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1. MUSIC: The music of India includes multiple varieties of folk, popular, pop, classical music and
R&B. India's classical music tradition, including Carnatic and Hindustani music, has a history
spanning millennia and, developed over several eras, it remains fundamental to the lives of
Indians today as sources of spiritual inspiration, cultural expression and pure entertainment.
India is made up of several dozen ethnic groups, speaking their own languages and dialects,
having very distinct cultural traditions.

2. DANCE: Dance in India covers a wide range of dance and dance theatre forms, from the
ancient classical or temple dance to folk and modern styles.

Three best-known hindu deities, Shiva, Kali and Krishna, are typically represented dancing.
There are hundreds of Indian folk dances such as Bhangra, Garba and special dances observed in
regional festivals. India offers a number of classical Indian dance forms, each of which can be
traced to different parts of the country.

ART: Indian Art is the art produced on the Indian subcontinent from about the 3rd millennium
BC to modern times. The vast scope of the art of India intertwines with the cultural history,
religions and philosophies which place art production and patronage in social and cultural

Indian art can be classified into specific periods each reflecting particular religious, political and
cultural developments.

 Ancient period (3500 BCE-1200 CE)

 Islamic ascendancy (1192-1757)
 Colonial period (1757–1947)
 Independence and the postcolonial period (Post-1947)

Indian rock art has continuously evolved, since the first rock cut caves, to suit different
purposes, social and religious contexts, and regional differences.

The oldest INDIAN frescoes of historical period have been preserved in Ajanta Caves from 2nd
century BC. In total there are known more than 20 locations in India with paintings and traces of
former paintings of ancient and early medieval times (up to 8th - 10th century AD) [1]. The most
significant frescoes of ancient and early medieval period are located in Ajanta Caves, Bagh
Caves, Ellora Caves, Sittanavasal.

Folk and tribal art in India takes on different manifestations through varied medium such as
pottery, painting, metalwork, paper-art, weaving and designing of objects such as jewelry and
Contemporary Indian art takes influence from all over the world. With many Indian artists
immigrating to the west, art for some artists has been a form of expression merging their past
with their current in western culture.

TRADITION- griha pravesh, bhiksha...


CULTURE: The culture of Europe might better be described as a series of overlapping cultures.
Whether it is a question of North as opposed to South; West as opposed to East; Christianity as
opposed to Islam; Protestantism as opposed to Catholicism; many have claimed to identify
cultural fault lines across the continent. There are many cultural innovations and movements,
often at odds with each other, such as Christian proselytism or Humanism. Thus the question of
"common culture" or "common values" is far more complex than it seems to be.

The foundation of European culture was laid by the Greeks, strengthened by the Romans,
stabilized by Christianity, reformed and modernized by the fifteenth-century Renaissance and
Reformation and globalized by successive European empires between the sixteenth and twentieth
centuries, including predominantly Muslim Ottoman Turks

MUSIC: There were classical music by Beethoven and Mozart. Luciano Pavarotti was a
contemporary popular opera singer. There are also orchestras. Folk Music : Europe has a wide
and diverse range of indigenous music, sharing common features in rural, travelling or maritime
communities. Popular Music : Europe has also imported many different genres of music, mainly
from America, ranging from Blues, Jazz, Soul, Pop, Rap, Hip-Hop, R'n'B and Dance.


  Macarena
  ballet
  Meringue
  ballroom
  modern & contemporary dance
  Butoh
  Renaissance dance
  Capoeira
  Salsa
  folk dance - includes clogging, contra
  Samba
dances, Scottish Country dancing,
  swing & jive - includes the Lindy
Morris dancing
  jazz dance
  tap

 ART: The Aesthetic of the Sketch in Nineteenth-Century France

Source: European Art | Thematic Essays | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The
Metropolitan Museum of Art , African Influences in Modern Art, Portrait Painting in England,

 Portraiture in Renaissance and Baroque Europe

 Post-Impressionism

 Prague during the Rule of Rudolph II (1583–1612)

 The Pre-Raphaelites

 The Print in the Nineteenth Century

Source: European Art | Thematic Essays | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan
Museum of Art


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