity

I l R

Weight Loss

Figure 2: Paradigm of the common effects of Slimming pills to the Body of the

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 20

Definition of Terms:

The following terms are hereby defined for easier understanding of the
Adverse effect- Unintended and non therapeutic response to drug action.

Appetite- Desire for food.

Disease- An impairment of the normal state of the living body or one of its

Drug- A chemical that is introducing to the body it causes sort of changes.

Effectiveness- The ability of an intervention to produce the desired

beneficial effect in actual usage.

Effects- To bring about; accomplish; cause to happen.

Enticed- To allure.

Flatulence- The quality or state of being flatulent.

Gather- to collect.

Health- The condition of an organism or one of its parts in which it

performs its vital functions normally or property.

Homosexual- Sexually attracted by persons of the same sex.

Hypothesis- A brilliant conjecture or a tentative solution to a problem.

Incurable- Not susceptible.

Interfere- To be in the way.

Medicine- Art of science of treating disease, illness, and abnormal

physical and mental conditions.

Metabolic rate- Rate at which the chemical reactions in the body are
carried out.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 21

Metabolism- The sum of all the physical and chemical process by which
living organized substance is produced and maintained, and
also the transformation by which energy is made available for
the uses of the organism.

Obesity- A condition that is characterized by excessive.

Orlistat- A lipase inhibitor C29H53N05 that prevents the absorption of
dietary fat and is used to teat obesity.

Prescribe- To set down authoritatively, to order or direct the use of.

Prohibited- Forbidden.

Proliferate- The reproduction or multiplication of similar forms, especially

of cells.

Qualities- Attribute.

Quantities- Amount or proportion.

Questionnaire- An instrument use that contains the simplified question

addressed to the respondents.

Reliance- Act of being confidence.

Researcher- A person who conduct research.

Serotonin- Aphernolic amine neurotransmitter that is powerful

vasoconstrictor and is found especially in the brain, blood,
serum, a gastric mucous membrane of mammals respondents.

Society- People in general, considered as living in relationship with one


Suppressant- An agent that stops secretion or normal discharged

Therapeutics- The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and
cure of diseases.

Toxic- Affected by, caused by toxin.

Utilize- To make useful.

Visualize- To picture mentally.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City


This chapter presents the methodology of the research. It contained the

different techniques, methods, and procedures employed in gathering the

needed data, such as the research design, respondents, sampling techniques,

instruments used with the construction of the questionnaire, administration and

retrieval, validation, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The descriptive method was used in this study. This is the most

appropriate method on inquiry about the present status and condition of a

particular phenomenon. Concepts and procedures of general description,

analysis, and classifications are discussed and illustrated in considerable detail.

This method tends to both the qualitative and quantitative analysis of inquiry such

as the present investigation.

Manuel and Medel, (1:46) elaborated that the profile of the descriptive

technique is to tell “what exist” or “what is” about a certain educational

phenomenon. It may likewise include a study on factors or current conditions

about the nature of a group of individuals or a class of events which may involve

induction, Health
Effects ofanalysis, enumeration,
Slimming Pills as Perceivedorbymeasurement.
the Selected Users in Quezon City 23

Hillway, (4:187) pointed out that the descriptive method is effective in

obtaining accurate facts and figures about prevailing conditions. It tries to

describe the situations from which the status of any kind of phenomena being
studied may be learned and whenever possible to formulate valid conclusions

from the data gathered.

Sevilla et al. (2:150) described the method as a powerful technique when

one aims to describe the current or prevailing status of events, things or

phenomena, They said:

…the descriptive method or research is a useful tool for

scientific investigation which aims to describe the existing

status of events or phenomena. The results of studies

employing the descriptive method of research can be used

to advantage of the researchers in all areas of human


Locale and Population of the Study

The study was conducted at the vicinity of Quezon City that consisting of

thirty (30) respondents who are using slimming pills. The site was selected due to

its accessibility and to achieve a more comprehensive study. The researchers

have chosen thirty (30) students from the population to be the respondents.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 24

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of this study consisted of the selected respondents in the

area of Quezon City who are using slimming pills

The researchers believe that these respondents will be the best persons

to describe and analyze the situation confronting their present investigation.

A thirty (30) respondents were chosen to assess the validation of the


Sampling Technique

The researchers employed purposive sampling. They had specifically

chosen the respondents who are using memory enhancers. The researchers are

confident that these respondents could honestly and categorically assess the

effects of slimming pills among the respondents.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 25

Instrumentation and Try-out Phase

To gather the data needed for the research, researchers used the following

1. Questionnaire

For data gathering, researchers distribute carefully designed questionnaires

to the respondents, ensuring that this information is in a form that can be

objectively analyzed in order to elicit the needed data that pertained to the topic

under study. This consisted on different parts and specific purposes. Part I

Collecting data on the respondents profile, Part II deals with the effects of using

slimming pills, the rate of effectiveness of slimming pills and the precautionary

measures in using slimming pills.

2. Interviews

Interview was used by the researchers to the respondents to supplement

primary source of data, it also gave opportunity for the respondents to clarify

questions concerning the survey. Further, it gave flexibility to give follow up

questions or discuss issues concerning the topic of study that was not clearly

expounded by the questionnaire.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 26

3. Observations

The observation was also been an excellent source of data. Observational

findings are considered strong in validity because the researcher is able to collect

a depth of information about a particular behavior.

Construction of the Instrument

After some readings of related studies and literature, the researchers

planned and framed the topic problems for this research together with the

conceptual framework and the statement of the problem. Based on these ideas,

the researchers started to formulate their draft questionnaire to be used for their

study. They continuously reviewed their draft making reference to their statement

of the problem and conceptual framework. After some revisions, they were able

to present to their adviser a copy of the questionnaire.

The questionnaire was finally revised after some corrections and

suggestions by their adviser.

Statistical Treatment of Data

For in depth analysis and interpretation of data, the following techniques

were used.

1. Frequency andofPercentage
Health Effects Slimming PillsDistribution
as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 27

Percentage was used to find the ratio of frequency of response to the total

number of respondents by applying this formula:

P = _______ x 100


P = percentage

f = frequency

N = no. of respondents

2. Chi-Square Distribution

Chi-square distribution was discovered by Karl Pearson.

The distribution was introduced to determine whether or not

discrepancies between observed theoretical counts were significant.

The test used to find out how well an observed frequency distribution

conforms to fits some theoretical frequency distribution is referred to

as a “goodness of fit test.”


O = observed frequency

E = expected frequency

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 28

Uses of Chi-square:
1) Chi-square is used in descriptive research if the researcher wants to

determine the significant difference between the observed and expected or

theoretical frequencies from independent variables.

2) It is used to test the goodness of fit where a theoretical distribution is

fitted to some data, i.e., the fitting of a normal curve.

3) It is used to test the hypothesis that the variances of a normal

population is equal to a given value.

4) It is also used for the construction of confidence interval for variances.

5) It is used to compare two uncorrelated and correlated proportions.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City


The data of this study is presented, analyzed, and interpreted in this

chapter. A questionnaire was used in gathering the data which were analyzed

using statistical procedure described in the proceeding chapter and are

interpreted in the light of the research questions formulated in the study.

1. On the profile of the respondents

Table 1

Respondents as to Gender

Gender F % Rank
Male 10 33 2

Female 20 37 1
TOTAL 30 100

Table 1 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the

profile of the respondents as to Gender. It is noted in the table that female

dominates in number than male. According to them, female are more conscious

about their health and as such they are using slimming pills to maintain their

body figure. Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 30

Table 2

Respondents as to Age
Age F % Rank
18-20 10 33 1

21-25 4 13 4

26-30 9 30 2

30 above 7 23 3
TOTAL 30 100

The age group that has the most number of individual acquiring 33% of

the respondents is between the ages 18-20 years old. The ages 21-25 years old

with the least of individuals, with only 4 individuals this is 13% of the

respondents. The ages 26-30 years old obtained 30% of the total respondents or

a total of people. The age 30 years old and above with 7 individuals or 23% of

the respondents. This indicates that most of teenagers are much concerned

about their body figure since they are being teased by their peers and as such

they are using slimming pills.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 31

Table 3

Respondents as to Civil Status

Civil Status F % Rank
Single 16 53 1

Married 12 40 2

Widow 0 0 4

Separated 2 7 3
TOTAL 30 100

Based on the data, there are 12 individuals who are married representing

40%, 16 respondents are single represents a total of 53% of the population

people who are widow which only take up 0-1% of the population and only 2 (7%)

respondents were separated. It is being emphasized in this table that most single

respondents are very much concerned about their body figure because of their

intimate relationship with their opposite sex. They do not want to be teased by

their opposite sex and as such they are using slimming pills.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 32

Table 4

Respondents as to Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment F % Rank


COLLEGE GRAD 12 40 1.5

UNDER GRAD 12 40 1.5

TOTAL 30 100

The data shows that out of 30 persons 1 of them was elementary graduate

(3%), 3 high school graduate (10%), 12 college graduate and Under graduate

(40%) and 2 Vocational (7%). It indicates in the table that most of the college

level and college graduate are very much concerned in their body figure that will

lead them to use slimming pills. According to them, body figure is an asset in

their day to day living. They are using slimming pills to maintain their body figure.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 33

Table 5

Respondents as to Religion

Religion F % Rank
CATHOLIC 27 90 1
IGLESIA 3 10 2
TOTAL 30 100

Based on the data, there are 3 Iglesia represents a total of 10% and

Catholic respondent’s represents 27 a total of 40%. It emphasized that most of

the Catholics are using slimming pills. According to them, it is not prohibited to

use sliming pills since this is a one way of maintaining their body figure, they

even spend much money to buy sliming pills and it is effective to them. Likewise

with the Iglesia ni Cristo, they said that slimming pills were good for those

respondents who are suffering from obesity. It could lessen their problem. This is

probably the reason why they are using slimming pills.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 34

Table 6

Respondents as to Socio-Economic Status

Socio-Economic Status F % Rank



TOTAL 30 100
As gleaned from the table, the respondents in the middle class were 26

(87%) and the respondents in the upper class were 4 (13%). It shows that most

of the respondents who belong to the middle class use slimming pills since it will

help them in their activities in life. According to them, they said, that their body is

their only asset in life. This is the reason why they are using slimming pills. They

even l set aside money for them to buy slimming pills.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 35

Table 7

Respondents as to Occupation

Occupation F % Rank
EMPLOYED 17 57 1



STUDENT 10 33 2

TOTAL 30 100

The table shows that most of the respondents are employed (57%), 33%

are student, 7% are self-Employed and 0-1% is skilled. It is being noted in the

table that most of the respondents who are using slimming pills are those who

are employed. According to them, it is quite embarrassing on their part as a

worker if they are not physically fit particularly on their outside appearance. They

said that when they are dealing with other people they must be physically fit and

healthy so that they could win lots of customers.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 36

2. On the effects of slimming pills to the health of the respondents

Table 8

Effects of Slimming Pills Among the Respondents

Indicators f % Rank
1. Reduce the weight of the respondents. 8 27 1.5

2. Lessen the food intake 5 17 3.5

3. Physically fit and healthy and stable 8 27 1.5

4. Easy to move 5 17 3.5

5. Away from sickness 4 13 5

TOTAL 30 100

Table 8 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents on the effects of slimming pills among the respondents.

It is noted in the table that rank I is shared by the two indicators which are

‘reduce the weight of the respondents’ and physically fit and healthy and stable,

with a frequency of 8 or 27% of the respondents. It shows that respondents are

using slimming pills because they believe that it could reduce fats from their

body. According to them, when they are using slimming pills there is a big change

on their weight. Rank 2 is also shared by the two indicators which are to lessen

the food intake and easy to move quickly, with a frequency of 5 or 17% of the

respondents. It is being indicated here that when the respondents are taking

slimming pills, their appetite to eat will lessen, it seems that they do not want to

eat and could easily

Health move
Effects quickly.Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City
of Slimming 37

3. On the rate of effectiveness of the pills to the health of the respondents

Table 9

Rate of Effectiveness of Slimming Pills Among the Respondents

Indicators f % Rank
1. Abrupt losing of weight 3 10 5

2. Lose appetite to eat 9 30 1

3. improve the capacity to work 4 13 4

4. Develops self-confidence 7 23 2.5

5. No reaction of slimming pills among them 7 23 2.5

TOTAL 30 100
Table 9 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents on the rate of effectiveness of slimming pills among the


It shows in the table that most of the respondents who are using sliming

pills could lose appetite to eat with a frequency of 9 or 30% of the respondents.

According to them, when the respondents are using slimming pills their appetite

to eat will be lessen and the result is to maintain their body figure in which it is

their asset in life. Rank 2 is shared by the two respondents which are develops

confidence and no reaction of slimming pills among them, with a frequency of 7

or 23% of the respondents. It is being indicated here that when respondents

maintain their body figure because of slimming pills they increase their self-

esteem. Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 38

4. On the safety measures of slimming pills among the respondents

Table 10

Safety Measures of Slimming Pills Among the Respondents

Indicators f % Rank
1. Slimming pills are prescribed by the doctors 12 40 1

2. Proper dosage of slimming pills 4 13 3.5

3. Slimming pills with proper diet and exercise 10 33 2

4. Consult doctors of the bad effects of slimming 4 13 3.5

TOTAL 30 100
Table 10 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the safety

measures of slimming pills among the respondents.

It is noted in the table that rank 1 belongs to slimming pills are prescribed

by the doctors, with a frequency of 12 or 40% of the respondents. This shows

that most of the respondents when taking slimming pills undergo a check up by

the doctor to be safe in their body so that there is no allergic reaction among the

respondents. According to them, most of the slimming pills used by the

respondents are safe. Rank 2 is they are using slimming pills and at the same

they are in proper diet and in proper exercise. This can help the respondents to

maintain their body posture and figures.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 39

5. On the significant trend of slimming pills in the area of effects, rates of

effectiveness, and safety measures of using slimming pills among the

Table 11

Chi Square Test on the Significant Trends on the Effects of Slimming Pills

Indicators fo fe (fo-fe)²/fe
1. Reduce the weight of the respondents. 8 6 0.66

2. Lessen the food intake 5 6 0.16

3. Physically fit and healthy and stable 8 6 0.66

4. Easy to move 5 6 0.16

5. Away from sickness 4 6 0.66

TOTAL 30 30 X²=2.3
df= (c-1)(r-1)
= (2-1)(51)
= (1)(4)
df= 4
δ= 5% level of significance
critical value of x² at δ = 5% and df = 4 is 9.488

Since the computed value of 2.3 is lower than the tabular value of 9.488,

therefore the relationship is not significant and the hypothesis is accepted and

the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 40

Table 12

Chi Square Test on the Significant Trends on the Rate of Effectiveness of

Slimming Pills

Indicators f % (fo-fe)²/fe
1. Abrupt losing of weight 3 6 1.5

2. Lose appetite to eat 9 6 1.5

3. Improve the capacity to work 4 6 0.66

4. Develops self-confidence 7 6 0.16

5. No reaction of slimming pills among them 7 6 0.16

TOTAL 30 30 X²=5.42

df= (c-1)(r-1)
= (2-1)(51)
= (1)(4)
df= 4
δ= 5% level of significance
critical value of x² at δ = 5% and df = 4 is 9.488

Since the computed value of 5.42 is lower than the tabular value of 9.488,

therefore the relationship is not significant and the hypothesis is accepted and

the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 41

Table 13

Chi Square Test on the Safety Measures of Slimming Pills

Indicators f % (fo-fe)²/fe
1. Slimming pills are prescribed by the doctors 12 7.5 2.7

2. Proper dosage of slimming pills 4 7.5 1.63

3. Slimming pills with proper diet and exercise 10 7.5 0.83

4. Consult doctors of the bad effects of slimming 4 7.5 1.63

TOTAL 30 30 X²=6.79

df= (c-1)(r-1)
= (2-1)(41)
= (1)(3)
df= 3
δ= 5% level of significance
critical value of x² at δ = 5% and df = 3 is 7.815
Since the computed value of 6.79 is lower than the tabular value of 9.488,

therefore the relationship is not significant and the hypothesis is accepted and

the alternative hypothesis is rejected.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 42

Table 14

Summary of Chi-Square Test on the Significant Trend of Slimming Pills

Variables Computed Critical Comparison Decision

Value Value

Effects 2.3 9.488 < accepted

Rate of 5.42 9.488 < accepted


Safety Measures 6.79 7.815 < accepted


There is no significant trend on the slimming pills taken by the

respondents on the area of effects, rate of effectiveness and the safety measures

among them.
Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City



This chapter presents the summary of the findings from the gathered and

analyzed data, the conclusions drawn from these findings and recommendations

offered by the researchers in the light of the findings and conclusions.

Summary of Findings

From the data yielded by the instruments, the researchers summarized

the following data:

1. On the profile of the respondents

1.1 Twenty (20) or 37% are female among the respondents

1.2 Ten (10) or 33% belongs to the age bracket of 18-20 year old.

1.3 Sixteen (16) or 53% are single among the respondents

1.4 Twelve (12) or 40% are college/undergraduate among the


1.5 Twenty Seven (27) or 90% are Roman Catholics among the


1.6 Twenty Six (26) or 87% belongs to middle class among the


1.7 Seventeen (17) or 57% are employed among the respondents

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 44

2. On the effects of slimming pills to the health of the respondents

1. Reduce the weight of the respondents and Physically fit and healthy

and stable, with a frequency of 8 or 27% of the respondents.

2. Lessen the food intake and Easy to move, with a frequency of 5 or 17%

of the respondents.

3. Away from sickness, with a frequency of 4 or 13% of the respondents

3. On the rate of effectiveness of the pills to the health of the


1. Lose appetite to eat, with a frequency of 9 or 30% of the respondents

2. Develops self-confidence and No reaction of slimming pills among

them, with a frequency of 7 or 23% of the respondents

3. Improve the capacity to work, with a frequency of 4 or 13% of the

4. On the safety measures of slimming pills among the respondents

1. Slimming pills are prescribed by the doctors, with a frequency of 12 or

40% of the respondents.

2. Slimming pills with proper diet and exercise, with a frequency of 10 or

33% of the respondents

3. Proper dosage of slimming pills and Consult doctors of the bad effects

of slimming pills, with a frequency of 4 or 13% of the respondents

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 45

5. On the significant trend of slimming pills in the area of effects, rates

of effectiveness, and safety measures of using slimming pills among
the respondents

Table 15

Variables Computed Critical Comparison Decision

Value Value

Effects 2.3 9.488 < accepted

Rate of 5.42 9.488 < accepted


Safety Measures 6.79 7.815 < accepted


From the foregoing summary of the findings, the following conclusions are


1. On the profile of the respondents

Profile of the respondents play an important role in the effects of slimming

pills among the respondents. There are lots of females who are using slimming

pills since they are much concerned about their body figure and posture. They

said that using slimming pills will help them maintain their figure. It reveals that

teenagers are so much concerned about their figure also since they are being

intimidated with their opposite sex. They are ashamed when they have a big

body and Health

as such theyofare
Effects usingPills
Slimming slimming pills.byItthe
as Perceived reveals also
Selected in inthe
Users results
Quezon Cityof 46

the study that simple respondents are also using slimming pills since their body

figure is their assets in life.

2. On the effects of slimming pills to the health of the respondents

On the effects of slimming pills among the respondents particularly on

their health, most of the respondents are using slimming pills just to reduce

weight. According to them, using slimming pills will really help them reduce their

weight. There are even respondents who are using slimming pills for them to

lessen their food intake and as such their health and weights will be affected but

to others are not and as such this has an effect to the health of the respondents

3. On the rate of effectiveness of the pills to the health of the respondents

On the rate of effectiveness of slimming pills among the respondents, it

reveals that when they are using slimming pills their appetite in eating will be
affected, they cannot eat too much because they want to maintain their body

figure. They want also to develop a self confidence since their body is

presentable and this is the result of taking slimming pills. Others also are

excelling in their work since they are physically fit and stable.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 47

4. On the safety measures of slimming pills among the respondents

On the safety measures of slimming pills among the respondents, it

reveals that all the respondents who are using slimming pills are prescribed by

the doctors and therefore the pills they are using are safe. When the

respondents are taking slimming pills, they are also having their proper diet and

proper exercise and as such they can maintain much about their body posture.

Others also are using slimming pills with the proper dosage, therefore this will

help the respondents in the safety precautions in using slimming pills.

5. On the significant trend of slimming pills in the area of effects, rates of

effectiveness, and safety measures of using slimming pills among the


There is no significant trend on the effects, rate of effectiveness, and

safety measures in using slimming pills among the respondents, since the
computed value is lower than the tabular value in the study. Therefore, the

relationship is not significant and the hypothesis is accepted and the alternative

hypothesis is rejected.

Health Effects of Slimming Pills as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 48

6. On the findings of this research be utilized to improve the health of

slimming pills users

It has been said that, “health is wealth”, this is also compared to the

present study regarding the effects of slimming pills among the respondents.

There are respondents who are using slimming pills just to maintain their body

figure but to others are not they don’t care about their figure what is important to

them is to enjoy their life fullest. They don’t care what people are saying. On the

other hand, there is also a big impact in maintaining the body figure of the

respondents, since it is an asset of every individual. When the respondents have

a good posture, they are presentable and a good looking to others. This study

about the effect of slimming pills among the respondents will help them improve

about their figure and to maintain the body build among the respondents.

In the light of the findings and conclusions, the researchers offer the

following recommendations:

1. Respondents should be careful in using slimming pills so that their

health will not be affected. There are respondents who are using slimming pills

for them toHealth

reduce but of
Effects their healthPills
Slimming is being affected.
as Perceived by the Selected Users in Quezon City 49

2. Female respondents should consult the doctor before taking slimming

pills since there are slimming pills that can hamper the health of the respondents.

Female respondents are also susceptible to any kind of sickness dealt about the

slimming pills.

3. Teenagers must be careful in using slimming pills. There are teenagers

who are using slimming pills though it is not required since their body build is still

thin and as such their health is being affected. They should have an activity for

them to burn their fats since they are still young and fats for them could be able

to burn through continuous exercise, proper diet, and proper discipline among


4. Regular exercise must be properly done by the respondents. This must

be done regularly for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. This will help the

respondents to reduce their weights.

5. Eat proper kind of food, avoid too much sugar, too much soft drinks, too

much salt, and too much fat, this could contribute to a bad development of the

body and as such their body figure will be affected. They should eat vegetables

since this could help maintain the body figure of the respondents.
6. Respondents should not control in eating, they should measure their

food to maintain their health improvement and as such still the effects of

slimming will be established.

7. Respondents must consult the doctor before taking the slimming pills,

there are respondents who are using slimming pills that are not prescribed by the

doctor and as such

Health Effectstheir health will
of Slimming Pillsbe the Selected Users in Quezon City
as Perceived 50

8. Respondents should follow strictly what is required in the taking of

slimming pills so that safety measures will be applied. There are respondents

who are taking slimming pills that are under and over dosage and as such their

health are being affected.

9. Future researchers must explore more on the study that is not tackled

or discussed in the present study.

# 1 Esperanza St. Hilltop Mansion Lagro, Quezon City

Dear Respondents,

We are conducting a study regarding the “HEALTH EFFECTS OF


This questionnaire-checklist will provide us the necessary information to

complete our study about the above-mentioned topic. We are asking for your
kind consideration, full participation and cooperation by answering the questions
below for us to fulfill this research.
Thank you and God bless!

Yours truly,


Name: ______________________ Surveyed by: __________

Address: ____________________ Date Surveyed: ________

Directions: Please put a check mark on the choice that best corresponds to
your answer.


Sex: Male Civil Status: Single

Female Married

Age: 18-20
21- 25 Religion: Catholic
25 – 30 Iglesia
30 above others (pls. specify)

Employed Socio Economic Status:
Self Employed
Unemployed Lower Class
Student Middle Class
Skilled Upper Class

Educational Attainment:
High School


2. What are the effects of slimming pills to the health of the respondents?

__1. Reduce the weight of the respondents.

__2. Lessen the food intake.

__3. Physically fit and healthy and stable

__4. Easy to move

__5. Away from sickness

3. What is the rate of effectiveness of the pills to the health of the respondents?

__1. Abrupt losing of weight

__2. Lose appetite to eat

__3. improve the capacity to work

__4. Develops self-confidence

__5. no reaction of slimming pills among them

4 What are the safety measures do the respondents need to know while taking
slimming pills?

__1. Slimming pills are prescribed by the doctors

__2. Proper dosage of slimming pills

__3. Slimming pills with proper diet and exercise

__4. Consult doctors of the bad effects of slimming pills



Pacanas, Tamayo, Tan The Efficacy of cleansing Diet against Diet Pills
among person 25. 50 years old in Bitoon circle Brgy. Commonwealth,
Quezon City, Fatima University 2006


The Scriber bantam Dictionary

Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary


Berman, Erb, Kozier , Shyder Fundamentals of Nursing (7th Edition)

Karch, Amy Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (3rd Edition)

Boning Ronnie A. research methodology Fatima University press:

Valenzuela City, Quezon City



# 1 Esperanza St. Hilltop Mansion Lagro, Quezon City

January 26, 2008


Brgy. Captain
Brgy. San Bartolome, Quezon City

We, the Bachelor of Science in Nursing students of Our Lady Of Fatima University,
Quezon City campus are conducting a study entitled “HEALTH EFFECTS OF

This research is being conducted in partial fulfillment of the course requirements in our
subject Nursing Research for the degree of Bachelor Science in Nursing.

In view of this, we would like to seek your assistance so that we will be able to distribute
the attached questionnaire-checklist to the selected individuals under your brangay.

This questionnaire aims to seek relevant data pertinent to our study. Rest assured that
all information, which will be gathered in this survey, would be treated with utmost

May this request merit your consideration and approval.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours truly,

Group Leader Noted by:
Members: Research Adviser
JAMERO, MICHELLE R. Barangay Captain



A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Arts and Sciences
Our Lady of Fatima University
under the class of
Prof. Regilito D. Laurel

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Nursing Research
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Velasco, Kay T. – Leader

Buenaventura, Rialyn A. – Asst. Leader

Belarmino, Lester L.
Beltran, Charity M.
Benito, Donna Yeen Faith M.
Diamante, Gracelyn E.
Francisco, Len Len A.
Jamero, Michelle R.
Navarette, Nerilyn A.

March 2008

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