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This week 

our class responsibilities have been looking after one hamster and
continuing developing our EY hydroponics garden.  We decided to name the
hamster George and we have had a lot of fun holding him, feeding him, cleaning out
his cage, letting him run in his ball, and even cleaning him!

We also wrote our own story about George the Hamster and made a book.  If you
would like to see it please ask Ms. Kate or Ms. Marta.
We watered the lettuce seedlings each day.  They were planted last week by
EY2EL and on Monday there were 3 seedlings.  Each day we counted them and by
Friday there were 23 seedlings!  We hope they grow into yummy lettuces that we
can eat here in EY.

We had our first trip to the Elementary computer lab and enjoyed using the touch
screen computers as well as our first experience with a smart board.

We also enjoyed some other fun technology in our classrooms; using the
programmable Beebots!  We had an instructed chance to learn about them with
Ms. Kate, and then a chance to explore them by ourselves.
We are really enjoying our swimming time.  We have discovered that it's helpful
to get changed as we finish our snack and then play in the class while others are
changing.  That way there are fewer children changing at the same time and they
can receive more help from the teachers.  For these reasons it would be helpful if
all children can have a hooded style towel (as shown in the picture below) so that
they can play after changing.
We also enjoyed some fun and crazy art this week!

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