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REGENT COLLEGE THEO 637; KIERKEGAARD’S RELEVANCE TO THE CONTEMPORARY CHURCH C. Stephen Evans Summer School, 2006 July 31-Aug 4, 11:30 am-1:00 pm & 2:00-3:00 pm ‘Maximum Enrollment: 25 for credit, plus auditing students are also welcome 1 or 2 graduate credit hours TA: Kendal Platt Deadline for dropping the course with refund is 4:30 pm on July 31 (100% refund) or 4:30 pm on ‘August 1 (75% refund). Deadline for dropping the course, changing the number of credits or for changing from credit to audit is 4:30 pm on August 4 (no refunds). Course Description ‘This course will be an overview of the philosophical and theological work of Soren Kierkegaard, focusing on issues that are important to Christians attempting to understand the contemporary situation. These issues will include Kierkegaard’s understanding of the “esthetic life” and the increasing estheticization of politics and religion, the relation between conventional morality, Christian ethics, and true faith, religious truth and the relation between knowing the truth and doing the truth, an understanding of human persons as spiritual, bodily creatures, and the relation between sin and various forms of human dysfunction. Throughout we will look at the ways Kierkegaard provides criticisms of both modemism and what would later be termed “postmodernism.” Class Outline Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are taken from The Essential Kierkegaard, edited by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong. (See “Textbooks” below.) ‘The assignment designated as “A” is for 1-credit hour. Those taking the class for 2-credit hours should read the “B” assignment as well as the “A” assignment. Mon., July31 Session 1: Introduction to Kierkegaard’ life and writings. Recommended reading assignment: “Kierkegaard as a Christian Thinker,” Chapter | from Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays (sce Textbooks below) Session 2: Introduction to major themes in Kierkegaard’s authorship. Includes concepts of the “three spheres of existence,” indirect communication, subjectivity and existence, faith and paradox. Reading Assignment: A. pp. 3-12; “Soren Kierkegaard” (xerox, pp. 306-325). B. pp. 242-246; 449-481. ‘THEO 637 - EVANS ~ Page 1 of 7 Tues., Aug. 1 Wed., Aug. 2 ‘Thurs., Aug. 3 Fri, Aug. 4 Session 3: Kierkegaard’s concept of the esthetic life: immediacy and reflection. Reading Assignment: A. pp. 37-62. B. pp. 62-65, 156-163, 170-182. Session 4; The ethical life and the beginning of selfhood: choice and responsibility. Reading Assignment: A. pp. 66-83. B. pp. 164-169, 225-229. 269-276. Session 5: The limits of the ethical life: why being good isn’t good enough Reading Assignment: A. pp. 93-101. B. pp. 138-155. Session 6; Faith and the incamation: How do we come to know God? Reading Assignment: A. pp. 116-125. B. pp. 373-384. Session 7: Truth as subjectivity but not subjective. Reading Assignment: A. pp. 187-215. B. 215-242. Session 8: Sin, despair, and selfhood. Reading Assignment: A. pp. 350-372. B. 393-403. Session 9: The Christian ethic of neighbor love: duty and divine commands. Reading Assignment: A. pp. 277-311. B. pp. 333-349, 385-392. Session 10: Concluding discussion: Christian thinking in a postmodem world Reading Assignment: A. pp. 252-268. B. pp. 404-410, 424-448. Academic Requirements and Time Investment Lor hr 2erhrs Lectures/Discussions 12.5 hrs 12.5 hrs, Reading 19 hrs (380 pp) 40 hrs (800 pp) Response Paper 8 hrs (1000 wds) 30 _ hrs (3750 wds) Take-home Final Exam 5.5 hrs 7.5 hrs TOTAL 45° hrs 90 hrs Assignments: 1, Reading. ‘All students are to read the assigned sections of the textbook, The Essential Kierkegaard, ‘edited by Howard V, Hong and Edna H. Hong. Students enrolled for 1-cr hr are to read pages specified for “A”; students enrolled for 2-cr hrs are to read the pages specified for both “A” and “B.” ‘A signed list of readings completed must be submitted with the other assignments, Due: (Postmarked by) Monday, Sept 11, 2006 THEO 637 - EVANS ~ Page 2 of 7 2. Response Paper. Tech student should write a paper that explains and critically reflects on one of Kierkegaard’s important theological or philosophical claims. These papers should primarily be based 09 Kierkegaard's own writings, though of course secondary sources may be consulted. T-credit hour popers should be 4-6 pages in length. 2-credit hours papers should be $12 pages in tength. (Double-spaced) Due: (Postmarked by) Monday, Sept 11, 2006 3, Take-home Final Exam. TA take-home final exam will focus on specific questions arising in the assigned readings and jnelase discussions. This exam will be open book. The exam for 2-credit hours will include the questions for I-credit hour, but also some additional questions on the additional readings assigned for those in this category. Due: (Postmarked by) Monday, Sept 11, 2006 Tnloncions wil be granted only in cases of demonstrated and unforeseen emergency and tray be subject to a grade penalty. The extension policy and application forms may be found at Reception or on the College website : click } ‘on Schedules & Forms. The deadiine for applying for an extension for assignments due lafter the end of classes is the due date of those assignments. Evaluation lerhr 2erhrs Discussion and participation 10% 10% Paper 50% 50% Take-home Exam 40% 40% Bibliography Required Reading: Tectbook: The Essential Kierkegaard, ed. by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000). ISBN 0691019401. ‘Recommended (but not required) Reading: C. Stephen Evans, Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2006) ‘SELECTED KIERKEGAARD BIBLIOGRAPHY — C.S. Evans Works by Kierkegaard — All of these have been retranslated and published by Princeton University Press as Kierkegaard's Writings (Howard and Edna Hone, THEO 637 - EVANS - Page 3 of 7 general editors). Some are still available in the older translations. Note some changes in titles. This list is not complete Note that there are four Danish editions of Kierkegaard. The first edition (Samlede Veerker) is the one used in the marginal pagination of the Princeton Hong edition, and is also keyed to the Papirer. The second edition is regarded as the most accurate but is hard to read (gothic font). ‘The third is easy to procure and use but has inaccuracies. Currently a new Danish edition of both published and unpublished materials is being prepared under the title Kierkegaard's Skrifter. The Concept of Irony (doctoral dissertation) Either-Or (2. volumes) (Victor Eremita, Johannes the Seducer, Judge William) Fear and Trembling Gohannes de Silentio—with Repetition in new trans.) Stages on Life's Way (Hilarius Bookbinder, William Afham, Judge William, Assorted Aesthetes, Frater Taciturnus, Quidam) Prefaces Nicolaus Notebene Repetition (Constantine Constantius, the “Young Man”) Philosophical Fragments ohannes Climacus) Concluding Unscientific Postscript (Johannes Climacus) Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses (“Edifying” in old translations) Christian Discourses (published with The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress) Upbuilding Discourses in (includes material published as Purity of Heart Is to Various Spirits Will One Thing and The Gospel of Suffering) Works of Love The Book on Adler Authority and Revelation (old title) ("The Difference between a Genius and an Apostle" is taken from this.) Practice in Christianity (Anti-Climacus) ("Training" is old title) For Self-Examination and (published together in one edition) Judge for Yourself! Two Ages The Present Age is taken from this. The Point of View for My Work as An Author The Moment and Late Writings (Attack on Christendom) Sickness Unto Death (Anti-Climacus) ‘A short selection from Kierkegaard's Journals has been edited by Alexander Dru, The Journals of Kierkegaard ‘A substantial selection in provided by Howard and Edna Hong, Soren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers. (Seven volumes, first four organized alphabetically by topic, (5 and 6 are autobiographical; 7 is an index.) Three interesting book: The Prayers of Kierkegaard, edited by Perry D. LeFevre The Parables of Kierkegaard, edited by Thomas Oden The Humor of Kierkegaard, edited by Thomas Oden ‘THEO 637 — EVANS — Page 4 of 7 Books about Kierkegaard's Life Walter Lowrie has written both a substantial biography, Kierkegaard, and a briefer A Shorter Life of Kierkegaard; he puts the best light possible on some episodes; Josiah Thompson, Kierkegaard, puts the worst light possible on some episodes. Recently, two biographies have been published. One, by Alastair Hannay, is more philosophical. ‘The other, by Joakim Garff, is more literary in emphasis, and contains historical errors. Neither Hannay or Garff is sympathetic to Kierkegaard’s Christian faith and neither shows a deep understanding of that faith. Bruce Kirmmse has provided the basis for a “do-it-yourself” biography with his Encounters with Kierkegaard: A Life As Seen by His Contemporaries Collections of Critical Essays Howard A. Johnson and Niels Thulstrup, eds., A Kierkegaard Critique, ( Harper and Bros. 1962). See especially articles by Holmer, Soe, and Fabro. John Davenport and Anthony Rudd, eds., Kierkegaard Afier MacIntyre. Looks at relation of Kierkegaard to Maclntyre’s critique of Either/Or. Jerry H. Gill, ed., Essays on Kierkegaard, (Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, 1969). Josiah Thompson, ed., Kierkegaard (Doubleday, 1972) contains extensive bibliography. ‘The article by Mackey on Fear and Trembling is excellent. See also the Cavell article. Robert Perkins, ed., Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling: Critical Appraisals, (U. of Alabama Press). Many viewpoints represented (including Evans). Special attention should be given to Robert Perkins, ed., International Kierkegaard Commentary Series, (Mercer University Press). Multi-volume collection designed to accompany the new edition of Kierkegaard's Writings. Connell, George and Evans, C. Stephen, Foundations of Kierkegaard’s Vision of Community. Bibliographies Soren Kierkegaard: International Bibliography, edited by Jens Himmelstrup, Multilanguage bibliography through 1955, (Nyt Nordisk Forlag, Copenhagen, 1962). Soren Kierkegaard and His Critics, compiled by Francois H. Lapointe. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1980. Soren Kierkegaard Bibliographies, compiled by Calvin D. Evans (Montreal, McGill University Library, 1993) cover 1944-1980 and multi-media materials to 91) Monographs & Works & Collections Arbaugh, George B. and George E., Kierkegaard's Authorship: A Guide To The Writings of ‘Kierkegaard—Summaries of all the books—superficial. Bukdahl, Jorgen, Soren Kierkegaard and the Common Man (book on Kierkegaard’s political and social attitudes) THEO 637 — EVANS ~ Page 5 of 7 Camell, E. J., The Burden of Soren Kierkegaard, (trail-blazing work on S.K. by an evangelical). Collins, James, The Mind of Kierkegaard. (Good Catholic work). Connell, George, To Be One Thing, (sees continuity between ethical and religious in SK). Crites, Stephen, Jn The Twilight of Christendom: Hegel vs. Kierkegaard on Faith and History (Written from a liberal theological perspective). Davenport, John J. and Rudd, Anthony, Kierkegaard After Macintyre (deals with controversy surrounding MacIntyre’s treatment of Kierkegaard in Afier Virtue) Demzil, G. M. Patrick, Pascal and Kierkegaard: A study in The Strategy of Evangelism. (One of the best books on S.K. as Christian writer; hard to find.) Elrod, John W., Kierkegaard And Christendom—very good on the social implications of S.K.'s thought. Eller, Vernard, Kierkegaard and Radical Discipleship: A New Perspective. One of the best books on S.K. as a theologian. Evans, C. Stephen, Kierkegaard's "Fragments" and "Postscript": The Religious Philosophy of Johannes Climacus, Thematic study of key philosophical and religious concepts. , Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays. Passionate Reason: Making Sense of Kierkegaard's "Philosophical Fragments" Soren Kierkegaard's Christian Psychology. , Kierkegaard's Ethic of Love: Divine Commands and Moral Obligations. See SK as a divine command theorist about obligations. Ferreira, M. Jamie, Transforming Vision. (Sees the leap of faith as an imaginative reorientation, not an arbitrary act of will). Love's Grateful Striving: A Commentary on Kierkegaard's Works of Love. Green, Ronald, Kierkegaard and Kant: The Hidden Debt. Gouwens, David J., Kierkegaard as Religious Thinker (best overall reading of S.K. by a theologian). Hamilton, Kenneth, The Promise of Kierkegaard. Fairly light introduction by evangelical theologian. Kirmmse, Bruce, Encountering Soren Kierkegaard: A Life as Seen By His Contemporaries (contains materials for a do it yourself biography) Kirmmse, Bruce, Kierkegaard In Golden Age Denmark (Puts Kierkegaard into his social-political context). Léon, Céline and Walsh, Sylvia, Feminist Interpretations of Soren Kierkegaard. Lippitt, John, Humor and Irony in Kierkegaard's Thought. Mackey, Louis, Kierkegaard: A Kind of Poet. Literary approach, does not take S.K.'s thought seriously, but sensitive readings of individual works » Points of View. Builds on his earlier work in the direction of deconstruction. Malantschuk, Gregor, Kierkegaard's Thought. Somewhat ponderous but scholarly and reliable. THEO 637 ~ EVANS — Page 6 of 7 Malik, Habib C., Receiving Soren Kierkegaard: The Early Impact and Transmission of His Thought Mullen, John Douglas, Kierkegaard's Philosophy: Cowardice and Self-Deception In The Present “Age. Extremely lively and well-written introduction to $.K.'s thought. Personally challenging. Nordentoft, Kresten, Kierkegaard's Psychology—Detailed study. Perkins, Robert, Soren Kierkegaard. Short but good introduction Poole, Roger, Kierkegaard: The Indirect Communication (deconstructive literary reading) Rae, Murray, Kierkegaard’s Vision of the Incarnation (best book on this subject) Roberts, Robert, Faith, Reason and History. Focuses on Philosophical Fragments. Analytic perspective. Rudd, Antony, Kierkegaard and the Limits of the Ethical, (relates SK. to some contemporary ethical debates) Schumueli, Adi, Kierkegaard and Consciousness. Unusual book by an Israeli ‘Swenson, David, Something About Kierkegaard. A classic. Taylor, Mark C., Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Authorship: A Study of Time and The Self. Best study of the spheres in their relation to time. Walsh, Sylvia, Living Poetically: Kierkegaard's Existential Aesthetics (fine work; not limited to the aesthetic) Westphal, Merold, Becoming A Self: A Reading of Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript (relates Postseript to continental philosophy; well-written and best work relating Kierkegaard to this trend) Westphal, Merold, Kierkegaard's Critique of Reason and Society. Ground-breaking work by & ‘major Hegel scholar. Students should also be aware of the series Kierkegaard and Post Modernism, edited by Mark Taylor. (Includes works by John Caputo and others) THEO 637 - EVANS ~ Page 7 of 7 Kierkegaard S Le Feors tel thpers AE fe nr The €eM wocepl of lew ee ad Cont un a 4 ge eller oF : Tas g Repebl : iy) T6-T9 FB Feat t 0 TO" -T1L a Covel : 112-114 F Peetewts i T1S-T18 ps Phils Frey F ty Slyet em : Bree AO got Aw GhBig- Duco aa * Mm, : “iy 5 Koa, t OTA. faerie of ge! : agrt oth ee ee dass i ae ery Or Chetslinw Dives © ‘ i Oe pales of ha fOAd Dads t ‘ TSA. Tes Miver eta : BE Qed. ¢ Bo soko Unlt Use ; senor DSi real eh at TES ghaet a cue 1 TAF Two Dore ts fe get Granger u 2. Bete © Tite tn neo Wht seu Jett 1869- from Schema of the authorship ' Hyiels Speyer © welpen, “The Rebs See, Unde cand of Siren eld ants Total pepe "iw T Results, Aitd by Kier key aad? RESCUES ard haucier Us Pras 4 Mona Rlastaic Me Kiw wow (oallnd M4 GETTING STARTED IN KIERKEGAARD: AN OVERVIEW 1. Polemical Background to the Authorship Kierkegaard constantly has three targets in minds 1. Romanticism and all fomns of sensualism, egoism, and hedonism 2. Tdealism, particularly in its Hegelian foms, particularly insofar as it claims to be Christian 3. "Christendom" and bourgeois confornism, and any attempt to submerge the individual in a collectivity Ii, ‘the Authorship Itself and the Central Problem of Interpretation: Is we eeeonity to the Authorship? Where is the Unity? =” m1. ey Concepts Which Bear on the Problem of Interpretation 1. Pseudonymity 2, Indirect Communication : 3. Subjective Understanding and Subjectivity 4. Existence 5, Stages or Spheres of Existence esthetic ‘> Irony Ethical ee fae Socratic View B hypothesis The Moment vanishing Significance , Ultimate importance Preceding state Having the condition Ignorance (lacking condition) Teacher A mere human the god not essential absolutely essential owe teacher nothing owe him everything Disciple Becomes what she was Becomes new person Argument: my error can be the result of my freedom, without my ereedom being able to repair the error. If freedom is genuine and historical, then the consegences of a free choice cannot always be undone. Is this hypothesis really the invention of Climacus? Could it be the invention of any human being? ‘Pilesephical Fragvents ‘

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