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Part I (Basic General Modules)

Islamic Economics and Finance

Module Objective :

Upon completion of this module, candidates should be able to :

• Understand the terms of Economy , its background, goals and how to achieve the goals
• Understand basic concept of Islamic Economic and can differentiate with the secular concepts.
• Understand the role of governance and regulation for Islamic economic institutions.

No Subject
1. Module:
Islamic Economic and Finance
2. Moderator:

3. Subject Code:
4 Topics:

Week Topic
Class 1 Concepts of Economy : Islam vs seculars

Class 2 Islamic World View

Class 3 Economic System : Role of State vs Market, Role of Ethics

Class 4 Riba and Its harms

Class 5 Money from Islamic perspective

Class 6 Distribution of Income

Class 7 Waqf Concept

Class 8 Islamic Financial Institutions

Class 9 Governance and leadership

Class 10 Economic Development : role of Globalisation

Class 11 Islamic Gold Dinar

Class 12 Human Capital Development

Islamic Banking Operation

Module Objective :

Upon completion of this module, candidates should be able to :

• Understand basic function of Islamic bank
• Understand the differences between Islamic bank and conventional bank
• Understand basic product offers by Islamic bank : Financing, Funding, Services
• Understand Types, Underlying contracts & Features of deposit products : CA, SA, TD
• Understand BI regulation on deposit & Deposit insurance scheme
• Understand basic components of Islamic banking operation

No Subject
1. Module:
Islamic Banking Operation
2. Moderator:

3. Subject Code:
4 Topics:

Week Topic
Class 1 Definition of Islamic Banking:

Class 2 Theory of Financial Intermediation & Time Value of Money

Class 3 Deposit Products

Class 4 Services Products

Class 5 Rules and regulation covering deposit:

Class 6 Profit Distribution Mechanism

Class 7 Teller

Class 8 Customer Services

Class 9 Back Office

Class 10 ATM, Call Centre, Kiosk,POS

Class 11 Clearing & Transfer Mechanism

Class 12 Operational Management

Islamic Banking Financing

Module Objective :

Upon completion of this module, candidates should be able to :

• Understand basic shariah financing concepts & contracts

• Understand various Islamic financing products for retail, commercial, corporate and investment
• Understand customer’s requirement
• Able to do due diligence, risk assessment & mitigation process

No Subject
1. Module:
Islamic Banking Financing
2. Moderator:

3. Subject Code:
4 Topics:

Week Topic
Class 1 Overview of Shariah Financing Concepts & Contracts

Class 2 Purpose of shariah Financing : Consumptive & Productive

Class 3 Financial ratio analysis & spreadsheet

Class 4 Credit Scoring , 5C’s & Due diligence process

Class 5 Shariah Financing Terms & Features

Class 6 Retail Shariah Banking Products

Class 7 Commercial Shariah Banking Products

Class 8 Corporate Shariah Banking Products

Class 9 Project Financing of Islamic Bank

Class 10 Profitability Analysis & pricing package

Class 11 Risk Weighted capital Analysis in Shariah Bank

Class 12 Basic understanding governing laws framework

Islamic Bank Commercial Contracts

Module Objective

Upon completion of this module, candidates should be able to :

• Understand sources of law in Islam

• Understand contracts applied in Islamic financial transactions
• Understand the legal contracts and documentations involved in Islamic products and services and
the impacts.
• Understand Shariah interpretations offered by different schools of thought & their application to
current Islamic finance products & services
No Subject
1 Module:
Islamic Bank Commercial Contracts

2 Instructor:

3 Subject Code:

4 Topics:

Week Topic
Class 1 Islamic Sources of Law

Class 2 Contract in Islamic Law

Class 3 Murabahah

Class 4 Mudharabah

Class 5 Musharakah

Class 6 Salam

Class 7 Istishna

Class 8 Rahn

Class 9 Wadiah

Class 10 Qardh

Class 11 Fatwas issued by National Shariah Board- Indonesian Ulema Council

Class 12 Differences in Shariah Interpretations : Impacts on Islamic Finance


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