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# English-Arabic translations created from the Universal dictionary at 2010-09-2

# (c) Copyright 2010 by All free dictionaries project
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April ; Apr % time
China ; People's Republic of China ; mainland China ; Communist China ; Red Chi
na ; PRC ; Cathay country
Chinese language
Czech Republic country
December ; Dec % time
Earth ; earth ; world ; globe nature
English ; English language language
February ; Feb % time
France ; French Republic country
French language
Friday ; Fri time
German ; High German ; German language linguistics
Germany ; Federal Republic of Germany ; Deutschland ; FRG country
Hindi language
India ; Republic of India ; Bharat country
Italian language
Italy ; Italian Republic ; Italia country
January ; Jan % time
Japan ; Nippon ; Nihon country
Japanese language
July % time
June % time
Monday ; Mon time
Moon ; moon nature
November ; Nov % time
October ; Oct % time
Russian language
Saturday ; Sabbatum ; Sat time
Spain ; Kingdom of Spain ; Espana country
Spanish language
Sunday ; Lord's Day ; Dominicus ; Sun time
Thursday ; Th time
United Kingdom ; UK ; U.K. ; Britain ; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nort
hern Ireland ; Great Britain country
United States ; United States of America ; America ; the States ; US ; U.S. ; U
SA ; U.S.A. country
Wednesday ; Midweek ; Wed time
ability ; power abstract
able adjective
about ; almost ; most ; nearly ; near ; nigh ; virtually ; well-nigh ad
about ; around adverb
above ; higher up ; in a higher place ; to a higher place adverb
abrupt ; precipitous ; sharp adjective
accept ; take ; have verb
accident transport
account ; business relationship business
achieve ; accomplish ; attain ; reach verb
acid adjective
acid material
acme ; height ; elevation ; peak ; pinnacle ; summit ; superlative ; meridian ;
tiptop ; top abstract
act ; deed ; human action ; human activity abstract
act ; move verb
action mathematics
action ; activity ; activeness mathematics
actor ; histrion ; player ; thespian ; role player profession
actress profession
actually ; really adverb
acuate ; acute ; sharp ; needlelike adjective
ad ; advertisement ; advertizement ; advertising ; advertizing ; advert
addition ; add-on ; improver abstract
address abstract
adept ; expert ; good ; practiced ; proficient ; skillful ; skilful adjecti
adjective linguistics
admit ; acknowledge verb
advantage ; vantage abstract
advice communication
afternoon time
again ; once again ; once more ; over again adverb
against preposition
age time
ago ; agone adjective
agree ; hold ; concur ; concord verb
agreement ; understanding ; business
ahead ; in front ; before adverb
aid ; assist ; assistance ; help communication
air nature
airplane ; aeroplane ; plane object
airport ; airdrome ; aerodrome ; drome city
alive ; live adjective
all adjective
alone ; lone ; lonely ; solitary adjective
along (bijá:nib) adverb
already adverb
alternatively ; instead ; or else adverb
although conjunction
altitude ; height abstract
among ; amongst ; amid ; amidst preposition
amount abstract
and conjunction
angle mathematics
angry adjective
animal ; animate being ; beast ; brute ; creature ; fauna nature
announce ; denote verb
announcement ; proclamation ; annunciation ; declaration communication
another ; some other adjective
answer ; reply ; respond verb
answer ; reply ; response communication
ant ; emmet ; pismire animal
anteroom ; antechamber ; entrance hall ; hall ; foyer ; lobby ; vestibule
any ; whatever ; whatsoever adjective
anyone pronoun
anything pronoun
apartment ; flat society
apparel ; wearing apparel ; dress ; clothes clothes
apple food
approximately ; about ; close to ; just about ; some ; roughly ; more or less ;
around ; or so adverb
area ; expanse ; surface area mathematics
argue ; contend ; debate ; fence verb
argue ; reason verb
argument ; statement communication
arm anatomy
army ; regular army ; ground forces society
arrangement ; organization ; organisation ; system society
arrive ; make it ; get in ; go far verb
art ; fine art art
artist ; creative person profession
ask ; inquire ; enquire verb
aspect abstract
assail ; assault ; set on ; attack verb
astute ; sharp ; shrewd adjective
at preposition
attack ; onslaught ; onset ; onrush abstract
attempt ; effort ; endeavor ; endeavour ; try abstract
attention ; attending communication
attitude ; mental attitude abstract
audio ; sound abstract
aureate ; gilded ; gilt ; gold ; golden color
authority ; authorization ; authorisation ; potency ; dominance ; say-so
automatic adjective
available adjective
avoid verb
awake adjective
award ; accolade ; honor ; honour ; laurels society
baby ; babe ; infant family
back clothes
back ; dorsum anatomy
bad adjective
bag object
bag ; handbag ; pocketbook ; purse clothes
bag ; traveling bag ; travelling bag ; grip ; suitcase clothes
balance physics
ball object
bang-up ; bully ; corking ; cracking ; dandy ; great ; groovy ; keen ; neat ; n
ifty ; not bad ; peachy ; slap-up ; swell ; smashing adjective
bank nature
barbarous ; brutal ; cruel ; fell ; roughshod ; savage ; vicious adjecti
bargain ; deal business
base ; base of operations society
baseball ; baseball game ; sports
basic adjective
basket ; handbasket object
bath house
bathroom ; bath house
be verb
be ; live verb
beach ; nature
beak ; bill ; neb ; nib ; pecker anatomy
bear animal
bear verb
beat ; beat out ; crush ; shell ; trounce ; vanquish verb
beautiful adjective
because conjunction
become ; go ; get verb
bed house
bedroom ; sleeping room ; sleeping accommodation ; chamber ; bedchamber
bee animal
beer food
beginning ; commencement ; first ; outset ; get-go ; start ; kickoff ; starting
time ; showtime ; offset abstract
beginning ; origin ; root ; rootage ; source transport
behind adverb
being ; beingness ; existence society
bell object
beloved ; dear ; dearest ; honey ; love relations
bend ; curve transport
benefit ; do good verb
beside preposition
besides ; too ; also ; likewise ; as well adverb
best adjective
better adjective
between ; betwixt adverb
beverage ; drink ; drinkable ; potable food
bicycle ; bike ; wheel ; cycle object
bill ; account ; invoice business
bill ; note ; government note ; bank bill ; banker's bill ; bank note ; banknot
e ; Federal Reserve note ; greenback business
biology ; biological science science
bird animal
birth ; nativity ; nascency ; nascence nature
birthday ; family
bit ; chip ; flake ; fleck ; scrap object
bite medicine
bite ; seize with teeth verb
bitter adjective
black adjective
blade object
blessing ; approval ; approving communication
blood anatomy
blow abstract
blue ; bluish ; blueish color
board object
boat object
bone ; os anatomy
book ; volume object
boot clothes
boring ; deadening ; dull ; ho-hum ; irksome ; slow ; tedious ; tiresome ; wear
isome adjective
bottle food
box object
boyfriend ; fellow ; beau ; swain ; young man family
brain ; encephalon anatomy
branch nature
brand ; make abstract
bread ; breadstuff ; staff of life food
break verb
breakfast food
breast ; chest anatomy
breath anatomy
brick house
bridge ; span object
bright ; brilliant ; vivid adjective
broken adjective
brother ; blood brother family
brow ; forehead anatomy
brown ; brownish ; chocolate-brown ; dark-brown color
brush object
brusque ; brusk ; curt ; short adjective
building ; edifice city
bulk ; mass ; volume physics
burn ; fire ; burn down verb
bus ; autobus ; coach ; charabanc ; double-decker ; jitney ; motorbus ; motorco
ach ; omnibus ; passenger vehicle ; transport
business ; concern ; business concern ; business organization ; business organi
sation business
businessman ; man of affairs profession
butter food
buy ; purchase verb
by ; past adverb
by and large ; generally ; more often than not ; mostly adverb
cake food
calendar month ; month time
call ; phone call ; telephone call communication
call ; telephone ; call up ; phone ; ring verb
camera ; photographic camera object
campaign ; cause ; crusade ; drive ; movement ; effort abstract
can ; tin ; tin can object
capital society
capital ; capital letter ; uppercase ; upper-case letter ; majuscule li
capital ; working capital business
car ; auto ; automobile ; machine ; motorcar transport
carbohydrate ; saccharide ; sugar food
card object
cardinal ; central ; fundamental ; key ; primal adjective
care verb
care ; attention ; aid ; tending abstract
case ; instance ; example abstract
castle city
cat ; true cat animal
catch ; grab ; take hold of verb
cause abstract
cell anatomy
cell ; jail cell ; prison cell society
cellular telephone ; cellular phone ; cellphone ; cell ; mobile phone de
center ; centre ; middle ; heart ; eye mathematics
century time
certain ; sure adjective
chain object
chair house
championship ; title sports
change business
change ; alter ; modify verb
change ; alteration ; modification abstract
charge business
charge ; accuse verb
charge ; bill verb
charge ; complaint society
charge ; electric charge nature
cheap ; inexpensive adjective
check ; bank check ; cheque business
cheese food
chemical ; chemic adjective
chemical ; chemical substance material
chemical element ; element material
chemistry ; chemical science science
chest object
chief ; main ; primary ; principal ; master adjective
child ; kid nature
child ; kid ; youngster ; minor ; shaver ; nipper ; small fry ; tiddler ; tike
; tyke ; fry ; nestling ( ) family
chin ; mentum anatomy
chocolate food
choice ; selection ; option ; pick abstract
choose ; take ; select ; pick out verb
church ; church building city
cinema ; movie theater ; movie theatre ; movie house ; picture palace city
circle mathematics
city ; metropolis ; urban center society
claim communication
claim society
clandestine ; cloak-and-dagger ; hole-and-corner ; hugger-mugger ; hush-hush ;
secret ; surreptitious ; undercover ; underground ; adjective
class ; form ; grade ; course art
classify ; class ; sort ; assort ; sort out ; separate verb
clean adjective
clean ; make clean verb
clear adjective
clock device
close ; shut verb
clothing ; article of clothing ; vesture ; wear ; wearable ; habiliment
cloud nature
club object
club ; social club ; society ; guild ; gild ; lodge ; order society
coal material
coat clothes
coffee ; java food
cognition ; knowledge ; noesis education
coil ; whorl ; roll ; curl ; curlicue ; ringlet ; gyre ; scroll object
cold adjective
cold ; common cold medicine
coldness ; cold ; low temperature ; frigidity ; frigidness nature
collar ; neckband clothes
color ; colour adjective
color ; colour ; coloring ; colouring art
coloring material ; colouring material ; color ; colour ; ar
come ; come up verb
committee ; commission society
common adjective
common ; mutual adjective
common ; usual adjective
community society
company business
company ; companionship ; fellowship ; society society
compare verb
comparison ; comparing abstract
competition business
complete ; consummate adjective
complete ; finish verb
complimentary ; costless ; free ; gratis ; gratuitous adjective
component ; constituent ; element ; factor ; ingredient mathematics
computer ; computing machine ; computing device ; data processor ; electronic c
omputer ; information processing system device
concert ; art
concluding ; final ; last ; terminal adjective
condition ; status abstract
confront ; face up ; face verb
connection ; connexion ; connectedness abstract
connection ; connexion ; connector ; connecter ; connective abstract
conscious ; witting adjective
consequence ; effect ; outcome ; result ; event ; issue ; upshot medicin
construct ; build ; make verb
contend ; fight ; struggle verb
contest ; competition society
continue ; go on ; proceed ; go along ; keep verb
contract business
control abstract
control ; command verb
controversy ; contention ; contestation ; disputation ; disceptation ; tilt ; a
rgument ; arguing mathematics
cook ; profession
cook verb
cope ; get by ; make out ; make do ; contend ; grapple ; deal ; manage
copy object
copy ; re-create verb
correct ; right adjective
cotton material
cotton ; cotton fiber ; cotton wool material
cough verb
cough ; coughing medicine
council ( ) society
count ; matter ; weigh verb
country ; state ; land society
court ; tribunal ; judicature society
cow ; moo-cow animal
crack ; cleft ; crevice ; fissure ; scissure abstract
crime ; offense ; criminal offense ; criminal offence ; offence ; law-breaking
crude ; rough adjective
crush verb
crush ; crunch ; compaction abstract
cry ; outcry ; call ; yell ; shout ; vociferation communication
cry ; weep verb
culture ; civilization ; civilisation society
cup food
cup ; loving cup object
cupboard ; closet house
current adjective
current ; electric current nature
current ; stream nature
curtain ; drape ; drapery ; mantle ; pall house
curvature ; curve mathematics
curve ; curved shape art
customer ; client business
cut verb
cut ; cutting abstract
damage verb
damage ; harm ; impairment ; transport
dance ; trip the light fantastic ; trip the light fantastic toe verb
dance band ; band ; dance orchestra art
danger abstract
dangerous ; unsafe adjective
dark adjective
data ; information communication
date ; appointment ; engagement relations
date ; day of the month time
daughter ; girl family
day ; twenty-four hours ; twenty-four hour period ; 24-hour interval ; solar da
y ; mean solar day nature
daze ; shock ; stupor abstract
dead adjective
dead society
death nature
decide ; make up one's mind ; determine verb
decision ; determination ; conclusion communication
decoration ; ornament ; ornamentation object
degree linguistics
degree ; grade ; level linguistics
delicate adjective
delicate ; fragile ; frail adjective
demeanor ; demeanour ; behavior ; behaviour ; conduct ; deportment abstrac
democracy ; republic ; commonwealth society
department ; section society
deplorable ; distressing ; lamentable ; pitiful ; sad ; sorry adjective
depository financial institution ; bank ; banking concern ; banking company
describe ; depict ; draw verb
design ; designing abstract
design ; plan verb
desire ; want verb
desk house
despite preposition
destruction ; devastation abstract
detail ; particular ; item logistics
detect ; observe ; find ; discover ; notice verb
development ; evolution ; nature
dictionary ; lexicon ; linguistics
die ; decease ; perish ; go ; exit ; pass away ; expire ; pass ; kick the bucke
t ; cash in one's chips ; buy the farm ; conk ; give-up the ghost ; drop dead ;
pop off ; choke ; croak ; snuff it verb
difference abstract
different adjective
difficult ; hard adjective
difficulty abstract
direction mathematics
directly ; straight ; direct adverb
director ; manager ; managing director profession
dirty ; dingy ; muddied ; muddy ; adjective
dirty ; soiled ; unclean adjective
discipline ; subject ; subject area ; subject field ; field ; field of study ;
study ; bailiwick linguistics
discover ; find verb
discovery ; find ; uncovering society
discussion ; give-and-take ; word communication
disease medicine
displace ; fire ; give notice ; can ; dismiss ; give the axe ; send away ; sack
; force out ; give the sack ; terminate verb
distance mathematics
diverseness ; diversity ; multifariousness ; variety art
divide ; split ; split up ; separate ; dissever ; carve up verb
division ; partition ; partitioning ; segmentation ; sectionalization ; section
alisation mathematics
doctor ; doc ; physician ; MD ; Dr. ; medico profession
dog ; domestic dog ; Canis familiaris animal
dominance ; ascendance ; ascendence ; ascendancy ; ascendency ; control
dominion ; rule society
door house
doubt verb
doubt ; uncertainty ; incertitude ; dubiety ; doubtfulness ; dubiousness
down adjective
down ; downwards ; downward ; downwardly adverb
drawer house
drink ; imbibe verb
drive verb
drop ; drib ; driblet object
dry adjective
dry ; dry out verb
dry ; dry out verb
during preposition
dust material
duty abstract
dwelling ; home ; domicile ; abode ; habitation ; dwelling house house
each adjective
ear anatomy
earlier ; before adverb
early adjective
early on ; early adverb
earth ; ground material
east adjective
east ; due east ; eastward ; E logistics
easy adjective
eat verb
economic adjective
economic ; economical adjective
economy ; economic system business
edge ; border mathematics
education education
education society
education ; instruction ; teaching ; pedagogy ; didactics ; educational activit
y education
effort ; elbow grease ; exertion ; travail ; sweat abstract
egg food
eight ; 8 ; viii number
eighteen ; 18 ; xviii number
eighty ; 80 ; lxxx ; fourscore number
either adverb
electric ; electrical adjective
elementary ; simple ; uncomplicated ; unproblematic adjective
elephant animal
elevator ; lift device
eleven ; 11 ; xi number
embrace ; encompass ; comprehend ; cover verb
encourage verb
end ; stop ; finish ; terminate ; cease verb
end ; terminal abstract
energy ; free energy nature
engine device
engineering ; engineering science ; applied science ; technology ab
enhance ; heighten ; raise verb
enjoy ; bask ; relish ; savor ; savour verb
enough ; plenty adverb
enter ; come in ; get into ; get in ; go into ; go in ; move into verb
entertainment ; amusement art
entirely ; exclusively ; solely ; alone ; only ; adverb
envelope object
environment nature
environment ; environs ; surroundings ; surround nature
equal adjective
equally ; as ; every bit adverb
erstwhile ; former ; old ; onetime ; one-time ; quondam ; sometime adjecti
especial ; exceptional ; particular ; special adjective
establish ; found ; plant ; constitute ; institute verb
estimate ; gauge ; approximate ; guess ; judge verb
estrus ; oestrus ; heat ; rut nature
even adverb
even adjective
even ; fifty-fifty adjective
evening ; eve ; even ; eventide time
event abstract
every adjective
everybody ; everyone pronoun
everything pronoun
evidence abstract
examination ; exam ; test communication
example ; illustration ; instance ; representative communication
exceed ; transcend ; overstep ; pass ; go past ; top verb
excellent ; first-class ; fantabulous ; splendid adjective
exist ; be verb
exit ; go out ; get out ; leave verb
expect ; look ; await ; wait verb
experience communication
experience society
expert profession
explain ; explicate verb
express ; limited transport
expression ; look ; aspect ; facial expression ; face ; communication
eye ; oculus ; optic anatomy
fabric ; cloth ; material ; textile material
face ; human face anatomy
fact abstract
factory ; mill ; manufacturing plant ; manufactory city
fail ; neglect verb
fake ; false ; faux ; imitation ; simulated adjective
fall verb
fall ; autumn nature
false adjective
false ; mistaken adjective
family ; family unit family
family ; household ; house ; home ; menage family
far adjective
farm nature
fast logistics
fat material
fat adjective
father ; male parent ; begetter family
fatty ; fat adjective
fear verb
fear ; fearfulness ; fright relations
feather ; plume ; plumage object
feature ; characteristic abstract
feel ; experience verb
feel ; sense verb
feeling communication
female adjective
female ; female person society
few adjective
fiddling ; footling ; lilliputian ; little ; niggling ; piddling ; piffling ; p
etty ; picayune ; trivial adjective
field nature
fierce ; tearing ; vehement ; violent ; trigger-happy adjective
fifteen ; 15 ; xv number
fifty ; 50 ; l number
fight ; fighting ; combat ; scrap abstract
fill ; fill up ; make full verb
film ; cinema ; celluloid object
find ; regain verb
finger ; anatomy
finish ; destination ; goal abstract
fire nature
fire ; flame ; flaming nature
firm ; house ; business firm business
firm ; solid adjective
first adjective
first ; firstly ; foremost ; first of all ; first off adverb
fiscal ; financial adjective
fish animal
five ; 5 ; v number
fix ; prepare ; set up ; ready ; gear up ; set verb
fixed adjective
flag object
flat ; level ; plane adjective
flight ; flying transport
flim-flam ; play a joke on ; play tricks ; trick ; fob ; fox ; pull a fast one
on ; play a trick on verb
floor ; flooring house
floor ; level ; storey ; story house
flower nature
flush ; level ; even out ; even verb
fly animal
fly ; wing verb
fold ; crease ; plication ; flexure ; crimp ; bend object
follow verb
following ; next adjective
food ; nutrient food
foot ; human foot ; pes anatomy
football ; football game sports
footing ; basis ; ground mathematics
footstep ; pace ; step ; stride mathematics
for conjunction
for preposition
for preposition
force ; forcefulness ; strength abstract
foreign ; strange adjective
forest ; wood ; woods nature
forget verb
fork food
form society
form ; shape ; cast art
forty ; 40 ; xl ; twoscore number
forward ; forwards ; frontward ; frontwards ; forrad ; forrard ad
four ; 4 ; iv number
fourteen ; 14 ; xiv number
fourth dimension ; time physics
frame object
free adjective
free ; liberate ; release ; unloose ; unloosen ; loose verb
frequent adjective
frequently ; often ; oftentimes ; oft ; ofttimes adverb
fresh adjective
friend family
friendly adjective
from preposition
from preposition
front adjective
front ; front end ; forepart abstract
fruit food
full ; adjective
full ; total adjective
fume ; smoke verb
function ; office ; part ; role mathematics
function ; purpose ; role ; use linguistics
function ; work ; operate ; go ; run verb
furniture ; piece of furniture ; article of furniture house
future adjective
future ; hereafter ; futurity ; time to come time
gamble ; chance ; risk ; hazard ; take chances ; adventure ; run a risk ; take
a chance verb
game sports
game mathematics
garage transport
garden house
gate house
gene ; cistron ; factor anatomy
general adjective
general ; full general profession
get ; acquire verb
get down ; begin ; get ; start out ; start ; set about ; set out ; commence
girl ; miss ; missy ; young lady ; young woman ; fille family
give verb
glass material
glass ; drinking glass food
glue ; gum ; mucilage material
glue ; paste verb
gluey ; glutinous ; gummy ; mucilaginous ; pasty ; sticky ; viscid ; viscous
goal sports
goat ; caprine animal animal
gold ; Au ; atomic number 79 material
golf ; golf game travelling
good adjective
good ; goodness abstract
good ; sound adjective
govern ; rule verb
government ; authorities ; regime society
gradient ; slope mathematics
grain ; material
grandfather ; gramps ; granddad ; grandad ; granddaddy ; grandpa
grass nature
gray ; grayness ; grey ; greyness color
great adjective
green ; greenish ; light-green ; dark-green color
grey ; gray ; greyish ; grayish adjective
group ; grouping abstract
grow verb
guest ; invitee travelling
guitar object
gun object
hair anatomy
hair ; pilus anatomy
hammer object
hand ; manus ; mitt ; paw ; anatomy
handle ; grip ; handgrip ; hold object
hapless ; miserable ; misfortunate ; pathetic ; piteous ; pitiable ; pitiful ;
poor ; wretched adjective
happen ; hap ; go on ; pass off ; occur ; pass ; fall out ; come about ; take p
lace verb
happy adjective
hash out ; discuss ; talk over verb
hat ; chapeau ; lid clothes
hate ; detest verb
hate ; hatred relations
hateful ; mean adjective
have ; have got ; hold verb
hazard ; jeopardy ; peril ; risk ; endangerment transport
he pronoun
head ; caput anatomy
head ; chief ; top dog society
health abstract
health ; wellness medicine
healthy adjective
healthy ; salubrious ; good for you adjective
hear verb
heart ; pump ; ticker anatomy
heavy adjective
heed ; mind ; listen verb
hello ; hullo ; hi ; howdy ; how-do-you-do ' (márħaban) linguistic
help ; assist ; aid verb
her pronoun
here adverb
here ; hither adverb
herself pronoun
high adjective
hill nature
him pronoun
himself pronoun
his pronoun
historic period ; age time
history society
hit ; hitting ; striking abstract
hit ; smash ; smasher ; strike ; bang art
hog ; pig ; grunter ; squealer ; Sus scrofa animal
hold ; take hold verb
hole ; abstract
home ; place house
homo ; man ; human being ; human ; family
hook ; claw object
hope verb
horse ; Equus caballus animal
hospital ; infirmary city
hot adjective
hotel city
hotness ; heat ; high temperature medicine
hour ; hr ; 60 minutes time
house house
however ; nevertheless ; withal ; still ; yet ; all the same ; even so ; noneth
eless ; notwithstanding adverb
human adjective
humor ; humour ; sense of humor ; sense of humour communication
hundred ; one hundred ; 100 ; c number
hungry adjective
hurt ; injure verb
husband ; hubby ; married man family
ice nature
ice ; water ice material
idea ; thought communication
identify ; place verb
if conjunction
ill ; sick adjective
image art
imitate ; copy ; simulate verb
immediately ; instantly ; straightaway ; straight off ; directly ; now ; right
away ; at once ; forthwith ; like a shot adverb
impatient adjective
imperial ; majestic ; purple ; regal ; royal adjective
important ; of import adjective
in ; inwards ; inward adverb
inaugural ; initiative ; initiatory ; first ; maiden adjective
include verb
income business
incorporate ; contain ; comprise verb
incorrect ; wrong adjective
increase verb
increase ; increment abstract
increase ; increment ; growth abstract
indeed ; so : adverb
individual society
individual ; private adjective
induce ; stimulate ; cause ; have ; get ; make verb
industrial adjective
industry ; manufacture society
infinitesimal ; minute adjective
information communication
information ; info communication
injure ; wound verb
ink material
insect animal
inside ; within adverb
institution ; establishment society
instrument device
insurance business
intelligent adjective
intend ; mean ; think verb
interest business
interest ; involvement communication
interesting , * adjective
international adjective
internet ; net ; cyberspace mathematics
interview communication
into preposition
introduce ; present ; acquaint verb
invention ; innovation ; excogitation ; conception ; design art
iron ; Fe ; atomic number 26 material
island nature
issue communication
issue ; number mathematics
it / - pronoun
its / - pronoun
itself / - pronoun
jacket clothes
jewel ; gem ; precious stone object
job ; task ; chore business
join ; bring together verb
jolt ; jar ; jounce ; shock transport
journalist profession
journey ; journeying transport
judge ; justice ; jurist profession
jump ; leap ; bound ; spring verb
keep ; maintain ; hold verb
kernel ; substance ; core ; center ; centre ; essence ; gist ; heart ; heart an
d soul ; inwardness ; marrow ; meat ; nub ; pith ; sum ; nitty-gritty ab
key house
key object
kick verb
kick ; boot ; kicking abstract
kill verb
kind adjective
kind ; sort ; form ; variety abstract
king ; male monarch ; Rex society
kiss ; buss ; osculation relations
kitchen house
knee ; knee joint ; human knee ; articulatio genus ; genu anatomy
knife food
knot object
laid ; set adjective
lake nature
land ; dry land ; earth ; ground ; solid ground ; terra firma nature
land ; ground ; soil material
land ; set down verb
language ; linguistic communication communication
large ; big adjective
last adjective
last ; lastly ; in conclusion ; finally adverb
late adjective
late ; belatedly ; tardily adverb
laugh ; express joy ; express mirth verb
law society
lead ; Pb ; atomic number 82 material
lead ; take ; direct ; conduct ; guide verb
leader society
leaf ; leafage ; foliage nature
leap ; jump ; saltation abstract
learn ; larn ; acquire verb
least ; to the lowest degree adverb
leather material
leave verb
leave ; leave of absence society
left adjective
leg anatomy
legal adjective
let verb
letter ; letter of the alphabet ; alphabetic character linguistics
letter ; missive object
library city
lie verb
lie ; prevarication communication
life nature
life time
light adjective
light ; lite ; low-cal ; calorie-free adjective
light ; visible light ; visible radiation nature
like verb
like ; similar adjective
limit ; bound ; boundary mathematics
line mathematics
lion ; king of beasts ; Panthera leo animal
lip anatomy
liquid adjective
liquid nature
list ; listing abstract
listen ; hear ; take heed verb
little adverb
load ; charge verb
local adjective
lock verb
lock house
long adjective
long adjective
look verb
look ; appear ; seem verb
lookout ; lookout man ; sentinel ; sentry ; watch ; spotter ; scout ; picket
lose verb
lose verb
loss business
loud ; adjective
love verb
love relations
low adjective
low ; depression nature
lucky adjective
lunch ; luncheon ; tiffin ; dejeuner food
machine device
magazine ; mag object
mail ; mail service ; postal service ; post communication
mail ; post ; send verb
major adjective
majority ; bulk abstract
make ; create verb
make ; do verb
male adjective
male ; male person society
male ; manful ; manlike ; manly ; virile adjective
male child ; boy ; family
man ; adult male family
manage ; deal ; care ; handle verb
management business
management ; direction society
manner ; mode ; style ; way ; fashion mathematics
many adjective
map object
mark ; grade ; score education
marker ; marking ; mark abstract
market ; marketplace ; market place business
marriage ; matrimony ; union ; spousal relationship ; wedlock so
marriage ; wedding ; marriage ceremony family
married adjective
marry ; get married ; wed ; conjoin ; hook up with ; get hitched with ; espouse
mass physics
master ; master copy ; original object
match sports
match ; fit ; correspond ; check ; jibe ; gibe ; tally ; agree verb
match ; lucifer ; friction match object
material adjective
material ; stuff material
matter material
matter ; affair ; thing abstract
me pronoun
meal ; repast food
mean verb
mean ; mean value mathematics
meaning ; pregnant ; significant adjective
means ; agency ; way abstract
measure ; mensurate ; measure out verb
measure ; step abstract
measurement ; measuring ; measure ; mensuration art
meat food
medical adjective
meet ; run into ; encounter ; run across ; come across ; see ve
meeting ; coming together communication
member ; fellow member society
memory communication
memory ; retention ; retentiveness ; retentivity communication
menstruation ; menses ; menstruum ; catamenia ; period ; flow medicine
mention ; advert ; bring up ; cite ; name ; refer verb
menu ; bill of fare ; card ; carte du jour ; carte (qā'imâ''' object
merely ; simply ; just ; only ; but adverb
metallic ; metal adjective
metallic element ; metal material
method mathematics
metro ; tube ; underground ; subway system ; subway transport
midnight time
might ; mightiness ; power abstract
military adjective
military ; armed forces ; armed services ; military machine ; war machine
milk food
milkshake ; milk shake ; shake food
million ; 1000000 ; one thousand thousand ; meg number
mind ; head ; brain ; psyche ; nous mathematics
mine object
minister ; government minister profession
minor ; modest ; small ; small-scale ; pocket-size ; pocket-sized ad
minute ; min time
mirror house
miss verb
miss verb
mistake ; error ; fault communication
model object
moisture ; wet nature
moment ; minute ; second ; instant mathematics
money business
monkey animal
month transport
more ; more than adjective
more ; to a greater extent (ʔakθar) adverb
morning ; morn ; morning time ; forenoon time
mother ; female parent family
motion ; movement ; move ; motility physics
mountain ; mount nature
mouth ; oral cavity ; oral fissure ; rima oris anatomy
move ; displace verb
movement ; motion physics
movie ; film ; picture ; moving picture ; moving-picture show ; motion picture
; motion-picture show ; picture show ; pic ; flick art
much adjective
muscle ; musculus anatomy
museum city
music art
musician ; instrumentalist ; player profession
my pronoun
nail anatomy
nail object
name linguistics
name ; call verb
narrow adjective
nation ; land ; country society
national adjective
national adjective
natural adjective
natural language ; tongue linguistics
nature nature
near ; close ; nigh adjective
necessary adjective
necessitate ; ask ; postulate ; need ; re uire ; take ; involve ; call for ; de
mand verb
neck ; cervix anatomy
necktie ; tie clothes
need ; demand abstract
needle medicine
neighbor ; neighbour family
nerve ; nervus anatomy
net ; network ; mesh ; meshing ; meshwork material
net income ; net ; net profit ; lucre ; profit ; profits ; earnings busines
nether ; under adjective
never adverb
new adjective
news ; intelligence ; tidings ; word society
newspaper ; paper object
nice adjective
night ; nighttime ; dark nature
nine ; 9 ; ix number
nineteen ; 19 ; xix number
ninety ; 90 ; xc number
no adjective
no abstract
noise ; dissonance ; racket society
nor conjunction
normal adjective
normally ; usually ; unremarkably ; commonly ; ordinarily adverb
north adjective
north ; due north ; northward ; N logistics
nose ; olfactory organ anatomy
not ; non adverb
note ; annotation ; notation communication
note ; musical note ; tone art
nothing ; nil ; nix ; nada ; null ; aught ; cipher ; cypher ; goose egg ; naugh
t ; zero ; zilch ; zip ; zippo mathematics
now time
now ; at present adverb
number verb
number linguistics
nurse profession
nut food
nut object
obtain verb
obviously ; evidently ; manifestly ; patently ; apparently ; plainly ; plain
occupation ; business ; job ; line of work ; line business
off adjective
offer verb
offer ; offering abstract
office ; business office business
officeholder ; officer profession
oil material
old adjective
olfactory property ; smell ; aroma ; odor ; odour ; scent nature
on preposition
on adjective
one ; 1 ; i ; ane number
one-half ; half mathematics
onto preposition
open ; open up verb
open ; opened adjective
open ; unfastened adjective
open fire ; fire verb
operation abstract
operation ; functioning ; performance mathematics
operation ; surgery ; surgical operation ; surgical procedure ; surgical proces
s ; medicine
opinion ; sentiment ; persuasion ; view ; thought communication
opportunity ; chance abstract
opposite adjective
option ; alternative ; choice abstract
or conjunction
orange food
orange ; orangish color
orchestra art
order society
order linguistics
order ; monastic order society
order ; tell ; enjoin ; say verb
organization ; organisation society
original adjective
other adjective
our pronoun
outburst ; burst ; flare-up abstract
outside adverb
outside ; exterior mathematics
oven device
own ; have ; possess verb
owner ; possessor business
package ; bundle ; packet ; parcel object
page object
pain ; hurting medicine
paint ; pigment art
painting ; picture art
paper material
parallel adjective
parent family
park ; commons ; common ; green city
part ; portion ; component part ; component ; constituent abstract
part ; section ; division mathematics
particular adjective
party society
pass ; laissez passer object
passenger ; rider transport
passport object
past adjective
past ; past times ; yesteryear time
patient adjective
patient medicine
pause ; intermission ; break ; interruption ; suspension
payment business
peace abstract
pen object
pencil object
people society
percentage ; percent ; per centum ; pct mathematics
person ; individual ; someone ; somebody ; mortal ; soul family
personal adjective
petroleum ; crude oil ; crude ; rock oil ; fossil oil ; oil material
phase ; stage time
photographer ; lensman profession
physical adjective
physical adjective
picture ; image ; icon ; ikon art
piece object
pilot ; airplane pilot profession
pin object
pink ; pinkish color
pipe ; pipage ; piping object
pivot ; pin object
plain ; field ; champaign nature
plan verb
plan ; program ; programme abstract
plant ; flora ; plant life house
plant ; works ; industrial plant city
plate food
play verb
player ; participant sports
please (min fáɖlak) adverb
pleasure ; pleasance abstract
plow ; plough ; turn verb
poem ; verse form art
poetry ; poesy ; verse art
point ; dot linguistics
poison verb
poison ; toxicant ; poisonous substance material
police ; police force ; constabulary ; law society
policeman ; police officer ; officer profession
policy society
polish ; smooth ; smoothen ; shine verb
political adjective
politician ; politico ; pol ; political leader profession
poor adjective
populace ; public ; world society
popular ; pop adjective
population society
position ; place linguistics
possible adjective
possibly ; perchance ; perhaps ; maybe ; mayhap ; peradventure adverb
postage ; postage stamp ; stamp object
potato ; white potato ; Irish potato ; murphy ; spud ; tater food
potent ; strong ; stiff adjective
powder ; pulverization ; pulverisation material
power ; powerfulness abstract
practice art
precisely ; exactly ; just adverb
present adjective
present object
present ; nowadays time
president profession
press verb
pressure ; pressure level ; force per unit area nature
prevent ; forestall ; foreclose ; preclude ; forbid verb
previous ; old adjective
price verb
price ; cost ; toll business
price ; terms ; damage transport
principle ; rule linguistics
print ; impress verb
prison ; prison house city
private adjective
probable ; likely adjective
probably ; likely ; in all likelihood ; in all probability ; belike ad
problem ; job mathematics
procedure ; process mathematics
process ; physical process nature
process ; treat verb
produce ; make ; create verb
product ; production object
production abstract
professional adjective
professional ; professional person profession
profit ; turn a profit verb
program ; programme ; computer program ; computer programme abstract
project ; projection abstract
promise ; hope relations
pronunciation linguistics
property abstract
property ; belongings ; holding society
proposal abstract
propose ; suggest ; advise verb
protest verb
protest ; protestation communication
prototype ; paradigm ; epitome ; image linguistics
public travelling
publish ; bring out ; put out ; issue ; release verb
pull ; draw ; force verb
pump verb
pump device
punishment ; penalty ; penalization ; penalisation society
purple ; violet ; purplish color
push ; force verb
push button ; push ; button object
put ; set ; place ; pose ; position ; lay verb
uality abstract
uality ; character ; lineament abstract
uestion ; in uiry ; en uiry ; uery ; interrogation linguistics
uiet adjective
rain ; pelting nature
rain ; rain down verb
rain ; rainfall nature
raise ; lift ; elevate ; get up ; bring up ; verb
rate ; charge per unit business
rate ; rank ; range ; order ; grade ; place verb
reach ; make ; attain ; hit ; arrive at ; gain verb
reaction abstract
read verb
ready adjective
real ; existent adjective
rear ; raise ; bring up ; nurture ; parent verb
reason communication
reason verb
reason ; ground communication
receive ; have verb
recent adjective
recently ; late ; lately ; of late ; latterly adverb
record abstract
record ; tape verb
red ; reddish ; ruddy ; blood-red ; carmine ; cerise ; cherry ; cherry-red ; cr
imson ; ruby ; ruby-red ; scarlet color
reduce ; cut down ; cut back ; trim ; trim down ; trim back ; cut ; bring down
reflect ; reverberate verb
refuse ; reject ; pass up ; turn down ; decline verb
regular adjective
relation communication
relationship ; human relationship society
religion ; faith ; organized religion society
religion ; faith ; religious belief society
remainder ; balance ; residual ; residue ; residuum ; rest business
remember ; retrieve ; recall ; call back ; call up ; recollect ; think
remove ; take ; take away ; withdraw verb
render ; return verb
report verb
represent ; stand for ; correspond verb
representative profession
re uest ; asking communication
re uest ; bespeak ; call for ; uest verb
research abstract
respect ; honor ; honour ; abide by ; observe verb
respite ; recess ; break ; time out abstract
responsibility ; responsibleness abstract
responsible adjective
rest verb
rest ; ease ; repose ; relaxation abstract
restaurant ; eating house ; eating place ; eatery city
restrict ; restrain ; trammel ; limit ; bound ; confine ; throttle verb
result ; resultant ; final result ; outcome ; termination mathematics
return ; homecoming abstract
reverse ; contrary ; opposite abstract
rhythm ; beat ; musical rhythm art
rice food
rice food
right adverb
right society
right adverb
right adjective
rigid ; stiff adjective
ring ; band clothes
rise ; rising ; ascent ; ascension abstract
rival ; challenger ; competitor ; competition ; contender business
river nature
road ; route transport
rock ; stone nature
roof house
room house
root mathematics
root nature
rope transport
rough ; unsmooth adjective
round ; circular adjective
round off ; round down ; round out ; round verb
rug ; carpet ; carpeting house
rule ; regulation linguistics
run verb
sad adjective
safe adjective
safe object
sail ; canvas ; canvass ; sheet ; object
sailor ; crewman profession
salad food
sale business
salt verb
salt ; table salt ; common salt food
salvage ; salve ; relieve ; save verb
same adjective
sand material
sandwich food
sauce food
save ; preserve verb
school ; schoolhouse city
science ; scientific discipline society
scientist profession
scissors ; pair of scissors object
scope ; range ; reach ; orbit ; compass ; ambit abstract
screen ; cover ; covert ; concealment object
screw verb
sea nature
season nature
season ; flavor ; flavour verb
seat house
seat ; place abstract
second ; 2nd ; 2d adjective
second ; sec ; s time
secret communication
secretary ; secretarial assistant profession
see verb
seed food
sell verb
sentence linguistics
separate adjective
serious adjective
servant ; retainer profession
serve verb
service sports
set ' sports
set mathematics
seven ; 7 ; vii number
seventeen ; 17 ; xvii (sábʕaʈ ʕášar) number
seventy ; 70 ; lxx number
several adjective
sew ; run up ; sew together ; stitch verb
sex nature
sexual activity ; sexual practice ; sex ; sex activity relations
share business
share verb
share ; portion ; part ; percentage society
she pronoun
sheep animal
shelf house
ship transport
shirt clothes
shock ; offend ; scandalize ; scandalise ; appal ; appall ; outrage verb
shoe clothes
shop ; store business
short adjective
shout ; shout out ; cry ; call ; yell ; scream ; holler ; hollo ; s uall
show ; demo ; exhibit ; present ; demonstrate verb
shower ; house
shroud ; enshroud ; hide ; cover verb
shut ; unopen ; closed adjective
side mathematics
sign linguistics
silence ; uiet abstract
silent ; soundless ; still adjective
silk material
silver adjective
silver ; Ag ; atomic number 47 material
since preposition
sincere adjective
sing verb
singer ; vocalist ; vocalizer ; vocaliser profession
single adjective
sink house
sister ; sis family
sit ; sit down verb
situation ; state of affairs abstract
six ; 6 ; vi ; half dozen ; half-dozen number
sixteen ; 16 ; xvi number
sixty ; 60 ; lx ; threescore number
size physics
skid ; slip ; sideslip abstract
skill ; science sports
skin ; peel ; pare verb
skin ; tegument ; cutis anatomy
skirt clothes
sky nature
sleep ; slumber nature
slow adjective
slowly ; slow ; easy ; tardily adverb
small ; little adjective
smash ; nail ; boom ; blast verb
smell verb
smell verb
smell verb
smile verb
smile ; smiling ; grin ; grinning abstract
smoke verb
smoke ; fume nature
smooth adjective
snake ; serpent ; ophidian animal
snog ; kiss ; buss ; osculate verb
snow verb
snow nature
snow ; snowfall nature
so adverb
soap material
soap ; lather verb
society society
sock clothes
soft adjective
soldier profession
solid adjective
sometimes adverb
son ; boy family
song ; vocal art
soon ; shortly ; presently ; before long adverb
sound nature
soup food
south adjective
south ; due south ; southward ; S logistics
space ; infinite mathematics
sparse ; thin adjective
specific adjective
speech ; speech communication ; spoken communication ; spoken language ; langua
ge ; voice communication ; oral communication linguistics
spelling linguistics
spend ; pass verb
spill ; tumble ; fall abstract
spoon food
spring object
spring ; fountain ; outflow ; outpouring ; natural spring nature
spring ; springtime nature
s uare adjective
s uare ; fours uare mathematics
s uare ; second power mathematics
s uash ; crush ; s uelch ; mash ; s ueeze ; verb
staff society
stage object
stalk ; stem nature
stamp object
stand ; stand up verb
standard adjective
standard ; criterion ; measure ; touchstone communication
star nature
state mathematics
state society
state ; province society
state ; say ; tell verb
statement communication
station society
stay ; remain ; rest verb
steal verb
steam physics
steel material
step ; stair house
stick object
still adverb
stitch medicine
stomach ; tummy ; tum ; breadbasket anatomy
stop ; halt abstract
stop ; halt verb
straight adjective
strange ; unusual adjective
stream ; flow ; current nature
street city
stretch art
strong adjective
structure linguistics
structure ; construction house
student ; pupil ; educatee profession
study verb
stupid adjective
style art
stylish ; fashionable adjective
subject ; dependent adjective
subject ; topic ; theme linguistics
subse uently ; later ; afterwards ; afterward ; after ; later on ad
substitution ; exchange ; commutation abstract
success society
successful adjective
such adverb
sudden adjective
suddenly ; all of a sudden ; of a sudden (faj’áa) adverb
suffer ; endure (ta’állama) verb
sugar ; refined sugar food
sugar ; saccharify verb
suggestion ; proposition ; proffer abstract
sum ; amount ; total mathematics
summation ; addition ; plus ; mathematics
summer ; summertime nature
sun ; Sun nature
supermarket : city
supply ; provide ; render ; furnish verb
support abstract
support ; back up verb
surely ; certainly ; sure ; for sure ; for certain ; sure enough ; sure as shoo
ting adverb
surface mathematics
surprise verb
surprise abstract
surrender ; give up (istáslama) verb
survive ; last ; live ; live on ; go ; endure ; hold up ; hold out verb
sweet adjective
sweet ; sweetness ; sugariness food
swim verb
system ; scheme linguistics
table house
table ; tabular array object
tail anatomy
take ; get hold of verb
talk ; speak ; utter ; mouth ; verbalize ; verbalise verb
tall adjective
taste ; gustation ; sense of taste ; gustatory modality nature
taste ; savor ; savour verb
tax ; taxation ; revenue enhancement business
tea food
teach ; learn ; instruct verb
teacher ; instructor profession
team ; squad society
technology ; engineering society
television camera ; tv camera ; camera object
television receiver ; television ; television set ; tv ; tv set ; idiot box ; b
oob tube ; telly ; goggle box device
ten ; 10 ; x number
tendency ; trend abstract
tennis ; lawn tennis sports
test ; prove ; try ; try out ; examine ; essay verb
testify ; bear witness ; prove ; evidence ; show verb
than conjunction
thank ; give thanks verb
that / pronoun
that / pronoun
the article
theater ; theatre ; house city
their pronoun
them pronoun
then ; so ; and so ; and then adverb
theory education
there ; at that place ; in that location adverb
therefore ; hence ; thence ; thus ; so adverb
these / pronoun
they pronoun
thick adjective
thick adjective
thin adjective
thin ; lean adjective
thing object
thirsty adjective
thirteen ; 13 ; xiii number
thirty ; 30 ; xxx number
this / pronoun
thorax ; chest ; pectus anatomy
those / pronoun
thousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; M ; K ; chiliad ; G ; grand ; thou ; yard
thousand ; one thousand ; 1000 ; m ; k number
three ; 3 ; iii number
throat ; pharynx anatomy
throw verb
throw sports
thumb ; pollex anatomy
ticket object
ticket object
tight adjective
time period ; period of time ; period time
tired adjective
title society
to preposition
today adverb
toe anatomy
together adverb
toilet ; lavatory ; lav ; can ; john ; privy ; bathroom house
tomato food
tomato ; love apple ; tomato plant ; Lycopersicon esculentum fo
tomorrow time
tomorrow adverb
tongue ; lingua ; glossa ; clapper anatomy
tonight ; this evening ; this night (al-léila) adverb
tooth anatomy
topographic point ; place ; spot abstract
torso ; trunk ; body ; anatomy
touch ; touching abstract
town society
trace ; draw ; line ; describe ; delineate verb
track ; rail ; rails ; runway ; transport
trade business
trade ; merchandise verb
train ; develop ; prepare ; educate verb
train ; railroad train transport
training ; preparation ; grooming abstract
transport ; carry verb
transport ; send ; ship verb
transportation ; shipping ; transport transport
travel ; go ; move ; locomote verb
treat ; care for verb
treatment ; handling abstract
tree house
tremble ; shiver ; shake abstract
trick abstract
trouble ; problem abstract
true adjective
truly ; genuinely ; really adverb
truthful ; true adjective
try ; seek ; attempt ; essay ; assay verb
turn verb
twenty ; 20 ; xx number
two ; 2 ; ii number
type abstract
ugly adjective
understand verb
undertaking ; project ; task ; labor abstract
union society
unit of measurement ; unit mathematics
university city
university education
university  (já:miʕa) (f) city
unlike ; dissimilar ; different adjective
unmarried ; single adjective
until conjunction
unusual adjective
unwrap ; disclose ; let on ; bring out ; reveal ; discover ; expose ; divulge ;
break ; give away ; let out verb
up ; upwards ; upward ; upwardly adverb
us pronoun
use ; usage ; utilization ; utilisation ; employment ; exercise li
use ; utilize ; utilise ; apply ; employ verb
user society
vacation ; holiday travelling
value art
very ; really ; real ; rattling adverb
village ; hamlet society
village ; small town ; settlement society
violent adjective
visit abstract
visit ; see verb
vogue ; trend ; style abstract
voice ; vocalization ; vocalisation ; vocalism ; phonation ; vox communi
volition ; will abstract
wages ; reward ; payoff society
wait ; hold off ; hold back verb
walk verb
wall house
war ; state of war society
warm adjective
warm verb
wash ; launder verb
waste ; waste material ; waste matter ; waste product material
watch ; ticker object
watch ; view ; see ; catch ; take in verb
water ; H2O material
wave ; moving ridge nature
we pronoun
wear abstract
wear ; have on verb
weather ; weather condition ; conditions ; atmospheric condition nature
wedding ; wedding ceremony ; nuptials ; hymeneals (zawá:j) (m) family
week ; calendar week time
weekend time
weigh (wázana) verb
weight physics
well object
well ; good adverb
west adjective
west ; due west ; westward ; W logistics
wet verb
wet adjective
what / pronoun
wheel object
when pronoun
whenever conjunction
whether conjunction
which pronoun
while ; piece ; spell ; patch transport
whip object
white adjective
who pronoun
whole adjective
whole abstract
whom pronoun
whose pronoun
wide ; broad adjective
wife ; married woman family
will society
will ; testament society
win sports
win verb
wind ; air current ; current of air ; nature
wind ; wrap ; roll ; twine verb
window house
wine ; vino food
wing anatomy
winter ; wintertime nature
wire object
wise adjective
wish verb
wish ; wishing ; want abstract
with preposition
without preposition
woman ; adult female family
wood material
wool material
word linguistics
work abstract
work ; piece of work abstract
worker profession
world nature
write verb
writer ; author profession
writing linguistics
year ; twelvemonth ; yr time
yellow ; yellowish ; xanthous color
yes abstract
you / pronoun
young ; immature adjective
your pronoun
yourself pronoun

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