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WS4SB Workouts
Repetition Upper Body Day

Repetition Exercise – choose one of the following

exercises and perform 3 sets of max reps
A. Incline DB bench press (palms in or out)
# Reps
35 18
35 14
35 11
Vertical pulling / Rear delt superset - Superset one
exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.”
Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each exercise.
B. Lat pulldowns Seated DB “power cleans”
# Reps # Reps
190 12 25 12
190 12 25 12
190 12 25 12
190 12 25 12

Medial delts – choose one of the following exercises and

perform 4 sets of 8-12 reps:
C. DB lateral raises
# Reps
15 12
20 12
20 12
20 12

Traps / Arms superset - Superset one exercise from

“Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3
supersets. Perform 8-10 reps
D. Barbell shrugs Zottmann curls
# Reps # Reps
135 10 20 10
185 10 25 10
185 10 25 10

Vertical pulling / Rear delt superset - Superset one

exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.”
Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each exercise.
E. Straight Arm Pulldowns Incline Rear Delt Flyes
# Reps # Reps
100 12 15 10
100 12 15 10
100 12 15 10

Traps / Arms superset - Superset one exercise from

“Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3
supersets. Perform 8-10 reps
D. Behind the back barbell Barbell curls
# Reps # Reps
135 10 65 10
135 10 65 10

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135 10 65 10

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