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(HMA Constitution)


Keini Hyderabad-a Mizo awm te hi hmun hrang hranga hnathawk tur leh thiam zir tura lokal
kan ni a, kan awmna hmun apianga kan hnam nun leh zia put leh vawnhim zel hi a
pawimawh a, chumi kawnga kan inpumkhatna atan chuan he pawl hi din a ni.

Pawl Hming:

Pawl hming atan chuan - Hyderabad Mizo Association (HMA) tih a ni ang.

Pawl thil tumte:

1. Kan ram tana khua leh tui rinawm leh tangkai nih.
2. Hyderabad Mizo awmte’n kan hnam nunphung thate vawn nun leh chawisan.
3. Mizo khualzin leh Hyderabad-a Mizo lokal thar zel te tanpui.
4. Mizoram hmasawnna tura kan phak ang tawk zela mi tangkai ni tura inkaihhruai.
5. Kristian nun dan tha chawisan.

Pawl Chhinchhiahna (Emblem):

Nghawngkawl a ziakfung inthiat, lehkhabu inkeusa leh darkhuang a khup zawnga dah a ni a.
Chumi kualah chuan Olive hnah a awm bawk. A hnuaiah hian, “Pathian leh kan ram tan” tih
a chuang bawk.

A entir:

1. Nghawngkawl: Ritphurhna hmanrua a nih angin HMA memberte chu Zoram leh
Zofate hmasawnna atan chuan rit lua leh harsa sawi lovin kan inpeih tihna a ni.
2. Ziakfung: Zirna, thiamna leh hmasawnna (changkanna) chu kan thupui ber a nihzia
leh lehkhazir zel tur te tan lehkhabu inkeu sa chu zir chhunzawm zel nan. Ziakfung
angin kan thiamna te a hmanna tur dik takah leh hunah kan inpeih tih a entir a ni.
3. Darkhuang: HMA innghahna (foundation) chu Mizo hnamzia (culture)-ah a ni a, a
tulna hun ang zela ram leh hnam chawisan hi kan tih tur a ni tih he darkhuang hian a
4. Olive: Olive hnah hian chawimawina leh ropuina a entir.
5. Pathian leh kan ram tan: HMA member te hian Pathian leh kan ram tan theihtawp kan
chhuah tur a ni tihlanna a ni.

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Member nih dan leh Membership Fee:

1. Hyderabad-a Mizo awm (thla 6 chin awm tur) tawh phawt chu member an ni thei ang.
2. Kum 12 chunglamin membership fee pek tur a ni ang.
3. Membership Fee chu Rs. 20/- a ni ang.
4. Annual fee chu Rs. 10/- a ni ang.
5. Member thar te’n Membership Fee Rs. 20/- leh Annual Fee Rs. 10/- an pe ang a,
member hlui te chuan Annual Fee Rs. 10/- chauh an pe thung ang.


Office Bearers leh a Thlan Dan:

1. Hyderabad Mizo Association office bearers-te chu hetiang hi an ni ang –

a. President
b. Vice President (Amended on October 2, 2003)
c. General Secretary
d. Joint Secretary
e. Cultural Secretary (Amended on October 2, 2003)
f. Sport Secretary
g. Information Secretary (Amended on October 2, 2003)
h. Finance Secretary
i. Treasurer

2. Office Bearer-te hi secret ballot-a thlan an ni ang.

3. Office Bearer-a thlan tlin ni turin vote hmu tam ber pawm a ni ang. Member zaa
sawmnga chin kalkhawmin Office Bearer an thlang thei ang.


Office Bearers leh Executive Committee:

1. Office Bearer thlan tharte’n charge an lak atanga thla khat chhungin Executive
Committee members tur 10 thleng an ruat thei ang.
2. Office Bearer leh Executive Committee hun chelh (term) chu kum khat a ni ang.
3. Hyderabad Mizo Association kum chhiar nan October ni hnih atanga a kum leh
October ni hnih hman a ni ang (Amended on August 15, 2003).
4. Harsatna engemaw vanga a hun pangngaia inthlan a awm thei lo a nih chuan
Executive Committee-in a hun (term) chu thla ruk thlengin a pawtsei thei ang.

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Office Bearers Chanvo leh Mawhphurhna te:

1. President:

a. Hyderabad Mizo Association hruaitu lu ber a ni a. Chuvangin pawl thatna leh that
lohna kawnga mawhphurtu lian ber a ni ang.
b. Hyderabad Mizo Association Executive Committee Meeting leh General Meeting
a kaihruai thin ang.
c. Hyderabad Mizo Association hminga thiltih reng reng President hmingin a kal
thin anga, thubuai hlabuaiah pawh President hminga kalpui a ni ang.
d. Tul hunah chuan emergency meeting a ko thei ang.

2. Vice President:

President puitu a ni a, President-in harsatna engemaw vangin a hna a thawh theihloh

chuan President hna a thawk ang.

3. General Secretary:

a. Hyderabad Mizo Association kaihruaitu ber a ni a, pawl nun thatlohah

mawhphurhna lian tak a nei.
b. Hyderabad Mizo Association Executive Committee Meeting / General Meeting
thurel te a ziak fel thin ang.
c. Hyderabad Mizo Association hminga hnathawh leh thil tihte chhinchhiahin
Executive Committee Meeting/ General Meeting-ah hma a hruai thin ang.
d. Hyderabad Mizo Association Executive Committee Meeting / General Meeting
thuchhuak bawhzui ngai apiangah hma a hruai thin ang.
e. Hyderabad Mizo Association Office Bearer tu nen pawh inrawnin Executive
Committee Meeting a ko thei anga, President nena inrawnin General Meeting a
ko thei ang.
f. Pawl tana thil tulah chuan ama thuneihnain Rs. 300/- (cheng zathum) thleng a
hmang thei ang, chu pawisa a hmanna chu Executive Committee hmaah a pharh
thin ang.

4. Joint Secretary:

a. General Secretary puih a ngaihna apiangah a pui thin ang.

b. General Secretary-in harsatna engemaw avanga a hna a thawhzawm theih loh
chuan General Secretary hna a thawk ang.

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5. Cultural Secretary:

a. Cultural activities pawlin a neihah a tul angin hma a la ang.

b. Property pawlin a neih ang te fel takin a vawng thin anga, record fel takin a vawng

6. Sport Secretary:

a. Hyderabad Mizo Association Sport Meet kumtina neih thinah a tul angin hma a la
b. Games and sports pawlin a huaihawt chuan mawhphurhna a la thin ang.

7. Information Secretary:

a. Pawlin a circular member-te hnena a sem zawng zawng leh pawl anga thuchhuah
(press release)-te President leh General Secretary-te hriatpuinain a chhuah thin
b. Chhiat ni that nia hriattur zawng zawng General Secretary puan bakah member-te
hnenah a tuldan azirin a hrilh darh thin ang.
c. Membership record book emaw census book record bu felfai takin a enkawl ang.
d. Pawlin activities kan neih apiang (brief reports) fel takin a vawng (record) bawk

8. Finance Secretary:

a. Pawl sum hmuhna leh hmannate vawngtu a ni a, sum luhna leh chhuahna zawng
zawng a ziak fel nghal thin ang.
b. Pawl sum dinhmun englai pawha enfiah theih turin a vawng ang.

9. Treasurer:

a. Pawl sum zawng zawng vawngtu a ni a; a him leh him loh chungchangah
mawhphurtu a ni ang.
b. Pawl sum lut leh chhuak fel takin a chhihchhiah thin ang.
c. Eng emaw avangin pawl pawisa a kawllai lo bo ta sela a mawhphurtu a nih
avangin a rul leh ang. Chu chu Executive Committee-in a ngaihtuah thin ang.
d. Pawl hminga pawisa hmanna tur reng reng Finance Secretary hnenah a pechhuak
thin ang.

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Executive Committee Meeting/General Meeting Thuneihna:

1. Executive Committee hi pawl tana thil tihtur ruahmantu ber a ni anga, pawl tana thil
tihtur ruahmanna kawngah thutawp a siam thei ang. Thil harsa bik (policy matter)-ah
chuan General Meeting-ah a thlen thin ang.

2. General Meeting hi Hyderabad Mizo Association chunga thuneitu sang ber a ni ang a,
tul a tih angin Executive Committee-ah thuneihna pumhlum a hlan thei ang.

3. Pawl thil tum pawisa lova Mizo hnam timualpho leh tihmingchhe tute chungah HMA-
in a tul angin hma a la ang.

4. Chhiat ni that ni inrelbawl dan chungchang chu Executive Committee kutah a awm


Chhiat ni That ni Inrelbawlna:

a. Member chhiat tawk (thisen zawmpui, inkhata chenpui ngei inboralsan) te chu
remchangah pawl hminga ralna thilpek hlan thin an ni ang. Ralna thilpek hlut zwng
chu a hunlai milin Executive Committee-te’n an bithliah thin ang.

b. Kan member All India Level competition exam-a tlingte chu lawmpuina certificate
leh pawisa fai pek thin an ni ang. A hun azirin pawisa hi Executive Committee-in a
bithliah thei ang.


Executive Committee Meeting/General Meeting, Quorum Chungchang:

a. Kum khat chhungin Hyderabad Mizo association General Meeting vawi khat tal a
awm thin ang. Executive Meeting hi a zing thei anga neih tum tur a ni ang.

b. Hyderabad Mizo Association General Meeting-ah quorum chu hmun thuma thena
hmun khat hman a ni ang.

c. Executive Committee Meeting-ah quorum chu member 5 (panga) emaw hmun thuma
thena hmun khat emaw a tlem zawk zawk hman a ni ang.

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Pawl Sum Chungchang:

1. Pawl sum luhna te:

a. Membership Fee leh Annual Fee zawng zawng.

b. Pawl tana Hyderabad Mizo Association-in a thawhchhuah zawng zawng.
c. Pawl tana tanpuina lo kal zawng zawng.
d. Kawng dang atanga pawl tana pawisa hmuh apiang.

2. Pawl tana pawisa pek tawh reng reng chu lakkir theih a ni lovang.
3. Executive Committee remtihnain pawl sum hi hman thin a ni ang.


Amendment Chungchang:

1. Hyderabad Mizo Association dan hi siam that a ngai nia hria emaw paih tur leh belh
tur rawtna nei chuan Executive Committee hnenah a thlen tur a ni.
2. Executive Committee-in rawtna chu a pawmpui a nih chuan General Meeting-ah a
thlen chhawng ang.
3. Dan siam that tur reng reng chu General Meeting-a member kal zatve aia tamin an
tidanglam thei ang.



1. HMA hruaitu tu pawh a hun hmang zo lovin eng emaw avangin a hmun lo ruak ta
sela, Executive Committee-in tha a tih angin chumi hmun hnawh khahdan chu a
zawng thei ang.
2. Office Bearers emaw Executive Committee member emaw meeting-naa vawithum
zawna kal lo harsatna sawi bawk si lo chu an mawhphurna hlihsak an ni ang.


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