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Thump Rules in Electrical Switchgear Selection

Sl No Normal rating Thumb rule to be applied Examples with rough calculation

1 Motor- Full load current, 3Phase F.L.C = hp x 1.5 5hp = 7.5A
2 Motor No-load current, 3Phase 30% of F.L.C = 0.3 x FLC 5hp, = 2.3A
3 10hp motor - Line current- 15A DOL- OLR connected in Line side OLR = 15A
4 10hp motor - Line current- 15A Star-delta- OLR connected in phase OLR= 15A x 0.6 = 9A
5 K.watt rating of motor hp x 0.75 10hp = 7.5kw
6 Fuse rating for DOL starting-10hp F.L.C. x 2 15A x 2 = 30A
7 Fuse rating Star-delta starting 10hp F.L.C. x 1.5 15A x 1.5 = 25A
8 Fuse rating Slip ring starting, 20hp F.L.C. x 1.2 30A x 1.2= 40A
9 Motor Full load Current, S.Phase FLC = hp x 6 1hp = 6A
10 Current rating of Transfrmr/Genratr KVA x 1.4 1000KVA x 1.4 = 1400A
11 Impedence of Transformer Impedence = 5% Z=5
12 Short circuIt rating Transfrmr,1000kVA Current rating / %Z (impedence) 1400 x 100 / 5 = 28,000A (28kA)
13 No-load current of Transformer 2% of total rated A 1000KVA, No load current = 30A
14 Impedence of Generator Impedence = 15% Z = 15
15 Short circuIt rating-Genratr,1000kVA Current rating / %Z(impedence) 1400 x 100 / 15 = 9,000A (9kA)
16 Current rating of Capacitor kvar rating x 1.35 25kvar capacitor = 34A
17 Capacitor recomended for motor H.P. x 0.4 kvar Motor- 10hp, Capacitor = 4kvar
18 Motor power factor No load pf = 0.6 Loaded motor pf = 0.8
19 Transformer pf On no-load pf = 0.2 Loaded with Inductive & mixed = 0.8
20 No-load Transfmr pf compensation Impedence-5% x 8 times Transformer 1000kVA = 50kvar

Thumb rules are rough estimates & so have limitations. For actual, calculations to be made/obtained from manufacturer.
All details are assumed for 3ph, 415V, system, except single phse load
E & O.E- K.P.Abbas, GM, C&S Courtesy- L. Gopan, RE, C&S. Contact- 9487811101. Mail-

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