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Section A

(20 marks)

(time suggested : 30 minutes)

Question 1

Read the following text and complete the given task

Volcanoes can be grouped into three main types., based largely on their eruptive patterns
and general forms. Scoria forms are the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 metres
and have straight sides with steep slopes and very large summit craters. Scoria cones are generated
by Strombolian eruptions which produce eruptive columns of basalt tephra generally only a few
hundred metres high. Paricutin in Mexico is one example of cinder cone.

On the other hand, shield volcanoes have very gentle convex slopes. Their heights are
typically about 1/20 of their widths. Their overall broad shapes result from the extrusion of basalt
lava. Shield volcanoes are generated by Hawaiian eruptions. The Mauna Loa Vocalno on the Big
Island of Hawaii is the world’s largest shield volcano.

Stratovolcanoes are the most picturesque and the most deadly of the volcano types. Their
lower slopes are gentle but they rise steeply near the summit to produce an overall morphology that
is concave in an upward direction. The summit area typically contains a surprisingly small summit
crater. The compositional spectrum of these rock types may vary from basalt to rhyolite in a single
volcano. However, the overall average composition of stratovolcanoes is andesitic. The eruptive
history of most stratovolcanoes is delineated by highly explosive Plinian eruptions. One classic
example is Mount Fuji in japan.
Based on the information from the text, complete the graphic organiser below.

Volcano type Volcano Shape Eruption Type Name of Volcano

5 ________________ 8 ________________
Scoria Cones
1 _________________



-Large summit craters

Shield volcanoes
6 ________________ 9 _______________


-have broad shapes

Stratovolcanoes 3__________________

___________________ 7 ________________ 8 ________________



(10 marks)
Question 2

Read the following text and complete the given task.

Wherever you go, whatever you do – inside, outside, on top of a mountain, deep in a coal mine _
you are always surrounded by a sea of gases. This sea is called the air or the atmosphere, people,
animals and plants cannot live.

The atmosphere is mainly made up of the gases, oxygen and nitrogen, together with water
vapour and small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases. However, all air contains small
amounts of impurities. Air is said to be polluted when it contains enough impurities to affect the
health, safety and comfort of living things.

There are two main types of air pollution – natural pollution and pollution caused by man.
Natural pollutants are wind-blown dust, pollen and fog. Most of the pollution caused by people is
produced by industry and by vehicles such as cars, trucks and airplanes. Pollution is becoming worse
as more automobiles are produced and driven and new factories are built and existing ones expand.
It is more severe in cities where people and industries are concentrated in large numbers.

Millions of people need heat, hot water and electric power. Most of the energy for these
needs come from burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

The amount of air pollution is also affected by atmospheric conditions such as temperature
and air pressure.
Based on the information from text, complete the graphic organiser below.






Composition of natural pollutants Source of man-made pollution

4____________________________ 6_________________________

5____________________________ 7_________________________


(10 marks)
Section B

(30 marks)

(Time suggested: 45 minutes)

Read the information given below on how to control your consumption of food in order to maintain
your weight.

 Practice stopping before you feel full

 Be selective
 Eat small portions
 Chew your food and eat slowly
 Skip rich desserts
 Have a snack before your meal
 Identify your reason for eating

Write a report on the basics of weight control through food consumption. In your report, you must

- Use all the points

- Elaborate by giving relevant information
- Provide any other additional information on eating habits to help control food consumption

Your report should not be less than 200 words.

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