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A Brief On

Leader Members
Mitesh Maloo Abhishek C Jain
Harsh Chopra
Chetan . C . B
Vaibhav Kataria
Akshay N
Vaibhav Vora
Date of Birth : 12 January 1863
Place of birth : Calcutta
Birth-Name : Narendranath Dutta
Date of death : 4 July 1902 (aged 39)
Place of death : Belur Math near Kolkata
Guru/Teacher : Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
 Swami Vivekananda was born in Shimla Pally, Calcuttaon Monday,
12 January 1863, and was given the name Narendranath Dutta.

 He was considered generous, and had a liberal and progressive

outlook in social and religious matters .
 His mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi was pious and had practiced
austerities and prayed to Vireshwar Shiva of Varanasi to give her a
 Since boyhood, he took an active interest in physical exercise,
sports, and other organizational activities .

 He questioned the validity of superstitious customs and

discrimination based on caste and refused to accept anything without Mother
rational proof and pragmatic test. Bhuvaneshwari Devi
 He started his education at home, later he joined the Metropolitan
Institution of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar in 1871.

 During the course, he studied western logic, western philosophy and

history of European nations.

 He became the member of a Freemason's lodge and the breakaway

faction from the Brahmo Samaj led by Keshab Chunder Sen another
 His initial beliefs were shaped by Brahmo concepts, which include belief in
a formless God and deprecation of the worship of idols.

 Not satisfied with his knowledge of Philosophy, he wondered if God and

religion could be made a part of one's growing experiences and deeply Building of
internalized. Brahmo Samaj
 His meeting with Ramakrishna Paramahamsa in November 1881
proved to be a turning point in his life.

 He initially looked upon Ramakrishna's ecstasies and visions as,

"mere figments of imagination", "mere hallucinations".

 As a member of Brahmo samaj, he revolted against idol worship and

polytheism, and Ramakrishna's worship of Kali.

 Under Ramakrishna training he was transformed from a restless,

puzzled, impatient youth to a mature man who was ready to renounce
everything for the sake of God-realization.

 In time, Narendra accepted Ramakrishna as guru, and when he

accepted, his acceptance was whole-hearted and with complete
surrendering as disciple.

 The monastic disciples led by Vivekananda formed a fellowship at a
half-ruined house at Baranagar near the river Ganga.

 This became the first Matha or monastery of the disciples who

constituted the first Ramakrishna Order.

 The dilapidated house at Baranagore was chosen because of its low

rent and proximity to the Cossipore burning-ghat, where Ramakrishna
was cremated.

 In the early part of 1887, Narendra and eight other disciples took
formal monastic vows.

 In the early part of 1887, Narendra and eight other disciples took
formal monastic vows.
PARIVRAJAKA—Wandering monk
 Parivrajaka—the Hindu religious life of a wandering monk,
"without fixed abode, without ties, independent and strangers
wherever they go."

 His sole possessions were a kamandalu (water pot), staff, and

his two favorite books—Bhagavad Gita and The Imitation of Christ.

 He developed a sympathy for the suffering and poverty of the

masses and resolved to uplift the nation.

 He travelled mostly on foot and railway tickets bought by his

admirers whom he met during the travels.

Vivekananda’s first photo as

a wandering monk
 The Parliament of Religions opened on 11 September 1893 at the
Art Institute of Chicago.

 He bowed to Saraswati, the goddess of learning and began his

speech with, "Sisters and brothers of America!".

He greeted the youngest of the nations in the name of "the most
ancient order of monks in the world, the Vedic order of sannyasins.

 The parliament ended on 27 September 1893.

 Vivekananda spent nearly two whole years lecturing in various
parts of eastern and central United States, appearing chiefly in
Chicago, Detroit, Boston, and New York.

 His first visit to America

He met an Irish lady, Sister Nivedita

Two academic offers, the chair of Eastern Philosophy at Harvard

University and a similar position at Columbia University.

Admirers-William James, C. C. Everett, Dean of the Harvard School

of Divinity, Lord Kelvin, and Professor Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von

Sister Nivedita
 1 May 1897 at Calcutta foundation of Ramakrishna Math

 The ideals of the Ramakrishna Mission are based on Karma Yoga.

 Two monasteries were founded by him, one at Belur, near Calcutta,

and the other at Mayavati on the Himalayas, near Almora called the
Advaita Ashrama.

 Two journals were started, Prabuddha Bharata in English and

Udbhodan in Bengali

Emblem of
Ramakrishna Mission
 His books on the four Yogas (Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and
Jnana Yoga)

 He was also considered a very good singer and a poet.

 He used humor for his teachings and was also an excellent cook.

 He believed that words - spoken or written - should be for making

things easier to understand rather than show off the speaker or writer's
 Vivekananda spent few of his days at Advaita Ashrama,
Mayavati and later at the Belur Math.

 Thousands of visitors came to him including The Maharaja

of Gwalior.

 He undertook pilgrimages to Bodhgaya and Varanasi towards his

final days.

 On the day of his death, he taught Shukla-Yajur-Veda to some

pupils in the morning at Belur Math .

 Vivekananda died on July 4, 1902, while he was meditating.

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