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1Windows admin interview questions

1. Describe how the DHCP lease is obtained. It’s a four-step process consisting of
(a) IP request, (b) IP offer, © IP selection and (d) acknowledgement.
2. I can’t seem to access the Internet, don’t have any access to the corporate
network and on ipconfig my address is 169.254.*.*. What happened? The
169.254.*.* netmask is assigned to Windows machines running 98/2000/XP if the
DHCP server is not available. The name for the technology is APIPA (Automatic
Private Internet Protocol Addressing).
3. We’ve installed a new Windows-based DHCP server, however, the users do
not seem to be getting DHCP leases off of it. The server must be authorized first
with the Active Directory.
4. How can you force the client to give up the dhcp lease if you have access to
the client PC? ipconfig /release
5. What authentication options do Windows 2000 Servers have for remote
clients? PAP, SPAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP and EAP.
6. What are the networking protocol options for the Windows clients if for some
reason you do not want to use TCP/IP? NWLink (Novell), NetBEUI,
AppleTalk (Apple).
7. What is data link layer in the OSI reference model responsible for? Data link
layer is located above the physical layer, but below the network layer. Taking
raw data bits and packaging them into frames. The network layer will be
responsible for addressing the frames, while the physical layer is reponsible for
retrieving and sending raw data bits.
8. What is binding order? The order by which the network protocols are used for
client-server communications. The most frequently used protocols should be at
the top.
9. How do cryptography-based keys ensure the validity of data transferred
across the network? Each IP packet is assigned a checksum, so if the checksums
do not match on both receiving and transmitting ends, the data was modified or
10. Should we deploy IPSEC-based security or certificate-based security? They
are really two different technologies. IPSec secures the TCP/IP communication
and protects the integrity of the packets. Certificate-based security ensures the
validity of authenticated clients and servers.
11. What is LMHOSTS file? It’s a file stored on a host machine that is used to
resolve NetBIOS to specific IP addresses.
12. What’s the difference between forward lookup and reverse lookup in DNS?
Forward lookup is name-to-address, the reverse lookup is address-to-name.
13. How can you recover a file encrypted using EFS? Use the domain recovery

Posted in: Networking, Windows |

7 Responses to “Windows admin interview questions”

Question:I have 8 different and 8 difernet DHCP scope for every network ,i mean
for every subnets,but ,when all the subnet starting at one time ,i want to make the
2nd subnet work withthe high prority,i mean the 2nd sunet should get teh IP
addressfrom the DHCP server first?How is it possible?

please mail me bak.

Question:I have 8 different and 8 difernet DHCP scope for every network ,i mean
for every subnets,but ,when all the subnet starting at one time ,i want to make the
2nd subnet work withthe high prority,i mean the 2nd sunet should get teh IP
addressfrom the DHCP server first?How is it possible?

Question:I have 8 different and 8 difernet DHCP scope for every network ,i mean
for every subnets,but ,when all the subnet starting at one time ,i want to make the
2nd subnet work withthe high prority,i mean the 2nd sunet should get teh IP
addressfrom the DHCP server first?How is it possible?

I have a printer (dhcp enabled) . there are 2 dhcp servers both are running . When
the printer is switched on Which DHCP server will it get the ip from .
Can it be configured to always use one specific DHCP server

1. shankar k Says:
October 6th, 2007 at 1:01 am

what is diffrence between normal IDE disk and RAID disk ?

2. Nixon Says:
October 8th, 2007 at 3:56 am


How i can configured and troubleshoot DHCP server for mulipltle network and
large domain environment

3. vijay Says:
January 13th, 2008 at 3:05 am


DHCP scope created for eight different network but DHCP Server is one of the
network in the eight network. So DHCP server First will give the ip for its own
subnet. then rest of the network it will not give the ip untill the request come form
the different network. for that reason we need to active relay agent. here the relay
agent is router. router is the bridge for the different network.

2Windows sysadmin interview questions

1. What are the required components of Windows Server 2003 for installing
Exchange 2003? - ASP.NET, SMTP, NNTP, W3SVC
2. What must be done to an AD forest before Exchange can be deployed? -
Setup /forestprep
3. What Exchange process is responsible for communication with AD? -
4. What 3 types of domain controller does Exchange access? - Normal Domain
Controller, Global Catalog, Configuration Domain Controller
5. What connector type would you use to connect to the Internet, and what are
the two methods of sending mail over that connector? - SMTP Connector:
Forward to smart host or use DNS to route to each address
6. How would you optimise Exchange 2003 memory usage on a Windows Server
2003 server with more than 1Gb of memory? - Add /3Gb switch to boot.ini
7. What would a rise in remote queue length generally indicate? - This means
mail is not being sent to other servers. This can be explained by outages or
performance issues with the network or remote servers.
8. What would a rise in the Local Delivery queue generally mean? - This
indicates a performance issue or outage on the local server. Reasons could be
slowness in consulting AD, slowness in handing messages off to local delivery or
SMTP delivery. It could also be databases being dismounted or a lack of disk
9. What are the standard port numbers for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, RPC, LDAP
and Global Catalog? - SMTP – 25, POP3 – 110, IMAP4 – 143, RPC – 135,
LDAP – 389, Global Catalog - 3268
10. Name the process names for the following: System Attendant? – MAD.EXE,
11. What is the maximum amount of databases that can be hosted on Exchange
2003 Enterprise? - 20 databases. 4 SGs x 5 DBs.
12. What are the disadvantages of circular logging? - In the event of a corrupt
database, data can only be restored to the last backup.

54 screening questions for Windows

1. What is Active Directory?
2. What is LDAP?
3. Can you connect Active Directory to other 3rd-party Directory Services? Name a
few options.
4. Where is the AD database held? What other folders are related to AD?
5. What is the SYSVOL folder?
6. Name the AD NCs and replication issues for each NC
7. What are application partitions? When do I use them
8. How do you create a new application partition
9. How do you view replication properties for AD partitions and DCs?
10. What is the Global Catalog?
11. How do you view all the GCs in the forest?
12. Why not make all DCs in a large forest as GCs?
13. Trying to look at the Schema, how can I do that?
14. What are the Support Tools? Why do I need them?
15. What is LDP? What is REPLMON? What is ADSIEDIT? What is NETDOM?
16. What are sites? What are they used for?
17. What’s the difference between a site link’s schedule and interval?
18. What is the KCC?
19. What is the ISTG? Who has that role by default?
20. What are the requirements for installing AD on a new server?
21. What can you do to promote a server to DC if you’re in a remote location with
slow WAN link?
22. How can you forcibly remove AD from a server, and what do you do later? • Can
I get user passwords from the AD database?
23. What tool would I use to try to grab security related packets from the wire?
24. Name some OU design considerations.
25. What is tombstone lifetime attribute?
26. What do you do to install a new Windows 2003 DC in a Windows 2000 AD?
27. What do you do to install a new Windows 2003 R2 DC in a Windows 2003 AD?
28. How would you find all users that have not logged on since last month?
29. What are the DS* commands?
30. What’s the difference between LDIFDE and CSVDE? Usage considerations?
31. What are the FSMO roles? Who has them by default? What happens when each
one fails?
32. What FSMO placement considerations do you know of?
33. I want to look at the RID allocation table for a DC. What do I do?
34. What’s the difference between transferring a FSMO role and seizing one? Which
one should you NOT seize? Why?
35. How do you configure a “stand-by operation master” for any of the roles?
36. How do you backup AD?
37. How do you restore AD?
38. How do you change the DS Restore admin password?
39. Why can’t you restore a DC that was backed up 4 months ago?
40. What are GPOs?
41. What is the order in which GPOs are applied?
42. Name a few benefits of using GPMC.
43. What are the GPC and the GPT? Where can I find them?
44. What are GPO links? What special things can I do to them?
45. What can I do to prevent inheritance from above?
46. How can I override blocking of inheritance?
47. How can you determine what GPO was and was not applied for a user? Name a
few ways to do that.
48. A user claims he did not receive a GPO, yet his user and computer accounts are in
the right OU, and everyone else there gets the GPO. What will you look for?
49. Name a few differences in Vista GPOs
50. Name some GPO settings in the computer and user parts.
51. What are administrative templates?
52. What’s the difference between software publishing and assigning?
53. Can I deploy non-MSI software with GPO?
54. You want to standardize the desktop environments (wallpaper, My Documents,
Start menu, printers etc.) on the computers in one department. How would you do

Posted in: Windows |

31 Responses to “54 screening questions for Windows admin”

1Que.: What is Active Directory?

Ans. Active Directory is a Meta Data. Active Directory is a data base which store
a data base like your user information, computer information and also other
network object info. It has capabilities to manage and administor the complite
Network which connect with AD.

2Que.: What is the Global Catalog?

Ans.: Global Catalog is a server which maintains the information about multiple
domain with trust relationship agreement..

3Que: What is Active Directory?

Ans: Active Directory directory service is an extensible and scalable directory
service that enables you to manage network resources efficiently.

Q01: What is Active Directory?

Ans:Active Directory is directory service that stores information about objects on
a network and makes this information available to users and network
Active Directory gives network users access to permitted resources anywhere on
the network using a single logon process.
It provides network administrators with an intuitive, hierarchical view of the
network and a single point of administration
3for all network objects.

5Q; What is active directory?

Ans: active directory is a domain controller which is use to authenticate and

administrate the group of computer,user,server etc. remotely. all the policies and
security will be applicable on the client machine which one is join the domain.and
all this policies and security is defined in active directory.

2: What is LDAP?
Ans2: LDAP(light weight directory accerss protocol) is an internet protocol which
Email and other services is used to look up information from the server.

Q 18: What is KCC ?

Ans 18: KCC ( knowledge consistency checker ) is used to generate replication
topology for inter site replication and for intrasite replication.with in a site
replication traffic is done via remote procedure calls over ip, while between site it
is done through either RPC or SMTP.

Q 10: What is Global Catalog Server ?

Ans 10 : Global Catalog Server is basically a container where you put the same
type of member ,computer etc and applied the policies and security on the catalog
server in place of individual user or computer.

Q; What is active directory?

active directory is a domain controller which is use to authenticate and
administrate the group of computer,user,server etc. remotely. all the policies and
security will be applicable on the client machine which one is join the domain.and
all this policies and security is defined in active directory.

Q 10 : what is Global catalog server GC?

Ans : i m sorry i was given wrong ans of this question above but now im giving
the exact ans of this question, and th ans which iwas given previously is the ans of
Organisatinal Unit not of GC….. and the ans is

The global catalog is a distributed data repository that contains a searchable,

partial representation of every object in every domain in a multidomain Active
Directory forest. The global catalog is stored on domain controllers that have been
designated as global catalog servers and is distributed through multimaster
replication. Searches that are directed to the global catalog are faster because they
do not involve referrals to different domain controllers.

Q 4: Where is the AD database held? What other folders are related to AD?
A 4: The AD data base is store in NTDS.DIT.

Q 5 : What is the SYSVOL folder?

A 5; The sysVOL folder stores the server’s copy of the domain’s public files. The
contents such as group policy, users etc of the sysvol folder are replicated to all
domain controllers in the domain.

Q 19: What is the ISTG? Who has that role by default?

A 19: Windows 2000 Domain controllers each create Active Directory Replication
connection objects representing inbound replication from intra-site replication
partners. For inter-site replication, one domain controller per site has the
responsibility of evaluating the inter-site replication topology and creating Active
Directory Replication Connection objects for appropriate bridgehead servers
within its site. The domain controller in each site that owns this role is referred to
as the Inter-Site Topology Generator (ISTG).

Q :15 What is LDP? What is REPLMON? What is ADSIEDIT? What is

A 15 : LDP : Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) is often used to establish MPLS
LSPs when traffic engineering is not required. It establishes LSPs that follow the
existing IP routing, and is particularly well suited for establishing a full mesh of
LSPs between all of the routers on the network.
Replmon : Replmon displays information about Active Directory Replication.
ADSIEDIT :ADSIEdit is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that
acts as a low-level editor for Active Directory. It is a Graphical User Interface
(GUI) tool. Network administrators can use it for common administrative tasks
such as adding, deleting, and moving objects with a directory service. The
attributes for each object can be edited or deleted by using this tool. ADSIEdit
uses the ADSI application programming interfaces (APIs) to access Active
Directory. The following are the required files for using this tool: ADSIEDIT.DLL
ADSIEDIT.MSCNETDOM : NETDOM is a command-line tool that allows
management of Windows domains and trust relationships. It is used for batch
management of trusts, joining computers to domains, verifying trusts, and secure

This command-line tool assists administrators in diagnosing replication problems
between Windows domain controllers.Administrators can use Repadmin to view
the replication topology (sometimes referred to as RepsFrom and RepsTo) as seen
from the perspective of each domain controller. In addition, Repadmin can be
used to manually create the replication topology (although in normal practice this
should not be necessary), to force replication events between domain controllers,
and to view both the replication metadata and up-to-dateness vectors.

Q 36: how to take backup of AD ?

A 36 : for taking backup of active directory you have to do this :
when the backup screen is flash then take the backup of SYSTEM STATE it will
take the backup of all the necessary information about the syatem including AD
backup , DNS ETC.

Q 37 : how to restore the AD ?

a 37 : For ths do the same as above in the question 36 but in place of backup you
select the restore option and restore the system state .

Q 19: What is the ISTG? Who has that role by default?

A 19: Inter-Site Topology Generator(istg) is responsible for managing the
inbound replication connection objects for all bridgehead servers in the site in
which it is located. This domain controller is known as the Inter-Site Topology
Generator (ISTG). The domain controller holding this role may not necessarily
also be a bridgehead server.

Q 29 :What are the DS* commands A 29 : You really are spoilt for choice when it
comes to scripting tools for creating Active Directory objects. In addition to
CSVDE, LDIFDE and VBScript, we now have the following DS commands: the
da family built in utility DSmod - modify Active Directory attributesDSrm - to
delete Active Directory objectsDSmove - to relocate objectsDSadd - create new
accountsDSquery - to find objects that match your query attributesDSget - list the
properties of an object

Q 30 :What’s the difference between LDIFDE and CSVDE? Usage

A 30 : CSVDE is a command that can be used to import and export objects to and
from the AD into a CSV-formatted file. A CSV (Comma Separated Value) file is a
file easily readable in Excel. I will not go to length into this powerful command,
but I will show you some basic samples of how to import a large number of users
into your AD. Of course, as with the DSADD command, CSVDE can do more
than just import users. Consult your help file for more info.
Like CSVDE, LDIFDE is a command that can be used to import and export
objects to and from the AD into a LDIF-formatted file. A LDIF (LDAP Data
Interchange Format) file is a file easily readable in any text editor, however it is
not readable in programs like Excel. The major difference between CSVDE and
LDIFDE (besides the file format) is the fact that LDIFDE can be used to edit and
delete existing AD objects (not just users), while CSVDE can only import and
export objects.
Q 25 : What is tombstone lifetime attribute?

A 25 : The number of days before a deleted object is removed from the directory
services. This assists in removing objects from replicated servers and preventing
restores from reintroducing a deleted object. This value is in the Directory Service
object in the configuration NIC.

You want to standardize the desktop environments (wallpaper, My Documents,

Start menu, printers etc.) on the computers in one department. How would you do
that? How it is possibal

(20)What are the requirements for installing AD on a new server?

Ans:1)The Domain structure2)The Domain Name3)storage location of the
database and log file4)Location of the shared system volume folder5)DNS config
Methode6)DNS configuration

7. What are application partitions? When do I use them.

Ans: AN application diretcory partition is a directory partition that is replicated

only to specific domain controller.Only domain controller running windows
Server 2003 can host a replica of application directory partition.

Using an application directory partition provides redundany,availabiltiy or fault

tolerance by replicating data to specific domain controller pr any set of domain
controllers anywhere in the forest

Q:You want to standardize the desktop environments (wallpaper, My Documents,

Start menu, printers etc.) on the computers in one department. How would you do
that? How it is possibal.

Ans:Login on client as Domain Admin user change whatever you need add
printers etc go to system-User profiles copy this user profile to any location by
select Everyone in permitted to use after copy change ntuser.dat to and
assgin this path under user profile

Q. 8. How do you create a new application partition

Use the DnsCmd command to create an application directory partition. To do this,
use the following syntax:
DnsCmd ServerName /CreateDirectoryPartition FQDN of partition

Global catalog provides a central repository of domain information for the forest
by storing partial replicas of all domain directory partitions. These partial replicas
are distributed by multimaster replication to all global catalog servers in a forest.
Its also used in universal global membership.

How do you view all the GCs in the forest?

C:\>repadmin /showreps
where domain_controller is the DC you want to query to determine whether it’s a
GC. The output will include the text DSA Options: IS_GC if the DC is a GC. . . .

Trying to look at the Schema, how can I do that

type “adsiedit.msc” in run or command prompt

Q. Can you connect Active Directory to other 3rd-party Directory Services? Name
a few options.

Ans. Yes, you can use dirXML or LDAP to connect to other directories

In Novell you can use E-directory

Q 38 :How do you change the DS Restore admin password ?

Ans 38: A. In Windows 2000 Server, you used to have to boot the computer
whose password you wanted to change in Directory Restore mode, then use either
the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Local User and Groups snap-in or
the command
net user administrator *
to change the Administrator password. Win2K Server Service Pack 2 (SP2)
introduced the Setpwd utility, which lets you reset the Directory Service Restore
Mode password without having to reboot the computer. (Microsoft refreshed
Setpwd in SP4 to improve the utility’s scripting options.)
In Windows Server 2003, you use the Ntdsutil utility to modify the Directory
Service Restore Mode Administrator password. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Start Ntdsutil (click Start, Run; enter cmd.exe; then enter ntdsutil.exe).
2. Start the Directory Service Restore Mode Administrator password-reset utility
by entering the argument “set dsrm password” at the ntdsutil prompt:
ntdsutil: set dsrm password
3. Run the Reset Password command, passing the name of the server on which to
change the password, or use the null argument to specify the local machine. For
example, to reset the password on server thanos, enter the following argument at
the Reset DSRM Administrator Password prompt:
Reset DSRM Administrator Password: reset password on server thanos
To reset the password on the local machine, specify null as the server name:
Reset DSRM Administrator Password: reset password on server null
4. You’ll be prompted twice to enter the new password. You’ll see the following
5. Please type password for DS Restore Mode Administrator Account:
6. Please confirm new password:
Password has been set successfully.
7. Exit the password-reset utility by typing “quit” at the following prompts:
8. Reset DSRM Administrator Password: quit
ntdsutil: quit

Q.40: What are Group Policy objects (GPOs)?

A.40: Group Policy objects, other than the local Group Policy object, are virtual
objects. The policy setting information of a GPO is actually stored in two
locations: the Group Policy container and the Group Policy template. The Group
Policy container is an Active Directory container that stores GPO properties,
including information on version, GPO status, and a list of components that have
settings in the GPO. The Group Policy template is a folder structure within the
file system that stores Administrative Template-based policies, security settings,
script files, and information regarding applications that are available for Group
Policy Software Installation. The Group Policy template is located in the system
volume folder (Sysvol) in the \Policies subfolder for its domain.

4) 36 Responses to “Windows Server and MS Exchange interview


On a recent interview i was asked “What is the maximum storage capacity for
Exchange standard version? What would you do if it reaches maximum

1. boot process in windows nt/xp/2000/2003

2. how do you configure memory dump if c:,d:,e: & paging file is configured so
and so way?
3. backups ? which is better, why and which to use when?
4. disaster recovery plan?
5. DHCP lease process
6. DNS zones, chronicle records what are they?
7. DHCP relay agent where to place it?
8. what is active directory compared to SAM?
9. what is GC? how many required for A Tree?
10. what is forest?
11. Group policies?
12. FSMO Roles?
2)I haved asked following question about Active directory 2000.

Can I changed password if my machince’s connectivity to DC who holds PDC

emulator role has been fails?

3)Exchange 2000 Server Standard Edition limits the database size to 16 gigabytes.

4)What is the diffence between SD-RAM and DD-RAM ?

5)can i change my Dc ip(dns,pref dns,gateway) while dc is working.

and can i give another ip.

(what happend if i give that ip and what happend about the replication of ther dc
when i am in suspend mode) ?

6)i have been asked if there is set of 30 harddisk configured for raid 5 if two
harddisk failed what about data

7)i have been asked if there is set of 30 harddisk configured for raid 5 if two
harddisk failed what about data Tech Interviews comment by mohd.sameer

8)Can anybody give me the answer of the mention questions.

1.How Can i Deploy the Latest Patched in Pc through G.P. wihtout having the
Admin Right in Pc.
2.How to remove the $sharing through G.P. in 1000 PCs.
3.In Raid 5,Suppose i have 5 HDD of 10-10 GB, After configuring the Raid how
much space do i have for utilise.
4.How Can i Resolve the Svr name through Nslookup.

9)What is difference between scope and superscope ?

Q) Can I changed password if my machince’s connectivity to DC who holds PDC

emulator role has been fails?
A) No You cant the password.

Q) i have been asked if there is set of 30 harddisk configured for raid 5 if two
harddisk failed what about data
A) It depends how u had configured ur RAID its only Raid5 or with with spare if
its only raid 5 then in raid5 if ur 2 nos of HDD goes then ur raid is gone.

Q) How Can i Deploy the Latest Patched in Pc through G.P. wihtout having the
Admin Right in Pc.
A) Create a batch file and place all the patches in the Netlogon, and deploy the
batch file through GP to all the pcs so the same should take affect after restarting
the pc.
Q) In Raid 5,Suppose i have 5 HDD of 10-10 GB, After configuring the Raid how
much space do i have for utilise.
A) -1 out of the total (eg- if u r using 5 u will get only 4 because 1 goes for

Q) How Can i Resolve the Svr name through Nslookup

A) what exactly u want to do, nslookup command will let u know through which
server u r getting routed, (eg- c:\nslookup then u will get ur domain name to
which u r getting routed. and if u want to get the name of the pc/server with the ip
address then u have to give the command c:\nbtstat -a ip xx-xx-xx-xx)

Q)How Can i Deploy the Latest Patched in Pc through G.P. wihtout having the
Admin Right in Pc.
A) Create a batch file and place all the patches in the Netlogon, and deploy the
batch file through GP to all the pcs so the same should take affect after restarting
the pc.the answer to the above question is cannot deploy a batch file
using group can only publish or assign msi packages or Zap files. They
are the only two valid file formats allowable when using “intellimirror”. in active

q)What are FMSO Roles? List them

ANS:Fsmo roles are server roles in a Forest
There are five types of FSMO roles
1-Scheema master
2-Domain naming master
3-Rid master
4-PDC Emullator
5-Infrastructure master

Q)What is Kerberos? Which version is currently used by Windows? How does

Kerberos work?

Q)what is the difference between 2k and 2k3?

what is the difference between dns and wins?

what is sysprep?

what is netlogon?

how many types of server?

(2) what is hotfrix.
(3)what is the difrences btwen 2k , 2k3 and xp?
(4)how many types DNS

Q)what is hotfrix.

It is hotfix, which microsoft realese whenever there is a bug or for updation of

Operating system.
(3)what is the difrences btwen 2k , 2k3 and xp?
Xp is a client operating system it cannot act as a server, 2k domain name cannot
be renamed, no shadow copying, 2k3 domain name can be renamed, shadow
copying is possible
(4)how many types DNS
I think there are about 7 types…
Tivoli is montiroing tool
for providing ip address dynamically

*** What is the difference between Win2k Server and Win2k3?

1. We can’t rename domain in Win2k,u can rename in Win2k3

2. IIS 5.0 in Win2k and IIS 6.0 in Win2k3

3. No Volume Shadow Copying in Win2k, its available in Win2k3

4. Active Directory Federation Systems in Win2k3

Like that some other security features added in Win2k3, main features are above


SMTP — Simple Mail Transfer Protocal is used to Sending mails.


This is a mail server.. we can use this Server to send mails in Intranet as well as

*** What is DHCP?

To assign ip addresses automatically.

*** DHCP relay agent where to place it?

DHCP Relay agent u need to place in Software Router.

*** what is forest?

Is a collection of trees. Tree is nothing but collection domains which is having

same name space.
domain contains domain controllers..
forest — Tree — Domain –

Don’t get confused.. Understand carefully.

*** what is GC? how many required for A Tree?

Global Catalog server is a Searchable Index book. With this we can find out any
object in the Active Directory.

Also it works as logon authentication for Group memberships.

We can have each domain controller in domain or only first domain controller in a

*** DNS zones, chronicle records what are they?

In Windows 2000 there are mainly 3 zones

Standard Primary — zone information writes in Txt file

Standard Secondary — copy of Primary
Active Directory Integrated– Information stores in Active Directory

in win2k3 one more zone is added that is Stub zone

–Stub is like secondary but it contains only copy of SOA records, copy of NS
records, copy of A records for that zone. No copy of MX, SRV records etc.,
With this Stub zone DNS traffic will be low

*** FSMO Roles?

Flexible Single Master Operation Roles

1. Domain Naming Master — Forest Wide Roles

2. Schema Master — Forest Wide Roles
3. RID Master — Domain Wide Roles
4. PDC Emulator — Domain Wide Roles
5. Infrastructure Master — Domain Wide Roles

RID Master — It assigns RID and SID to the newly created object like Users and
computers. If RID master is down (u can create security objects upto RID pools
are avialable in DCs) else u can’t create any object one its down

PDC emulator : It works as a PDC to any NT Bdcs in your environment

It works as Time Server (to maintain same time in your network)

It works to change the passwords, lockout etc.,

Infrastructure Master: This works when we are renaming any group member ship
object this role takes care.

Domain Naming Master : Adding / Changing / Deleting any Domain in a forest it

takes care

Schema Master : It maintains structure of the Active Directory in a forest.

*** FTP, NNTP, SMTP, KERBEROS, DNS, DHCP, POP3 port numbers?

FTP : 20, 21,(20 is for controlling, 21 is Transmitting),NNTP : 119,SMTP :

25,Kerberos : 88,DNS : 53,DHCP : 67, 68,Pop3 : 110

*** What is Kerberos? Which version is currently used by Windows? How does
Kerberos work?

Kerberos is the user uthentication used in Win2000 and Win2003 Active

Directory servers

Kerberos version in 5.0,Port is : 88

Its more secure and encrypted than NTLM (NT authentication)

QWhat is the new major feature introduced in Exchange 2003, which was not
included in Exchange 2000?

How can you recover a deleted mail box ?

Qwhat is the use of ESUtil.exe ?

What are the port Numbers for pop3, imap, smtp port, smtp over ssl, pop3 over
ssl, imap over ssl ?
QDifference between Exchance 2003 and 2007?

Qwhat is RPC over Http ?

QWhat is required for using RPC over Https with MS Outlook ?

QIf you have deleted the user, after you recreated the same user. How you will
give the access of previous mail box ?

QWhat are the prequisite for installation of Exchange Server ?

QWhat is the use of NNTP with exchange ?

If NNTP service get stoped, what features of exchange will be effected ?

Which protocol is used for Public Folder ?

How will take backup of Active Directory ?

What are the content of System State backup ?

there r more…. i’ll update soon…….

QDescribe the lease process of the DHCP server.

Ans : A DHCP lease is the amount of time that the DHCP server grants to the
DHCP client permission to use a particular IP address. A typical server allows its
administrator to set the lease time.

7. Disaster Recovery Plan?

Ans: Deals with the restoration of computer system with all attendent software
and connections to full functionality under a variety of damaging or interfering
external condtions.

QWhich protocol is used for Public Folder ?


What is the use of NNTP with exchange ?

ANS: This protocol is used the news group in exchange.

QHow will take backup of Active Directory ?

Ans: Take the system state data backup. This will backup the active directory
database. Microsoft recomend only Full backup of system state database

What are the content of System State backup ?

The cotents are

Boot fles,system files
Active directory (if its done on DC)
Sysvol folder(if it done on DC)
Cerficate service ( on a CA server)
Cluster database ( on a clsture server)
Performance couter configuration inormation
Coponet services class registration database

QWhat are the prequisite for installation of Exchange Server ?

The pre requsite are

WWW service
.NET Framework
Then run Forestprep
The run domainprep

QHow Can i Deploy the Latest Patched in Pc through G.P. wihtout having the
Admin Right in Pc.
A) Create a batch file and place all the patches in the Netlogon, and deploy the
batch file through GP to all the pcs so the same should take affect after restarting
the pc.

the answer to the above question is incorrect.

you cannot deploy a batch file using group policy.

you can only publish or assign msi packages or Zap files. They are the only two
valid file formats allowable when using “intellimirror”. in active directory.

Actually you are incorrect as well. If you create a script and assign it to the
STARTUP script in a GPO applied to the COMPUTER and not the USER, then it
runs as a local administrator on the computer.

QWhere is active directory stored?

QWhat is difference between scope and superscope ?

Scope in dhcp, where u can specify a range of IP Address which will be leased to
the dhcp clients.
Superscope is the combination of multiple scopes.

QDescribe the lease process of the DHCP server.

DHCP Server leases the IP addresses to the clients as follows :

D (Discover) : DHCP Client sends a broadcast packets to identify the dhcp server,
this packet will contain the source MAC.
O (Offer) : Once the packet is recieved by the DHCP server, the server will send
the packet containing Source IP and Source MAC.
R (Request) : Client will now contact the DHCP server directly and request for
the IP address.
A (Acknowledge) : DHCP server will send an ack packet which contains the IP
The default lease period is 8 days.

QWhat is the new major feature introduced in Exchange 2003, which was not
included in Exchange 2000?

1) RPC over HTTPS.

2) Volume Shadow Copy for backup.
3) Super upgrade tools like ExDeploy.
4) Improved security, including all those of IIS v 6.0.

Pl let me know if u still find more differnces.

QWhat are the port Numbers for pop3, imap, smtp port, smtp over ssl, pop3 over
ssl, imap over ssl ?

POP3 : 110
Standard IMAP4 : 143
SMTP : 25
pop3 over ssl : 992
imap over ssl : 993

QWhat are the prequisite for installation of Exchange Server 2003?

* SMTP services
* NNTP services
* www services
* .net framework

QWhat is a smarthost?

A Exchange server is having bandwidth issues, explain how you would look at
fixing the issue?

QWhat is Blue Screen Error? and when it comes?

What is clean Booting?
What is warm and cold booting?
Difference between clean Boot and safe mode?

QWhat is warm and cold booting?

ans:A warm boot, accomplished by pressing the CTRL+ALT+DEL key

combination, restarts the computer through the INT19h ROM BIOS routine. This
warm-boot procedure usually does not go through the complete boot process;
generally, it skips the power-on self test (POST) to save time. In addition, a warm
boot frequently fails to reset all adapters in the computer’s adapter slots.

If you use the Reset button to cold boot the computer, it generally restarts the boot
process, including the POST. However, this procedure does not necessarily
discontinue power to the motherboard. If the power is not interrupted, the cold
boot may fail to reset all adapters in the computer’s adapter slots.

if u want any other clarification let me know

QDifferents between server 2k and 2k3

advandags inserver 2k3
1.domain renname.
2.domain controller rename
3.multi user propertis selet
4.administrator deleted and rename
5.IP v6 supported
6.Default APIPA
7.maximum group option disable
8.task manager extra two options. purpose (shutdow time and restart time ask question)
10.forest trust
11.IIS v6
12.shadow copy

QAbout the new features in Exchange 2003:

1.Updated Outlook Web Access.

2.Updated VSAPI (Virus Scanning Application Programming Interface)

but in Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise, there are Specific Features which :

1.Eight-node Clustering using the Windows Clustering service in Windows Server


2.Multiple storage groups.

3.X.400 connectors which supports both TCP/IP and X.25.

Contact me if you need more in details.

QWhat is Active Directory?

Active Directory is a stored collection of information about objects that are

related to each other. It provides the means to organize and simplify access to
resources of a networked environment.

QWhat is LDAP?

LDAP is a worldwide IETF standard protocol, it is designed to allow for the

transfer of information between domain controllers and to allow users to query
information about objects within directory.

Difference in Windows server2000 and 2003?

1There are some difference in 2000 windows we can sharing the

files to ten members only and in 2003 windows we have
unlimited sharing...... and we have extra fsmo role like
forest to forest authentication,cross forest, child forest
2Diffrence between windows 2000 server and windows 2003
Windows 2003 support Shadow copy , WSUS (Windows Server
Update Service) Clustering and Support STUB Zone in DNS

These Service are not avaible in windows 2000 server.

5) Stupid Interview Questions · Wed May 17,
12:38 PM

I was reading a blog post on some guy’s programming interview,

where he complained about being asked to write a file copy function.
Now, while it’s quite possible to take umbrage at this, if I were in
that situation, I’d see it as a chance for some free entertainment .

Q. What do you mean by “copy”?

A. Ummm…copy the contents of the file to a new file.
Q. What about the date/time stamps?
A. No, those don’t need to be copied.
Q. Does the result file have to have the same name?
A. No.
Q. Can it have the same name?
A. Umm…no.
Q. Do I have to worry about name spoofing? What about the Turkish
A. Don’t worry about that.
Q. Does it have to be in the same location? Note that if it is in the
same location, it (probably) can’t have the same name. Unless you
copy it to itself (another question…).
A. Yes.
Q. What about the attributes?
A. Make the attributes the same.
Q. Should I modify the attributes of the source file? If this file copy is
part of a backup or archive operation, it’d probably be a mistake to
leave the ‘Archive’ attribute on.
A. No, leave them as-is.
Q. What if the source file has the Archive attribute off? If I make it
off on the new file as well, it could screw up the user’s backup
A. Just make it the same. I don’t care about the user’s backup
Q. Well, I’m not sure that’s the best approach to take when thinking
about designing software FOR users, but if you say so.
A. ...
Q. What about compression? It’s a file attribute, but the copy
destination may not support compression.
A. Don’t compress the copy.
Q. Even if the source is compressed, and the destination supports
Q. What about encryption? What if the source file is encrypted, but
the destination does not support encryption?
A. Don’t encrypt the copy if the destination doesn’t support it.
Q. Mmmmm, sorry, don’t mean to digress, but…that could be a
serious security hole. Especially if wherever this file copy function
ends up supports arbitrary parameters (directly or indirectly).
A. Look, just copy the damn file.
Q. What about the file creator?
A. Don’t care.
Q. What about the file owner?
A. Don’t care.
Q. What about file permissions? Is there a separate way we should
handle inherited permissions and assigned permissions?
A. Forget the permissions.
Q. What operating system will this function be required to run on?
A. Windows XP.
Q. Home, or Pro, or Media Center, or one or more?
A. Pro.
Q. What service pack level are we aiming for?
A. Service Pack 2.
Q. Does that mean we don’t have to support any other SP level?
A. Yes, fine.
Q. How will the source file name be supplied?
A. As a parameter.
Q. Is it going to be supplied as a null-terminated string, a counted
string, or an object?
A. Null-terminated string.
Q. Is it possible that a NULL pointer will be passed in?
A. No.
Q. Is it possible that an empty string will be passed in?
A. No.
Q. Is it possible that a malformed string will be passed in (e.g., no
NULL terminator)?
A. No.
Q. What encoding will the filename be in?
A. Unicode.
Q. Sorry, umm…Unicode is not an encoding, really. If we’re using
Unicode data, it has to have a specific encoding, like UTF-8, UCS-2,
UTF-16, etc.
A. Fine. Make it UTF-8.
Q. OK. I’d like to note at this point that it’s a bit of a pain to have to
transcode UTF-8 to UTF-16 in order to be able to supply it to
Windows API calls.
A. Fine! UTF-16!
Q. Big-endian or little-endian?
A. ARGH. Whichever you want!
Q. Should we accept relative paths, or only fully-specified paths?
A. Only full paths.
Q. Are there any characteristics of the paths we are supposed to
accept that I can screen the parameters on?
A. No. The caller will do all screening of paths and file names.
Q. How will the destination file name be generated or supplied

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