Project Recreation and Wellness Intranet Web Site

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Project Recreation and Wellness

Intranet Web site

Project Documents
Manage Your Health, Inc. is recently updated its strategic plan, with the goals
to reducing internal costs, increasing cross-selling of products, exploiting new
Web-based technologies to improve the development and delivery of health
care products and services. With these, the information technology department
has developed some ideas for supporting these goals, which are Recreation and
Wellness Intranet Project, Health Coverage Costs Business Model, Cross-
Selling System and Web-Enhanced Communication System.
Each of these projects has their purposes that support the company business
strategies, together with the benefits provide, which are attach in the table-
summary of project.
The Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project provides application through
intranet, where employee could improve their health by registered the
company-sponsored program via current internet. This project helps company
reduce the premium costs, increase employees health as well as saving about
$30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four years.
Health Care Coverage Costs Business Model helps to keep track of
employees health care expenses and company health care costs. This may easy
the managers and analysts, where they could access to the current intranet and
download selective data for further analysis. It should be import data from
current systems that track employee expenses submitted to the company, and
the companys costs to the insurance provider. The project may cost about
$100,000 to develop.
Cross-Selling System is an application that improves the company cross-
selling to the current customers. The company will increase sales to current
customers by providing them discount every time they purchase multiple
products or services. The project may cost about $800,000 each year for
development and maintenance.
Lastly, the Web-Enhanced Communication System is a Web-based
application that improves the company development and delivery of products
and services. The project will take one year and $3 million to develop and
required 20 percent of development costs each year to maintain.

Project Title:             Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Project Start Date: March 1, 2004               Project Finish Date: September 1,
Budget Information:  The Company has allocated RM 200,000 for this project.
Project Manager: Tony Prince, (016)-
Project Objectives: Provide an application on the current Intranet to help
employees improve their health. This application will help improve employee
health within one year of its rollout so that lower premiums can be negotiated,
saving about $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four
New Objectives: The improvement of employees health is also vital for
companys growth. Healthy workforce means increase productivity and benefits
the company in the long run. The successful of this project is to boost the
health plan available for staff members and increase their morale indirectly.
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and
programs to help them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop
smoking, and manage other health- related issues.
 Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and
health-management programs.
 Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in
New Approach:
 Organize some competition that offer attractive prize to
encourage participation.
 Offer and create an incentive program that rewards anyone that
successfully refers other people to join the project plan.
 Encourage staff that is doing well in the project to give a
testimonial to other will-be participants.
 Provide a monitoring committee to monitor the progress of all
participant and how well they are doing it and what benefits they
 From the monitoring committee, the data from it will be use to
improve any kind of improvement to the on-going plan.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Name Organization/ Contact Information


Provide Jaen Tan CEO, Project

direction and Sponsor  

Monitor Rainy CIO

project, Wong  
provide staff

Plan and Tony Project

execute project Prince Manager  

Mentor Vivian  May Director of

Lim Information,  
Provide stuff, Michael VP, Human
issue memo to Liu Resources  
all employees
about project
I believe that this project will be beneficial to many people. Tony Prince,
Project Manager.
The participation of staff is also a key that improve the project successfulness.
Hopefully they are many supports from them. Michael Liu, VP Human
Resources Department.
Gantt Chart
Please refer to hard copy or CD.
Progress Report
Product Delivery
Final Report
                       Final Project Documentation   
            Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Prepared by:  Tony Prince                                                       Date:  02 Dec
I. Project description
The Recreation and Wellness Intranet project is a project that provide
the application on the company current Intranet to help employees improve
their health, at the same time, reducing the internal costs, increasing cross-
selling of products, and exploiting new web based technologies to help
employees, customers, and suppliers work together to improve the
development and delivery of its health care products and services. The Health
Coverage Costs Business Model is a project that creates to track the employees
health care expenses and company health care costs. Besides, the project will
cover the business sales by develop the cross-selling system to improve cross-
selling to current customers. Lastly, a Web-Enhanced Communications System
will be developing to improve the development and delivery of products and
II. Project proposal and backup data (request for proposal, statement of work,
proposal correspondence, and so on)
The overall project was implemented by carrying out the steps of
Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, and Closing. The steps lead the
project from the beginning until the end of it.
In the Initiating part, we define the project objective and goals, evaluate
the given project, developed project team, assigned project task, prepare the
business case and project charter.
In the Planning part, we developed the team contract, stakeholder
analysis, scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS); create Gantt
Chart and Network Diagram, create the probability/impact matrix, and list of
prioritized risk of the project.
In the Executing part, we developed a few prototype screens for the
Recreation and Wellness Intranet, project web-site; do presentation, create
milestone report, developed agenda for project meeting, provide new schedule
and cost estimates, then developed a detail list of assumptions and questions
that the project has related to the new scope of the project.
In the Controlling part, we update the Gantt Charts, project charter,
scope statement, and the prioritized risks.
The last part is the Closing part, where we prepare the presentation on
final project, prepare lesson-learned report, final project report, transition
report, and update the project web site.
Statement of work (SOW)
Statement of Work for Project Name
Prepared by:  Wong Siew Theng                              Date: 28th March
I.                Scope of Work:
This project provides application through intranet, where employee could
improve their health by registered the company-sponsored program via the
companys intranet. This project can help company to decrease the premium
costs, increase employees health as well as saving about $30/employee/year for
full-time employees over the next four years.
The final budget for this project is about $500,000 to fulfill the changing of the
project scope. This result has more than $100,000 cost overrun. An additional
$100,000 will be requested every year for operational expenses after the project
is completed. Estimated benefits are $600,000 each year. It is important to
focus on the system paying for itself within one year.
II.              Location of Work:
The work that must be performed is:
1. Templates and tools: The intranet site allows authorized users to
download the files that they need for creating project
management documents. It will also provide a help function to
help them to use the tools. These files will be locating in
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project, or in HTML or PDF format, as
2. User submissions: Users will be encouraged to e-mail files with
sample templates and tools to the Webmaster. The Webmaster
will forward the files to the appropriate person for review and
then post the files to the intranet site, if desired.
3. Articles: Articles posted on the intranet site will have the
appropriate copyright permission. The preferred format for
articles will be PDF. The project manager may approve other
4. Links: All links to external site will be tested on a weekly basis.
Broken links will be fixed of removed within five working days of
5. Help feature: The Help feature must be user-friendly and capable
of soliciting questions and immediately acknowledging that the
question has been received in the proper format. The feature
must also be capable of forwarding the question to the
appropriate expert (as maintained in the systems expert
database) and capable of providing the status of questions that
are answered. The system must also allow for payment for
advice, if appropriate.
6. Security: The intranet site must provide several level of security.
All internal employees will have access to the entire intranet site
when they enter their security information to access the main,
corporate intranet. Part of the intranet will be available to current
users based on verification with the current user database. Other
options of the intranet will be available after negotiating a fee or
entering a fixed payment using preauthorized payment methods.
7. Search feature: The intranet site must include a search feature
for users to search by topic, keywords, etc.
8. Access feature: The intranet site must be accessible using a
standard Internet browser. Users must have appropriate
application software to open several of the templates and tools.
9. Available for whole day: The intranet site must be available 24
hours per day, 7 days per week, with one hour per week for
system maintenance and other periodic maintenance, as
10. Registration free courses: The authorized users can
access the intranet and register for company-sponsored
recreational programs, and health-related issues classes and
11. Involve employee in the system: Track data on employee
involvement in these recreational and health-management
III.            Period of Performance:
This work is started at March 1, 2004  and will be ending at September
1, 2004. There have 7 members in our project team. They are project
manager Tony Prince, Programmer/ analyst Vinique and Bonnie, Network
specialist Patrick, Business analyst Nancy, Human resources manager James,
and finance manager Cassandra. The number of hours that they can be billed
per week is 40 hours which mean they work for 8 hours per day and 5 days per
week. They can perform their work in their home and they will present their
work once a week in their companys meeting room. This project is expected to
end within 9 months.
Task Name                                                                Duration    Start
Date   Finish Date
1 Initiating                                                                                12d               Mon
3/1/04      Tue 3/16/04
2 Planning                                                                                 88d       Wed
3/17/04    Fri 7/16/04
   2.1 Develop Team Contract                                                   7d                 Wed
3/17/04    Thu 3/25/04
   2.2 Develop Stakeholder Analysis                                         7d                  Fri
3/26/04       Mon 4/5/04
   2.3 Develop Scope Statement                                               34d       Tue
4/6/04       Fri 5/21/04
     2.3.1 Define Product Characteristics and Requirements    20d       Tue
4/6/04        Mon 5/3/04
     2.3.2 Define Product Deliverables                                      14d       Tue
5/4/04                  Fri 5/21/04
   2.4 Develop WBS                                                                  7d                Mon
5/24/04     Tue 6/1/04
   2.5 Create Gantt Chart and Network Diagram                        30d       Wed
6/2/04      Tue 7/13/04
   2.6 Create Probability/Impact Matrix                                      3d         Wed
7/14/04     Fri 7/16/04
3 Executing                                                                               39d       Mon
7/19/04     Thu 9/9/04
   3.1 Develop Project Web Site                                                30d       Mon
7/19/04     Fri 8/27/04
   3.2 Project Presentation                                                        0d                 Fri
8/27/04        Fri 8/27/04
   3.3 Create Milestone Reports                                                 7d                 Mon
8/30/04     Tue 9/7/04
   3.4 Develop Project Agenda                                                  2d                 Wed
9/8/04       Thu 9/9/04
4 Controlling                                                                             34d        Fri
9/10/04            Wed10/27/04
   4.1 Create new baseline                                                       10d                 Fri
9/10/04       Thu 9/23/04
   4.2 Update project charter and scope statement                   5d        Fri
9/24/04       Thu 9/30/04
   4.3 Update contract and scope statement                            10d                   Fri
10/1/04      Thu10/14/04
   4.4 Create monthly reports                                                    6d                 Fri
10/15/04      Fri 10/22/04
   4.5 Update prioritized
risks                                                    3d                Mon10/25/04   Wed10/27/04
5 Closing                                                                                 25d              Wed
10/27/04   Wed 12/1/04
   5.1 Final project presentation                                                0d                Wed
10/27/04  Wed 10/27/04
   5.2 Prepare lessons-learned
report                                       4d                Thu 10/28/04      Tue 11/2/04
   5.3 Prepare final project report                                             14d               Wed
11/3/04               Mon 11/22/04
   5.4 Create transition report                                                   4d                Tue
11/23/04      Fri 11/26/04            5.5 Update project Web
Site                                                3d                Mon 11/29/04    Wed 12/1/04
IV.            Deliverables Schedule:
Business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost
baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, lessons-
learned report, and any other documents are required to manage the project.
Product-related deliverables: research reports, design
documents, software code, hardware, etc.
1. Survey: Survey current users to help determine desired content
and features for the intranet site.
2. Files for templates: The intranet site will include templates for at
least twenty documents when the system is first implemented,
and it will have the capacity to store up to one hundred
documents. The project team will decide on the initial twenty
templates based on survey results.
3. Examples of completed templates: The intranet site will include
examples of projects that have used the templates available in
the intranet site. For example, if there is a template for business
case, there will also be an example of a real business case that
uses the template.
4. Files for tools: The intranet site will include information on how to
use several project management tools, including the following as
a minimum: work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, network
diagrams, cost estimates, and earned value management.
Where appropriate, sample files will be provided in the
application software appropriate for the tool. For example,
Microsoft Project files will be available to show sample
breakdown structures, Gantt chart, network diagrams, cost
estimates, and applications of earned value management. Excel
files will be available for sample cost estimates and the earned
value management charts.
5. Example application of tools: The intranet site will include
examples of real projects that have applied the tools listed in
number 4 above.
6. Articles: The intranet site will include at least ten useful articles
about relevant topics in project management. The intranet site
will have the capacity to store at least one thousand articles in
PDF format with an average length of ten pages each.
7. Links: The intranet site will include links with brief descriptions for
at least twenty useful sites. The links will be categorized into
meaningful groups.
8. Expert database: In order to deliver a Help feature, the system
must include and access a database of approved experts and
their contact information. Users will be able to search for experts
by predefined topics.
9. User request: The intranet site will include an application to solicit
and process request from users.
10. Intranet site design: An initial design of the new intranet
site will include a site map, suggested formats, appropriate
graphics, etc. The final design will incorporate comments from
users on the initial design.
11. Intranet site content: The intranet site will include content
for the templates and tools section, articles section, article
retrieval section, links section, Help section, User Request
feature, security, and payment features.
12. Test plan: The test plan will document how the intranet
site will be tested, who will do the testing, and how bugs will be
13. Promotion: A plan for promoting the intranet site will
describe various approaches for soliciting inputs during design.
The promotion plan will also announce the availability of the new
intranet site.
14. Project benefit measurement plan: A project benefit plan will
measure the financial value of the intranet site.
V.              Applicable Standards:
Our web-site programmer is come from the exworf IT Sdn. Bhd and he
provides a good work attitude when he joins us to design the companys intranet
design part. Besides that some of the sport companies such as Slimmer
Company, SQ Healthy Sdn. Bhd., and so on also provide us a lot of
information, courses, and speech to help us successfully implement this project.
Our company will sponsor the courses to all employees that working under
VI.            Acceptance Criteria:
Sometime the courses may cost heavy. So we will select and connect to those
courses are cheaper and can fulfill our healthy requirement such as the
swimming course, avoid smoking speech, and so on. In the other hand, the
company will only accept the work if it is really can return the feed back for
them. To solve this problem, the strong user inputs are very important and
needed. We must also develop a method for capturing the benefits while the
intranet site is being developed, tested, and after it is rolled out. If the project
takes a little longer to complete or costs a little longer to complete or costs a
little more than planned, the firm will still view it as a success if it has a good
payback and helps promote the firms image as an excellent consulting
VII.         Special Requirements:
The installation of new equipment covers more than just computer
hardware, it also includes:
Hardware make sure that all the parts are functioning well.

Software it should be fully tested and run well the computer.


Supplies such as tape and disks and new stationary should be


After obtaining the benefit from well planning and control, the company has to
continue to produce the site preparation before the actual implementation.
Typical installation for computer operation areas includes:
 Set up firewalls to prevent from easily burnt or hacked.
 Set up automatic smoke, heat and fire detection system.
 Set up audible alarm for automatic detection.
 Set up carbon dioxide fire prevention system with cylinder above
the ceiling.
 Set up power distribution panel.
 Set up premise alarm.
The new installation software and hardware to support the implementation
are listed as below:
1.     Personal Computer, Server, Switch, Hub, and others
internetworking hardware is supply by one computer
hardware vendor.
2.     Printer
3.     Backup Power Supply
4.     Computer system security setup equipment
1.     Windows XP
2.     Windows Server 2003
3.     Windows NT Workstation
4.     Microsoft Office XP
5.     Firewall
6.     Internet Installer Server (IIS)
III. Original and revised project plans and schedules
Work Breakdown Structure for Recreation and Wellness
Intranet Project
       Prepared by: Adele Lim                                     Date: 1 March 2004
1 Initiating
  1.1 Develop weighted scoring model
  1.2 Develop Business Case
  1.3 Create Project Charter
2 Planning
  2.1 Develop team contract
  2.2 Develop stakeholder analysis
  2.3 Develop scope statement
        2.3.1 Define product characteristics and requirements
        2.3.2 Define product deliverables
  2.4 Develop WBS
  2.5 Create Gantt chart and Network Diagram
  2.6 Create Probability/Impact Matrix
3 Executing
  3.1 Develop project Web Site
  3.2 Project presentation
  3.3 Create milestone reports
  3.4 Develop project agenda
4 Controlling
  4.1 Create new baseline
  4.2 Update project charter and scope statement
  4.3 Update contract and scope statement
  4.4 Create monthly report
  4.5 Update prioritized risk
5 Closing
  5.1 Final project presentation
  5.2 Prepare lesson-learned report
  5.3 Prepare final project report
  5.4 Create transition report
  5.5 Update project Web Site
Cost estimate:
Name Position Cost per Hour Cost per Week Cost per Month Total Cost
Tony Prince Project manager $100 $2500 $10000 $90000
Me Programmer $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
Patrick Network $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
Nancy Business $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
Bonnie Programmer $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
James Human $60 $750 $3000 $27000
Cassandra Financial $60 $750 $3000 $27000
New Member Programmer $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
New Member Programmer $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
New Member Network $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
New Member Business $60 $1500 $6000 $54000
IV. Final project report
            The Recreation and Wellness Project is done to support the Manage
Your Health, Inc strategic plan, with the objective of reducing internal costs,
increasing cross-selling of products, and exploiting new web-based technology.
            Through out the whole project, we have using different method and
approach to help in create and develop the project. We are produced a Web Site
that could allow the employees to register for company-sponsored classes and
program; track data on employees involvement in the recreational and health
management programs; offer incentives for people to join the programs;
produced the Health Coverage Costs Business Model to track employees health
care expenses and company health care costs; the cross-selling system to
improve the cross-selling; the web-based application to improve development
and delivery of products and services.
            The project was success since the user response has been very positive;
the project has met the schedule goal. Although the cost is about $100,000
more than planned, the top management is pleased with the results, where the
final cost of the whole project was about $500,000.
            We were using the Project 2002 as the project management tool to
create the project Gantt chart, Network Diagram, Resource Sheet, cash flow
report, and project summary. The tool was helpful as we can assign each task
and locate certain information easily; any modification of the task is done
easily by just clicking on it. The tool provides clear and accurate information or
output of the project.
            The project was able to complete on time, and was met the project
goals. The whole project team was co-operative and willing to give help to
other team members, in order to get the project completed. Since the
management has changed the project scope, and outsourcing some of the work,
the time of completion of the project was extended and the cost of the project
increase as well, these make the whole project was cost about $100,000 more
than planned. With this, the project team has to assign the new schedule based
on the new scope, and create new cost estimation. The new schedule was taken
another nine months to be completed.
            By working on this project, the whole project team has learned to be
tolerant, co-operative with each other; learning how to be patient every time
there was a problem occurs, at the same time, analyze the problem and give the
solution to it. Knowing that the project may involve uncertainty, so every part
of the project and the project documentation will be saved and have a backup
V. Deliverables, as appropriate
Project management-related deliverables: business case,
charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost
baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project
report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents
required to manage the project.
Business Case for Recreation & Wellness Intranet Project
Date: 29th January 2004
Prepared by: Tony Prince
1.0  Introduction/ Background
MYHs core business goal is to provide a variety of health care services
across the globe. The CEO believes it can enhance development and
delivery of its products and services by updating its strategic plan, reducing
internal costs, increasing cross-selling of products and exploiting new web-
based technologies for the customers and suppliers.
2.0 Business Objective
MYH information technology departments strategic goals include
continuing growth and profitability. The Recreation and Wellness Intranet
project will support these goals by increasing visibility of the current
employees. It will also enhance the profitability by reducing internal costs
by improving employees health within one year of its rollout. Since MYH
information technology department focuses on identifying profitable
projects and measuring their value after completion, this project must meet
those criteria.
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement
A recent study found that MYH.Inc pays 20% more than the industry
average for employees health care premiums, primarily due to the poor
health of its employees. There is an opportunity to provide a new section on
the intranet dedicated to sharing health care information across the
organization to help improve employee health within one year.
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constraints
The proposed intranet site must support the companys business goals and
strategy. Current employees must actively support this project. Besides that,
it needs to pay itself within 4 years to reduce the internal costs and
exploiting new web-based technologies. The project manager must lead the
effort, and project team must include participants from various parts of the
5.0 Analysis of Option and Recommendation
There are 3 options for addressing this project:
1.     Since the business is doing well, so we still can continue to operate
without introduce the new project.
2.     Purchase access to specialized software to support the new capability
with little in-house development.
3.     Design and implement the new intranet capability using existing
hardware and software.
Based on discussing with stakeholders, we agree that the option 3 is the best
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements
The main features of the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project include
the following:
1.     Accept to intranet for registering recreational programs. Employees are
allowed to accept the intranet and register for company-sponsored
recreational programs, such as soccer, softball, bowling and other
2.     Accept for registering health-related issues classes and programs. They
also can register for company-sponsored classes and programs to help
them to manage their weight, reduce stress, and other health-related
3.     Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-
management programs.
4.     Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in them.
For example, incentives for achieving weight goals, winning sports
team competitions, and so on.
5.     Other features suggested by employees, if they add value to the
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
A preliminary estimate of the cost for the entire project is $200,000. This
estimate is based on the Project manager working about 20 hours per week
for six months and other internal staff working a total of about 60 hours per
week for six months.
Project benefits are based on a negotiating lower premiums that saving
about $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four years.
Exhibit a summarizes the projected costs and benefits and shows the
estimated net present value (NPV), return on investment (ROI), and year in
which payback occurs. It also lists assumptions made in performing this
preliminary financial analysis. All of the financial estimates are very
encouraging. The estimated payback is within four years, as requested by
the sponsor. The NPV is $1,456,000, and the discounted ROI based on a
four-year system life is excellent at 274 percent.
8.0 Schedule Estimate
The sponsor would like to see the project completed within six months but
there still have some flexibility in the schedules. We also assume that the
new system will have a useful life of four years.
9.0 Potential Risks
There have several risks involved with this project. The foremost risk is
lack of interest in the new system by employees. There are technical risks in
choosing the type of software to track, analyze, delivery, searching, the use
of electronic commerce capabilities, and so on. The main business risk is
investing the time and money into the project and not realizing the
projected benefits.
10.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: Financial Analysis for Recreational and Wellness Intranet
Discount rate 8%            
Assume the project is Ye
completed in Year 0     ar        
  0 1 2 3 4 al  
10 10
Costs 200 0 0 100 100    
0, 0,8 0,7 0,7
Discount factor 1,00 93 6 9 4    
   20        8                   5
Discounted costs 0 93 6 79 74 31  
60 60
Benefits 0 0 0 600 600    
0, 0,8 0,7 0,7
Discount factor 1,00 93 6 9 4    
 5   5     4     4  1.9
Discounted benefits 0 56 14 76 41 87  
Discounted benefits -   (20  4   4     3     3  1.4
costs 0) 63 29 97 68 56 NPV
Cumulative benefits -   (20  2   6  1.0  1.4
costs 0) 63 92 89 56    
Payb ye
  ack In ar 4      
ROI %            
Enter assumptions
Updated: Project Charter
Updated: March 27, 2004.
Project Title:             Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Project Start Date: March 1, 2004               Project Finish Date: September 1,
Budget Information:  The Company has allocated RM 200,000 for this project.
Project Manager: Tony Prince, (016)-
Project Objectives: Provide an application on the current Intranet to help
employees improve their health. This application will help improve employee
health within one year of its rollout so that lower premiums can be negotiated,
saving about $30/employee/year for full-time employees over the next four
New Objectives: The improvement of employees health is also vital for
companys growth. Healthy workforce means increase productivity and benefits
the company in the long run. The successful of this project is to boost the
health plan available for staff members and increase their morale indirectly.
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored recreational
 Allow employees to register for company-sponsored classes and
programs to help them manage their weight, reduce stress, stop
smoking, and manage other health- related issues.
 Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and
health-management programs.
 Offer incentives for people to join the programs and do well in
New Approach:
 Organize some competition that offer attractive prize to
encourage participation.
 Offer and create an incentive program that rewards anyone that
successfully refers other people to join the project plan.
 Encourage staff that is doing well in the project to give a
testimonial to other will-be participants.
 Provide a monitoring committee to monitor the progress of all
participant and how well they are doing it and what benefits they
 From the monitoring committee, the data from it will be use to
improve any kind of improvement to the on-going plan.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Name Organization/ Contact Information


Provide Jaen Tan CEO, Project

direction and Sponsor  

Monitor Rainy CIO

project, Wong  
provide staff

Plan and Tony Project

execute project Prince Manager  

Mentor Vivian  May Director of

Lim Information,  
Provide stuff, Michael VP, Human
issue memo to Liu Resources  
all employees
about project
I believe that this project will be beneficial to many people. Tony Prince,
Project Manager.
The participation of staff is also a key that improve the project successfulness.
Hopefully they are many supports from them. Michael Liu, VP Human
Resources Department.
Team Contract
Project   Name: Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Project Team Members Names and Sign-off:
Name Sign-off on Team Contract
Code of Conduct: As a project team, we will:
 Work proactively, anticipating potential problems and working to
prevent them
 Keep other team members informed of information related to the
 Focus on what is best for the entire project teams
Participation: We will:
 Be honest and open during all project activities
 Encourage diversity in teamwork
 Provide the opportunity for equal participation
 Be open to new approaches and consider new ideas
 Have one discussion at a time
 Let the project manager know well in advance if a team member
has to miss a meeting or may have trouble meeting a deadline
for a given task.
Communication: We will:
 Decide as a team on the best way to communicate. Since a few
team members cannot meet often for face-to-face meetings, we
will use e-mail, a project Web-site, and other technology to assist
in communicating.
 Have the project manager facilitate all meetings and arrange for
phone and videoconferences, as needed.
 Work together to create the project schedule and enter actual
into our enterprise wide project management system
by 3PM every Tuesday.
 Project ideas clearly and concisely
 Keep discussions on track and have one discussion at a time
Problem Solving: We will:
 Encourage everyone to participate in solving problems
 Only use constructive criticism and focus on solving problems,
not blaming people
 Strive to build on each others ideas
Meeting Guidelines: We will:
 Plan to have a face-to-face meeting the first and third day
morning of every month
 Meet more frequently the first month
 Arrange for telephone or videoconferencing for participants as
 Hold other meetings as needed
 Record meeting minutes and send them out via e-mail within 24
hours of all project meeting, focusing on decisions made and
action items from each meeting
 Develop an agenda before all meetings with our project sponsor
and client advisors
 the project and send them out via e-mail to all team members
and the project sponsor
Updated: Scope Statement
Project Title: Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project
Date: March 1, 2004           Prepared by: Tony Prince, Project Manager,
Updated: March 27, 2004
Project Justification: Jaen Tan, CEO of JWD Consulting, requested this
project to assist the company in meeting its strategic
goals. This project provides application through intranet, where employee
could improve their health by registered the company-sponsored program via
current internet. This project helps company reduce the premium costs,
increase employees health as well as saving about $30/employee/year for
full-time employees over the next four years. The budget for the project is
$200,000. An additional $100,000 will be requested every year for
operational expenses after the project is completed. Estimated benefits are
$600,000 each year. It is important to focus on the system paying for itself
within one year.
Product Characteristics and Requirements:
1. Templates and tools: The intranet site will allow authorized users to
download               files they can use to create project management
documents and to help them use project management tools. These
files will be in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project, or in HTML or
PDF format, as appropriate.
2. User submissions: Users will be encouraged to e-mail files with
sample templates and tools to the Webmaster. The Webmaster will
forward the files to the appropriate person for review and then post
the files to the intranet site, if desired.
3. Articles: Articles posted on the intranet site will have the appropriate
copyright permission. The preferred format for articles will be PDF.
The project manager may approve other formats.
4. Links: All links to external site will be tested on a weekly basis.
Broken links will be fixed of removed within five working days of
5. The Help feature must be user-friendly and capable of soliciting
questions and immediately acknowledging that the question has been
received in the proper format. The feature must also be capable of
forwarding the question to the appropriate expert (as maintained in
the systems expert database) and capable of providing the status of
questions that are answered. The system must also allow for payment
for advice, if appropriate.
6. Security: The intranet site must provide several level of security. All
internal employees will have access to the entire intranet site when
they enter their security information to access the main, corporate
intranet. Part of the intranet will be available to current users based
on verification with the current user database. Other options of the
intranet will be available after negotiating a fee or entering a fixed
payment using preauthorized payment methods.
7. Search feature: The intranet site must include a search feature for
users to search by topic, keywords, etc.
8. The intranet site must be accessible using a standard Internet
browser. Users must have appropriate application software to open
several of the templates and tools.
9. The intranet site must be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week,
with one hour per week for system maintenance and other periodic
maintenance, as appropriate.
10. The authorized users can access the intranet and register for
company-sponsored recreational programs, and health-related issues
classes and programs.
11. Track data on employee involvement in these recreational and health-
management programs.
Summary of Project Deliverables
Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team
contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final
project presentation, final project report, lessons-learned report, and any
other documents required to manage the project.
Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software
code, hardware, etc.
14. Survey: Survey current users to help determine desired content and
features for the intranet site.
15. Files for templates: The intranet site will include templates for at
least twenty documents when the system is first implemented, and it
will have the capacity to store up to one hundred documents. The
project team will decide on the initial twenty templates based on
survey results.
16. Examples of completed templates: The intranet site will include
examples of projects that have used the templates available in the
intranet site. For example, if there is a template for business case,
there will also be an example of a real business case that uses the
17. Files for tools: The intranet site will include information on how to
use several project management tools, including the following as a
minimum: work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, network
diagrams, cost estimates, and earned value management. Where
appropriate, sample files will be provided in the application software
appropriate for the tool. For example, Microsoft Project files will be
available to show sample breakdown structures, Gantt chart, network
diagrams, cost estimates, and applications of earned value
management. Excel files will be available for sample cost estimates
and the earned value management charts.
18. Example application of tools: The intranet site will include examples
of real projects that have applied the tools listed in number 4 above.
19. Articles: The intranet site will include at least ten useful articles
about relevant topics in project management. The intranet site will
have the capacity to store at least one thousand articles in PDF format
with an average length of ten pages each.
20. Links: The intranet site will include links with brief descriptions for
at least twenty useful sites. The links will be categorized into
meaningful groups.
21. Expert database: In order to deliver a Help feature, the system must
include and access a database of approved experts and their contact
information. Users will be able to search for experts by predefined
22. User request: The intranet site will include an application to solicit
and process request from users.
23. Intranet site design: An initial design of the new intranet site will
include a site map, suggested formats, appropriate graphics, etc. The
final design will incorporate comments from users on the initial
24. Intranet site content: The intranet site will include content for the
templates and tools section, articles section, article retrieval section,
links section, Help section, User Request feature, security, and
payment features.
25. Test plan: The test plan will document how the intranet site will be
tested, who will do the testing, and how bugs will be reported.
26. Promotion: A plan for promoting the intranet site will describe
various approaches for soliciting inputs during design. The
promotion plan will also announce the availability of the new intranet
27. Project benefit measurement plan: A project benefit plan will
measure the financial value of the intranet site.
Project Success Criteria: Our goal is to complete this project within six
months for no more than $200,000. The project sponsor, Jaen Tan, has
emphasized the importance of the project paying for itself within one year
after the intranet site is complete. To meet this financial goal, the intranet
site must have strong user inputs. We must also develop a method for
capturing the benefits while the intranet site is being developed, tested, and
after it is rolled out. If the project takes a little longer to complete or costs a
little longer to complete or costs a little more than planned, the firm will still
view it as a success if it has a good payback and helps promote the firms
image as an excellent consulting organization.
VI. Lesson-Learned report
Prepared by: Tony
Prince                                                              Date: 25/3/2004
Project Name: Recreation And wellness Intranet Project
Project Sponsor: Mange Your Health Inc. (MYH)
Project Manager: Tony Prince
Project Dates: 1/3/2004
Final Budget: $576000
1. We meet the project scope and schedule goal, and the final cost for
the whole system was about $500000 even though it cost about
$100000 more than planned the top management pleased with the
2. Our goal is to complete this project within nine months for no more
than $500,000. The project sponsor, Jean Tan, has emphasized the
importance of the project paying for itself within one year after the
intranet site is complete. To meet this financial goal, the intranet site
must have strong user inputs. We must also develop a method for
capturing the benefits while the intranet site is being developed,
tested, and after it is rolled out. If the project takes a little longer to
complete or costs a little longer to complete or costs a little more than
planned, the firm will still view it as a success if it has a good
payback and helps promote the firms image as an excellent
consulting organization.
3. We didnt meet all the project success criteria. The project cost is over
what we expect. However the system is finally complete on dated and
the sponsor is satisfying the output.
4. The main lessons we learned is the sponsor may be changing some
requirement about the system. The sponsor would also please the
problem of over cost if the whole system were satisfied what their
needed. The communication between manager and sponsor is
important to keep the project running smoothly.
5. We were gone right in understanding the sponsor requirement to the
project output. The system we design were according to the research
we done in early. This aspect were make the sponsor please with the
over cost problem.
6. The wrong aspect we done are in estimate the cost of the project. The
cost is over $100000 of what we estimated. This is more than 20% of
the whole project cost. If the sponsor didnt please with the result we
will meet huge problem in it. The project may be stop by sponsor.
7. We must estimate the project cost actually and write the cost more
10% of what we expected. This will solve the over cost problem and
the sponsor will not call stop to the project base on the financial
problem that caused by project manager.

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