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planning and controlling are closely related to each other as

shown in Fig. 1. After a plan becomes operational, control is

necessary to measure progress, to uncover deviations from the
targets and to take corrective steps. It is also not possible to
think of an effective system of control without the existence of
good plans. Billy E. Geotz has explained the relationship
between planning and controlling in the following words,
"Managerial planning seeks consistent, integrated and
articulated programmes, while management control seeks to
compel events conform to plans".
Control is always based on planning. It is also true that in a
running enterprise planning depends upon controlling. Every
‘IKmanager uses certain standards for measuring and
appraising performance which are laid down by planning. The
control process, in turn, may reveal the deficiency of plans and
may lead to the revision of planning. It may also lead to
setting of new goals, improving staffing and making changes
in the techniques of supervision, motivation and leadership.
Planning without control is meaningless and control without
planning is blind. Planning is an empty exercise without
controlling. A good plan will not bring any concrete result if
the management is lacking in controlling. Planning identifies
the goals and determines the ways of achieving them. It is
control which ensures attainment of goals by evaluating
performance and taking corrective action. Control presupposes
the existence of standards with which the actual performance
is to be compared. If the standards of performance are not set
in advance, the manager will have no idea of `what is control'.
Thus, planning must be done before the actual operation and
control should follow plans during and after the actual
operation. The experience gained in controlling will help
improve the process of planning.]
Controlling and coordination are twins of management. Control
is an import-ant element in the process of management,
whereas coordination is the essence of management itself.
Control is a function of management like planning, organising,
staffing and directing. But coordination is an all-inclusive
function. Each of the managerial functions including
controlling is an exercise in coordination. Thus, controlling is a
facilitative function that promotes coordination in the
organisation. If controlling does not lead to effective
coordination, its basic purpose will be lost.
Controlling and coordination are closely related in many ways.
Firstly, authority is the basis of both the processes. Secondly,
both are performed by the managers at all levels. Thirdly, both
are aimed at achieving organisational goals. Fourthly, both are
necessary for achieving stability, continuity and growth of the
organisation and consistency, precision and discipline in the
organisation. Lastly, both control and coordination are rational
concepts in the sense that they seek to relate organisational
means with organisational ends or goals. They strive to
maintain organisations as rational systems, relatively free
from conflict, confusion and chaos.
Controlling is an important function of management. Without
control, a manager cannot complete his job. All other
managerial functions are only preparatory steps for getting
the work done, and controlling is concerned with making sure
that there is proper execution of these functions. Control is
necessary whenever a manager assigns duties and delegates
authority to his subordinates. He must exercise control over
the actions of his subordinates so that the authority delegated
to them is used properly.
The road signals at a road crossing appropriately illustrate the
significance of control. Just as road signals are essential to
ensure accident-free and smooth traffic, management controls
are necessary in any organisation for its smooth functioning.
By controlling, the manager ensures that resources are
obtained and used economically and efficiently for the
achievement of organisational objectives. A good control
system provides timely information to the manager which is
very much useful for taking various decisions. Control
simplifies supervision by pointing out the significant
deviations from the standards of performance. It keeps the
subordinates under check and brings discipline among them.
An effective system of control will help in achieving the
following benefits :
1. Coordination. The size of modern organisations is quite
large. A large amount of capital and large number of people
are employed in them. This complicates the problem of control
as there are many units producing and distributing different
products. In order to coordinate their activities, an efficient
system of control is necessary.
2. Corrective Action. An efficient system of control provides
the basis for future action. Taking corrective action may lead
to modification of planning, organising and directing. Control
will also check the mistakes being repeated in future.
3. Decision-making. The process of control is complete when
corrective actions are taken. This involves making right
decisions as to what types of follow up actions are to be taken.
This will lead to accomplishment of organisation objectives.
According to W.T. Ierome, "Control is needed both to simplify
the making of subsequent decisions and to ensure the
realisation of the objectives implicit in the original long-range
policy decisions" .
4. Better Planning. Control is the only means to ensure that
the plans are being implemented in real sense. It points out
the shortcomings of planning by comparing the actual
performance with the planned standard and suggest steps to
improve planning.
5. Decentralisation of Authority. The modern trend of business
enter-prises towards decentralisation calls for a systematic
attempt for controlling. Under decentralisation, the authority
of decision-making is dispersed through-out the organisation.
Management must keep control in its hands to know whether
the authority is being used properly. Without adequate
controls, decentralisation cannot succeed.
6. Effective Supervision. Control facilitates effective
supervision by pointing out significant deviations. It keeps the
subordinates under check and brings discipline among them.
While control cannot cure habitual dishonesty in all cases,
management is irresponsible if it does not make a reasonable
effort to provide order and discipline among its employees
through effective control processes

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