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steps in creating a scale

By the end of the lesson students should be able

• Understand the procedures and guidelines in writing a scale.

• Follow the instructions in creating an affective scale.
• Create an affective scale that would measure characteristics
of the group’s choice.
what is a scale?
“…is an instrument
developed to
facilitate and
systematize the
assessment of an
individual’s affective
functioning.” (Adler
and Adler, 2001)

1.Determine the use or the purpose of the scale.

What does your scale measure?
2. Identify the conceptual definition.
•The conceptual definition should be
clearly stated in your theory.
3. Create a table of specifications.
The table of specification would determine the
numbers of the items that are reversed .
5. Start writing your items.
Minimum of 100 items.
1. Cognitive: I think, I believe
2. Affective: I feel
3. Behavioral: I will, I shall
6. Enumerate your procedures in answering the scale.
Specify your directions.
7. Ask 2 teachers to review your items for you.
Prepare cover letter.
Review form (Page 255)
Define your factors
Include test items and space for additional
8. Revise your scale
9. Produce a pilot testing form and administer the
scales to 2 times the number of your items (Ideal).
10. Score the responses by items.
11. Compute for the reliability and validity (Chapter 3
of the Magno Book)
12. If needed you can reduce the set of items
13. Prepare for the final paper.
• I think that as future educational psychologist.
Being in the field of education and humanities at
the same time, we must be able to create a
decent non-cognitive scale that could help aid
future researches on education and on
psychology that would in turn help future
students in the long run. Creating this scale is not
an easy endeavor but it’s a practice we must also
commit to because without these scales,
academic research would be a very unattainable
and unmanageable.

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