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As I told you before, English needs to borrow here and there to form the subjunctive.

We are covering the most common uses.

1. For Condition Contrary to Fact (also known as Counterfactual statement) we use

subjunctive (to express a hypothetical situation)

• I would not do that if I were you

• If only they were more careful, then they would not get into
• We should act as if nothing happened
• It is as though he were not interested

2. Wishful statements that do not come to completion

• Jake wishes he were not involved in the shooting.

• We wish he had passed the test
• I wish I knew

3. Conjunctive formulations

• Do your homework now lest you lack the time later.

• Though he dislike(notice we are using the infinitive here without the ´´to
´´) her methods, he keeps her in his staff.
• Whether you like(infitinive as well) it or not we will proceed as planned
• Sandy likes all types of food, be they spicy or bland, traditional or

4. Formulaic Subjunctives

• be that as it may
• blessed be!
• far be it from me
• if it please the court
• if need be
• truth be told
• God bless [you | her | him | them | us every one]
• come what may
• [God | Heaven] forbid !
• perish the thought
• God save [the alpacas | the Queen | the King | our merry band]
• suffice it to say

5. Mandative Subjunctive
• I suggest [that he leave].
• I beg [that he return the money].
• I demanded [that she give me her files].
• We asked [that Marsha tell the truth].
• Beth moved [that the meeting be adjourned].
• I insist [that you be quiet].
• I require [that term papers be turned in on time].

6. Modal Auxiliaries (These verbs are used to create a subjunctive mood because
they deal with wishes, probabilities, and possibilities)

• Should: Stating obligation in a polite manner

• Would: Stating volition without ensuring completion
• May: Stating possibility or asking permission
• Might: Stating possibility somewhat less forcefully
• Could: Stating capability to perform an action or condition

7. Expressions to be used with the subjunctive ( + verb in infinitive without ´´to


• It is best (that) you do not show up for a while

It is crucial (that) Mike understand instructions
It is desirable (that)
It is essential (that)
It is imperative (that)
It is important (that)
It is recommended (that)
It is urgent (that)
It is vital (that)
It is a good idea (that)
It is a bad idea (that)

8. Passive, Negative, Continuous Tenses + Subjunctive

Negative Examples:

• The boss insisted that Sam not be at the meeting.

• The company asked that employees not accept personal phone calls
during business hours.
• I suggest that you not take the job without renegotiating the salary.
Passive Examples:

• Jake recommended that Susan be hired immediately.

• Christine demanded that I be allowed to take part in the negotiations.
• We suggested that you be admitted to the organization.

Continuous Examples:

• It is important that you be standing there when he gets off the plane.
• It is crucial that a car be waiting for the boss when the meeting is over.
• I propose that we all be waiting in Tim's apartment when he gets home.

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