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Social Studies Elective

Chapter 2
Governance in Singapore (Summary)

Chapter 2.1: Guiding Principles of Governance

Leadership 1. Principle of Selection Problems of Corrupt Leadership
is Key 2. Honest and capable leadership Mismanagement of funds / resources
3. Maintain stability – Ensure Singapore continues to Loss of support and respect from people
grow. Preferential treatment given to cronies.
4. Make right decisions, not popular decisions
5. Moral courage and integrity (Good character)
6. Do not occur by chance, need to select and groom
7. Talent and ability is not enough… incorruptibility as
Anticipate 1. Principle of forward-looking Examples:
Change 2. Look, plan ahead and anticipate future challenges 1. NEWater (Recycling of sewage water, in anticipation
and Stay 3. Be prepared for challenging times of the end of water agreements with Malaysia.
Relevant 4. Safeguard resources for future 2. Integrated Resorts: To boom tourist industry
5. Open to new ideas and risk-taking, and stay relevant 3. Taking Risks: Encouraging Singaporeans to be
in global world innovative and creative
6. Be resilient in changing world conditions
7. Capture growing markets.
Reward for 1. Principle of Meritocracy
Work and 2. Meritocracy, a key part of this principle, means a system that rewards hard work and talent and encourages
Work for people to do well.
Reward 3. Meritocracy thus helps to keep everybody in the society an equal opportunity to achieve their best and be
rewarded for their performance.
4. Bursaries, scholarships and money packages given out.
5. Surplus from good economic growth given out to reward Singaporeans (progress package)
A Stake for 1. Principle of transparency
Everyone, 2. Involving people in decision making
Opportuni 3. Most religious groups were against the Integrated Resorts (only the casinos), thus Government took feedback
ties for All and set boundaries size, entry requirements, etc. for casinos.
4. Having a say in decision making develops in people a greater sense of belonging in the country; thus more
opportunities have been created to involve people in decision-making.
5. Policy decisions made to serve the needs of the nation may change to suit the needs of the people and the nation
over time.

Chapter 2.2: Managing Traffic in Singapore

Advantages Disadvantages
Area It is one of the measures taken to control the flow of When it was first implemented, motorists
Licensing traffic. were unhappy.
Scheme Under this scheme, motorists have to pay for the use of Lots of costs were involved as this system was
certain roads in Singapore. labour intensive.
Gantries were set up at the boundaries of city areas to However, over time the ALS was successful in
monitor motorists driving into restricted zones. ensuring smooth traffic flow and many people
To support the ALS, other measures such as improving bus showed support for improved traffic flow in
services, parking costs and park-and-ride zones were the city area.

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Electronic Uses technology to monitor and regulate traffic flow.
Road Motorists have to pay to use certain roads and
Pricing expressways into the city at certain times of the day.
In this way, peak hour traffic has been successfully
Park – and Motorists park their vehicles at car parks outside the CBD. However, it was not very successful as
– Ride From there, they could use public transport to enter the motorists rather switch to the regular bus
Scheme city area. service or drove into the CBD before 7:30am as
However, the scheme was still being used today as when they thought it was not worthwhile to leave
time passes and needs of people change, measures failed their cars parked outside the city all day.
in the past might work today.
Vehicle Introduced when there was a sharp increase in car Can only control the number of cars on the
Quota ownership. road.
System Car buyers had to bid for the COE (Certificate of
Entitlement) before they could purchase the car.
Successful bidders will pay the quota premium to obtain
the COE.
The COE have to be renewed every 10 years.

Chapter 2.3: Changing times, changing needs – a case study of Singapore’s population policy (Summary)
Period / Effects of
Population Causes Effects Solutions Government
Trend Policies
1950 – 1960s: Peace and Stability Overcrowding Set up the SFPPB1 to Seen later in
Period of More jobs (shortage of housing) control the population the 60s and
Baby Boom Traditional Beliefs Unhygienic Living growth. 80s.
(Larger families are Conditions 3 Five-Year Plans In 1960s, an
1966 – 1980s:
more secure) Poor Healthcare The first plan in 1966 average of 5.79
Family services
Planning emphasized the need for babies was
Little Education smaller families. born to each
Few Jobs The second plan woman.
encouraged married By 1980, the
couples to stop at 2. fertility rate
The third plan aimed to went down to
maintain the replacement 1.82.
level at 2.1.
Contraception, legalizing
abortion and numerous
1980s – Higher Education Ageing Population Aimed to maintain the Limited success
Present: of Women, Smaller defence force replacement level at 2.1 3 or more if you
Decreasing Women marrying Smaller pool of local children can afford it.
Birth Rate later talent 3 Child Policy
Higher costs of Unattractive to Attracting Foreign Talent
living multinational Pro-Family measure
companies scheme

Singapore Planning and Population Board
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Chapter 2.3.1: Impact of an Ageing Population
There are 3 main reasons for an ageing population
a. Declining Birth Rate
b. Post-War Baby Boomers (65 and over by 2030)
c. Improving Living Conditions / Higher Standard of Living (Better healthcare / nutrition)

Housing and Additional housing needed to meet the needs of the elderly.
living Granny flats / Studio Apartment: Specially fitted to meet the needs of the elderly; Safter toilet floor tiles (no
Arrangements slip) and grabpoles.
More day-care centres and home nursing care would be required. Nurses and Counsellors would be required
to look after the elderly.
Recreation CPF and talents
Physical Fitness centres
All kinds of activities like hiking, travelling, sailing, etc.
Economy Negatively, Singapore can become unattractive to multi-national corporations
Positively, the elderly can still contribute in numerous ways as they have skills and talents.
Healthcare Higher standard of Healthcare
More resources will have to be spent on healthcare services
The working population would also be affected as they have to pay increased taxes for expenditure for

Chapter 2.3.2: Ways to Promote Population Growth in Singapore

The 3-child Parents were encouraged to have 3 or more children if they Limited success – fertility rate dropped
Policy can afford it. back to 1.24 in 2004.
Allowed the use of Medisave to pay for the delivery charges Limited success due to the costs of
to relieve the financial burden of having children. bringing up children, high medical and
housing costs.
The Graduate Encouraged marriages among graduates and encourage Sparked off debate and unhappiness
Mothers’ them to have more children. among the less-educated people.
Pro-family Offered in 2004 with regard to marriage and parenthood. Success is not registered as people were
measure Many measures were introduced to help couples decide to not very receptive to these measures,
scheme marry early and become parents. Examples: Equalized became too pragmatic with having a
medical benefits, Grandparent caregiver relief, 5 day work small family due to the costs of bring up
week for Civil Service and Extended maternity leave. children, high medical and housing costs.
Attracting Helps to promote population growth as when foreigners
Foreign Talent come to live and work here, they develop an attachment
and may take up permanent residence.
Foreign talent is granted easier entry with subsidised
housing and attractive education package for their children.
Singapore’s economic success has also attracted more
foreign talents to make Singapore their home.
Produced better results as it has been the fastest way to
promote population growth whereas the other policies take
more time.

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Chapter 2.3.3: Meeting the challenges of an ageing population
Senior The challenge would be to ensure that Senior Citizens remain contributing members of society.
citizens as As Senior Citizens have valuable skills, knowledge, talent and work experience, they can add value to public and
assets to private organizations and help boost family life.
“Many Everyone has a part to play in helping the nation prepare for an ageing population.
Helping By sharing the responsibility of taking care of the senior citizens, the government burden will be reduced as the
Hands” government can rely less on increasing taxes as the individual, family and community are looking after the
support: senior citizens.
Individual Healthy lifestyle: The individual is encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle by watching his diet and
responsibility: exercising regularly.
Financial planning: All Singaporeans are encouraged to plan early and be financially prepared for life in their
old age.
Family support: Strong and stable families bring about social stability and harmony. Thus the government has
introduced some measures to help strengthen family bonds such as the Senior Citizens’ Week and
Grandparents day.
Community help: The government provides subsidies to voluntary welfare organizations running community-
based services for senior citizens. Some community organizations provide free health checks and organize
recreational activities for senior citizens to help them remain physically, mentally and socially active.
Government Support:
 Tribunal for the Maintenance for Parents: Parents can get the court’s help to seek financial support from
their children from their children who are capable but are not doing so.
 Tax relief: Tax payers can claim an income tax deduction for taking care for the senior citizens,
contributing to their own CPF accounts and grandparents taking care of children while parents work.
 Central Provident Fund (CPF): Savings in the special account (retirement, emergency and investment
purposes) and a retirement account.
 Public housing schemes: First time buyers can get a housing grant if they buy a flat in an area where their
parents live.

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