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Department of Civil Engineering Name


Surveying Lecturer

Setting up a Theodolite Ref.

Manufacturer’s Recommendation for Setting up a Theodolite

1) Ensure that

a) the tripod head is approximately level, and is approximately over the survey station
b) the tripod feet are firmly fixed in the ground.

This should be done before removing the theodolite from its box.
From this stage onwards, the tripod legs must not be moved (only adjusted in length).

2) Place the theodolite on top of the tripod, and tighten the centring screw to clamp the theodolite
centrally on the tripod head.

3) Turn the instrument ON.

4) By rotating the levelling FOOT SCREWS, using all three in a random manner if necessary,
centre the LASER PLUMMET onto the survey station.

5) By adjusting the length of TWO TRIPOD LEGS, bring the POND BUBBLE approximately into
the centre of the circle.

At this stage, the theodolite has been roughly centred and levelled.

6) Rotate the instrument so that the display screen is directly over two LEVELLING FOOT
SCREWS. Slowly rotate the foot screws in the directions shown in the display diagram until
the two PLATE LEVEL BUBBLES are centred, and the  marks are shown next to each foot

7) Check the LASER PLUMMET. If necessary, loosen the centring screw holding the theodolite
to the tripod and slide the theodolite over the TRIPOD HEAD until the LASER PLUMMET is
over the survey station.

8) REPEAT 6) and 7) until the PLATE LEVEL BUBBLES are centred, the three FOOT SCREW
 marks are displayed and the LASER PLUMMET is over the survey station.
9) Check the accuracy of the PLATE LEVEL BUBBLES by rotating the instrument 180 and
checking the bubbles remain central. If they do not, an adjustment may need to be made to the
instrument set up, or the instrument may need servicing. Ask a member of staff.

At this stage the theodolite has been


It is now ready for referencing to a BACK SIGHT for either measuring or setting out angles.

10) Press OK to begin measuring angles


and laser plummet and pond bubble and plate bubbles and laser plummet

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