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Q1. Draw a flowchart to produce a printed list of all the students over the
age of 20 in a class .The input records contains the name and age of
students. Assume a sentinel value of 99 for the age field of the trailer
Q2. Write a algorithm for multiplication table for an integer?
Q3. Each paper in a set of examination papers includes a grade of A, B, C, D
or E. A count is to be of how many papers have grade of A and how
many have grade of E. The total of both types have to be printed at the
end. Assume 50 as sentinel value. Write a Pseudo Code to perform this
Q4. Company X sells merchandise to wholesale and outlets .Wholesale
customers receives a 5% discount on all orders. The company also
encourages both wholesale and retail customers to pay the cash on
delivery by offering a 3% discount for this method of payment .Another
2% discount is given on orders of 500 or more units’. Each column
represents a certain type of order? Draw the decision table?

Q5. How a Source Program converted to an executable program in C?

Q6. Write down the basic structure of c program. And draw the flow chart
for same? Also elaborate the each section?
Q7. Why do we quantifiers with data types and elaborate each quantifier
with example?
Q8. Differentiate between the following
(a) Unary and Ternary operator.
(b) Assignment and Equal To operator.
(c) Expression and Statement
(d) Identifiers and Keywords.
(e) Signed and Unsigned integers

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