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Anderson Secondary School

Secondary 2 Science
Class Quiz: Photosynthesis, Energy Changes, Forces and Pressure.
Date: 14 July 19, 2010

1a) Name two stages of photosynthesis. [1]

Light dependant and Light independent stage.

1b) Describe in detail what happens during one of the stages you have
answered above. [3]

In the light dependant stage, H2O is broken up into H+ and O2. This process

Is also known as the photolysis of water. ATP (Adenosine-5’ triphosphate) is

also formed.

In the light independent stage, Carbon dioxide is reduced and H+ and ATP to

form into a 3-carbon carbohydrate. Two molecules of the 3-carbon

carbohydrate form a 6-carbon carbohydrate (glucose). Water is also formed in

this process.

6CO2 + 12H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

Carbon dioxide + Water → Glucose + Oxygen + Water

1c) State what colors of light green plants prefer. [1]

Green plants prefer Red and Blue light.

1d) Briefly explain how carbon dioxide enters the leaf. [1]

Carbon dioxide enters the plant through stomata, which are commonly found
on the underside of a leaf.

2a) Define the term “ Energy”. [1]

Energy is the ability to do work or move things.

2b) What does the conservation of energy state? [2]

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be converted from one form
to another.
2c) Describe all the energy changes that happen when a motorcycle is being
driven from the bottom to the top of a hill. [4]

The fuel contains chemical potential energy. When the motorcycle starts, the
chemical potential energy is converted into kinetic, light, sound and heat
energy. As the motorcycle ascends the hill, it gains gravitational potential
energy, and when it reaches the top of the hill, it has the most gravitational
potential energy.

2d) Name two types of power stations not found In Singapore. [2]

Hydroelectric power stations and geothermal power stations

3a) Explain three differences between mass and weight.

Mass is measured in kilograms (KG) whereas weight is measured in Newton

(N). Mass exists in space, but weight does not. Mass is the amount of matter
while weight is the amount of gravitational force acting on the object.
3b) Describe one way in which friction is useful and one way in which it is not.

Friction allows us to grab and hold things, but it causes wear and tear.

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