Biology: Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose

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Martin Skam


Starch, Glycogen,
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storage functio nc tion.n.

Glycogen is another Glucose(α) polymer. Glycogen is a stored source of energy, found

in the Liver of Humans. Glycogen is different from Starch and Cellulose in that
Glucose chains are always forked, or branched, and not fibred or coiled. Glycogen
is a like Starch in the sense that it is storage Carbohydrate, however it is found in
animals. Starch, on the other hand, is a storage Carbohydrate found in plants. Both
of these are polymers of glucose however.
The Human body stores enough glycogen to provide sugar to blood for 24-36 hours
during fasting.
Like some forms of starch, Glycogen is branched, and follows the same suit as starch
in the sense that it is useful for it to be branched, as small terminal glucose
molecules can be broken off easier than if it were coiled. This is useful if the body
is to be provided with constant energy levels, and not exhausted one minute, and
energized the next.
is a another natural, carbohydrate and is also a
polymer of Glucose(β). Out of the 3, Cellulose
is the only polymer formed by (β) Glucose
Molecules, as opposed to (α). Cellulose is
insoluble and most animals cannot digest
cellulose for example, humans.
Cellulose is in a linear shape, that form hexagon
shaped chains. This gives the plant rigidity
and structural support, there are hydrogen
atoms in between the glucose molecules,
which further strengthen the plant with their
positive charge.

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