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The second 1000 words of the General Service List

abroad bake burst comb decay
absence balance bury combine deceive
absolutely band bus comfort decrease
accident barber bush commerce deed
accuse bare busy committee deer
accustom bargain butter companion defeat
ache barrel button compete defend
admire basin cage complain delay
adventure basket cake complicated delicate
advertise bath calculate compose delight
advice bay calm confess department
afraid beak camera confidence depend
afternoon beam camp confuse descend
agent bean canal congratulate deserve
agriculture beard cap conquer desk
ahead beast cape conscience despair
aim beat captain conscious devil
aeroplane beg card convenience diamond
alike behave carriage conversation dictionary
alive bell cart cook dig
aloud belt castle cool dinner
altogether bend cat copper dip
ambition berry cattle copy dirt
amongst bicycle caution cork disappoint
amuse bind cave corn discipline
anger birth cent correct discuss
angle bite century cottage disgust
annoy bitter ceremony cotton dish
anxiety blade chain cough dismiss
apart blame chair courage disturb
apologize bless chalk cousin ditch
applaud blind charm cow dive
apple block cheap coward dollar
approve boast cheat crack donkey
arch boil check crash dot
argue bold cheer cream dozen
arrange bone cheese creep drag
arrest border cheque crime drawer
arrow borrow chest critic drink
artificial bottle chicken crop drown
ash bottom chimney crown drum
ashamed bound Christmas cruel duck
aside boundary civilize crush dull
asleep bow clay cultivate dust
astonish bowl clerk cup duty
attend brain clever cupboard eager
attract brass cliff cure earn
audience brave climb curious earnest
aunt breakfast cloth curl ease
autumn breath cloud curse educate
avenue bribe coal curtain efficient
avoid brick coarse curve egg
awake broad coat cushion elastic
awkward brown coffee damage elder
axe brush coin damp elect
baby bucket collar deaf electricity
bag bunch collect dear elephant
baggage bundle colony debt empire
empty frequent 2 knot miserable
enclose fresh hook ladder mistake
encourage fright horizon lake mix
engine fruit hospital lamp model
entertain fry host latter moderate
envelope fun hotel laugh modest
envy funeral humble lazy monkey
especial fur hunger leaf moon
essence furnish hunt lean moral
exact gallon hurry leather motion
examination gap hurt leg mouse
excess garage hut lend mud
excite gas ice lessen multiply
excuse gay ideal lesson murder
explode generous idle liberty mystery
explore girl ill lid nail
extra glory imagine limb neat
extraordinary goat imitate lip needle
extreme govern immediate liquid neglect
fade grace immense list nephew
faint gradual important literature nest
false grain improve load net
fan grammar indoors loaf nice
fancy grand industry loan niece
far grass inform lock noble
farther grateful ink lodging noise
fat grave in-law log nonsense
fate grease inn lonely noon
fault greed inquire loose nose
feast greet insect lord noun
feather grey inside loud nuisance
female grind instant loyal nurse
fence guess instrument luck nut
fever guest insult lump oar
fierce guide insure lunch obey
fight guilty interfere lung ocean
film gun international mad offend
firm hair interrupt mail omit
flag hammer invent male onto
flame handkerchief invite manage opposite
flash harbour inward/s manufacture orange
flat harm island map organ
flavour harvest jaw master origin
flesh haste jealous mat ornament
float hat jewel match overcome
flood hate joint meal pack
flour hay joke meanwhile pad
flow heal journey meat pair
fly heap joy mechanic pale
fold heart juice medicine pan
fond height jump melt parcel
fool hesitate key mend pardon
foot hinder kick merchant parent
forbid hire king mercy park
forest hit kiss merry particular
forgive hole kitchen message passage
fork holiday knee mild paste
formal hollow kneel milk path
frame holy knife mill patient
freeze honest knock mis- patriotic
pattern proud 3 shop strap
pause pump roast shout straw
paw punctual rob shower strict
pearl punish rock shut string
peculiar pupil rod sick strip
pen pure roof signal stripe
pencil purple root silk stuff
penny push rope sincere stupid
per puzzle rot sing suck
perform qualify row sink sugar
persuade quantity royal skin suit
pet quarrel rub skirt supper
photograph quart rubber slave suspect
pick queen rubbish slide swallow
pig question rude slip swear
pigeon quick rug slope sweat
pile rabbit ruin smell sweep
pin radio rust smoke swell
pinch rail sacred smooth swim
pink rain sacrifice snake swing
pint rake sad snow sword
pipe rapid saddle soap sympathy
pity rare sake socks tail
plain rat salary soldier tailor
plaster raw sale solemn tall
plate ray salt solid tame
plenty razor sample solve tap
plough recommend sand sore tax
plural refer satisfy sorry taxi
pocket reflect sauce soul tea
poet refresh saucer soup telegraph
poison regret scatter sour telephone
police rejoice scent sow temper
polish relieve scissors spade temperature
polite remedy scold spare temple
pool remind scorn spell tempt
postpone rent scrape spill tend
pot repair scratch spin tender
pour replace screen spit tent
powder reproduce screw splendid thank/s
practice republic search split theatre
praise reputation seed spoil thick
pray request seldom spoon thief
preach rescue sentence sport thin
precious reserve severe staff thirst
prefer resign sew stain thorn
prejudice resist shade stairs thorough
president responsible shallow stamp thread
pretend restaurant shame star threaten
pride retire sharp steady throat
priest revenge sheep steam thumb
prison review sheet steep thunder
prize reward shelf steer ticket
probable ribbon shell stem tide
procession rice shelter stiff tidy
profession rid shield sting tie
profit ripe shilling stir tight
prompt risk ship stockings till
pronounce rival shirt stomach tin
property roar shock stove tip
tire weapon 4
title weather
tobacco weave
toe weed
tomorrow weigh
ton wet
tongue wheat
tonight wheel
tool whip
tooth whisper
tough whistle
tour whole
towel wicked
tower widow
toy wine
track wipe
translate wire
trap witness
tray wool
treasure worm
treat worry
tremble worship
trial wound
tribe wrap
trick wreck
trip wrist
true yard
trunk yield
tube zero
wage/ s

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