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Proforma for getting an amount of lump sum incentive for acquiring higher qualification in

the field of computer

1. Name of the employee :

2. Details of appointment
a. Date :
b. Designation :
c. Scale :
3. Details of present grade
a. Date of promotion :
b. Designation :
c. Scale :
4. Details of higher qualification passed
(Proof to be attached)
a. Diploma or equivalent in Computer science/
Computer application/ Information Technology
relevant to the functions of the govt. servant :
b. PG Diploma in Computer science/
Computer application/ Information Technology
relevant to the functions of the govt. servant :
c. Degree in Computer science/
Computer application/Information Technology
relevant to the functions of the govt. servant :
d. Post Graduate Diploma in Computer science/
Computer application/Information Technology
relevant to the functions of the govt. servant :
5. Whether proof attached :
6. Signature of the employee and date :
7. Forwarding official’s signature and date :
It is certified that the higher qualification acquired by Shri/ Smt/ Miss/ Mr

……………………………………..working as ………………………………… in the office of

………………… is relevant qualification and the qualification is useful for him/her function or the
post held by him/her.

Controlling Officer’s signature with seal

Name (in capital letter):
Designation :
Date :

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